Date partition size 10GB read efficiently - apache-spark

We are using Cassandra DataStax 6.0 and Spark enabled. We have 10GB of data coming every day. All queries are based on date. We have one huge table with 40 columns. We are planning to generate reports using Spark. What is the best way to setup this data. Since we keep getting data every day and save data for around 1 year in one table.
We tried to use different partition but most of our keys are based on date.
No code just need suggestion
Our query should be fast enough. We have 256GB Ram with 9 nodes. 44 core CPU.

Having the data organized in the daily partitions isn't very good design - in this case, only RF nodes will be active during the day writing the data, and then at the time of the report generation.
Because you'll be accessing that data only from Spark, you can use following approach - have some bucket field as partition key, for example, with uniformly generated random number, and timestamp as a clustering column, and maybe another uuid column for uniqueness guarantee of records, something like this:
create table test.sdtest (
b int,
ts timestamp,
uid uuid,
v1 int,
primary key(b, ts, uid));
Where maximum value for generatio of b should be selected to have not too very big and not very small partitions, so we can effectively read them.
And then we can run Spark code like this:
import org.apache.spark.sql.cassandra._
val data ="sdtest", "test").load()
val filtered = data.filter("ts >= cast('2019-03-10T00:00:00+0000' as timestamp) AND ts < cast('2019-03-11T00:00:00+0000' as timestamp)")
The trick here is that we distribute data across the nodes by using the random partition key, so the all nodes will handle the load during writing the data and during the report generation.
If we look into physical plan for that Spark code (formatted for readability):
== Physical Plan ==
*Scan org.apache.spark.sql.cassandra.CassandraSourceRelation [b#23,ts#24,v1#25]
PushedFilters: [*GreaterThanOrEqual(ts,2019-03-10 00:00:00.0),
*LessThan(ts,2019-03-11 00:00:00.0)], ReadSchema: struct<b:int,ts:timestamp,v1:int>
We can see that both conditions will be pushed to DSE on the CQL level - this means, that Spark won't load all data into memory and filter them, but instead all filtering will happen in Cassandra, and only necessary data will be returned back. And because we're spreading requests between multiple nodes, the reading could be faster (need to test) than reading one giant partition. Another benefit of this design, is that it will be easy to perform deletion of the old data using Spark, with something like this:
val toDel = sc.cassandraTable("test", "sdtest").where("ts < '2019-08-10T00:00:00+0000'")
toDel.deleteFromCassandra("test", "sdtest", keyColumns = SomeColumns("b", "ts"))
In this case, Spark will perform very effective range/row deletion that will generate less tombstones.
P.S. it's recommended to use DSE's version of the Spark connector as it may have more optimizations.
P.P.S. theoretically, we can merge ts and uid into one timeuuid column, but I'm not sure that it will work with Dataframes.


Apache Spark Partitioning Data Using a SQL Function nTile

I am trying multiple ways to optimize executions of large datasets using partitioning. In particular I'm using a function commonly used with traditional SQL databases called nTile.
The objective is to place a certain number of rows into a bucket using a combination of buckettind and repartitioning. This allows Apache Spark to process data more efficient when processing partitioned datasets or should I say bucketted datasets.
Below is two examples. The first example shows how I've used ntile to split a dataset into two buckets followed by repartitioning the data into 2 partitions on the bucketted nTile called skew_data.
I then follow with the same query but without any bucketing or repartitioning.
The problem is query without the bucketting is faster then the query with bucketting, even the query without bucketting places all the data into one partition whereas the query with bucketting splits the query into 2 partitions.
Can someone let me know why that is.
I'm running the query on a Apache Spark cluster from Databricks.
The cluster just has one single node with 2 cores and 15Gb memory.
First example with nTile/Bucketting and repartitioning
allin = spark.sql("""
, t2.model
, NTILE(2) OVER (ORDER BY t2.sale_price) AS skew_data
ON t1.engine_size = t2.engine_size2
.repartition(2, col("skew_data"), rand())
The above code splits the data into partitions as follows, with the corresponding partition distribution
Number of partitions: 2
Partitioning distribution: [5556767, 5556797]
The second example: with no nTile/Bucketting or repartitioning
allin_NO_nTile = spark.sql("""
ON t1.engine_size = t2.engine_size2
The above code puts all the data into a single partition as shown below:
Number of partitions: 1
Partitioning distribution: [11113564]
My question is, why is it that the second query(without nTile or repartitioning) is faster than query with nTile and repartitioning?
I have gone to great lengths to write this question out as fully as possible, but if you need further explanation please don't hesitate to ask. I really want to get to the bottom of this.
I abandoned my original approached and used the new PySpark function called bucketBy(). If you want to know how to apply bucketBy() to bucket data go to

Spark 2.4.6 + JDBC Reader: When predicate pushdown set to false, is data read in parallel by spark from the engine?

I am trying to extract data from a big table in SAP HANA, which is around 1.5tb in size, and the best way is to run in parallel across nodes and threads. Spark JDBC is the perfect candidate for the task, but in order to actually extract in parallel it requires partition column, lower/upper bound and number of partitions option to be set. To make the operation of the extraction easier, I considered adding an added partition column which would be the row_number() function and use MIN(), MAX() as lower/upper bounds respectively. And then the operations team just would be required to provide the number of partitions to have.
The problem is that HANA runs out of memory and it is very likely that row_number() is too costly on the engine. I can only imagine that over 100 threads run the same query during every fetch to apply the where filters and retrieve the corresponding chunk.
So my question is, if I disable the predicate pushdown option, how does spark behave? is it only read by one executor and then the filters are applied on spark side? Or does it do some magic to split the fetching part from the DB?
What could you suggest for extracting such a big table using the available JDBC reader?
Thanks in advance.
Before executing your primary query from Spark, run pre-ingestion query to fetch the size of the Dataset being loaded, i.e. as you have mentioned Min(), Max() etc.
Expecting that the data is uniformly distributed between Min and Max keys, you can partition across executors in Spark by providing Min/Max/Number of Executors.
You don't need(want) to change your primary datasource by adding additional columns to support data ingestion in this case.

Spark Clustered By/Bucket by dataset not using memory

I recently came across Spark bucketby/clusteredby here.
I tried to mimic this for a 1.1TB source file from S3 (already in parquet). Plan is to completely avoid shuffle as most of the datasets are always joined on "id" column. Here are is what I am doing:
.option("mode", "DROPMALFORMED")
.option("compression", "snappy")
On a different EMR cluster, I create a table and access it.
CREATE TABLE newtable_on_diff_cluster (id string, day date, col1 double, col2 double) USING PARQUET OPTIONS (
path "s3://my-bucket/folder/1year_data_bucketed/"
Create a scala dataframe and join it with another table of same 20 buckets of id column.
val myTableBucketedDf = spark.table("newtable_on_diff_cluster")
val myDimTableBucketedDf = spark.table("another_table_with_same_bucketing")
val joinedOutput = myTableBucketedDf.join(myDimTableBucketedDf, "id")
Here are my questions:
I see that even with repartition, shuffle is still removed in the explain plan, which is good. Is there any issue with using repartition, partition, bucketBy in the above fashion?
The above join is not looking like it is using memory on my EMR cluster from Ganglia. When joining Regular files in parquet format without bucketing, they seem to be running faster in memory for smaller number of day partitions. I havent tested it for more days. How exactly is the join processed here? Is there anyway to avoid the CREATE TABLE sql statement and instead use parquet metadata to define the table schema using scala? I dont want to repeat the column names, data types when they are actually available in parquet.
What is the ideal number of buckets or individual file size after bucket by in terms of available memory on the executor? If the unique number of values in ID column is in ~100 MM range, then if I understand correctly, 20 buckets will divide each bucket as 5MM unique IDs. I understand that the sortBy in here is not respected due to multiple files being produced by Spark for BucketBy. What is the recommendation for repartition/end file sizes/number of buckets in this case.

What is the fastest way to get a large number of time ranges using Apache Spark?

I have about 100 GB of time series data in Hadoop. I'd like to use Spark to grab all data from 1000 different time ranges.
I have tried this using Apache Hive by creating an extremely long SQL statement that has about 1000 'OR BETWEEN X AND Y OR BETWEEN Q AND R' statements.
I have also tried using Spark. In this technique I've created a dataframe that has the time ranges in question and loaded that into spark with:
With this, I'm doing a join with the newly created timestamp dataframe and the larger set of timestamped data.
This query is taking an extremely long time and I'm wondering if there's a more efficient way to do this.
Especially if the data is not partitioned or ordered in any special way, you or Spark need to scan it all no matter what.
I would define a predicate given the set of time ranges:
import scala.collection.immutable.Range
val ranges: List[Range] = ??? // load your ranges here
def matches(timestamp: Int): Boolean = {
// This is not efficient, a better data structure than a List
// should be used, but this is just an example
val data: RDD[(Int, T)] = ??? // load the data in an RDD
val filtered = data.filter(x => matches(x.first))
You can do the same with DataFrame/DataSet and UDFs.
This works well if the set of ranges is provided in the driver. If instead it comes from a table, like the 100G data, first collect it back in the driver, if not too big.
Your Spark job goes through 100GB dataset to select relevant data.
I don’t think there is big difference between using SQL or data frame api, as under the hood the full scan happening anyway.
I would consider re-structuring your data, so it is optimised for specific queries.
In your cases partitioning by time can give quite significant improvement (for ex. HIVE table with partitioning).
If you perform search using the same field, that has been used for partitioning - Spark job will only look into relevant partitions.

Is it possible to read all rows of Cassandra partition in one Spark worker?

I am trying to optimize Zipkin Dependencies Spark job to run in fewer stages by minimizing the number of reduceByKey steps it does. The data is read from the following table:
trace_id bigint,
ts timestamp,
span_name text,
span blob,
PRIMARY KEY (trace_id, ts, span_name)
There, a single partition trace_id contains a complete trace, and contains anywhere from a few to a few hundred rows. However, that whole partition is converted by the Spark job into very simple RDD[((String, String), Long)], reducing the number of entries from billions to just a few hundreds.
Unfortunately, the current code is doing it by reading all rows independently via
sc.cassandraTable(keyspace, "traces")
and using two reduceByKey steps to come up with RDD[((String, String), Long)]. If there was a way to read the whole partition in one go, in one Spark worker process, and process it all in memory, it would be a huge speed improvement, eliminating the need to store/stream huge data sets coming out of the current first stages.
-- edit --
To clarify, the job must read all data from the table, billions of partitions.
The key to keeping all partition data on the same spark worker without doing a shuffle is to use spanByKey
CREATE TABLE events (year int, month int, ts timestamp, data varchar, PRIMARY KEY (year,month,ts));
sc.cassandraTable("test", "events")
.spanBy(row => (row.getInt("year"), row.getInt("month")))
sc.cassandraTable("test", "events")
.keyBy(row => (row.getInt("year"), row.getInt("month")))
If there is no shuffle than all of the modifications will be done in place and pipelined together as an iterator.
Make sure to note the caveat:
Note: This only works for sequentially ordered data. Because data is
ordered in Cassandra by the clustering keys, all viable spans must
follow the natural clustering key order.
