How can I mock Connection & Timeout Error in Python 3? - python-3.x

I am newbie to Python. I am trying to mock exception in my unit test and test my block of code; however exception message is always empty. Is this below recommended way to mock exception? Also how can I make sure exception message is not empty?
import pytest
import requests
from unittest.mock import patch
#Unit Test
def test_exception(mock_run):
mock_run.side_effect = requests.exceptions.ConnectionError()
with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as sys_exit:
assert 'Error ' in str(sys_exit.value) # Here sys_exit.value is always empty
#Method to Test
def method_to_test():
response = requests.get('some_url', verify=False, stream=True)
except (requests.exceptions.HTTPError,
requests.exceptions.Timeout) as err:
msg = f'Failure: {err}' # Here err is always empty
raise SystemExit(msg)

Long story short: You don't get a message because you don't specify one.
You probably want to check for 'Failure: ' instead of 'Error: ', since this is what you prefix the original exception message with. This might be the real problem in your code, not the empty string representation of the exception you raise in your test.
Why is str(err) empty?
Take a look at the class hierarchy:
IOError overrides __str__ if more than one argument is given to the constructor, but otherwise the behavior of BaseException applies:
If str() is called on an instance of this class, the representation of the argument(s) to the instance are returned, or the empty string when there were no arguments.
>>> import requests
>>> str(requests.exceptions.ConnectionError())
>>> str(requests.exceptions.ConnectionError('foo'))
>>> str(requests.exceptions.ConnectionError('foo', 'bar'))
'[Errno foo] bar'
The last example is the behavior defined by the IOError exception.

If you want to simulate the exception, raise the exception in your try block, just like you're raising an exception in your except block. When you do this, you can pass a string argument to be the exception message -
raise requests.exceptions.HTTPError("Test this error")
That will filter the message to the except block.
With your example:
def method_to_test():
raise requests.exceptions.HTTPError('Throwing an exception here!')
response = requests.get('some_url', verify=False, stream=True)
except (requests.exceptions.HTTPError,
requests.exceptions.Timeout) as err:
# err will now be 'Throwing an exception here!'
msg = f'Failure: {err}' # Here err is always empty
raise SystemExit(msg)


how to throw an error if certain condition evaluates to true

I have below code block:
if str(symbol.args[0]) != str(expr.args[0]):
raise SyntaxError('====error')
Here I am trying to raise Syntax error if certain condition is true.I am testing this code block, I can see 'true' is getting printed which means condition is met but even after that also the code is not throwing syntax error.
I am trying to understand what is wrong in the above code.
You're putting pass in the except: block which is swallowing the exception. Either remove the code from the try-except block or change pass to raise
Above answer is pointing the issue, I just want to give some examples to help you better understand how try/except works:
# Just raise an exception (no try/except is needed)
if 1 != 2:
raise ValueError("Values do not match")
# Catch an exception and handle it
a = "1"
b = 2
a += b
except TypeError:
print("Cannot add an int to a str")
# Catch an exception, do something about it and re-raise it
a = "1"
b = 2
a += b
except TypeError:
print("Got to add an int to a str. I'm re-raising the exception")
try/except can also be followed by else and finally, you can check more about these here: try-except-else-finally

Retrieve Python exception object

I have a piece of code that I don't control and while running it raises an error. I'd like to capture the value of exc object inside the exc_func method.
As you can see exc_func raises two exceptions, one of which is handled. What I care about is the value of the exc object, but so far have little luck retrieving it. The value does not exist in exc_traceback object and the exception message is not very helpful.
import traceback
import sys
def exc_func():
a = 1
except Exception as exc:
def main():
except Exception as exc:
exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()
tb_walk = traceback.walk_tb(exc_traceback)
# Need this in order to pickle traceback
tb_summary = traceback.StackSummary.extract(tb_walk, capture_locals=True)
if __name__ == '__main__':
For instance, the exc object in main is AttributeError("'AttributeError' object has no attribute 'with_not_existing'"). What I really want to see is the exc object inside exc_func. Just to be clear, I need the exc object itself, something like traceback.format_exc() is not helpful in my case, due to the nature of the exception (it's a C lib that raises this exception)
When an exception is raised during handling another exception, the initial exception is stored as the __context__. It can be extracted when handling the new exception.
except Exception as exc:
parent = exc.__context__ # the previously handled exception
print(type(parent), parent)
Note that an exception handler may also explicitly chain exceptions via __cause__.
Built-in Exceptions
When raising (or re-raising) an exception in an except or finally clause __context__ is automatically set to the last exception caught; if the new exception is not handled the traceback that is eventually displayed will include the originating exception(s) and the final exception.
The raise statement
The from clause is used for exception chaining: if given, the second expression must be another exception class or instance, which will then be attached to the raised exception as the __cause__ attribute (which is writable).
A similar mechanism works implicitly if an exception is raised inside an exception handler or a finally clause: the previous exception is then attached as the new exception’s __context__ attribute:

How can I keep sensitive data out of logs?

How can I keep sensitive data out of logs?
Currently I have an exception which is raised in a method A. In method B this exception is re-raised adding further information. In method C I want to log the exception with a further information.
My first attempt was to add a string replace method before logging the exception, but this does not affect the whole traceback. Especially because I call the Python library request in methodA. The first exception takes place in this library.
first excepton in requests: urllib3.exceptions.MaxRetryError
second exception in requests: requests.exceptions.ProxyError
Both exceptions within the request library contain already the sensitive data in the traceback.
def methodA():
except requests.exceptions.ProxyError as err:
raise MyExceptionA(f"this log contains sensitive info in err: {err}")
def methodB():
except MyExceptionA as err:
raise MyExceptionB (f"add some more info to: {err}")
def methodC():
return True
except MyExceptionB as err:
err = re.sub(r"(?is)password=.+", "password=xxxx", str(err))
logger.exception(f("methodB failed exception {err}")
return False
How can I parse the whole traceback before logging the exception in order to mask out sensitive data?
I use loguru as logging library.
The Django framework seems to address the same problem with their own methods. See here

Catching Outer Exceptions in Python

My code tries to do something, but it triggers an Error... which triggers another Error. So, the error message looks something like this:
SillyError: you can`t do that becuz blablabla
The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
LoopyError: you can`t do that becuz blobloblo
I want to create a try except block that only catches this specific duo of errors. However, I am only able to catch the first one, because once I do, the second one never gets a chance to trigger.
This other question is about catching either exception, but I want to catch only if both are triggered in succession. Is there a way?
If you have a try\except, you will always catch the error based on the outer exception. However you do have the option to pass on any exceptions you don't want to process.
In this code, the ZeroDivisionError is caught and wrapped in another exception which is then caught by the calling code. The calling code checks for the inner exception and decides whether to re-raise the exception up the stack.
def xtest():
a = 1/0 # exception - division by zero
except ZeroDivisionError as e:
raise Exception("Outer Exception") from e # wrap exception (e not needed for wrap)
except Exception as ex:
print(ex) # Outer Exception
print(ex.__cause__) # division by zero
if (str(ex) == "Outer Exception" and str(ex.__cause__) == "division by zero"):
print("Got both exceptions")
raise # pass exception up the stack
Just for completion, you can do the check based on the exception class name also:
if (type(ex).__name__ == "Exception" and type(ex.__cause__).__name__ == "ZeroDivisionError"):
print("Got both exceptions")
#ShadowRanger pointed out that it may be quicker to just check the class type instead of the class name:
if (type(ex) == Exception and type(ex.__cause__) == ZeroDivisionError):
print("Got both exceptions")

Python3 missing exception when looping

I have to define an attribute in a class and I would like to manage error in the most pythonic way.
Here is the code I have tried so far. I can't figure out why I can not "reach" the exception in the following code.
# global variable to be used in the example
my_dict = {"key1": {"property": 10}, "key2": {}}
class Test(object):
def my_attribute(self):
return self._my_attribute
except AttributeError:
self._my_attribute = {}
for key, value in my_dict.items():
self._my_attribute[key] = value['property']
except Exception:
# I would like to manage my error here with a log or something
print("I am not reaching here")
return self._my_attribute
if __name__ == '__main__':
I expected to reach the Exception case in the second iteration of the for loop since it is a KeyError ("key2" has no "property"). But it just passes by it. In this example, if the script is run, it does not print "I am not reaching here". Could anyone explain why I am seeing this wrong? Thanks!
The potential KeyError in self._my_attribute[key] = value['property'] is not covered by the except Exception block. Once it is raised the finally block is executed (as a matter of fact the finally block is always executed, regardless of an exception being raised or even handled). This can be easily verified by using a step-by-step debugger or with a simple print('finally') inside the finally block.
This is (among other reasons) why try blocks should be as minimal as possible. If you know that line might raise a KeyError then explicitly try-except it:
for key, value in my_dict.items():
self._my_attribute[key] = value['property']
except KeyError as e:
print('Key ', e, 'does not exist')
