Equation to find minimum difference between given date and array of dates - excel

I am attempting to write an equation that compares a date to an array of other dates given the same ID and then returns the minimum value found between 0 and 42 or returns a zero if the criteria does not match.
My current equation can identify whether a date pair matches the above criteria and returns a 1 if there is a match and a 0 for no match.
I need to modify this equation to return the actual difference between the dates rather than just a 1 or 0.
I have been playing around with an equation like this:
=IF(E3<>"", IFERROR(IF(--(AGGREGATE(15, 6, (E3-$H$2:$H$8000)/(--($C$2:$C$8000=C3)*--(E3-$H$2:$H$8000>=0)), 1)<43)=1, MIN(--($C$2:$C$8000=C3)*(E3-$H$2:$H$8000)), ""), 0), 0)
But it returns nothing but zeros.
Please find sample data and expected values below.

For what you want you only need to move the check for less than 43 into the Aggregate and return blanks instead of 0:


Textjoin values of column B if duplicates are present in column A

I want to consolidate the data of column B into a single cell ONLY IF the index (ie., Column A) is duplicated.
For example:
Currently, I'm doing manually for each duplicated index by using the following formula:
Is there a better way to do this all at once?
Any help is appreciated.
There may easier way but you can try this formula-
=BYROW(A2:A17,LAMBDA(p,IF(INDEX(MAP(A2:A17,LAMBDA(x,SUM(--(A2:INDEX(A2:A17,ROW(x)-1)=x)))),ROW(p)-1,1)=1,TEXTJOIN(", ",1,FILTER(B2:B17,A2:A17=p)),"")))
Using REDUCE might be possible for a more succinct solution, though try this for now:
=BYROW(A2:A17,LAMBDA(ζ,LET(α,A2:A17,IF((COUNTIF(α,ζ)>1)*(COUNTIF(INDEX(α,1):ζ,ζ)=1),TEXTJOIN(", ",,FILTER(B2:B17,α=ζ)),""))))
For the sake of alternatives about how to solve it:
=LET(A, A2:A17, ux, UNIQUE(A),idx, FILTER(XMATCH(ux, A), COUNTIF(A, ux)>1),
FILTER(B2:B17, A=INDEX(A,s)))))))
or using SMALL/INDEX to identify the first element of the repetition:
=LET(A, A2:A17, n, ROWS(A), s, SEQUENCE(n),
MAP(A, s, LAMBDA(aa,ss, LET(f, FILTER(B2:B17, A=aa), IF((ROWS(f)>1)
* (INDEX(s, SMALL(IF(A=aa, s, n+1),1))=ss), TEXTJOIN(",",, f), "")))))
Here is the output:
The main idea here is to identify the first unique elements of column A via ux, and find their corresponding index position in A via XMATCH(ux, A). It is an array of the same size as ux. Then COUNTIF(A, ux)>1) returns an array of the same size as XMATCH output indicating where we have a repetition.
Here is the intermediate result:
XMATCH(ux, A) COUNTIF(A, ux)>1)
so FILTER takes only the rows form the first column where the second column is TRUE, i.e the index position (idx) where the repetition starts. For our sample it will be: {3;7;9;12}.
Now we iterate over the sequence of index positions (s) via MAP . If s is found in idx via XMATCH (also XLOOKUP(s, idx, TRUE, FALSE) can be used for the same purpose) then we join the values of column B filtered by column A equal to INDEX(A,s).
This is a more flexible approach because in the case we want to do the concatenation in another position of the repetition you just need to specify the order and the formula doesn't change.
We iterate via MAP through elements of column A and index position (s). The name f has the filtered values from column B where column A is equal to a given value of the iteration aa. We need to identify only filtered rows with repetition, so the first condition ROWS(f) > 1 ensures it.
The second condition identifies only the first element of the repetition:
INDEX(s, SMALL(IF(A=aa, s, n+1),1))=ss
The second argument of SMALL indicates we want the first smallest value, but it could be the second, third, etc.
Where A is equal to aa, IF assigns the corresponding value of the sequence (remember IF works as an array formula), if not then it assigns a value that will never be the smallest one, for example, n+1, where n represents the number of rows of column B. SMALL returns the smallest index position. If the current index position ss is not the smallest one, the conditions FALSE.
Finally, we do a TEXTJOIN only when both conditions are met (we multiply them to ensure an AND condition).

Is there a function to read value in cell, whose row specified by value in another cell

I have 2 columns, B(freq) and C(AvgValue), I want to find the corresponding freq(column B) for the largest AvgValue(column C) in the first 300 cells.
I used match method as D1=MATCH(MAX(C1:C300),C1:C300,0) and returns the row of the largest AvgValue, the value is 260. Now I can use E1=B260 to find the freq, but failed to use E1=B(D1). I also searched methods like =indirect() but not succeeded. Thank you!
0.101393946 8.75E-01
0.102807322 8.75E-01
0.104240401 8.76E-01
0.105693455 8.77E-01
0.107166765 8.79E-01
0.108660611 8.80E-01
0.110175281 8.81E-01
0.111711065 8.79E-01
If you have the input data in the range: A1:B10, then you can get the result combining INDEX and XMATCH as follow:
=INDEX(B1:B10, XMATCH(MAX(A1:A10), A1:A10))
Note: If the column A has more than one value with max value then you may want to concatenate the frequency values that correspond to max value as follow: =TEXTJOIN(",", ,FILTER(B1:B10, A1:A10=MAX(A1:A10))). Otherwise the previous approach (INDEX/XMATCH) returns the frequency of the first maximum value found.

What's the logic behind PERCENTILE.INC Excel function?

I would like to know how does Excel think to calculate the values on the function PERCENTILE.INC. I'm making some studies on Percentile and Quartile, I got the below results:
How does Excel think to calculate the values on column F?
Here's the formulas I'm using:
=PERCENTILE.INC(B2:B21; 0,75) ==> F2
=PERCENTILE.INC(B2:B21; 0,50) ==> F3
=PERCENTILE.INC(B2:B21; 0,25) ==> F4
=PERCENTILE.INC(B2:B21; 0,00) ==> F5
Short answer - the position of a given percentile when the data is sorted in ascending order, using percentile.inc, is given by
where p is the required percentile as a fraction from 0 to 1 and N is the number of points.
If this expression gives a whole number, you take the value at this position (e.g. percentile zero gives 1, so its value is exactly 22). If it's not a whole number, you interpolate between the value at the position given by the whole number part (e.g. for p=0.25 it's 5 and the value at this position is 52) and the value at the position one higher (in this case position 6 so the number is 55), then multiply the difference of the two values (3) by the fraction part (0.75) giving you 2.25 and finally add this to the lower of the two values giving you 54.25. A shorter way of saying this is that you go a quarter of the way between the two nearest values. So you have:
If you wished to show the logic as an Excel formula, you could implement the expression shown here on the right (where h, in the second column of the table, is the position calculated from the formula above and x is the value at that position)
like this:

How can I return a minimum value in excel work sheet if the cells containing the values I am comparing , the values were created by a function

Am trying to return the minimum value of cells excluding zero but when ever I do it using this function, it returns a zero not the minimum
Function:{=MIN(IF(DW2:EE2 = 0,"",DW2:EE2))}
The values in the cells are created by a function which is:
enter image description here
This answer is wrong, but it might give you an idea.
This means the following (I'm always working from a list of values in the cells "A1" till "A5"):
Verify the minimum of the list.
2.1. If the minimum equals zero, then
take the second smallest value.
2.2. If the minimum does not equal zero,
then take that minimum.
However, there is one problem with the implementation of that approach: I expected =Small(range,2) to give the second smallest number of a list, which it does, but it does not, let me show you:
Range : 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 => Small(Range,2) = 1 => OK
Range : 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0 => Small(Range,2) = 0 => NOK
Apparently, Small(,2) just orders the range, and takes the second element, regardless of the fact that it might be equal to Small(,1).
Does anybody know a solution or workaround for this issue?

Aggregate function (small) returns zeros rather than the smallest values

I am using excel's aggregate (small) function to find the smallest value for each name that appears in a column. The issue is that the formula below simply returns 0s everywhere there is a value in B.
The formula I am using is
=IF($B2<>"", AGGREGATE(15,7, ($B:$B)*($A2=$A:$A)*($B2<>""), 1), "")
where B contains the data I want the smallest value from and A contains identifying strings.
I appreciate any help you can lend!
You want to divide by the criteria:
=IF($B2<>"", AGGREGATE(15,7, ($B:$B)/(($A2=$A:$A)*($B:$B<>"")), 1), "")
Whenever ($A2=$A:$A) or ($B2<>"") is FALSE it will return 0 and anything multiplied by 0 is 0 and as such the smallest value is 0.
By dividing by the criteria we throw an #DIV/0 error which the 7 in the AGGREGATE's second criterion forces the formula to ignore and as such we only get the smallest of what returns TRUE or 1 in both Boolean. 1*1=1.
But one more thing. AGGREGATE is an array type formula so limiting the to only the data will speed it up.
=IF($B2<>"", AGGREGATE(15,7, ($B$1:INDEX($B:$B,MATCH("zzz",$A:$A)))/(($A2=$A$1:INDEX($A:$A,MATCH("zzz",$A:$A)))*($B$1:INDEX($B:$B,MATCH("zzz",$A:$A))<>"")), 1), "")
As per your comment:
=IF($B2 = AGGREGATE(15,7, ($B:$B)/(($A2=$A:$A)*($B:$B<>"")), 1),AGGREGATE(15,7, ($B:$B)/(($A2=$A:$A)*($B:$B<>"")), 1), "")
