Microsoft Teams outgoing webhooks broken? - webhooks

I am developing an integration in Teams using outgoing webhooks and it was working fine until recently, but now, my webhook keeps replying there is an error with my request (Sorry, there was a problem encountered with your request)
I had this problem at first, but I solved it by having my service send the correct reply following the doc (
Something like :
"type": "message",
"text": "This is a reply!"
But now, I always get an error response, even though my service is replying with the supposedly correct json.
It looks like something changed in the implementation, but the documentation is not up to date
Any help would be appreciated.


BotFramework conversation not found

I've been trying to test a function app sending an activity to a bot that has an existing conversation, but to simplify for this post, I'll speak in terms of sending it via postman. I've have been butting up against an issue wherein the conversationId is not being found, despite confirming it does exist beforehand and I'm not entirely sure what I've done wrong.
I log onto portal azure, and go to my bot to Test in Web Chat. I authenticate the bot, and the conversation starts.
Here, I've checked the conversationId is exactly what I expect to be by examining the conversation calls response in Chromes debug tools, in this case it is 1GJ0N9UYKGyELu3LqpDF6b-a
Here is the exact conversation response...
conversationId: "1GJ0N9UYKGyELu3LqpDF6b-a"
expires_in: 3600
referenceGrammarId: "fcab5fbf-67c7-bf55-934a-274e525c78a9"
streamUrl: "wss://"
token: "ew0KICA..."
So from here, in my mind I should be able to do the following in postman
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {My webchats channels secret code}
"type": "message",
"from": {
"name": "foo"
"text": "bar"
I'd expect a 200OK and the message 'bar' to appear in my Test In Web Chat from 'foo', but it does not. Instead I get an error in postman stating:
"error": {
"code": "BadArgument",
"message": "Conversation not found"
How exactly can this be? If I've just created that conversation and can demonstrate that conversationId is in use, why is the post message saying it can't be found? Am I incorrectly using channels? Or doing something blindingly obvious here?
So to answer my own question, to make a long story short. It looks like the example activity supplied in the Microsoft documentation doesn't quite cut it. There is something else that is required, although I didn't have time to narrow it down.
The solution I took, as I was running low on time was to write a method to save an activity to cosmosDb as part of the authentication flow. This way I have an ironclad activity that I know has worked in at least the invoke stages of the dialog, and I know a conversation reference is correct and present. From there I pulled the activity and changed 4 fields in it.
activity.Type = "message",
activity.From = new From { Id = "{BotId}", Name = "Gilbert Bottfried", Role = "bot },
activity.Text = "{My message}",
activity.Subject = "{my message subject}"
From there, it was essentially a case of just creating a connector client and firing off this repurposed activity.
AppCredentials.TrustServiceUrl(serviceUrl, DateTime.MaxValue);
ConnectorClient client = new ConnectorClient(
new Uri(serviceUrl),
await client.Conversations.SendToConversationAsync(activity.Conversation.Id, activity);
It seems that this was enough to get it working, and it makes for a nice referenceable conversation Id for future messages. Although I found other issues with working with WebChat, because I suspect it's not entirely stable sending messages to and throw via websockets. The testing experience was much more stable on msteams itself, it seemed to handle my barrage of test messages like a champ.
This is essentially a bruteforce method, as I'm storing and sending a lot of unnecessary data, but it works. I may append this answer to trim down what I find to be necessary in the future, but that will require testing.

Directline API message to Microsoft Bot

I have created the bot in azure services using LUIS, which used as chatbot and can create conversations using dialogs.
At some point, I am trying to push messages to chatbot using Direct Line API 3.0, I'm using Postman to send the messages to bot.
I followed the instructions from this page,
I'm able to send message to the conversation as bot, below is the image I sent message from Postman and got successful response.
But my issue is, after the message is sent, the bot tries to analyse even though it's not user message. Bot starts to send message from default message handler like below,
Even after sending the message successfully, my bot triggers the default message handler, which is expected only to happen for user messages but not for bot messages.
Also, I have checked with webchat channel, which it doesn't trigger this default message handler. This is happening only in DirectLine API, can anyone help me on this.
Instead of sending the message as type "message", you should send it as "event".
This way your MessagesController will see it as an ActivityType of Event instead of Message and you can process however you want without spaghettifying your actual message handling
If you want to send different kinds of event to make it even easier, then you can 'name' you event by supplying the 'name' field with a value in your json.
Third, if you need to include data with the message, you would supply a value in the 'value' field of your json.
The github page for the standard webchat client has some great information on sending events. It might shed a bit more light on the json.
You can read more about the 'event' activity type here
You message json would look something more like this:
"type": "event",
"from": {
"id": "user1"
"name": "theEvent",
"value": "someDataMyBotNeeds"

Outlook REST API is returning 404 for event in message

I have the following case:
I use the Outlook REST API (without any library) to visualize the users' emails - including Event invites. First, I make a call to get only the message properties and if the message has MeetingMessageType value, then another request is sent to:<messageId>?$select=Microsoft.OutlookServices.EventMessage/MeetingMessageType&$expand=Microsoft.OutlookServices.EventMessage/event($select=Id,SeriesMasterId,iCalUID,Type,CreatedDateTime,LastModifiedDateTime,WebLink,Calendar,Start,End,IsAllDay,IsCancelled,Organizer,Attendees,Location,Subject,ResponseStatus,OnlineMeetingUrl,Recurrence,ResponseRequested)
to get the Event information and provide the customer with the option to respond to the invite.
The problem:
Since yesterday one of our clients reported that he can't see the event information. It turns out that the request for getting this information is returning 404.
The response body:
"error": {
"code": "ErrorItemNotFound",
"message": "The specified object was not found in the store., The process failed to get the correct properties."
The event is shown in the Outlook desktop mail client.
The client also shared that they have enabled ATP (advance threat protection) at his company. Not sure if this can have anything to do with the problem.
I see that other clients also have this problem.
I asked the user to try the following requests from the Outlook sandbox:<messageId>
This request returns the EventMessage with "MeetingMessageType": "MeetingRequest".
Then when he tried accessing the Event:<messageId>?$select=Microsoft.OutlookServices.EventMessage%2FMeetingMessageType&$expand=Microsoft.OutlookServices.EventMessage%2Fevent
The Outlook REST API returns 404.
For me, the same formatted requests work, so I can't really understand what is going on.
Please, any information will be well appreciated!

Registrering a bot fails asking a code parameter

I registeres a bot on:
There is a test function. Whn I click on the button i get this message:
"Message": "The WebHook verification request must contain a 'code' query parameter."
What does it mean? I have registered several bot but never had this issue.
well, I deleted the web apps and redeployed
now everything is OK
I don't know why

Api version change but docs not updated?

I've been trying to do various things through your Mail REST API today and not having much success... My project (using the api) has been running for at least a month now, but requests to your api are failing.
For example:
GET (works)
GET (doesn't work)
Looking at the documentation, still says its available.
Trying to send an email using:
POST also just returns 400 (Bad Request)
Any info about this?
Also, the http status codes returned are not useful at all; almost all errors return as 400's. In one instance, I didn't provide auth creds, and a 400 was returned instead of the appropriate 401. The accompanying status code detail could also be more helpful.
Thanks for the feedback and sorry for the inconvenience. We are currently deploying some non-backwards compatible changes described here, and this is causing your issues. The current set of changes including versioning support, and deploying non-backwards compatible changes won't cause issues for your app in the future. For the queries, that don't work, please use the following:
Accessing Inbox:
Send email (new action called SendMail):
"Subject": "Test message",
"Content": "This is test message!"
{ "EmailAddress": { "Address": "", "Name": "John Doe" }},
{ "EmailAddress": { "Address": "", "Name": "Jane Smith" }}
"SaveToSentItems": true
Hope this helps. We are updating the documentation to reflect the changes, and it should be available shortly. Thanks for the feedback on the HTTP status codes, we will review the status codes returned currently and make any fixes required.
Conversation support is in our roadmap but we don't yet have a timeline to share. Currently, you can search using$filter=ConversationId%20eq%20%%27ConversationID%27 but this will only return messages within the specified folder belonging to that conversation.
Let me know if you have any questions or need more info.
