NDK android_app gets APP_CMD_INIT_WINDOW without a window? - android-ndk

My NDK-based Android App is using android_native_glue.c that defines the android_app structure.
Member of this structure is android_app.window and the source-code comments have this to said about it:
// When non-NULL, this is the window surface that the app can draw in.
ANativeWindow* window;
Judging from my Google Play Developer Console crash reports, I see that there are a lot of crashes where this window pointer is nil, when I am handling a APP_CMD_INIT_WINDOW command.
What is the reason for a NativeActivity getting APP_CMD_INIT_WINDOW without a window set?
What is the best response to handle a nil window to your native app?


Instantiate a TreeViewer before opening a dialog

I have a TreeViewer inside a jface Dialog window.
The treeViewer needs to be populated with a large number of items with the setInput().And so it takes quite a bit of time for the tree to show, each time the dialog window is opened.
I want to know if there is any way to instantiate and save the treeViewer beforehand, so that the when the dialog window is opened, the treeViewer is just added to the dialog window and it is instantly visible.
I don't recall ever seeing anything try to do this. Creating the tree has to be done in the UI thread so this would still be difficult to do without stalling the UI.
There are various things you can do:
The model objects that the content provider provides can be built at any time since they are not UI objects. So you could get these in the background before the dialog is displayed.
You can use a virtual tree using the SWT.VIRTUAL style and an ILazyTreeContentProvider to delay building parts of the tree until they are needed.
If the code is in an Eclipse plugin you can use org.eclipse.ui.progress.DeferredTreeContentManager to defer building parts of the tree (there isn't much documentation on this method).

Stop casting/disconnect box is tiny on my Android Cast app

I'm familiarizing myself with the Google Cast SDK by building a small test application, following the Cast SDK for Android guide. I've created a standard ActionBarActivity-based app as the guide suggests (even though ActionBarActivity is deprecated... shrug) I've added all the library dependencies, added the necessary XML to AndroidManifest.xml and menu_main.xml and am using the MediaRouteActionProvider to handle device detection and to show/hide the Cast button in the action bar. All is working well, and the "Connect to device" box appears as it should when I tap the Cast Button.
However, when I tap the Cast button again to disconnect, the "Stop Casting" box appears but it is unusually small.
The box is supposed to be wide enough to show the volume bar -- in my super-small version, the volume slider does in fact show up but it is unusably small. Compare to what it is supposed to look like, for example as in the YouTube app shown below.
Any idea what could be going on here? I am using basically the exact code that the Cast SDK for Android guide uses (the only addition being some custom Buttons with onClick listeners to control the media playback and to start casting several different test streams (both audio and video.)
This is due to changes that were made into the Media Router Support library and will be fixed in future updates to that library. If absolutely needed, the current workaround is to override that dialog.

WM_PAINT not send when using WS_EX_COMPOSITE

I'm working in a legacy application using MFC.
We have a mechanism to enable/disable controls depending on some business logic.
This mechanism is implemented in the CView-derived class. The way it works is all the views in the application derived from a common CView-derived class (CBaseView) and on the PreTranslateMessage all controls of the view are enabled/disabled.
This worked fine so far because all controls send at least WM_PAINT message when they need to be painted. So the system worked without the user having to move the mouse or anything. I recently added some drawing features and I had to use WS_EX_COMPOSITE to get ride of some flickering. With this flag activated my CView-derived class is not getting any called to PreTranslateMessage when creating the view....so the controls are not disabled until the user moves the mouse over the control.
I understand there is no way to send WM_PAINT using WS_EX_COMPOSITE but is there other message I can use to get the same behaviour???
I am currently using the OnIdle approach but it has a big drawback, the windows doesn't become idle until after drawing all the controls...so when you enter the screen al controls are enabled and inmediately they are disabled...this makes a quite ugly effect!
More solutions???
Thanks in advance...
The logical place to enable/disable controls would be CView::OnUpdate, it is called by the framework after the view's document has been modified and from OnInitialUpdate(); you can also call this function if there is some change that would trigger re-evaluation of your business logic.
After reading the question a bit more closely, what you could also do is to post a private message at the end of OnInitialUpdate and "catch" it in your PreTranslateMessage:
PostMessage(WM_APP, 0, 0);
Calling InvalidateRect followed by UpdateWindow against the window in question will mark the entire client area as dirty and force an immediate repaint. Remember that WM_PAINT is not really a message, in the queue in the usual sense, it is pushed out after all other messages have been processed for that window, which would include any invalidations of the area being drawn. No message is generated at all if there are no invalid segments of the active window display.

How to draw a map using mkmapview with driving directions between map annotations

I'm developing an App with some maps functionalities (among other things), I'd like to draw a map from my current location to a given destination, but I do not want to use the shareadapplication, The shared application does not have a BACK button for example and some other navigation items I already have.
I want to do it in my own viewcontroller with mkmapview on it.
I already have the code to place the pin annotations, what I need is to trace the driving directions from A to B.
The other option is to use the [[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:url] call to appear inside the viewcontroller window so I can keep my navigation items.
Any ideas?
You can't do the "other option". iOS apps do not run inside windows that you can put within your app, they are full screen apps and you can make you app switch to them, but you can't make other apps switch back to yours.
So, the big question is, where are you going to get driving directions from? Check out GoogleMapsSDK, OpenStreetMap and CloudMade, because iOS maps won't give you the directions.

Blackberry application hangs and freezes on UI modification

I've written a Blackberry appliation with the Blackberry JDE, running on a 9000 simulator. I tested it a week or so ago and loaded it on a Blackberry 9000 phone, and everything worked just fine. Sometime between then and now, though, something went wrong.
My code does the whole moving arrow "loading things from the internet" or whatever thing, but no screens pop up. My original screen, which is just a MainScreen with a RichTextField doesn't load at all. This screen, at least, has most likely not changed in the passing week, so if something broke, it would be in one of the later screens/lines of code that it shouldn't even be getting to yet!
Is it possible that my .jad or .cod file are corrupted somehow? I noticed that when I first put code on my machine, I just stuck in the .cod file that Eclipse provided me. Then, last week, the .cod file it gave me didn't work, because it was ACTUALLY a zip file with a two .cod files inside of it. Using the .cod file with the same name as the .cod file they were in succesfully loaded my app. I did the same this time, and I don't get invalid cod file errors or anything, but the app is still as broken.
Is there some direction I should be looking? Is the issue likely to be in my code, the cod file, the phone, or somewhere completely else?
Edit: I've narrowed it down to the problem only occuring if I attempt to load a particular screen. My problem is that this screen is nearly identical to another screen that IS working just fine on the actual device. Both screens are generated from the same method (which makes a webservice call and gets XML back and parses it to populate the fields of the screen). The only difference is that the screen that is breaking is going to a different URL. This URL DOES work (both from a browser and from the simulated device), so I"m at a loss. The application doesn't seem to crash, (it's still running in the background), it just doesn't attempt to display anymore.
Okay, I'm seeing some tunneling errors immediately after I load my app, (but before I execute any of my networking code). When i do execute my networking code, it works just fine, unless it happens to be for my "Rental" section. I commented out all calls to that, and made my menu item for Rentals simply make a print statement. The code behaves identically (it freezes, or displays a white screen after selecting the button). All other menu items work (including those that call threads or network methods). And the rentals menu sucessfully executes in the simulator.
private MenuItem _rentals = new MenuItem("My Rentals", 110,
10) {
public void run() {
//if the last thing I did was a rental
//just show the screen
//else, reload rentals
System.out.println("Rentals was selected");
displayError("Rentals was pressed");
// if(rental){
// System.out.println("It's a rental!");
// popScreen(getActiveScreen());
// pushScreen(_offeringsScreen);
// }else{
// System.out.println("Getting Rentals from scratch");
// RentalsThread _rThread = new RentalsThread();
// _rThread.start();
// }
I'm at a complete loss here: The device debugger doesn't seem to even register me selecting the menu item, and not a single line of code executes! It just freezes! I'll try putting back in my RentalsThread call in the start of my program (which was also freezing) just to see if I can tease apart the problem with the Rentals Thread (which makes the Rental Screen), and the problem with the Rentals menu item.
Okay, I think I have this figured out.
1.) My code was still behaving identically even after commenting out everything because I wasn't rebuilding the .COD files (they automatically rebuild if you try to run it in the simulator, but don't when you're generating a .ALX file, for some reason).
2.) The code I had for generating the Rental Screen was adding things to said screen. Apparently this is all well and good on the simulator, but on the real device it's required that you do all graphics manipulation (even for graphics not yet displayed) in an event thread (I used invokeAndWait).
So, now everything seems to be working just fine. There wasn't anything wrong with my networking (nor did I think there was, because my other networking screen works just fine). I still don't know why I get all those weird tunneling network things before I start, but it doesn't seem to affect anything yet.
See also:
BlackBerry UI Threading - The Very Basics
BlackBerry threading model
several suggestions:
if you have some background work with resources like file IO or networking, app just may stuck there... provide error handling and try to debug app from device!
code signing, check latest code update for API which require signing. But since there are no errors this is doubtful.
To debug on device, run Blackberry Device Manager, attach phone to usb, in eclipse select project, Context Menu -> Debug As -> Blackberry Device.
See A50 How to Debug and Optimize
UPDATE I see "Tunnel failed" exception, so it's like network connection problem...
See tunnel failed in blackberry bold. why?
How to Configure Full Internet Access On BlackBerry
UPDATE Support - Application stops responding when opening a connection
