Calculate mean per few columns in Pandas Dataframe - python-3.x

I have a Pandas dataframe, Data:
ID | A1| A2| B1| B2
ID1| 2 | 1 | 3 | 7
ID2| 4 | 6 | 5 | 3
I want to calculate mean of columns (A1 and A2), and (B1 and B2) separately and row-wise . My desired output:
ID | A1A2 mean | B1B2 mean
ID1| 1.5 | 5
ID2| 5 | 4
I can do mean of all columns together , but cannot find any functions to get my desired output.
Is there any built-in method in Python?

Use DataFrame.groupby with lambda function for get first letter of columns for mean, also if first column is not index use DataFrame.set_index:
df=df.set_index('ID').groupby(lambda x: x[0], axis=1).mean().add_suffix('_mean').reset_index()
print (df)
ID A_mean B_mean
0 ID1 1.5 5.0
1 ID2 5.0 4.0
Another solution is extract columns names by indexing str[0]:
df = df.set_index('ID')
print (df.columns.str[0])
Index(['A', 'A', 'B', 'B'], dtype='object')
df = df.groupby(df.columns.str[0], axis=1).mean().add_suffix('_mean').reset_index()
print (df)
ID A_mean B_mean
0 ID1 1.5 5.0
1 ID2 5.0 4.0
df = (df.set_index('ID')
.groupby(df.columns[1:].str[0], axis=1)
Verify solution:
a = df.filter(like='A').mean(axis=1)
b = df.filter(like='B').mean(axis=1)
df = df[['ID']].assign(A_mean=a, B_mean=b)
print (df)
ID A_mean B_mean
0 ID1 1.5 5.0
1 ID2 5.0 4.0
If have different columns names and need specify them in lists:
a = df[['A1','A2']].mean(axis=1)
b = df[['B1','B2']].mean(axis=1)
df = df[['ID']].assign(A_mean=a, B_mean=b)
print (df)


compare columns with NaN or <NA> values pandas

I have the dataframe with NaN and values, now I want to compare two columns in the same dataframe whether each row values in null or not null. For examples,
if the column a_1 have null values, column a_2 have not null values, then for that particular
row, the result should be 1 in the new column a_12.
If the values in both a_1(value is 123) & a_2(value is 345) is not null, and the values are
not equal, then the result should be 3 in column a_12.
below is the code snippet I have used for comparison, for the scenario 1, I am getting the result as 3 instead of 1. Please guide me to get the correct output.
if (x[cols[0]]==x[cols[1]]) & (~np.isnan(x[cols[0]])) & (~np.isnan(x[cols[1]])):
return 0
elif (np.isnan(x[cols[0]])) & (np.isnan(x[cols[1]])):
return 0
elif (~np.isnan(x[cols[0]])) & (np.isnan(x[cols[1]])):
return 1
elif (np.isnan(x[cols[0]])) & (~np.isnan(x[cols[1]])):
return 2
elif (x[cols[0]]!=x[cols[1]]) & (~np.isnan(x[cols[0]])) & (~np.isnan(x[cols[1]])):
return 3
except Exception as exc:
if (x[cols[0]]==x[cols[1]]) & (pd.notna(x[cols[0]])) & (pd.notna(x[cols[1]])):
return 0
elif (pd.isna(x[cols[0]])) & (pd.isna(x[cols[1]])):
return 0
elif (pd.notna(x[cols[0]])) & (pd.isna(x[cols[1]])):
return 1
elif (pd.isna(x[cols[0]])) & (pd.notna(x[cols[1]])):
return 2
elif (x[cols[0]]!=x[cols[1]]) & (pd.notna(x[cols[0]])) & (pd.notna(x[cols[1]])):
return 3
I have used pd.isna() and pd.notna(), also np.isnan() and ~np.isnan(), because for some columns the second method (np.isnan()) is working, for some columns its just throwing an error.
Please guide me to achieve the result as excepted.
Expected Output:
| a_1 | a_2 | result |
| gssfwe | gssfwe | 0 |
| <NA> | <NA> | 0 |
| fsfsfw | <NA> | 1 |
| <NA> | qweweqw | 2 |
| adsadgsgd | wwuwquq | 3 |
Output Got with the above code:
| a_1 | a_2 | result |
| gssfwe | gssfwe | 0 |
| <NA> | <NA> | 0 |
| fsfsfw | <NA> | 3 |
| <NA> | qweweqw | 3 |
| adsadgsgd | wwuwquq | 3 |
Going by the logic in your code, you'd want to define a function and apply it across your DataFrame.
df = pd.DataFrame({'a_1': [1, 2, np.nan, np.nan, 1], 'a_2': [2, np.nan, 1, np.nan, 1]})
The categories you want map neatly to binary numbers, which you can use to write a short function like -
def nan_check(row):
x, y = row
if x != y:
return int(f'{int(pd.notna(y))}{int(pd.notna(x))}', base=2)
return 0
df['flag'] = df.apply(nan_check, axis=1)
a_1 a_2 flag
0 1.0 2.0 3
1 2.0 NaN 1
2 NaN 1.0 2
3 NaN NaN 0
4 1.0 1.0 0
You can try, but I think you need to rethink the condition and the expected output
Condition 1: if the column a_1 have null values, column a_2 have not null values, then for that particular row, the result should be 1 in the new column a_12.
Condition 2: If the values in both a_1 & a_2 is not null, and the values are not equal, then the result should be 3 in column a_12.
df['a_12'] =
[df['a_1'].isna() & df['a_2'].notna(),
df['a_1'].notna() & df['a_2'].notna() & df['a_1'].ne(df['a_2'])],
[1, 3],
a_1 a_2 result a_12
0 gssfwe gssfwe 0 0
1 NaN NaN 0 0
2 fsfsfw NaN 1 0 # Shouldn't be Condition 1 since a_1 is not NaN
3 NaN qweweqw 2 1 # Condition 1
4 adsadgsgd wwuwquq 3 3

Create new column and calculate values to the column in python row wise

I need to create a new column as Billing and Non-Billing based on the Billable column. If the Billable is 'Yes' then i should create a new column as Billing and if its 'No' then need to create a new column as 'Non-Billable' and need to calculate it. Calculation should be in row axis.
Calculation for Billing in row:
Billing = df[Billing] * sum/168 * 100
Calculation for Non-Billing in row:
Non-Billing = df[Non-Billing] * sum/ 168 * 100
Employee Name | Java | Python| .Net | React | Billable|
|Priya | 10 | | 5 | | Yes |
|Krithi | | 10 | 20 | | No |
|Surthi | | 5 | | | yes |
|Meena | | 20 | | 10 | No |
|Manju | 20 | 10 | 10 | | Yes |
I have tried using insert statement but i cannot keep on inserting it. I tried append also but its not working.
Bill_amt = []
Non_Bill_amt = []
for i in df['Billable']:
if i == "Yes" or i == None:
Bill_amt = (df[Bill_amt].sum(axis=1)/168 * 100).round(2)
df.insert (len( df.columns ), column='Billable Amount', value=Bill_amt )#inserting the column and it name
Non_Bill_amt = (DF[Non_Bill_amt].sum ( axis=1 ) / 168 * 100).round ( 2 )
df.insert ( len ( df.columns ), column='Non Billable Amount', value=Non_Bill_amt ) #inserting the column and its name
Use .sum(axis=1) and then np.where() to put the values in respective columns. For example:
x = df.loc[:, "Java":"React"].sum(axis=1) / 168 * 100
df["Bill"] = np.where(df["Billable"].str.lower() == "yes", x, "")
df["Non_Bill"] = np.where(df["Billable"].str.lower() == "no", x, "")
Employee_Name Java Python .Net React Billable Bill Non_Bill
0 Priya 10.0 NaN 5.0 NaN Yes 8.928571428571429
1 Krithi NaN 10.0 20.0 NaN No 17.857142857142858
2 Surthi NaN 5.0 NaN NaN yes 2.976190476190476
3 Meena NaN 20.0 NaN 10.0 No 17.857142857142858
4 Manju 20.0 10.0 10.0 NaN Yes 23.809523809523807

Pandas find max column, subtract from another column and replace the value

I have a df like this:
A | B | C | D
14 | 5 | 10 | 5
4 | 7 | 15 | 6
100 | 220 | 6 | 7
For each row in column A,B,C, I want the find the max value and from it subtract column D and replace it.
Expected result:
A | B | C | D
9 | 5 | 10 | 5
4 | 7 | 9 | 6
100 | 213 | 6 | 7
So for the first row, it would select 14(the max out of 14,5,10), subtract column D from it (14-5 =9) and replace the result(replace initial value 14 with 9)
I know how to find the max value of A,B,C and from it subctract D, but I am stucked on the replacing part.
I tought on putting the result in another column called E, and then find again the max of A,B,C and replace with column E, but that would make no sense since I would be attempting to assign a value to a function call. Is there any other option to do this?
#Exmaple df
list_columns = ['A', 'B', 'C','D']
list_data = [ [14, 5, 10,5],[4, 7, 15,6],[100, 220, 6,7]]
df= pd.DataFrame(columns=list_columns, data=list_data)
#Calculate the max and subctract
df['e'] = df[['A', 'B']].max(axis=1) - df['D']
#To replace, maybe something like this. But this line makes no sense since it's backwards
df[['A', 'B','C']].max(axis=1) = df['D']
Use DataFrame.mask for replace only maximal value matched by compare all values of filtered columns with maximals:
cols = ['A', 'B', 'C']
s = df[cols].max(axis=1)
df[cols] = df[cols].mask(df[cols].eq(s, axis=0), s - df['D'], axis=0)
print (df)
0 9 5 10 5
1 4 7 9 6
2 100 213 6 7

Pandas: With array of col names in a desired column order, select those that exist, NULL those that don't

I have an array of column names I want as my output table in that order e.g. ["A", "B", "C"]
I have an input table that USUALLY contains all of the values in the array but NOT ALWAYS (the raw data is a JSON API response).
I want to select all available columns from the input table, and if a column does not exist, I want it filled with NULLs or NA or whatever, it doesn't really matter.
Let's say my input DataFrame (call it input_table) looks like this:
| A | C |
| 123 | test |
| 456 | another_test |
I want an output dataframe that has columns A, B, C in that order to produce
| A | B | C |
| 123 | NULL | test |
| 456 | NULL | another_test |
I get a keyerror when I do input_table[["A","B","C"]]
I get a NoneType returned when I do input_table.get(["A","B","C"])
I was able to achieve what I want via:
for i in desired_columns_array:
if i not in input_dataframe:
ouput_dataframe[i] = ""
output_dataframe[i] = input_dataframe[i]
But I'm wondering if there's something less verbose?
How do I get a desired output schema to match an input array when one or more columns in the input dataframe may not be present?
Transpose and reindex
df = pd.DataFrame([[123,'test'], [456, 'another test']], columns=list('AC'))
l = list('ACB')
df1 = df.T.reindex(l).T[sorted(l)]
0 123 NaN test
1 456 NaN another test
DataFrame.reindex over the column axis:
cols = ['A', 'B', 'C']
df.reindex(cols, axis='columns')
0 123 NaN test
1 456 NaN another_test

handling of unstructured data in pandas

I'm trying to read a unstructured csv file using pandas read_csv(). The problem is some of the files have rows with extra columns as shown below in the sample input.
sample input:
While handling these kind of files the program throws some ParseError
ParserError: Error tokenizing data. C error: Expected 3 fields in line 3, saw 4
sample output :
col0 | col1 | col2 | col3
a | b | c | NaN
a | b | c | d
a | b | c | NaN
a | b | c | d
I don't want to ignore the lines with error_bad_lines = False parameter in pandas read_csv().
Any kind of help will be highly appreciated.
One possible solution is preprocessing first and find max number of separators, and set parameter names by range:
path_csv = 'file.csv'
with open(path_csv) as f:
lines = f.readlines()
num = max(l.count(',') for l in lines) + 1
print (num)
df = pd.read_csv(path_csv, names=range(num))
print (df)
0 1 2 3
0 col0 col1 col2 NaN
1 a b c NaN
2 a b c d
3 a b c NaN
4 a b c d
Similar if header is not important, so possible remove it:
df = pd.read_csv(path_csv, names=range(num), skiprows=1)
print (df)
0 1 2 3
0 a b c NaN
1 a b c d
2 a b c NaN
3 a b c d
Another more dynamic solution is add values to header:
path_csv = 'file.csv'
with open(path_csv) as f:
lines = f.readlines()
#get header to list
header = [x.strip() for x in lines[0].split(',')]
#get max number of separator
max_num = max(l.count(',') for l in lines)
#add missing header values by range
if len(header) < max_num + 1:
header = header + list(range(max_num-len(header) + 1))
print (header)
['col0', 'col1', 'col2', 0]
df = pd.read_csv(path_csv, names=header, skiprows=1)
print (df)
col0 col1 col2 0
0 a b c NaN
1 a b c d
2 a b c NaN
3 a b c d
