How to hide horizontal and vertical guide lines for dart code in Android Studio [duplicate] - android-studio

This question already has an answer here:
How to get rid of these vertical lines in the editor
(1 answer)
Closed 3 years ago.
I use Android Studio 3.4.1 for Flutter development with dart language and I want to remove these -not so useful- helping lines in dart pages, How can I do that in Android Studio Settings?

You can enable/disable this by going to Settings > Languages & Frameworks > Flutter. Then in the Editor section, unckeck Show UI Guides for build methods.


How do I list/search all files of a specific type in Visual Studio Code [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to filter files shown in Visual Studio Code?
(5 answers)
Closed 7 months ago.
I want to see a filtered list of all the files in my project that have a specific extension.
As Im using a Scala language the files have the extension ".scala", so i would like to see a filtered list of all the files with a ".scala" extension.
The following post shows some techniques but nothing showing how to achieve what I require.
How do I search for files in Visual Studio Code?
Based on #Mark response I enhanced my knowledge a bit further.
Here is the link to the Visual Studio Code website that explains it in more detail
Click on the "Explorer" icon in Visual Studio Code.
Click on the "Explorer" panel background and type what you want to filter.
In my case i typed ".scala" and all other that did not have the scala extension were removed from view.
To remove the filter, simply click the cross next to the red text that represents what you typed as a filter.
The cross appears when you hover your mouse over the text.
As VonC mentioned in the comment, see also his answer at How to filter files shown in Visual Studio Code? in vscode v1.70 you should be able to filter the Explorer to show only files with a particular extension by typing .json for example into the new Find Widget for lists (the Explorer files is a list).
Note that there is a json.txt file that is not shown if you begin the filter with the ..

Android Studio: how to increase the auto line wrap in the editor

I edited this question to include the Flutter community, cause a lot of you use Android Studio and if anyone knows the answer, it'll be one of you. Thanks.
The editor in Android Studio is auto wrapping lines at about 80 characters.
How can I increase this? (using version 4.0)
Settings > Editor > Code Style > [Language] > Wrapping and Braces > Hard wrap at
Android Studio (as with all IDEs built off of the IntelliJ platform) formats each language according to different specifications, so you will need to change this for all the languages you are using. The default is usually 100 and the max is 999

I can't find Theme editor in Android Studio 3.3.2 [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Android Studio 3.3 RC3 Theme Editor Missing
(6 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I can't find Theme editor..
I also try Tools ->
but There is no Android -> Theme editor
Design app themes with Theme Editor
Have you tried opening styles.xml ?
Accessing the Theme Editor There are two ways to open the Theme
From an open styles XML file, such as styles.xml, click Open editor near the top-right of the file window.
From the Tools menu, choose Theme Editor.

Visual Studio Code Now Horizontally splits the window [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Visual Studio Code: How to split the editor vertically
(14 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
I have been using Microsoft Visual Studio Code to write my Python code for awhile and have generally been pleased with it. But sometimes it does 'strange' things. Like now, I tried to open the current window in split mode. It did, but instead of splitting it vertically as it always does, it did so horizontally. Any idea on how to open it split vertically as before?
I am using the most current version of the VSCode and have the VIM plugin installed which works great.
Apologies for hasty posting. Upon doing more google search, I came across the following post in StackOverflow:
how to toogle horizontal or vertical split
This answers my question fully. You may delete this or mark it as duplicate.

How can I disable this in Android Studio? [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
How to remove top line breadcrumb in intellij idea editor?
(1 answer)
Closed 5 years ago.
Sorry, but i don't know the correct name for this...
In your Android Studio Preferences, go to Editor > General > Appearance and untick Show breadcrumbs
