What is the purpose of concrete methods in abstract classes in Python? - python-3.x

I feel like this subject is touched in some other questions but it doesn't get into Python (3.7) specifically, which is the language I'm most familiar with.
I'm starting to get the hang of abstract classes and how to use them as blueprints for subclasses I'm creating.
What I don't understand though, is the purpose of concrete methods in abstract classes.
If I'm never going to instantiate my parent abstract class, why would a concrete method be needed at all, shouldn't I just stick with abstract methods to guide the creation of my subclasses and explicit the expected behavior?

This question is not Python specific, but general object oriented.
There may be cases in which all your sub-classes need a certain method with a common behavior. It would be tedious to implement the same method in all your sub-classes. If you instead implement the method in the parent class, all your sub-classes inherit this method automatically. Even callers may call the method on your sub-class, although it is implemented in the parent class. This is one of the basic mechanics of class inheritance.


UML dependency or association in class diagram

I have class Controller in my java project, which has method like this:
As you can see, in the first line I am getting Singleton instance of ActualModes class and call method getActualModes().
So the first question is, which relatinship I should use in class diagram.
After that I am creating new instane of ModeContext class and then call method executeStrategy. In this case, which relatiship is better ?
It should be like this:
Access to the singleton (note the stereotype which is just convenient and no obligation or general standard) is anonymous and so you just have a dependency. The ModeContext in contrast uses a private (I don't know the scoping rules of the language you used, so I made it pivate) property called context. Note the dot which is saying exactly that.
Disclaimer: UML does not specify a mapping between Java and UML, so every answer to your question is open for debate.
I think both relationships are dependencies, drawn as dashed arrows from Controller to ActualModes and from Controller to ModeContext. The definition of 'dependency' according to the UML 2.5 specification (§ is:
A Dependency is a Relationship that signifies that a single model Element or a set of model Elements requires other
model Elements for their specification or implementation.
An example of a type of relationship which is in my opinion less suited, is the association, although its definition (§11.5) is quite broad:
An Association classifies a set of tuples representing links between typed instances. (...) An Association specifies a semantic relationship that can occur between typed instances.
One could argue that there are links between Controller and the other two classes, in the form of variables, but these variables are local method variables, which exist only temporarily during the execution of the method. Associations represent more durable links, e.g. class members - as far as I understand UML and as far as I have seen associations used in practice.

What are pure virtual methods in UML?

I am attempting to understand how I should use the realization of interfaces and the implementation of abstract classes in UML. I came across the post at https://stackoverflow.com/a/13438187/700543 whereby the poster states that pure virtual methods are interfaces whilst those that are part pure virtual methods are abstract classes. Is anyone able to give me a real world scenario and not one based on code?
An Interface is only a "class skeleton" for library users to extend, and as you said, methods cannot be implemented. An Abstract class can have implemented methods. I will give you a real life example:
Imagine I provide an Interface for people to implement sorting functions and I also provide a Class for bench marking sorting functions. My bench marking class only needs to know what methods of the Interface it needs to call in order to perform the bench marking, it does not know how they are implemented. Therefore, inside the bench marking class you might only see something like sortInterfaceInstace.getNumberOfSwap(), whereas sortInterfaceInstance is only known to be of sortInterface type at compile time, and not of any specific user sort implementation.
If you need implemented methods, use abstract instead of interfaces.
An interface only describes how something can be used, it provides none of the underlying implementation of how it gets done, i.e. a class with only pure virtual functions. An English analogy for an interface may be an adjective.
One example of an interface is a Movable interface. This interface may provide one pure virtual function move which tells the object to move to a given location. However, how it moves there is not implemented.
An abstract class on the other hand differs from an interface in that it provides some of the implementation details, but not all of them. These are conceptually high-level items that can be manipulated in certain ways, but when you get down to it the high-level item doesn't really exists or make sense by itself.
For example, say we have an abstract Shape class. The shape can have a certain origin which can be tracked independent of what Shape it is. The functions to transform the shape can be declared and implemented in the Shape class, saving the hassle of having to provide the same implementation in each sub-class. However, when you try to get the area or perimeter of the shape it's difficult to answer this without knowing more about the shape.

how to draw class diagram that shows a call to a static method of another class

How do i model a call to a static method in a class diagram ? Can someone show me a link to a class diagram that has done that?
for example there's a class called Animal. and i have another class called Vertibrates, and it has a method which is static (and this is the only method in that class). My Animal class will be using this static method of the class Vertibrate. Therefore how can i model it in class diagram ?
You don't. Well, not in a class diagram at least. Instead, you should use sequence chart diagrams to express method calls (whether static or dynamic).
You can't model the call directly in a class diagram (as #Imontrieux says), but you can model the relationship (i.e., that Animal uses (calls) static methods in Vertibrate; BTW, the correct spelling is Vertebrate), which I suspect is actually what you meant.
You use a UML dependency for this, not an association (since the latter are for associations between instances of the classes at each end)--- see How to show usage of static methods UML Classdiagram.
Great question. One thing the GoF do in Design Patterns is used notes to demonstrate intended uses. For example, from the section on the Command Pattern:
Command Pattern
While #user1315906 is technically correct that you don't model such things in Class Diagrams, but rather in Use Case or Sequence Diagrams, if it makes sense to note how something is intended to be used in a Class Diagram, you can use a note :)

UML Sequence Diagram Showing creation of a sub class?

In a UML diagram when you create an instance of a subclass do you usually include the implicit construction of the superclass prior to the sub class constructor?
I usually wouldn't include it. The purpose of the UML sequence diagram is to show what happens between components. It shouldn't be read isolated from other parts of a design, so if a reader is unsure about what any of the components is (i.e. an instance of the subclass and the superclass), he or she should look into the - hopefully - accompanying class diagram.
sequence just shows the sequence of the logic of the module in question. Do you feel there is need to identify which method is truly being called? Also I would guess that the purpose of having a parent clas have a reference to a subclass is that until runtime you won't know which subclass is actually being referred to. If this is not the case, then should the concrete subclass be referred to explictly? does the method being called whether on the subclass or parent class alter the sequence in some way?

Alternatives to vtable

Vtables are ubiquitous in most OO implementations, but do they have alternatives? The wiki page for vtables has a short blurb, but not really to much info (and stubbed links).
Do you know of some language implementation which does not use vtables?
Are there are free online pages which discuss the alternatives?
Yes, there are many alternatives!
Vtables are only possible when two conditions hold.
All method calls can be determined statically. If you can call functions by string name, or if you have no type information about what objects you are calling methods on, you can't use vtables because you can't map each method to the index in some table. Similarly, if you can add functions to a class at runtime, you can't assign all methods an index in the vtable statically.
Inheritance can be determined statically. If you use prototypal inheritance, or another inheritance scheme where you can't tell statically what the inheritance structure looks like, you can't precompute the index of each method in the table or what particular class's method goes in a slot.
Commonly, inheritance is implemented by having a string-based table mapping names of functions to their implementations, along with pointers allowing each class to look up its base class. Method dispatch is then implemented by walking this structure looking for the lowest class at or above the class of the receiver object that implements the method. To speed up execution, techniques like inline caching are often used, where call sites store a guess of which method should be invoked based on the type of the object to avoid spending time traversing this whole structure. The Self programming language used this idea, which was then incorporates into the HotSpot JVM to handle interfaces (standard inheritance still uses vtables).
Another option is to use tracing, where the compiler emits code that guesses what the type of the object is and then hardcodes the method to call into the trace. Mozilla Firefox uses this in its JavaScript interpreter, since there isn't a way to build vtables for every object.
I just finished teaching a compilers course and one of my lectures was on implementations of objects in various programming languages and the associated tradeoffs. If you'd like, you can check out the slides here.
Hope this helps!
