How to get content from div class using Selenium - Python? - python-3.x

I want to extract the contents on the left side using the div class <table__9d458b97>
I don't want to use xpath to do the job because some contents don't sit in the same position.
driver2 = webdriver.Chrome(r'XXXX\chromedriver.exe')
Here is my code using the xpath (how can I use the class?):
Thanks for the help!

You could make use of css_selector
Your can use the following code
from selenium.webdriver import Chrome
driver2 = Chrome()
els = driver2.find_elements_by_css_selector('.table__9d458b97[role="table"]')
for el in els:
Note that you are using find_elements_by_css_selector which will return a list of elements or an empty list if None found.

You can use the below xpath, if you want to access Board Membership table.
//*[#id="root"]/div/section/div[h2[.='Board Memberships']]

Also you can use following sibling to get the div next to the title 'Board Membership'
like this
'//h2[contains(.,"Board Membership")]//following-sibling::div'


XPATH: Inputting value for an unknown number of xpaths using .find_elements_by_xpath

I've done a lot of searching around for this, but it seems like I can only find the answers in .js . What I would like to do is through python use .find_elements_by_xpath , and having selected an unknown number of elements, input a value by iterating from top to bottom of relevant elements. It is important to know that there may be anywhere from 1+ number of elements that need to be filled.
Some have suggested this method in .js :
driver.findElements(By.xpath("<xpath>")).then(function(elem) {
for(var i=0; i<elem.length; i++){
driver.findElements(By.xpath("<xpath>")).get(i).sendKeys('some Text');
I'm not skilled enough to translate that properly, but maybe it'll give someone an idea for the solution.
Hopefully my intention is clear enough! Thanks everyone so much for your help.
This is how it will look like on Python. Code with comments:
from import By
from selenium import webdriver
website = ""
driver = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path='YOUR/PATH/TO/chromedriver.exe')
# if you want to find all inputs on the page using XPATH and send there some value use:
all_inputs_on_the_page = driver.find_elements(By.XPATH, "//div//input")
for input in all_inputs_on_the_page:
# if you want to find some elements and after that - find some elements inside these elements then use:
divs_on_the_page = driver.find_elements(By.XPATH, "//div")
for div in divs_on_the_page:
inputs_inside_a_div = div.find_elements(By.XPATH, ".//input")
for input in inputs_inside_a_div:

How to get text which is inside the span tag using selenium webdriver?

I want to get the text which is inside the span. However, I am not able to achieve it. The text is inside ul<li<span<a<span. I am using selenium with python.
Below is the code which I tried:
departmentCategoryContent = driver.find_elements_by_class_name('a-list-item')
departmentCategory = departmentCategoryContent.find_elements_by_tag_name('span')
after this, I am just iterating departmentCategory and printing the text using .text i.e
[ print(x.text) for x in departmentCategory ]
However, this is generating an error: AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'find_elements_by_tag_name'.
Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong and how I can get the text?
As far as I understand, departmentCategoryContent is a list, not a single WebElement, then it doesn't have the find_elements_by_tag_name() method.
you can choose 1 of 2 ways below:
You need for-each of list departmentCategoryContent first, then find_elements_by_tag_name().
Save time with one single statement, using find_elements_by_css_selector():
departmentCategory = driver.find_elements_by_css_selector('.a-spacing-micro.apb-browse-refinements-indent-2 .a-list-item span')
[ print(x.text) for x in departmentCategory ]
Test on devtool:
Your locator .a-list-item span will return all the span tag belong to the div that has class .a-list-time. There are 88 items containing the unwanted tags.
So, you need to add more specific locator to separate the other div. In this case, I use some more classes. .a-spacing-micro.apb-browse-refinements-indent-2
You're looping over the wrong thing. You want to loop through the 'a-list-item' list and find a single span element that is a child of that webElement. Try this:
departmentCategoryContent = driver.find_elements_by_class_name('a-list-item')
print(x.find_element_by_tag_name('span').text) for x in departmentCategoryContent
note that the second dom search is a find_element (not find_elements) which will return a single webElement, not a list.

Can't acess dynamic element on webpage

I can't acess a textbox on a webpage box , it's a dynamic element. I've tried to filter it by many attributes on the xpath but it seems that the number that changes on the id and name is the only unique part of the element's xpath. All the filters I try show at least 3 element. I've been trying for 2 days, really need some help here.
from selenium import webdriver
def click_btn(submit_xpath): #clicks on button
submit_box = driver.find_element_by_xpath(submit_xpath)
#sends text to text box
def send_text_to_box(box_xpath, text):
box = driver.find_element_by_xpath(box_xpath)
descr = 'Can't send this text'
send_text_to_box('//*[#id="textfield-1285-inputEl"]', descr)' #the number
#here is the changeable part on the xpath
edit: it worked now with the following xpath //input[contains(#id, 'textfield') and contains(#aria-readonly, 'false') and contains (#class, 'x-form-invalid-field-default')] . Hopefully I found something specific on this element:
You can use partial string to find the element instead of an exact match. That is, in place of
send_text_to_box('//*[#id="textfield-1285-inputEl"]', descr)' please try send_text_to_box('//*[contains(#id,"inputEl")]', descr)'
In case if there are multiple elements that have string 'inputE1' in id, you should look for something else that remains constant(some other property may be). Else, try finding some other element and then traverse to the required input.

Watir and <script>

I am very new to programming so trying to solve the following issue with Watir:
I have a webpage that is full of fields, I'm trying to scrape values from inside ==$. The values inside start from var pageData if that helps.
X path is //*[#id="innerpage"]/script[48]
How can I achieve this?
I don't know what ==$ means or what var pageData means, but to get the element at the provided XPath you use:
element = browser.element(id: 'innerpage').script(index: 47)
Though hopefully there's something more unique you can use than just the 48th script element.
From there you get the information at the element as desired:

Check if either of element is located

I wanted to check , if element1 or element2 is present then return true.I use following code to check if element 1 is present.Now I want to check if either element with class name element1 or element2 is present, it should return true and finish the wait condition and move on to next line
driver.wait(until.elementLocated(by.className('element1')), 10000);
Basically something like below ? :P
driver.wait(until.elementLocated(by.className('element1 || element2')), 10000);
My example DOM looks like below
<div class="element1"></div>
<div class="element2"></div>
if anyone of div present, My coditions will be met..sometimes webpage generate only element 1 , sometimes it generate only element2, or sometimes both.
You can do this by using a css selector like this:
by.cssSelector("div.element1, div.element2")
The comma is an OR operator in this case.
Here is the solution to your Question-
In Selenium 3.4.0 to induce ExplicitWait you can use multiple clauses with ExpectedConditions as follows:
WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 10);
Let me know if this Answers your Question.
