PushNotificationIOS.getInitialNotification() always returns null when the app is not working - react-native-push-notification

PushNotificationIOS.getInitialNotification() always returns null when the app is in dead state.
I'm using react native 59. What seems to be the problem?


problem running simple demo example google-maps-services-js with Node

I have a problem running this simple demo example for google-maps-service with Node:
I am not sure what I am missing. When I run npm start, I get this error:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'elevation' of undefined
at D:\node_practice\google-maps-services-js-demo\index.js:14:35
at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:97:5)
I am using nvm and my node version is 13.9.0. I tried it on two different machines (one windows with above node version, one ubuntu) and both got the same error.
it seems the response coming back is empty. your r.data is empty, which means results[0] is undefined, so is the reason you are getting Cannot read property 'elevation' of undefined.
Below is the actual exception coming back from the APIs
"You must use an API key to authenticate each request to Google Maps Platform APIs. For additional information, please refer to http://g.co/dev/maps-no-account"
Get the instruction of getting an API key from here https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/directions/get-api-key
and use the same with your code.

Internal server error Azure Functions with spfx react-search-refiners

I am deploying react-search-refiner with LUIS and Azure Functions https://github.com/SharePoint/sp-dev-fx-webparts/tree/master/samples/react-search-refiners/functions
Now, I passed through various problems and finally confirmed the communication from SPFx to Function App.
My problem is when searching after deploying according to the procedure, an internal Sever error occurs after Status Code 200. And nothing error message returns.
POST https://.azurewebsites.net/api/enhanceQuery 500
(Internal Server Error) Message: [NlpService.enhanceSearchQuery()]:
Error: '{"error":{"type":"function_error","message":"Error"}}' for url
On the application log, Function App is executed and succeeded return code 0. So, it doesn't return error code.
My checking is below that does not contains in README. Would someone help me?
Set local.settings.json to environment variable.
Change authlevel "function" to "anonymous" for simplization.
Local debug is succeeded.
POSTMAN didn't check because rawQuery from HttpRequest might be
included large keys and values.

Chrome Extension: MessageSender parameter is empty

We publish an extension on the Chrome store (unlisted).
The extension uses Native Messaging and connects to the host.
A few days ago the callback function which is a parameter of chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(function callback) stopped returning the MessageSender parameter from the native code. The MessageSender parameter returns empty.
This causes a loss of communication between the extension and the host (native code).
The extension stopped working and we started to get error messaged that the port is disconnected.
Does any one know the root cause ?
Was there a change in the implementation of this mechanism ?
Many thanks !

Requests and connections double on node 4.1.2

We're currently in the process of updating from node 0.10 to node 4.1.2 and we're seeing some weird patterns. The number of connections to our postgres database doubles1 and we're seeing the same pattern with requests to external services2. We are running a clustered app running the native cluster API and the number of workers is the same for both versions.
I'm failing to understand why upgrading the runtime language would apparently change application behaviour by doubling requests to external services.
One of the interesting things I've noticed with 0.12 and 4.x is the change in garbage collection. I've not used the pg module before so I don't know internally how it maintains it's pools of if it would be affected by memory or garbage collection. If you haven't defined default memory setting for node you could try giving that a shot and see if you see any other results.
node --max_old_space_size <some sane value in MB>
I ran into something similar, but I was getting double file writes. I don't know your exact case, but I've seen a scenario where requests could almost exactly double.
in the update to 4.1.2, process.send and child.send has gone from synchronous to asynchronous.
I found an issue like this:
var child = fork('./request.js');
var test = {};
child.send(small request);
child.send(large request);
child.on('response', function (val) {
console.log('small request came back: ' + val);
test = val;
//retry request
} ...
So where as previously the blocking sends has allowed this code to work, the non-blocking version assumes an error has occurred and retries. No error actually occurred, so double the requests come in.

ManagedBean returns null

I have a project hosted in google code where it begins give me the follow error :
Target Unreachable, identifier 'userc' resolved to null
This is my managed bean which this error it's associated. This never happens before, I'm so confusing because was everthing fine so far and now start given this error.
What could be ?
Anyone have any idea why suddenly a managed bean could launch this error ?
