S3 and Spark: File size and File format best practices - apache-spark

I need to read data (originating from a RedShift table with 5 columns, total size of the table is on the order of 500gb - 1tb) from S3 into Spark via PySpark for a daily batch job.
Are there any best practices around:
Preferred File Formats for how I store my data in S3? (does the format even matter?)
Optimal file size?
Any resources/links that can point me in the right direction would also work.

This blog post has some great info on the subject:
Look at the section titled: Use the Best Data Store for Your Use Case
From personal experience, I prefer using parquet in most scenarios, because I’m usually writing the data out once, and then reading it many times (for analytics).
In terms of numbers of files, I like to have between 200 and 1,000. This allows clusters of all sizes to read and write in parallel, and allows my reading of the data to be efficient because with parquet I can zoom in on just the file I’m interested in. If you have too many files, there is a ton of overhead in spark remembering all the file names and locations, and if you have too few files, it can’t parallelize your reads and writes effectively.
File size I have found to be less important than number of files, when using parquet.
Here’s a good section from that blog post that describes why I like to use parquet:
Apache Parquet gives the fastest read performance with Spark. Parquet arranges data in columns, putting related values in close proximity to each other to optimize query performance, minimize I/O, and facilitate compression. Parquet detects and encodes the same or similar data, using a technique that conserves resources. Parquet also stores column metadata and statistics, which can be pushed down to filter columns (discussed below). Spark 2.x has a vectorized Parquet reader that does decompression and decoding in column batches, providing ~ 10x faster read performance.


Spark writing performance csv vs snappy-orc

If I need to write dataframe on disk which format will perform better csv or 'orc with snappy' ?
One hand csv format will avoid compression task overhead but on another hand snappy will reduce total byte size writing task. Please correct me in assumptions here as well?
Note that my question is about writing performance not the storage point of view.
Compression is about saving space, not performance, so the fact you're using Snappy is not really a relevant detail as you could use LZ4 or ZSTD instead, for example.
ORC is a column oriented data format that performs better for analytics than CSV, and under certain conditions, will outperform Spark's default format of Parquet.

is it possible in spark to read large s3 csv files in parallel?

Typically spark files are saved in multiple parts, allowing each worker to read different files.
is there a similar solution when working on a single files?
s3 provides the select API that should allow this kind of behaviour.
spark appears to support this API (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/emr/latest/ReleaseGuide/emr-spark-s3select.html), but this appears to relate only for optimising queries, not for parallelising reading
S3 Select is unrelated to your use case.
S3 Select: have SQL select and project done in the S3 store, so that the client gets the prefiltered data. Result is returned as CSV with the header stripped, or JSON. You cannot then have >1 worker target this. (you could try, but each worker would have to read in and discard all the data in the runup to its offset, and predicting the ranges each worker can process is essentially impossible)
You: have > 1 worker process different parts of a file which has been partitioned
Partitioning large files into smaller parts for parallel processing is exactly what Spark (and mapreduce, hive etc) do for any format where it makes sense.
CSV files are easily partitioned provided they are compressed with a splittable compression format (none, snappy -but not gzip)
All that's needed is to tell spark what the split threshold is. For S3a, set the value fs.s3a.block.size to a value which it can then split up on, then your queries against CSV, Avro, ORC, Parquet and similar will all be split up amongst workers.
Unless your workers are doing a lot of computation per row, there's a minimum block size before it's even worth doing this. Experiment.
Edit: this is now out of date and depends on the type of CSV. Some CSV's allow new lines within columns. These are un splitable. CSVs that do not an guarantee that a newlines only represent a new row can be split
FYI csv's are inherently single threaded. There is no extra information in a csv file that tells the reader where any row starts without reading the whole file from the start.
If you want multiple readers on the same file use a format like Parquet which has row groups with an explicitly defined start position defined in the footer that can be read by independent readers. When spark goes to read the parquet file it will split out row groups into separate tasks. Ultimately having appropriately sized files is very important for spark performance.

Pyspark SQL job slowed down by reading fixed width instead of parquet

I have a script that consists of several joins and a few other basic operations. When I was reading parquet format data the script would run and write the new parquet data quickly. I recently updated the script to accept fixed width data and determine the columns based on given specifications.
This has slowed down the script by a factor of 10.
I have tried playing with the spark configs and different partitions of the data but the runtime is still abysmal.
Parquet and ORC are optimized formats for columnar reading/writing, therefore work well in SparkSQL dataframes.
Plaintext CSV/TSV are much slower, by design, as entire rows of data need parsed and extracted again and again during processing.
There's likely nothing you're doing wrong here. If you need fast processing speeds overall, then you'll need a proper database that can optimize your queries, and not be processing raw files

Spark: Avro vs Parquet performance

Now that Spark 2.4 has built-in support for Avro format, I'm considering changing the format of some of the data sets in my data lake - those that are usually queried/joined for entire rows rather than specific column aggregations - from Parquet to Avro.
However, most of the work on top of the data is done via Spark, and to my understanding, Spark's in-memory caching and computations are done on columnar-formatted data. Does Parquet offer a performance boost in this regard, while Avro would incur some sort of data "transformation" penalty? What other considerations should I be aware of in this regard?
Both formats shine under different constraints but have things like strong types with schemas and a binary encoding in common. In its basic form it boils down to this differentiation:
Avro is a row-wise format. From this it follows that you can append row-by-row to an existing file. These row-wise appends are then also immediately visible to all readers that work on these files. Avro is best when you have a process that writes into your data lake in a streaming (non-batch) fashion.
Parquet is a columnar format and its files are not appendable. This means that for new arriving records, you must always create new files. In exchange for this behaviour Parquet brings several benefits. Data is stored in a columnar fashion and compression and encoding (simple type-aware, low-cpu but highly effective compression) is applied to each column. Thus Parquet files will be much smaller than Avro files. Also Parquet writes out basic statistics that when you load data from it, you can push down parts of your selection to the I/O. Then only the necessary set of rows is loaded from disk. As Parquet is already in a columnar fashion and most in-memory structures will also be columnar, loading data from them is in general much faster.
As you already have your data and the ingestion process tuned to write Parquet files, it's probably best for you to stay with Parquet as long as data ingestion (latency) does not become a problem for you.
A typical usage is actually to have a mix of Parquet and Avro. Recent, freshly arrived data is stored as Avro files as this makes the data immediately available to the data lake. More historic data is transformed on e.g. a daily basis into Parquet files as they are smaller and most efficient to load but can only be written in batches. While working with this data, you would load both into Spark as a union of two tables. Thus you have the benefit of efficient reads with Parquet combined with the immediate availability of data with Avro. This pattern is often hidden by table formats like Uber's Hudi or Apache Iceberg (incubating) which was started by Netflix.

Partitioning strategy in Parquet and Spark

I have a job that reads csv files , converts it into data frames and writes in Parquet. I am using append mode while writing the data in Parquet. With this approach, in each write a separate Parquet file is getting generated. My questions are :
1) If every time I write the data to Parquet schema ,a new file gets
appended , will it impact read performance (as the data is now
distributed in varying length of partitioned Parquet files)
2) Is there a way to generate the Parquet partitions purely based on
the size of the data ?
3) Do we need to think to a custom partitioning strategy to implement
point 2?
I am using Spark 2.3
It will affect read performance if
In this case, Spark needs to visit each file and grab schema from
In other cases, I believe it does not affect read performance much.
There is no way generate purely on data size. You may use
repartition or coalesce. Latter will created uneven output
files, but much performant.
Also, you have config spark.sql.files.maxRecordsPerFile or option
maxRecordsPerFile to prevent big size of files, but usually it is
not an issue.
Yes, I think Spark has not built in API to evenly distribute by data
size. There are Column
and Size
Estimator may help with this.
