Why does attribute splitting happen in BeautifulSoup? - python-3.x

I try to get the attribute of the parent element:
<div class="detailMS__incidentRow incidentRow--away odd">
<div class="time-box">45'</div>
<div class="icon-box soccer-ball-own"><span class="icon soccer-ball-own"> </span></div>
<span class=" note-name">(Autogoal)</span><span class="participant-name">
span_autogoal = soup.find('span', class_='note-name')
# print(span_autogoal.find_parent('div').get('class')
<span class="note-name">(Autogoal)</span>
['detailMS__incidentRow', 'incidentRow--away', 'odd']
I know i can do something like this:
print(' '.join(span_autogoal.find_parent('div')['class']))
But i want to know why this is happening and is it possible to do this more correctly?

Above answer is correct however if you want get mutli attribute value return as string try use xml parser after get the parent element.
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
data='''<div class="detailMS__incidentRow incidentRow--away odd">
<div class="time-box">45'</div>
<div class="icon-box soccer-ball-own"><span class="icon soccer-ball-own"> </span></div>
<span class=" note-name">(Autogoal)</span><span class="participant-name">
span_autogoal = soup.find('span', class_='note-name')
Output on console:
<span class="note-name">(Autogoal)</span>
detailMS__incidentRow incidentRow--away odd

According to the BeautifulSoup documentation:
HTML 4 defines a few attributes that can have multiple values. HTML 5
removes a couple of them, but defines a few more. The most common
multi-valued attribute is class (that is, a tag can have more than one
CSS class). Others include rel, rev, accept-charset, headers, and
accesskey. Beautiful Soup presents the value(s) of a multi-valued
attribute as a list:
css_soup = BeautifulSoup('<p class="body"></p>') css_soup.p['class']
# ["body"]
css_soup = BeautifulSoup('<p class="body strikeout"></p>')
# ["body", "strikeout"]
So in your case in <div class="detailMS__incidentRow incidentRow--away odd"> a class attribute is multi-valued.
That's why span_autogoal.find_parent('div')['class'] gives you list as an output.


How can I get texts with certain criteria in python with selenium? (texts with certain siblings)

It's really tricky one for me so I'll describe the question as detail as possible.
First, let me show you some example of html.
<div class="lawcon">
<span class="b1">
<label> No.1 </label>
"I Want to get 'No.1' label in span if the div[#class='lawcon'] has a certain <a> tags with "bb" title, and with a string of 'Law' in the text of it."
<a title="bb" class="link" onclick="javascript:blabla('12345')" href="javascript:;">Law Power</a>
<div class="lawcon">
<span class="b1">
<label> No.2 </label>
"But I don't want to get No.2 label because, although it has <a> tag with "bb" title, but it doesn't have a text of law in it"
<a title="bb" class="link" onclick="javascript:blabla('12345')" href="javascript:;">Just Power</a>
<div class="lawcon">
<span class="b1">
<label> No.3 </label>
"If there are multiple <a> tags with the right criteria in a single div, I want to get span(No.3) for each of those" <a>
<a title="bb" class="link" onclick="javascript:blabla('12345')" href="javascript:;">Lawyer</a>
<a title="bb" class="link" onclick="javascript:blabla('12345')" href="javascript:;">By the Law</a>
<a title="bb" class="link" onclick="javascript:blabla('12345')" href="javascript:;">But not this one</a>
So, here is the thing. I want to extract the text of (e.g. No.1) in div[#class='lawcon'] only if the div has a tag with "bb" title, with a string of 'Law' in it.
If inside of the div, if there isn't any tag with "bb" title, or string of "Law" in it, the span should not be collected.
What I tried was
div_list = [div.text for div in driver.find_elements_by_xpath('//span[following-sibling::a[#title="bb"]]')]
But the problem is, when it has multiple tag with right criteria in a single div, it only return just one div.
What I want to have is a location(: span numbers) list(or tuple) of those text of tags
So it should be like
[[No.1 - Law Power], [No.3 - Lawyer], [No.3 - By the Law]]
I'm not sure I have explained enough. Thank you for your interests and hopefully, enlighten me with your knowledge! I really appreciate it in advance.
Here is the simple python script to get your desired output.
links = driver.find_elements_by_xpath("//a[#title='bb' and contains(.,'Law')]")
linkData = []
for link in links:
currentList = []
currentList.append(link.find_element_by_xpath("./ancestor::div[#class='lawcon']//label").text + '-' + link.text)
[['No.1-Law Power'], ['No.3-Lawyer'], ['No.3-By the Law']]
I am not sure why you want the output in that format. I would prefer the below approach, so that you will get to know how many divs have the matching links and then you can access the links from the output based on the divs. Just a thought.
divs = driver.find_elements_by_xpath("//a[#title='bb' and contains(.,'Law')]//ancestor::div[#class='lawcon']")
linkData = []
for div in divs:
currentList = []
for link in div.find_elements_by_xpath(".//a[#title='bb' and contains(.,'Law')]"):
currentList.append(div.find_element_by_xpath(".//label").text + '-' + link.text)
[['No.1-Law Power'], ['No.3-Lawyer', 'No.3-By the Law']]
As your requirement is to extract the texts No.1 and so on, which are within a <label> tag, you have to induce WebDriverWait for the visibility_of_all_elements_located() and you will have only 2 matches (against your expectation of 3) and you can use the following Locator Strategy:
Using XPATH:
print([my_elem.get_attribute("innerHTML") for my_elem in WebDriverWait(driver, 5).until(EC.visibility_of_all_elements_located((By.XPATH, "//div[#class='lawcon']//a[#title='bb' and contains(.,'Law')]//preceding::label[1]")))])

How to fix missing ul tags in html list snippet with Python and Beautiful Soup

If I have a snippet of html like this:
Is there a way to clean this and add the missing ul/ol tags using beautiful soup, or another python library?
I tried soup.prettify() but it left as is.
It doesn't seem like there's a built-in method which wraps groups of li elements into an ul. However, you can simply loop over the li elements, identify the first element of each li group and wrap it in ul tags. The next elements in the group are appended to the previously created ul:
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
soup = BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser")
ulgroup = 0
uls = []
for li in soup.findAll('li'):
previous_element = li.findPrevious()
# if <li> already wrapped in <ul>, do nothing
if previous_element and previous_element.name == 'ul':
# if <li> is the first element of a <li> group, wrap it in a new <ul>
if not previous_element or previous_element.name != 'li':
ulgroup += 1
ul = soup.new_tag("ul")
# append rest of <li> group to previously created <ul>
elif ulgroup > 0:
For example, the following input:
html = '''
Demo: https://repl.it/#glhr/55619920-fixing-uls
First, you have to decide which parser you are going to use. Different parsers treat malformed html differently.
The following BeautifulSoup methods will help you accomplish what you require
new_tag() - create a new ul tag
append() - To append the newly created ul tag somewhere in the soup tree.
extract() - To extract the li tags one by one (which we can append to the ul tag)
decompose() - To remove any unwanted tags from the tree. Which may be formed as a result of the parser's interpretation of the malformed html.
My Solution
Let's create a soup object using html5lib parser and see what we get
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
The next step may vary according to what you want to accomplish. I want to remove the second empty p. Add a new ul tag and get all the li tags inside it.
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
for li_tag in soup.find_all('li'):

Scrape a span text from multiple span elements of same name within a p tag in a website

I want to scrape the text from the span tag within multiple span tags with similar names. Using python, beautifulsoup to parse the website.
Just cannot uniquely identify that specific gross-amount span element.
The span tag has name=nv and a data value but the other one has that too. I just wanna extract the gross numerical dollar figure in millions.
Please advise.
this is the structure :
<p class="sort-num_votes-visible">
<span class="text-muted">Votes:</span>
<span name="nv" data-value="93122">93,122</span>
<span class="ghost">|</span>
<span class="text-muted">Gross:</span>
<span name="nv" data-value="69,645,701">$69.65M</span>
Want the text from second span under span class= text muted Gross.
What you can do is find the <span> tag that has the text 'Gross:'. Then, once it finds that tag, tell it to go find the next <span> tag (which is the value amount), and get that text.
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as BS
html = '''<p class="sort-num_votes-visible">
<span class="text-muted">Votes:</span>
<span name="nv" data-value="93122">93,122</span>
<span class="ghost">|</span>
<span class="text-muted">Gross:</span>
<span name="nv" data-value="69,645,701">$69.65M</span>
soup = BS(html, 'html.parser')
gross_value = soup.find('span', text='Gross:').find_next('span').text
print (gross_value)
or if you want to get the data-value, change that last line to:
gross_value = soup.find('span', text='Gross:').find_next('span')['data-value']
print (gross_value)
And finally, if you need those values as an integer instead of a string, so you can aggregate in some way later:
gross_value = int(soup.find('span', text='Gross:').find_next('span')['data-value'].replace(',', ''))
print (gross_value)

How to Find a tag without specific attribute using beautifulsoup?

I'm trying to get the content of the 'p' tags that didn't have the specific attribute.
I have some tags with 'class'='cost', and some tags with 'class'='cost' and 'itemprop'='price'
all_cars = soup.find_all('div', attrs={'class': 'listdata'})
tatal_cost= car.findChildren('p', attrs={'class': 'cost'})
cost= car.findChildren('p', attrs={'class': 'cost', 'itemprop':'price'})
I am trying to find 'p' tags without 'itemprop' attribute, but i cant find any solution.
BeautifulSoup's built-in attribute filters are enough for this. You can give True as value to simple check if the attribute is present. None can be used to specify that the attribute should not be present. Likewise the value can be any attribute value (eg 'cost').
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
<p class="cost">paragraph 1</p>
<p class="cost">paragraph 2</p>
<p class="cost">paragraph 3</p>
<p class="cost" itemprop="1">paragraph 4</p>
<p class="somethingelse">paragraph 5</p>
print("---without 'itemprop' attribute")
print("---with class = 'cost' and without 'itemprop' attribute----")
#below is an alternative way to specify this
---without 'itemprop' attribute
[<p class="cost">paragraph 1</p>, <p class="cost">paragraph 2</p>, <p class="cost">paragraph 3</p>, <p class="somethingelse">paragraph 5</p>]
---with class = 'cost' and without 'itemprop' attribute----
[<p class="cost">paragraph 1</p>, <p class="cost">paragraph 2</p>, <p class="cost">paragraph 3</p>]
BeautifulSoup lets you define a function and pass it into its find_all() method:
def has_class_but_not_itemprop(tag):
return tag.has_attr('class') and not tag.has_attr('itemprop')
# Pass this function into find_all() and you’ll pick up all the <p>
# tags you're after:
# [<p class="cost">...</p>,
# <p class="cost">...</p>,
# <p class="cost">...</p>]
For more information, see the BeautifulSoup documentation.

Scraping multiple similar lines with python

Using a simple request I'm trying to get from this html page some information stored in "alt". The problem is that, within each instance, the information is separated in multiple lines that start with "img", and when I try to access it, I can only read the first instance of "img" and not the rest, but I'm not sure how to do it. Here's the HTML text:
<div class="archetype-tile-description-wrapper">
<div class="archetype-tile-description">
<span class="deck-price-online">
Golgari Midrange
<span class="deck-price-paper">
Golgari Midrange
<div class="manacost-container">
<span class="manacost">
<img alt="b" class="common-manaCost-manaSymbol sprite-mana_symbols_b" src="//assets1.mtggoldfish.com/assets/s-d69cbc552cfe8de4931deb191dd349a881ff4448ed3251571e0bacd0257519b1.gif" />
<img alt="g" class="common-manaCost-manaSymbol sprite-mana_symbols_g" src="//assets1.mtggoldfish.com/assets/s-d69cbc552cfe8de4931deb191dd349a881ff4448ed3251571e0bacd0257519b1.gif" />
<li>Jadelight Ranger</li>
<li>Merfolk Branchwalker</li>
<li>Vraska's Contempt</li>
Having said that, what I'm looking to get from this is both "b" and "g" and store them in a single variable.
You can probably grab those <img> elements with the class "common-manaCost-manaSymbol" like this:
imgs = soup.find_all("img",{"class":"common-manaCost-manaSymbol"})
and then you can iterate over each <img> and grab the alt property of it.
alts = []
for i in imgs:
or with a list comprehension
alts = [i['alt'] for i in imgs]
