SparkDataframe.load(),when I execute a load command where actually my data get stored? - apache-spark

If I am loading one table from cassandra using spark dataframe.load().Where will my data gets loaded.Is it in spark memory.Or in datanode blocks ,if I am using yarn resource manager.

It will try to store in memory per number of partitions on the Worker Nodes / which in this context is a slightly better term than Data Nodes.
It will spill to disk if not enough memory on the Worker Nodes.
Per number of Cores / Executors, processing will occur. E.g. if you have, say, 20 Executors with 1 Core each, your concurrency of processing is 20 and spilling will occur via eviction. If you run out of disk, an error will result.
Worker Nodes is a better term here compared to Data Nodes, unless you have HDFS and processing locally, then Worker Node is equal to Data Node. Although you could argue what's in a name?
Of course, an Action will need to have been initiated.
And repartition and join or union latterly in the data pipeline affect things, but that goes without saying.


How is data accessed by worker nodes in a Spark Cluster?

I'm trying to understand the functioning of Spark, I know the Cluster manager allocates the resources (Workers) for the driver program.
I want to know, how (which transformations) the cluster manager sends the tasks to worker nodes and how worker nodes access the data (Assume my data is in S3)?
Does worker nodes read only a part of data and apply all transformations on it and return the actions to the driver program? or The worker nodes reads the entire file but only apply specific transformation and return back the result to the driver program?
Follow-up questions:
How and who decides how much amount of data needs to be sent to worker nodes? as we have established a point that partial data is present on each worker node. Eg: I have two worker nodes with 4 cores each and I have one 1TB csv file to read and perform few transformations and an action. assume the csv is on S3 and on the master node's local storage.
It's going to be a long answer, but I will try to simplify it at my best:
Typically a Spark cluster contains multiple nodes, each node would have multiple CPUs, a bunch of memory, and storage. Each node would hold some chunks of data, therefore sometimes they're also referred to data nodes as well.
When Spark application(s) are started, they tend to create multiple workers or executors. Those workers/executors took resources (CPU, RAM) from the cluster's nodes above. In other words, the nodes in a Spark cluster play both roles: data storage and computation.
But as you might have guessed, data in a node (sometimes) is incomplete, therefore, workers would have to "pull" data across the network to do a partial computation. Then the results are sent back to the driver. The driver would just do the "collection work", and combine them all to get the final results.
Edit #1:
How and who decides how much amount of data needs to be sent to worker nodes
Each task would decide which data is "local" and which is not. This article explains pretty well how data locality works
I have two worker nodes with 4 cores each and I have one 1TB csv file to read and perform a few transformations and an action
This situation is different with the above question, where you have only one file and most likely your worker would be exactly the same as your data node. The executor(s) those are sitting on that worker, however, would read the file piece by piece (by tasks), in parallel, in order to increase parallelism.

What is the relationship between a Node, Worker, Executor, Task and Partition

I am trying to understand the relationship between different components and elements in the Spark architecture but am unable to get a grip on it. Can someone please validate my assumptions and correct me where I am wrong.
My understanding - A node is the actual physical machine. One node can contain the main driver while others will contain the workers.
Q - Can a node have multiple drivers (if I have multiple applications)?
My understanding - A worker is a process within a node. There can be multiple workers within each node though not recommended.
My understanding - An executor is a sub-process(?) within a worker process. Each worker can have multiple executors.
Q. What metric determines the number of executors per worker?
Q. Is the idea of a JVM associated with an executor process or at a higher "worker" level?
Q. What is the relationship between a core and an executor?
Q - Can RAM and HD be allocated at an executor level?
For e.g., if I have a worker node with 100GB of RAM and 5 TB HD, can I allocate 20 GB RAM and 1 TB HDD per executor for that worker?
My understanding - A partition is a portion of the actual data. This split could happen using hashing, round robin or range.
Q - What determines the location of these data partitions?
For e.g., if I have a cluster with 2 nodes, 10 executors (5 executors in each node) and a dataframe with 20 partitions, I'm assuming I would have 2 partitions in each executor or is there a chance that partition distribution could be skewed? What would I need to do to ensure that all my partitions that have a certain partitioning key get co-located within the same worker so there is minimum network transfer when these partitions have to work together to, say, perform an aggregation or a join?
Q - What happens when a repartition() is performed. For e.g., if I have 20 partitions across 10 executors (say, 2 partitions in each) and I repartition(2). I will now have only 2 portions of data which I assume would be resting in a couple of executors. What happens to the remaining executors?
Assumption - A task is the lowest unit of work that performs the actual ask. The number of tasks dependent on the number of partitions. So, if there are 20 partitions, I would have 20 tasks in each stage.
Q - Are these tasks performed by individual executors?
Q - If I have less executors (say, 10) than the partitions (say, 20), does it mean that only 10 tasks will be executed in parallel at any point? is the degree of parallelism constrained by the number of executors?
Thanks in advance!
My understanding - A node is the actual physical machine. One node can contain the main driver while others will contain the workers. (This is Correct as a starting Point)
Q - Can a node have multiple drivers (if I have multiple applications)?
Yes Because driver is just a process that gets created based on the program that you might have written. And you can have multiple process running on the same node.
My understanding - A worker is a process within a node. There can be multiple workers within each node though not recommended.
your understanding here seems wrong because worker is actually a node or machine. Either you say it worker or worker node both are same
My understanding - An executor is a sub-process(?) within a worker process. Each worker can have multiple executors.
An executor is a process inside the worker node and a single worker node can have multiple executors
Q. What metric determines the number of executors per worker?
configuration(Number of cores and memory) of your worker node decides what is the max executors it can run on any specific worker node.
Q. Is the idea of a JVM associated with an executor process or at a higher "worker" level?
It is associated with the executor process. Spark executor is a single JVM instance on a node that serves a single spark application
Q. What is the relationship between a core and an executor?
Core property controls the number of concurrent tasks an executor can run. For example if you request 2 executor each with 2 cores then you can run 4 concurrent tasks at the same time during your job execution.
Q - Can RAM and HD be allocated at an executor level?
For e.g., if I have a worker node with 100GB of RAM and 5 TB HD, can I allocate 20 GB RAM and 1 TB HDD per executor for that worker?
Generally spark perform all its computation in memory. RAM is allocated at the executor level and HD would be allocated at the Worker node level only. Spark would just spill the data to the disk only when it does not fit in memory
My understanding - A partition is a portion of the actual data. This split could happen using hashing, round robin or range.
Q - What determines the location of these data partitions?
These partitions could be anywhere and might not be equally distributed in most of the cases.It could happen some of the executors does not have a single partition and other executors have more than 2 partitions.
In order to have colocated partitions or partitions that have same keys you would have to repartition data based on the specific column in your dataframe and then it would partition your data based on the values of that column and make sure that same column values are there in the same partition
When you repartition the data to 2 partitions then it would shuffle the data between all the executors and then break the dat into 2 partitions and then that data could be on any of the executors and other executors would be empty or idle in that case.
Assumption - A task is the lowest unit of work that performs the actual ask. The number of tasks dependent on the number of partitions. So, if there are 20 partitions, I would have 20 tasks in each stage.
you would have 20 tasks for that specific stage and it wont remain same for all the stages as stage gets created when there is data shuffle that needs to happen. If there is no shuffle happening based on the code that you might have written it would just create a single stage with 20 tasks for sure.
Q - Are these tasks performed by individual executors? Yes
Q - If I have less executors (say, 10) than the partitions (say, 20), does it mean that only 10 tasks will be executed in parallel at any point? is the degree of parallelism constrained by the number of executors? Yes

How Spark internally works when reading HDFS files

Say I have a file of 256 KB is stored on HDFS file system of one node (as two blocks of 128 KB each). This file internally contains two blocks
of 128 KB each. Assume I have two nodes cluster of each 1 core only. My understanding is that spark during transformation will read complete file
on one node in memory and then transfer one file block memory data to other node so that both nodes/cores can parallely execute it ? Is that correct ?
What if both nodes had two core each instead of one core ? In that case two cores on single node could do the computation ? Is that right ?
val text = sc.textFile("mytextfile.txt")
val counts = text.flatMap(line => line.split(" ")).map(word => (word,1)).reduceByKey(_+_)
You question is a little hypothetical as it is unlikely you would have an Hadoop Cluster with HDFS existing with only one Data Node and 2 Worker Nodes - one being both Worker and Data Node. That is to say, the whole idea of Spark (and MR) with HDFS is to bring the processing to the data. The Worker Nodes are in fact the Data Nodes in the standard Hadoop set up. This is the original intent.
Some variations to answer your question:
Assuming the case as per above described, each Worker Node would process one partition and subsequent transformations on the newer generated RDDs until finished. You may of course repartition the data and what happens depends on the number of partitions and number of Executors per Worker Node.
In a nutshell: if you have N blocks / partitions initially and less than N Executors allocated - E - on a Hadoop Cluster with HDFS, then you will get some transfer of blocks (not a shuffle as is talked about elsewhere) to the Workers assigned, from Workers where no Executor was allocated to you Spark App, otherwise the block is assigned to be processed to that Data / Worker Node, obviously. Each block / partition is processed in some way, shuffled and the next set of Partitions or Partition read in and processed, depending on speed of processing for your transformation(s).
In the case of AWS S3 and Mircosoft's and gooogle's equivalent Cloud Storage which leave aside the principle of data locality as in the above case - i.e. compute power is divorced from storage, with the assumption that the network is not the bottleneck - which was exactly the Hadoop classic reason to bring the processing to the data, then it works similarly to the aforementioned, i.e. transfer of S3 data to Workers.
All of this assume an Action has been invoked.
I leave aside the principles of Rack Awareness, etc. as it becomes all quite complicated, but the Resource Managers understand these things and decide accordingly.
In the first case, Spark will usually load 1 partition on the first node and then if it cannot find an empty core, it will load the 2nd partition on the 2nd node after waiting for spark/locality.wait (default 3 seconds).
In the 2nd case both partitions will be loaded on the same node unless it does not have both cores free.
Many circumstances can cause this to change if you play with the default configurations.

Spark SQL slow execution with resource idle

I have a Spark SQL that used to execute < 10 mins now running at 3 hours after a cluster migration and need to deep dive on what it's actually doing. I'm new to spark and please don't mind if I'm asking something unrelated.
Increased spark.executor.memory but no luck.
Env: Azure HDInsight Spark 2.4 on Azure Storage
SQL: Read and Join some data and finally write result to a Hive metastore.
The spark.sql script ends with below code:
Application Behavior:
Within the first 15 mins, it loads and complete most tasks (199/200); left only 1 executor process alive and continually to shuffle read / write data. Because now it only leave 1 executor, we need to wait 3 hours until this application finish.
Left only 1 executor alive
Not sure what's the executor doing:
From time to time, we can tell the shuffle read increased:
Therefore I increased the spark.executor.memory to 20g, but nothing changed. From Ambari and YARN I can tell the cluster has many resources left.
Release of almost all executor
Any guidance is greatly appreciated.
I would like to start with some observations for your case:
From the tasks list you can see that that Shuffle Spill (Disk) and Shuffle Spill (Memory) have both very high values. The max block size for each partition during the exchange of data should not exceed 2GB therefore you should be aware to keep the size of shuffled data as low as possible. As rule of thumb you need to remember that the size of each partition should be ~200-500MB. For instance if the total data is 100GB you need at least 250-500 partitions to keep the partition size within the mentioned limits.
The co-existence of two previous it also means that the executor memory was not sufficient and Spark was forced to spill data to the disk.
The duration of the tasks is too high. A normal task should lasts between 50-200ms.
Too many killed executors is another sign which shows that you are facing OOM problems.
Locality is RACK_LOCAL which is considered one of the lowest values you can achieve within a cluster. Briefly, that means that the task is being executed in a different node than the data is stored.
As solution I would try the next few things:
Increase the number of partitions by using repartition() or via Spark settings with spark.sql.shuffle.partitions to a number that meets the requirements above i.e 1000 or more.
Change the way you store the data and introduce partitioned data i.e day/month/year using partitionBy

What performance parameters to set for spark scala code to run on yarn using spark-submit?

My use case is to merge two tables where one table contains 30 million records with 200 cols and another table contains 1 million records with 200 cols.I am using broadcast join for small table.I am loading both the tables as data-frames from hive managed tables on HDFS.
I need the values to set for driver memory and executor memory and other parameters along with it for this use case.
I have this hardware configurations for my yarn cluster :
Spark Version 2.0.0
Hdp version
1) yarn clients 20
2) Max. virtual cores allocated for a container (yarn.scheduler.maximum.allocation-vcores) 19
3) Max. Memory allocated for a yarn container 216gb
4) Cluster Memory Available 3.1 TB available
Any other info you need I can provide for this cluster.
I have to decrease the time to complete this process.
I have been using some configurations but I think its wrong, it took me 4.5 mins to complete it but I think spark has capability to decrease this time.
There are mainly two things to look at when you want to speed up your spark application.
This is not a direct way to speed up the processing. This will be useful when you have multiple actions(reduce, join etc) and you want to avoid the re-computation of the RDDs in the case of failures and hence decrease the application run duration.
Increasing the parallelism:
This is the actual solution to speed up your Spark application. This can be achieved by increasing the number of partitions. Depending on the use case, you might have to increase the partitions
Whenever you create your dataframes/rdds: This is the better way to increase the partitions as you don't have to trigger a costly shuffle operation to increase the partitions.
By calling repartition: This will trigger a shuffle operation.
Note: Once you increase the number of partitions, then increase the executors(may be very large number of small containers with few vcores and few GBs of memory
Increasing the parallelism inside each executor
By adding more cores to each executor, you can increase the parallelism at the partition level. This will also speed up the processing.
To have a better understanding of configurations please refer this post
