Medical image processing using DICOM images - python-3.x

Im new to medical image processing. how can i convert 3D DICOM medical images to numerical matrix format using either python or c++?

Another option, if you really want "3D" dicom image support (ie CT/MR/NM/PET 3d series - as opposed to purely 2D image handling) and you want do anything really 3d related and/or more complex, you might want to check out simple ITK.
That gives you very powerful true 3d handling and is fast (it's wrapped around complied C). It includes, for example, full 3D image registration and various filters/tools etc.
It can read an entire series at once and automatically create a fully spatially aware 3D numpy array for you (ie it takes care of processing all the dicom 3D spatial orientation/spacing etc tags for you)
However, because it's a lot more powerful than pydicom, it also has a much steeper learning curve - but does have many examples and online jupyter notebook tutorials., depending on your needs it might be good for you. However, if you only really want basic 2d image-at-a-time type processing, pydicom is the way to go.

You can use pydicom package in python. You can install it in python by:
pip install pydicom
Here is a simple example of reading DICOM images and converting to numpy array:
import os
import pydicom
import numpy as np
dicom_dir = your_dicom_folder_of_slices
file_names = os.listdir(dicom_dir)
dicom_data = []
for name in file_names:
path = os.path.join(dicom_dir, name)
array = [data.pixel_array for data in dicom_data]
array = np.stack(array, axis=-1) # or 0 if 'channel_first'
Here is a detailed example.

I prefer using SimpleElastix for medical image processing. it has many methods for segmentations and many other helpful methods. it is available in both python and C++. In my experience SimpleElastix handled DICOMS and niftis better than other Packages.


Is there a way to save a 3D volume to a single DICOM file in python

I'm processing a 3D numpy array and would like to know if it is possible to write/read the entire 3D volume as 1 single 3D .dcm rather than a series of 2D .dcm files. Can this be accomplished using pydicom library as this is what I'm using. I'm new in working with DICOMs so I'm not sure how to go about about implementing this if possible.
I found this to be what I wanted but I could not access the code as the link to it is dead.
Any help will be appreciated.

Isolating the head in a grayscale CT image using Python

I am dealing with CT images that contain the head of the patient but also 'shadows' of the metalic cylinder.
These 'shadows' can appear down, left or right. In the image above it appears only on the lower side of the image. In the image below it appears in the left and the right directions. I don't have any prior knowledge of whether there is a shadow of the cylinder in the image. I must somehow detect it and remove it. Then I can proceed to segment out the skull/head.
To create a reproducible example I would like to provide the numpy array (128x128) representing the image but I don't know how to upload it to stackoverflow.
How can I achieve my objective?
I tried segmentation with ndimage and scikit-image but it does not work. I am getting too many segments.
12 Original Images
The 12 Images Binarized
The 12 Images Stripped (with dilation, erosion = 0.1, 0.1)
The images marked with red color can not help create a rectangular mask that will envelop the skull, which is my ultimate objective.
Please note that I will not be able to inspect the images one by one during the application of the algorithm.
You could use a combination of erosion (with an appropriate number of iterations) to remove the thin details, followed by dilation (also with an appropriate number of iterations) to restore the non-thin details to approximately the original size.
In code, this would look like:
import io
import requests
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
import matplotlib as mpl
import PIL as pil
import scipy.ndimage
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# : load the data
url = ''
response = requests.get(url)
img ='L')
arr = np.array(img)
mask_arr = arr.astype(bool)
# : strip thin objects
struct = None
n_erosion = 6
n_dilation = 7
strip_arr = sp.ndimage.binary_dilation(
sp.ndimage.binary_erosion(mask_arr, struct, n_erosion),
struct, n_dilation)
plt.imshow(mask_arr, cmap='gray')
plt.imshow(strip_arr, cmap='gray')
plt.imshow(mask_arr ^ strip_arr, cmap='gray')
Starting from this image (mask_arr):
One would get to this image (strip_arr):
The difference being (mask_arr ^ strip_arr):
(addressing the issues raised in the comments)
Using a different input image, for example a binarization of the input with a much lower threshold will help having larger and non-thin details of the head that will not disappear during erosion.
Alternatively, you may get more robust results by fitting an ellipse to the head.
Rather than "pure" image processing, like Ander Biguri above, I'd suggest maybe a different approach (actually two).
The concept here is to not rely on purely algorithmic image processing, but leverage the knowledge of the specifics of the situation you have:
1) Given the container is metal (as you stated) another approach that might be a lot easier is just thresholding, based on the specific HU number for the metal frame.
While you show the images as simple greyscale, in reality CT images are 16-bit images that are window levelled when viewed in a 256bit greyscale representation - so the pictures above are not a true representation of the full information available in the image data, which is actually 16 bit.
The metal frame would likely have a HU value that is significantly different to (higher than) anything within the anatomy. If that is the case, then a simple thresholding then subtraction would be a much simpler way to remove it.
2) Another approach would also be based on considering the geometry and properties of the specific situation you have:
In the images above, you could look at a vertical profile upwards in the middle of your image (column-wise) to find the location of the frame - with the location being the point that vertical profile crosses into a HU value that matches the frame.
From that point, you could use a flood fill approach (eg scikit flood_fill) to find all connected points within a certain tolerance.
That also would give you a set of points (mask) matching the frame that you could use to remove it from the original image.
I'm thinking that either of these approaches would be both faster and more robust for the situation you're proposing.

Point Cloud triangulation using marching-cubes in Python 3

I'm working on a 3D reconstruction system and want to generate a triangular mesh from the registered point cloud data using Python 3. My objects are not convex, so the marching cubes algorithm seems to be the solution.
I prefer to use an existing implementation of such method, so I tried scikit-image and Open3d but both the APIs do not accept raw point clouds as input (note that I'm not expert of those libraries). My attempts to convert my data failed and I'm running out of ideas since the documentation does not clarify the input format of the functions.
These are my desired snippets where pcd_to_volume is what I need.
import numpy as np
from skimage.measure import marching_cubes_lewiner
N = 10000
pcd = np.random.rand(N,3)
def pcd_to_volume(pcd, voxel_size):
volume = pcd_to_volume(pcd, voxel_size=0.05)
verts, faces, normals, values = marching_cubes_lewiner(volume, 0)
import numpy as np
import open3d
N = 10000
pcd = np.random.rand(N,3)
def pcd_to_volume(pcd, voxel_size):
volume = pcd_to_volume(pcd, voxel_size=0.05)
mesh = volume.extract_triangle_mesh()
I'm not able to find a way to properly write the pcd_to_volume function. I do not prefer a library over the other, so both the solutions are fine to me.
Do you have any suggestions to properly convert my data? A point cloud is a Nx3 matrix where dtype=float.
Do you know another implementation [of the marching cube algorithm] that works on raw point cloud data? I would prefer libraries like scikit and open3d, but I will also take into account github projects.
Do you know another implementation [of the marching cube algorithm] that works on raw point cloud data?
Hoppe's paper Surface reconstruction from unorganized points might contain the information you needed and it's open sourced.
And latest Open3D seems to be containing surface reconstruction algorithms like alphaShape, ballPivoting and PoissonReconstruction.
From what I know, marching cubes is usually used for extracting a polygonal mesh of an isosurface from a three-dimensional discrete scalar field (that's what you mean by volume). The algorithm does not work on raw point cloud data.
Hoppe's algorithm works by first generating a signed distance function field (a SDF volume), and then passing it to marching cubes. This can be seen as an implementation to you pcd_to_volume and it's not the only way!
If the raw point cloud is all you have, then the situation is a little bit constrained. As you might see, the Poisson reconstruction and Screened Poisson reconstruction algorithm both implement pcd_to_volume in their own way (they are highly related). However, they needs additional point normal information, and the normals have to be consistently oriented. (For consistent orientation you can read this question).
While some Delaunay based algorithm (they do not use marching cubes) like alphaShape and this may not need point normals as input, for surfaces with complex topology, it's hard to get a satisfactory result due to orientation problem. And the graph cuts method can use visibility information to solve that.
Having said that, if your data comes from depth images, you will usually have visibility information. And you can use TSDF to build a good surface mesh. Open3D have already implemented that.

create 3d model of an equipment from 2d images

GOAL: I have to create a 3d model of a machine part. I have about 25 images of the same thing taken from different angles.
Progress: I am able to extract the coordinates for a label that is on the machine for most of the images.
Problem: but I have no idea how to proceed. I have read a bit about aero-triangulation, but I couldn't figure out how to implement it. I would really appreciate it, if you could guide me in the right direction.
It would be really helpful, if you could provide your solutions using python and opencv.
Edit: sorry but I cannot upload the code for this one as it is confidential. don't blame me please I am just an intern. Although I can tell that I cropped a template of the label from an image and then used Sift to match that template on all the images to get the coordinates of the label.
If you want to implement things yourself with OpenCV, I would command looking at SIFT (or SURF) features, RANSAC and the epipolar constraint. I believe the OpenCV cookbook describe those. Warning: math involved. And I don't know how to do dense mapping in OpenCV.
I know the GUI program "VisualSFM" that can automatically recreate 3D model from images. It uses SFM and other command line utilities behind the scenes. Since everything is opensource, you could create a python wrapper around the actual libraries (I found asking Google). VisualSFM prints the command it calls, so a hacky way could be to call the same commands from python.
If it is a simple shape and you don't want to automate it, it could be faster to model it yourself (and the result could look better). In 1.5 week I managed to learn the basics of blender and to model a guitar necklace: . And I would now be able to do it in less than 1h. How long are you ready to invest to find a solution with OpenCV?

Creating Positive Images in Python with Open CV

I am fairly new to coding, but I have been doing a lot of research. I have been trying to make my own haar cascade using python and open cv. I have all of my negative samples and a few pictures for my positive ones. I was hoping to run a create_samples command with cv2 but can't find anything for how to do it on windows (only linux, which I tried but my digital oceans server wasn't working). If you have any experience or know of any resources please send them my way.
Basically what I need to do is impose my positive images onto my negatives ones with a tilt angle to create a lot of samples.
You Don't Need OpenCV for image Creation. This is how you can create an image from a 2D array.
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
#gradient between 0 and 1 for 256*256 1d arrray
array = np.linspace(0,1,256*256)
#reshape to 2d
mat = np.reshape(array,(256,256))
#creates PIL image
img = Image.fromarray(np.uint8(mat*255) , 'L')
this code will give you your deserved custom image.
Thank You
