Vulkan - strange mapping of float shader color values to uchar values in a read buffer - colors

I knew that a range of float color value in a shader [0..1] is mapped into range of [0..255] in UCHAR buffer.
According to this, I was expecting for steps of size of 1/255 in shader color values for each change in UCHAR buffer.
But the results were surprisingly different. Here is for the first two steps:
Red float value in Shader -> UCHAR value in a read Buffer
0.000000 -> 0
0.002197 -> 0
0.002198 -> 1
0.006102 -> 1
0.006105 -> 2
The first two steps are around 0.002197 and 0.006102 which are different than the expected steps: 0.00392 and 0.00784.
So what is the mapping formula ?

Unsigned integer normalization is based on the formula f = i/INT_MAX, where f is the floating point value (after clamping to [0, 1]), i is the integer value, and INT_MAX is the maximum integer value for the integer's bitdepth (255) in this case.
So if you have a float, and want the unsigned, normalized integer value of it, you use i = f * INT_MAX. Of course... integers do not have the same precision as floats. So if the result of f * INT_MAX is 0.5, what is the integer value of that? It could be 0, or it could be 1, depending on how things are rounded.
Implementations are permitted to round integer values in any way they prefer. They are encouraged to use nearest rounding (the post-conversion 0.49 would become 0, and 0.5 would become 1), but that is not a requirement. The only requirements are that it must pick one of the two nearest values (it can't turn 0.5 into 3) and that the exact floating-point values of 0.0 and 1.0 (which includes any values clamped to them) must be exactly represented as integer 0 and INT_MAX.
If you have an explicit need to have direct rounding, you can always do the normalization yourself. In fact, GLSL has specific functions to help you. The following assumes that you are trying to write to a texture with the Vulkan format R8G8B8A8_UNORM, and we're assuming you're writing to a storage image, not via outputs from the fragment shader (you can do that too, but you lose blending).
So, step 1 is to change your layout format to be r32ui. That is, you are now writing an unsigned 32-bit value, rather than 4 unsigned 8-bit normalized values. That's perfectly valid.
Step 2 is to employ the packUNorm4x8 function. This function does float-to-integer normalization, but the specification explicitly performs rounding correctly. Use the return value of that function in your imageStore function, and you're fine.
If you want to write to a fragment shader output, that's a bit more complex. There, you will need to use a different image view, one that uses the R32_UINT format. So you're creating a 32-bit unsigned integer view of a 4x8-bit normalized texture. That has to become a render target, so you're going to have to do subpass surgery. From there, just write the result of packUNorm4x8.
Of course, you immediately lose blending and similar operations, since you're writing integers values. And since you had to do that subpass surgery, it's likely that any shader writing to it will need to do this too.
Also, note that in both cases, you will likely need to adjust the order of the components of the value you write. packUNorm4x8 is explicitly defined to be little endian, whereas (I believe?) R8G8B8A8 is specified to be in that order, most-significant to least. So you'll probably need to essentially do endian swapping with packUNorm4x8(value.abgr).


Web Assembly drawing gray canvas

I'm using Go and compiling it to web assembly.
I'm trying to render a bunch of rectangles next to eachother with a random colour, but they keep rendering as just gray.
My render function looks something like this:
for row,_ := range rows {
for col,_ := range row {
ctx.Set("fillStyle", fmt.Sprintf("#%06x", rand.Int()))
ctx.Call("fillRect", 20, 20 + (col * width), maxHeight - (row*height))
With which it renders a big block (all rectangles are next to eachother) but just all in gray, instead of doing them in different colours.
Is this enough code in the example to help further? If not I can post it to a gist, as I'm new to WASM I'm unsure which parts could really be relevant - but those 2 functions are the only ones doing something with rendering as far as I can tell.
The problem is that you use this expression to construct the fill style:
fmt.Sprintf("#%06x", rand.Int())
rand.Int() returns a non-negative pseudo-random int. Size of int is 64 bits if GOOS=js and GOARCH=wasm. What this means is that the random int number will be random 8 bytes (first bit being always 0 due to being non-negative).
If you format such a number with the %06x verb, like almost all the time it will be more than just 6 hex digits. The width 6 means to be at least 6, and the flag 0 means to pad with zeros if less. But if it's longer, it is not truncated.
And if you set an invalid color to canvas.fillStyle, it will disregard it and the last set valid fill style will remain active. And I'm guessing it was a gray color you used before the loop.
Fix is easy, just make sure the random number has no more than 3 bytes, or in other words, 6 hex digits. Use a simple bitmask:
ctx.Set("fillStyle", fmt.Sprintf("#%06x", rand.Int()&0xffffff))
Or use rand.Intn() instead of rand.Int():
ctx.Set("fillStyle", fmt.Sprintf("#%06x", rand.Int(0x1000000)))
Also context.fillRect() expects 4 arguments: x, y, width and height, so it should be something like this:
ctx.Call("fillRect", 20+(col*width), maxHeight-(row*height), width, height)

Convert UInt32 to float without rounding?

I need to convert a UInt32 type to a float without having it rounded. Say I do
float num = 4278190335;
uint num1 = num;
The value instantly gets changed to 4278190336. Is there any way around this?
I need to convert a UInt32 type to a float without having it rounded.
That can't be done.
There are 232 possible uint values. There are fewer than 232 float values (there are 232 bit patterns, but that includes various NaN values). Add to that the fact that there are obviously a lot of float values which can't be represented as uint (e.g. 0.5) and it becomes clear that you can't represent every uint value exactly in a float. However, every uint (and every int) can be represented exactly as a double, so that might be a solution to your problem.
The problem you're seeing in your original source code is that 4278190335 isn't exactly representable as a float; the closest float value is 4278190336. This isn't a problem with the conversion from float to uint - it's a problem with the conversion from the exact value you've specified in your source code into a float; the float to uint conversion happens separately (and again, can easily lose information).
float has only 23 bits of mantissa. Along with the implicit 1 bit it can only represent exactly all numbers that fit in 24 bits. For numbers larger than that it can only store the nearest value. 4278190335 = 0xFF0000FF > 224 so it'll be rounded to 4278190336 when converting to float
Similarly double has 52 bits of mantissa and can represent all numbers within the range [-253, 253] exactly, so it can store any value that fit in 32-bit int including 4278190335. But again double can't store all numbers in long's range although they have the same size (64 bits)
Aside from your question being worded backward; I think what you are saying is.
You need to get the integer portion of a float value, e.g. its whole number value not its decimal value. In which case you can simply cast the float to an int, casting does not round.
float myFloat = 1.5;
uint myInt = (uint)myFloat; //myInt == 1
Keep in mind though this isn't always clear to others reading your code. To help there Math.Floor and Math.Ceiling ... Floor returns the whole number below the current value, ceiling returns the whole number above it
float myFloat = 1.5;
uint myFloorInt = (uint)Math.Floor(myFloat); //myFloorInt == 1
uint myCeilingInt = (uint)Math.Ceiling(myFloat); //myCeilingInt == 2
You will need to cast or convert the value from float to uint, int, etc. as your needs dictate. Most frown on casting as the resulting value isn't always clear to people ... Convert has various methods to help you convert one value to another in nice clearly understandable way.
There is no solution to turn back the original value in your method.
i suggest to try byte to byte copying to make it posible retrieving data back. float typecasting could change original value.
if your processor is 32bit it could help u:
uint32 x;
float y;

Return the float representation of 2 floats being multiplied (not precise value)

Using Sybase ASE 12.5 I have the following situation.
2 values stored in float cols when multiplied give a value.
Converting that value to a varchar (or retrieving it with Java) gives the underlying precise value which the floats approximated to.
My issue is that the value as represented by the floats is correct, but the precise value is causing issues (due to strict rounding rules).
For example
declare #a float,#b float
select #a = 4.047000, #b = 1033000.000000
select #a*#b as correct , str(#a*#b,40,20) as wrong
correct: 4180551.000000,
wrong: 4180550.9999999995343387
Similarly when
#a = 4.047000, #b = 1 get
correct: 4.047000,
wrong: 4.0469999999999997
(same thing happens using convert(varchar(30), #a*#b) and cast(#a*#b, varchar(30) )
I appreciate it would be easy to just round the first example in java but for various business reasons that cannot be done and in any case it wouldn't work for the second.
I also cannot change the float table column datatype.
Is there anyway to get the float representation of the multiplication product either as a string or the actual 'correct' value above?

How do you pack a 3-floats (space vector) into 4 bytes (pixel)?

I've successfully packed floats with values in [0,1] without losing too much precision using:
byte packedVal = floatVal * 255.0f ; // [0,1] -> [0,255]
Then when I want to unpack the packedVal back into a float, I simply do
float unpacked = packedVal / 255.0f ; // [0,255] -> [0,1]
That works fine, as long as the floats are between 0 and 1.
Now here's the real deal. I'm trying to turn a 3d space vector (with 3 float components) into 4 bytes. The reason I'm doing this is because I am using a texture to store these vectors, with 1 pixel per vector. It should be something like a "normal map", (but not exactly this, you'll see why after the jump)
So there, each pixel represents a 3d space vector. Where the value is very red, the normal vector's direction is mostly +x (to the right).
So of course, normals are normalized. So they don't require a magnitude (scaling) vector. But I'm trying to store a vector with arbitrary magnitude, 1 vector per pixel.
Because textures have 4 components (rgba), I am thinking of storing a scaling vector in the w component.
Any other suggestions for packing an arbitrary sized 3 space vector, (say with upper limit on magnitude of 200 or so on each of x,y,z), into a 4-byte pixel color value?
Storing the magnitude in the 4th component sounds very reasonable. As long as the magnitude is bounded to something reasonable and not completely arbitrary.
If you want a more flexible range of magnitudes you can pre-multiply the normalized direction vector by (0.5, 1.0] when you store it, and when you unpack it multiply it by pow(2, w).
Such method is used for storing high dynamic range images - RGBM encoding (M stands for magnitude). One of it's drawbacks is wrong results from interpolation so you can't use bilinear filtering for your texture.
You can look for other options from HDR encodings: here is a small list of few most popular

HLSL tex2d sampler seemingly using inconsistent rounding; why?

I have code that needs to render regions of my object differently depending on their location. I am trying to use a colour map to define these regions.
The problem is when I sample from my colour map, I get collisions. Ie, two regions with different colours in the colourmap get the same value returned from the sampler.
I've tried various formats of my colour map. I set the colours for each region to be "5" apart in each case;
Indexed colour
RGB, RGBA: region 1 will have RGB 5%,5%,5%. region 2 will have RGB 10%,10%,10% and so on.
HSV Greyscale: region 1 will have HSV 0,0,5%. region 2 will have HSV 0,0,10% and so on.
(Values selected in The Gimp)
The tex2D sampler returns a value [0..1].
[ I then intend to derive an int array index from region. Code to do with that is unrelated, so has been removed from the question ]
float region = tex2D(gColourmapSampler,In.UV).x;
Sampling the "5%" colour gave a "region" of 0.05098 in hlsl.
From this I assume the 5% represents 5/100*255, or 12.75, which is rounded to 13 when stored in the texture. (Reasoning: 0.05098 * 255 ~= 13)
By this logic, the 50% should be stored as 127.5.
Sampled, I get 0.50196 which implies it was stored as 128.
the 70% should be stored as 178.5.
Sampled, I get 0.698039, which implies it was stored as 178.
What rounding is going on here?
(127.5 becomes 128, 178.5 becomes 178 ?!)
Edit: OK,
Apparently this is "banker's rounding". I have no idea why this is being used, but it solves my problem. Apparently, it's a Gimp issue.
I am using Shader Model 2 and FX Composer. This is my sampler declaration;
//Colour map
texture gColourmapTexture <
string ResourceName = "Globe_Colourmap_Regions_Greyscale.png";
string ResourceType = "2D";
sampler2D gColourmapSampler : register(s1) = sampler_state {
Texture = <gColourmapTexture>;
#if DIRECT3D_VERSION >= 0xa00
#else /* DIRECT3D_VERSION < 0xa00 */
MinFilter = Linear;
MipFilter = Linear;
MagFilter = Linear;
#endif /* DIRECT3D_VERSION */
AddressU = Clamp;
AddressV = Clamp;
I never used HLSL, but I did use GLSL a while back (and I must admit it's terribly far in my head).
One issue I had with textures is that 0 is not the first pixel. 1 is not the second one. 0 is the edge of the texture and 1 is the right edge of the first pixel. The values get interpolated automatically and that can cause serious trouble if what you need is precision like when applying a lookup table rather than applying a normal texture. You need to aim for the middle of the pixel, so asking for [0.5,0.5], [1.5,0.5] rather than [0,0], [1, 0] and so on.
At least, that's the way it was in GLSL.
Beware: region in levels[region] is rounded down. When you see 5 % in your image editor, the actual value in the texture 8b representation is 5/100*255 = 12.75, which may be either 12 or 13. If it is 12, the rounding down will hit you. If you want rounding to nearest, you need to change this to levels[region+0.5].
Another similar thing (already written by Louis-Philippe) which might hit you is texture coordinates rounding rules. You always need to hit a spot in the texel so that you are not in between of two texels, otherwise the result is ill-defined (you may get any of two randomly) and some of your source texels may disapper while other duplicate. Those rules are different for bilinar and point sampling, you may need to add half of texel size when sampling to compensate for this.
GIMP uses banker's rounding. Apparently.
This threw out my code to derive region indicies.
