Document Sentiment Magnitude != sum(Sentence Magnitude) - google-cloud-nl

I am currently utilizing the google cloud NL api for some tests where I analyze news articles. I was initially curious about how document magnitude was calculated, and searches here yielded
Google Cloud Natural Language API - How is document magnitude calculated?
where it was mentioned to be the sum of constituent sentence magnitudes.
In my own tests, I have found that this was not the case. Is there any thing I might be doing wrong?
For clarity, I am using the running Python 3.7.3 in a conda environment with google-cloud-language obtained from conda-forge.
document =types.Document(content = str, type = enums.Document.Type.PLAIN_TEXT)
sentiment = client.analyze_sentiment(document=document)
sentence_sents = sentiment.sentences
test_mag = 0
for sent_obj in sentence_sents:
test_mag += sent_obj.sentiment.magnitude

From another thread it can be sometimes just the absolute sum but not always.
Google Natural Language Sentiment Analysis Aggregate Scores
"The way the aggregation works is breaking down the input text into smaller components, often ngrams, which is likely why the documentation talks about aggregation, however, the aggregation isn't a simple addition, one can't sum individual sentiment values of each entity to get a total score."
I assume this is the case for score and magnitude calculations.


How to measure similarity between sentences inside a cluster after clustering?

I'm conducting topic modeling analysis on messages from public Telegram groups, super new to this area so just learning.
I've been following this example here (, and tried swapping out the HDBSCAN clustering algorithm with the one in BERT's documentation util.community_detection (
When I output the results of the clusters in this example (4899 Telegram messages), I get something that looks like this.
Topic: just a cluster label
Doc: all the messages in that cluster combined together
0: top keywords found via tf-idf
The problem I'm concerned with is that, there are clearly a ton of messages that are basically identical to each other, I've marked them in yellow. A few examples,
Cluster 3: this is just a bunch of "hellos" and variations thereof
Cluster 5: this is just a bunch of "Ok"s, people saying yes / ok
Cluster 7: people just saying thanks and variations on that
Cluster 9: some variations and misspellings of the word "gas"
Cluster 19: just "siap" which I think means "sorry if I already posted"
To a human reader I feel like this type of text should just be excluded from the analysis altogether, the question is how do I detect it.
Since they're already grouped together by the clustering algorithm, the algorithm must have ways to measure the "similarity" between these messages within a cluster. But I don't seem to be able to find these values exposed anywhere or what it's called. Like for example the HDBSCAN algorithm (, I skimmed through the doc a few times and didn't find any such property or measure exposed, am I missing something here?
My hypothesis is that for the cases where it's just a word or a short phrase repeated over and over again, this similarity value must be super super high, and I'd just say "clusters whose internal similarity is higher than this threshold are getting thrown out".
Any help & advice would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
Index the corpus of your interest (for e.g. FAISS) just for an idea, example code is below:
def build_index(self):
""":returns an inverted index for the search documents"""
vectors = [self.encode(document) for document in self.documents]
index = faiss.IndexIDMap(faiss.IndexFlatIP(768)) # dimensionality of vector space
# Add document vectors into index after transforming into numpy arrays. IDs should match len(documents)
index.add_with_ids(np.array([vec.numpy() for vec in vectors]), np.array(range(0, len(self.documents))))
return index
Then perform any similarity metric like L2 Euclidean distance or cosine similarity with dot products. Essentially, concept is that once we transform vectors in an n-dimensional space, vectors with similar semantics are grouped together. Therefore, computing similarity is just computing the angle between them and applying a cosine on it. Similar vectors have less angle, therefore higher cosine value & vice-versa.
Check the following topics for your problem.
Cosine Similarity
Sentence Vectors (similar to word vectors, but are good for long documents)
Check this repository for a better understanding of sentence vectorization and computing similarity to retrieve top n sentences.
In short,
Create an index file using FAISS for your data of interest.
Compute similarity by calling one of its methods.
Get top n most similar results.
Removing stop words:
Essentially your problem can be attributed to a list of finite stop words. If you can identify ones to some finite value (e.g. some 25) such different key words at max, then the task becomes stop word removal. Please use NLTK / Spacy libraries for easy stop word removal. You can also specify them in a list of strings, write a condition where if a token matches with one of those strings, they’re deleted from downstream processing. Stop words are omitted & is a necessary pre-processing task in NLP. Your task of telegram
data is also similar to Twitter analysis. Check this & this.

Google Natural Language Sentiment Analysis Aggregate Scores

In this part of the documentation of the Google Cloud Platform Natural Language API, it is described that
The overall score and magnitude values for an entity are an aggregate of the specific score and magnitude values for each mention of the entity.
I can't figure out how this aggregation works. In the example provided in the documentation, Marvin Gaye has two mentions. One of the mentions has a sentiment of 0.4 and a magnitude of 0.4, the other mention has a score of -0.2 and a magnitude 0.2. The aggregate sentiment for Marvin Gaye is score 0.1 and magnitude 0.6.
I have tried other texts myself and can't figure out how the aggregation is made. Does anyone know?
I think it depends on the length of the document, and how are you using some key words, i ran some tests and the results were all different except for a couple when i used a name of a famous person and didn't use any expression showing a emotion, because always got 0.
I can say that it's not an a sum of values, could be some weird operation using the values that is showed in the response.
About the Marvin Gaye example, the result is a mixed sentiment, because of the use of the emotions: "is the best" and "so sad".
Hope this helps with your research.
I contacted Google Cloud Platform Support and got this answer:
"The way the aggregation works is breaking down the input text into smaller components, often ngrams, which is likely why the documentation talks about aggregation, however, the aggregation isn't a simple addition, one can't sum individual sentiment values of each entity to get a total score."
So it doesn't seem possible to give a simple explanation of exactly how the aggregation is made.

How is polarity calculated for a sentence ??? (in sentiment analysis)

How is polarity of words in a statement are
"i am successful in accomplishing the task,but in vain"
how each word is scored? (like - successful- 0.7 accomplishing- 0.8 but - -0.5
vain - - 0.8)
how is it calculated ? how is each word given a value or score?? what is the thing that's going behind ? As i am doing sentiment analysis I have few thing to be clear so .that would be great if someone helps.thanks in advance
If you are willing to use Python and NLTK, then check out Vader ( and skip down to the Vader section)
The scores from individual words can come from predefined word lists such as ANEW, General Inquirer, SentiWordNet, LabMT or my AFINN. Either individual experts have scored them or students or Amazon Mechanical Turk workers. Obviously, these scores are not the ultimate truth.
Word scores can also be computed by supervised learning with annotated texts, or word scores can be estimated from word ontologies or co-occurence patterns.
As for aggregation of individual words, there are various ways. One way would be to sum all the individual scores (valences), another to take the max valence among the words, a third to normalize (divide) by the number of words or by the number of scored words (i.e., getting a mean score), - or divide the square root of that number. The results may differ a bit.
I made some evaluation with my AFINN word list:
Another approach is with recursive models like Richard Socher's models. The sentiment values of the individual words are aggregated in a tree-like structure and should find that the "but in vain"-part of your example should carry the most weight.

How to efficiently compute similarity between documents in a stream of documents

I gather Text documents (in Node.js) where one document i is represented as a list of words.
What is an efficient way to compute the similarity between these documents, taking into account that new documents are coming as a sort of stream of documents?
I currently use cos-similarity on the Normalized Frequency of the words within each document. I don't use the TF-IDF (Term frequency, Inverse document frequency) because of the scalability issue since I get more and more documents.
My first version was to start with the currently available documents, compute a big Term-Document matrix A, and then compute S = A^T x A so that S(i, j) is (after normalization by both norm(doc(i)) and norm(doc(j))) the cos-similarity between documents i and j whose word frequencies are respectively doc(i) and doc(j).
For new documents
What do I do when I get a new document doc(k)? Well, I have to compute the similarity of this document with all the previous ones, which doesn't require to build a whole matrix. I can just take the inner-product of doc(k) dot doc(j) for all previous j, and that result in S(k, j), which is great.
The troubles
Computing S in Node.js is really long. Way too long in fact! So I decided to create a C++ module which would do the whole thing much faster. And it does! But I cannot wait for it, I should be able to use intermediate results. And what I mean by "not wait for it" is both
a. wait for the computation to be done, but also
b. wait for the matrix A to be built (it's a big one).
Computing new S(k, j) can take advantage of the fact that documents have way less words than the set of all the given words (which I use to build the whole matrix A). Thus, it looks faster to do it in Node.js, avoiding a lot of extra-resource to be taken to access the data.
But is there any better way to do that?
Note : the reason I started computing S is that I can easily build A in Node.js where I have access to all the data, and then do the matrix multiplication in C++ and get it back in Node.js, which speeds the whole thing a lot. But now that computing S gets impracticable, it looks useless.
Note 2 : yep, I don't have to compute the whole S, I can just compute the upper-right elements (or the lower-left ones), but that's not the issue. The time computation issue is not of that order.
If one has to solve it today, just use pre-trained word vectors from fasttext or word2vec

Financial news headers classification to positive/negative classes

I'm doing a small research project where I should try to split financial news articles headers to positive and negative classes.For classification I'm using SVM approach.The main problem which I see now it that not a lot of features can be produced for ML. News articles contains a lot of Named Entities and other "garbage" elements (from my point of view of course).
Could you please suggest ML features which can be used for ML training? Current results are: precision =0.6, recall=0.8
The task is not trivial at all.
The straightforward approach would be to find or create a training set. That is a set of headers with positive news and a set of headers with negative news.
You turn the training set to a TF/IDF representation and then you train a Linear SVM to separate the two classes. Depending on the quality and size of your training set you can achieve something decent - not sure for 0.7 break even point.
Then, to get better results you need to go for NLP approaches. Try use a part-of-speech tagger to identify adjectives (trivial), and then score them using some sentiment DB like SentiWordNet.
There is an excellent overview on Sentiment Analysis by Bo Pang and Lillian Lee you should read:
How about these features?
Length of article header in words
Average word length
Number of words in a dictionary of "bad" words, e.g. dictionary = {terrible, horrible, downturn, bankruptcy, ...}. You may have to generate this dictionary yourself.
Ratio of words in that dictionary to total words in sentence
Similar to 3, but number of words in a "good" dictionary of words, e.g. dictionary = {boon, booming, employment, ...}
Similar to 5, but use the "good"-word dictionary
Time of the article's publication
Date of the article's publication
The medium through which it was published (you'll have to do some subjective classification)
A count of certain punctuation marks, such as the exclamation point
If you're allowed access to the actual article, you could use surface features from the actual article, such as its total length and perhaps even the number of responses or the level of opposition to that article. You could also look at many other dictionaries online such as Ogden's 850 basic english dictionary, and see if bad/good articles would be likely to extract many words from those. I agree that it seems difficult to come up with a long list (e.g. 100 features) of useful features for this purpose.
iliasfl is right, this is not a straightforward task.
I would use a bag of words approach but use a POS tagger first to tag each word in the headline. Then you could remove all of the named entities - which as you rightly point out don't affect the sentiment. Other words should appear frequently enough (if your dataset is big enough) to cancel themselves out from being polarised as either positive or negative.
One step further along, if you still aren't close could be to only select the adjectives and verbs from the tagged data as they are the words that tend to convey the emotion or mood.
I wouldn't be too disheartened in your precision and recall figures though, an F number of 0.8 and above is actually quite good.
