How to run cucumber test cases in Linux centos without using Intellij - linux

I have cucumber test cases with gradle build and can run them through intellij in windows 10. ( able to run .bat file by picking the path from intellij)
Question. ## Please help me on how to run a specific cucumber test scenario in Linux centos? ##
Is there a way of running the cucumber test scenario by a file in Linux Centos?

You can run cucumber from the command prompt. How you do this will depend on what language version for cucumber you are using.
Have a look at to find info for your specific platform.


How do I launch doxygen/perl from Monodevelop on linux/flatpak?

I have a mono-based project that is developed on Linux. Is there some trick to getting custom build steps to run in Monodevelop 7 packaged in flatpak?
The custom build steps that build the doxygen documentation and package it up do not launch. Doxygen and perl are both installed in /usr/bin, and the build steps work properly outside with the legacy monodevelop 5. Doxygen is "not found" and perl runs but is using an (apparently) flatpak builtin /usr/bin/perl that does not have any of the required CPAN modules.
How do I get custom build steps to run in monodevlop 7?
You don't. Flatpak will not run programs that are masked by its packaging, so for example you can not run python or perl scripts that require modules that are not part of the monodevelop flatpak package.
The best solution I can come up with is to launch everything from an external non-cross-platform Makefile, using msbuild for the C# compilation steps. The build does not have to be cross platform, as long as the end product is, so this is a workable, if lame, solution. At least this way you can run the program and debug unit tests in the monodevelop IDE.

Jenkins and Sonar - How to use Sonar Runner with Linux (Because it only has a .bat executer)

I have a distant linux system with a Tomcat containing Jenkins and the Sonar server (v 3.7.4). I am also using the Sonar Runner (v 2.1), but can I really use it in a linux environnement ? I mean, the bin repository only contains a .bat file, no .sh.
So if in Jenkins I set the SONAR_RUNNER_HOME to the path of my sonar runner install repository on linux, is it gonna work ? Because obviously if I want to run the .bat file myself to do test it (after the creation of file), well, I can't.
I didn't find anything about that on Google, as if there was no problem about it.
You can use sonar-runner which is shell script (it's marked as a Unix executable).
However, please note that Sonar 3.7.4 is really old (more than 3 years old). So I highly suggest to upgrade to latest LTS (5.6.6) and you will benefit also of the Jenkins plugin (

Is separate set of selenium jar files needed for linux os?

I am using Selenium Webdriver(v 2.47.1) automation tool in windows operating system. I have created one automation script using Eclipse IDE and integrated script with Jenkins CI. In Jenkins I created new job with help of windows batch file. Jenkins job successfully completed.
I have uploaded same set of code(contains src, lib, bin directories..) to Linux server where Jenkins CI is installed and tried to create new work using Jenkins. In Linux OS I have used shell command to build the project. Project not builded successfully..
I don't know where the actual problem is..? Please help me on this
There is few things which can effects scripts in Linux environment
1st is batch file you are using
refer it to resolve it if exist in your case
Another one is if your using chrome then you need to set chrome binary according to linux
Hope it will help you :)
If still you are facing problem then please share the error your get on terminal/Jenkins jobs section

JUnit 4.x and Selenium run program from script (windows and linux)

I have a few testcases that are written using Selenium and JUnit. I would like to write a windows script to start the programs. I referred to the solution # Simple Script to Run Java Applications on Linux and Windows. The solutions # how to run junit test cases from the command line provide a method to run the Junit test cases using:
java -cp /path/to/directory/java/junit.jar org.junit.runner.JUnitCore [test class name]
I am however interested in creating a generic script for windows which would run the harness. I have little or no knowledge about the windows powershell, I would love to hear about a solution that could make use of powershell scripts to do the same.
Having said that, it would be great if you could guide me to do the same for Linux.
To summarize:
Windows script to run JUnit 4.x and Selenium programns
Approach to do the same in windows powershell
Similar script for Linux

Eclipse with Remote Unit Tests

I'm working on a Mac. My dev server is linux. My directory is mounted over SSH using FUSE. How can I execute my ant script on the remote server within Eclipse? Right now I'm just switching to a terminal and running ant manually.
Please, no suggestions that I run the tests locally.
I don't believe Eclipse has any built in support for running ant-scripts remotely (that is, after all, not a very common use case). The alternative is to run the ant-script using ssh as an external program. You won't get the ant builder's settings, but otherwise it should work.
If you are using Eclipse, have you checked out the Target Management plugin?
