How to get the raw text from a Flutter TextBox - text

In Flutter, after a Paragraph or TextPainter has laid out it's text, you can get the Rects for the lines (or runs within a line) by calling getBoxesForSelection. If you draw the actual boxes they look something like this:
How do I programmatically get the text within each TextBox?

I wish there were a better way, but this is the only way I have found so far:
// The TextPaint has already been laid out
// select everything
TextSelection selection = TextSelection(baseOffset: 0, extentOffset: textSpan.text.length);
// get a list of TextBoxes (Rects)
List<TextBox> boxes = _textPainter.getBoxesForSelection(selection);
// Loop through each text box
List<String> lineTexts = [];
int start = 0;
int end;
int index = -1;
for (TextBox box in boxes) {
index += 1;
// Uncomment this if you want to only get the whole line of text
// (sometimes a single line may have multiple TextBoxes)
// if (box.left != 0.0)
// continue;
if (index == 0)
// Go one logical pixel within the box and get the position
// of the character in the string.
end = _textPainter.getPositionForOffset(Offset(box.left + 1, + 1)).offset;
// add the substring to the list of lines
final line = rawText.substring(start, end);
start = end;
// get the last substring
final extra = rawText.substring(start);
To be more rebust, this should check the TextPosition affinity.
This doesn't handle right-to-left text yet.
If you are getting the text of the whole line, you can use LineMetrics (from TextPainter.computeLineMetrics()) now instead of TextBox. The process would be similar.


I cannot find out why this code keeps skipping a loop

Some background on what is going on:
We are processing addresses into standardized forms, this is the code to take addresses scored by how many components found and then rescore them using a levenshtein algorithm across similar post codes
The scores are how many components were found in that address divided by the number missed, to return a ratio
The input data, scoreDict, is a dictionary containing arrays of arrays. The first set of arrays is the scores, so there are 12 arrays because there are 12 scores in this file (it adjusts by file). There are then however many addresses fit that score in their own separate arrays stored in that. Don't ask me why I'm doing it that way, my brain is dead
The code correctly goes through each score array and each one is properly filled with the unique elements that make it up. It is not short by any amount, nothing is duplicated, I have checked
When we hit the score that is -1 (this goes to any address where it doesn't fit in some rule so we can't use its post code to find components so no components are found) the loop specifically ONLY DOES EVERY OTHER ADDRESS IN THIS SCORE ARRAY
It doesn't do this to any other score array, I have checked
I have tried changing the number to something else like 99, same issue except one LESS address got rescored, and the rest stayed at the original failing score of 99
I am going insane, can anyone find where in this loop something may be going wrong to cause it to only do every other line. The index counter of line and sc come through in the correct order and do not skip over. I have checked
I am sorry this is not professional, I have been at this one loop for 5 hours
Rescore: function Rescore(scoreDict) {
let tempInc = 0;
//Loop through all scores stored in scoreDict
for (var line in scoreDict) {
let addUpdate = "";
//Loop through each line stored by score
for (var sc in scoreDict[line.toString()]) {
let possCodes = new Array();
const curLine = scoreDict[line.toString()][sc];
const curScore = curLine[1].split(',')[curLine[1].split(',').length-1];
switch (true) {
case curScore == -1:
let postCode = (new RegExp('([A-PR-UWYZ][A-HK-Y]?[0-9][A-Z0-9]?[ ]?[0-9][ABD-HJLNP-UW-Z]{2})', 'i')).exec(curLine[1].replace(/\\n/g, ','));
let areaCode;
//if (curLine.split(',')[curLine.split(',').length-2].includes("REFERENCE")) {
if ((postCode = (new RegExp('(([A-Z][A-Z]?[0-9][A-Z0-9]?(?=[ ]?[0-9][A-Z]{2}))|[0-9]{5})', 'i').exec(postCode))) !== null) {
for (const code in Object.keys(addProper)) {
leven.LoadWords(postCode[0], Object.keys(addProper)[code]);
if (leven.distance < 2) {
//Weight will have adjustment algorithms based on other factors
let weight = 1;
//Add all codes that are close to the same to a temp array
possCodes.push(postCode.input.replace(postCode[0], Object.keys(addProper)[code]).split(',')[0] + "(|W|)" + (leven.distance/weight));
let highScore = 0;
let candidates = new Array();
//Use the component script from cityprocess to rescore
for (var i=0;i<possCodes.length;i++) {
postValid.add([curLine[1].split(',').slice(0,curLine[1].split(',').length-2) + '(|S|)' + possCodes[i].split("(|W|)")[0]]);
if (postValid.addChunk[0].split('(|S|)')[postValid.addChunk[0].split('(|S|)').length-1] > highScore) {
candidates = new Array();
highScore = postValid.addChunk[0].split('(|S|)')[postValid.addChunk[0].split('(|S|)').length-1];
} else if (postValid.addChunk[0].split('(|S|)')[postValid.addChunk[0].split('(|S|)').length-1] == highScore) {
score.Rescore(curLine, sc, candidates[0]);
//} else if (curLine.split(',')[curLine.split(',').length-2].contains("AREA")) {
// leven.LoadWords();
case curScore > 0:
//console.log("That's a pretty good score mate");
//console.log(line + ": " + scoreDict[line].length);
The issue was that I was calling the loop on the array I was editing, so as each element got removed from the array (rescored and moved into a separate array) it got shorter by that element, resulting in an issue that when the first element was rescored and removed, and then we moved onto the second index which was now the third element, because everything shifted up by 1 index
I fixed it by having it simply enter an empty array for each removed element, so everything kept its index and the array kept its length, and then clear the empty values at a later time in the code

Is there a better way of achieving horizontal scrolling text effect imitating a limited character display?

I'm trying to imitate a 16-character display on the command line which loops over a long string infinitely similar to a stock exchange ticker.
Right now, I'm first printing the first 16 byte slice of the ASCII string and moving over 1 byte at a time:
package main
import (
const (
chars = 16
text = "There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available!!!"
func main() {
fmt.Print("\033[2J") // clear screen
buf := []byte(text)
i := chars
for {
fmt.Print("\033[H") // move cursor back to first position
fmt.Printf(string(buf[i-chars : i]))
if i == len(buf)+1 {
i = chars
time.Sleep(time.Second / 4)
// visualization of what's happening:
// fmt.Printf("\t\t Character:%d of Length:%d | Slice: %d:%d \n", i, len(buf), i-chars, i)
When I reach the end of the text, I reset the counter inside loop and start printing again from the first slice. Instead of doing this, I want to get to a "roll over" effect where the head of the slice seamlessly connects to the tail of the slice.
The problem is, I cannot use an empty buffer and append the head to the tail within the loop because it will just grow endlessly.
So instead of doing that, I decided to append the first 16 bytes of the string to it's tail before the loop and shrink the slice -16 bytes right away. But since that -16 bytes still exist in the backing array, I can expand/shrink from the loop:
func main() {
fmt.Print("\033[2J") // clear screen
buf := []byte(text)
buf = append(buf, buf[:chars]...)
buf = buf[:len(buf)-chars]
var expanded bool
i := chars
for {
fmt.Print("\033[H") // move cursor back to first position
fmt.Printf(string(buf[i-chars : i]))
if i+1 == len(buf)-chars && !expanded {
buf = buf[:len(buf)+chars]
expanded = true
if i+1 == len(buf) {
i = chars
buf = buf[:len(buf)-chars]
expanded = false
time.Sleep(time.Second / 2)
// visualization of what's happening:
//fmt.Printf("\t\t Character:%d of Length:%d | Slice: %d:%d | Cap: %d\n", i, len(buf), i-chars, i, cap(buf))
This gets me to where I want, but I'm rather new to Go so I want to know if there's a better way to achieve the same result?
First I would not change the buffer. It's a good idea to append the first 16 chars to the end of it to easily get the "rolling over" effect, but it's much easier and cheaper to just reset the position to 0 when you reach its end.
Next, you don't need to operate on a byte slice. Just operate on a string. Strings can be indexed and sliced, just like slices, and slicing a string doesn't even make a copy (doesn't have to), it returns a new string (header) which shares the backing array of the string data. Don't forget that indexing and slicing strings uses byte index (not rune index) which is fine for ASCII texts (their characters are mapped to bytes one-to-one in UTF-8), but would not work with multi-byte special characters. Your example text is fine.
Also don't use fmt.Printf() to print a text, that expects a format string (treats its first argument as a format string). Instead just use fmt.Print().
All in all, your solution can be reduced to this which is much-much better performance-wise, and it's much cleaner and simpler:
func main() {
fmt.Print("\033[2J") // clear screen
s := text + text[:chars]
for i := 0; ; i = (i + 1) % len(text) {
fmt.Print("\033[H") // move cursor back to first position
fmt.Print(s[i : i+chars])
time.Sleep(time.Second / 2)
Also note that when position reaches len(text), we reset it to 0, so the text before that starts with the last char of text and uses chars-1 from the beginning. So it's also enough to append chars-1 instead of chars:
s := text + text[:chars-1]

AS3 "Advanced" string manipulation

I'm making an air dictionary and I have a(nother) problem. The main app is ready to go and works perfectly but when I tested it I noticed that it could be better. A bit of context: the language (ancient egyptian) I'm translating from does not use punctuation so a phrase canlooklikethis. Add to that the sheer complexity of the glyph system (6000+ glyphs).
Right know my app works like this :
user choose the glyphs composing his/r word.
app transforms those glyphs to alphanumerical values (A1 - D36 - X1A, etc).
the code compares the code (say : A5AD36) to a list of xml values.
if the word is found (A5AD36 = priestess of Bast), the user gets the translation. if not, s/he gets all the possible words corresponding to the two glyphs (A5A & D36).
If the user knows the string is a word, no problem. But if s/he enters a few words, s/he'll have a few more choices than hoped (exemple : query = A1A5AD36 gets A1 - A5A - D36 - A5AD36).
What I would like to do is this:
query = A1A5AD36 //word/phrase to be translated;
varArray = [A1, A5A, D36] //variables containing the value of the glyphs.
Corresponding possible words from the xml : A1, A5A, D36, A5AD36.
Possible phrases: A1 A5A D36 / A1 A5AD36 / A1A5A D36 / A1A5AD36.
Possible phrases with only legal words: A1 A5A D36 / A1 A5AD36.
I'm not I really clear but to things simple, I'd like to get all the possible phrases containing only legal words and filter out the other ones.
(example with english : TOBREAKFAST. Legal = to break fast / to breakfast. Illegal = tobreak fast.
I've managed to get all the possible words, but not the rest. Right now, when I run my app, I have an array containing A1 - A5A - D36 - A5AD36. But I'm stuck going forward.
Does anyone have an idea ? Thank you :)
function fnSearch(e: Event): void {
var val: int = sp.length; //sp is an array filled with variables containing the code for each used glyph.
for (var i: int = 0; i < val; i++) { //repeat for every glyph use.
var X: String = ""; //variable created to compare with xml dictionary
for (var i2: int = 0; i2 < val; i2++) { // if it's the first time, use the first glyph-code, else the one after last used.
if (X == "") {
X = sp[i];
} else {
X = X + sp[i2 + i];
xmlresult =; //xmlresult = alphanumerical codes corresponding to words from XMLList already imported
trad =; //same with traductions.
for (var i3: int = 0; i3 < xmlresult.length(); i3++) { //check if element X is in dictionary
var codeElement: XML = xmlresult[i3]; //variable to compare with X
var tradElement: XML = trad[i3]; //variable corresponding to codeElement
if (X == codeElement.toString()) { //if codeElement[i3] is legal, add it to array of legal words.
checkArray.push(codeElement); //checkArray is an array filled with legal words.
var iT2: int = 500 //iT2 set to unreachable value for next lines.
for (var iT: int = 0; iT < checkArray.length; iT++) { //check if the word searched by user is in the results.
if (checkArray[iT] == query) {
iT2 = iT
if (iT2 != 500) { //if complete query is found, put it on top of the array so it appears on top of the results.
var oldFirst: String = checkArray[0];
checkArray[0] = checkArray[iT2];
checkArray[iT2] = oldFirst;
results.visible = true; //make result list visible
loadingResults.visible = false; //loading screen
fnPossibleResults(null); //update result list.
I end up with an array of variables containing the glyph-codes (sp) and another with all the possible legal words (checkArray). What I don't know how to do is mix those two to make legal phrases that way :
If there was only three glyphs, I could probably find a way, but user can enter 60 glyphs max.

Clearing String/Text

Redirect me if this is already a previously solved issue!
In my program, I have a Stage in which the user can view a list of content, stored in a list consisting of Strings.
goToView.setOnAction(event ->{
String horseNameList = "";
for(int i = 0; i < accountList.size(); i++){
for(int j = 0; j < accountList.get(i).createdHorses.size(); j++){
horseNameList += accountList.get(i).createdHorses.get(j);
horseNameList += "\n" + "\n";
Text hNameListTXT = new Text(horseNameList);
hNameListTXT.setFont(Font.font("Tahoma", FontWeight.NORMAL, 12));
createdHorses is a List of Strings, listVbox is as you may think a VBox where the String (which converts to a Text) is printed. Now, when I close the Stage with the following EventHandler, nothing in particular happens:
backView.setOnAction(event -> {
But as I then open the Stage once again (by using another EventHandler similar to the one I use to close the first Stage with), my List (or String) har been doubled. What should I do to clear the String (or possibly the Text) so that it doesn't display it twice?
What should I do to clear the String (or possibly the Text) so that it
doesn't display it twice?
The VBox has a method getChildren() which returns an ObservableList. So you could use clear() on it to remove all the children.

AutoFit Columns Width using jxl library in java [duplicate]

How to autofit content in cell using jxl api?
I know this is an old question at this point, but I was looking for the solution to this and thought I would post it in case someone else needs it.
CellView Auto-Size
I'm not sure why the FAQ doesn't mention this, because it very clearly exists in the docs.
My code looked like the following:
for(int x=0;x<c;x++)
sheet.setColumnView(x, cell);
c stores the number of columns created
cell is just a temporary place holder for the returned CellView object
sheet is my WriteableSheet object
The Api warns that this is a processor intensive function, so it's probably not ideal for large files. But for a small file like mine (<100 rows) it took no noticeable time.
Hope this helps someone.
The method is self explanatory and commented:
private void sheetAutoFitColumns(WritableSheet sheet) {
for (int i = 0; i < sheet.getColumns(); i++) {
Cell[] cells = sheet.getColumn(i);
int longestStrLen = -1;
if (cells.length == 0)
/* Find the widest cell in the column. */
for (int j = 0; j < cells.length; j++) {
if ( cells[j].getContents().length() > longestStrLen ) {
String str = cells[j].getContents();
if (str == null || str.isEmpty())
longestStrLen = str.trim().length();
/* If not found, skip the column. */
if (longestStrLen == -1)
/* If wider than the max width, crop width */
if (longestStrLen > 255)
longestStrLen = 255;
CellView cv = sheet.getColumnView(i);
cv.setSize(longestStrLen * 256 + 100); /* Every character is 256 units wide, so scale it. */
sheet.setColumnView(i, cv);
for(int x=0;x<c;x++)
sheet.setColumnView(x, cell);
It is fine, instead of scanning all the columns. Pass the column as a parameter.
void display(column)
Cell = sheet.getColumnView(column);
sheet.setColumnView(column, cell);
So when you wiill be displaying your text you can set the particular length. Can be helpfull for huge excel files.
From the JExcelApi FAQ
How do I do the equivilent of Excel's "Format/Column/Auto Fit Selection"?
There is no API function to do this for you. You'll need to write code that scans the cells in each column, calculates the maximum length, and then calls setColumnView() accordingly. This will get you close to what Excel does but not exactly. Since most fonts have variable width characters, to get the exact same value, you would need to use FontMetrics to calculate the maximum width of each string in the column. No one has posted code on how to do this yet. Feel free to post code to the Yahoo! group or send it directly to the FAQ author's listed at the bottom of this page.
FontMetrics presumably refers to java.awt.FontMetrics. You should be able to work something out with the getLineMetrics(String, Graphics) method I would have though.
CellView's autosize method doesn't work for me all the time. My way of doing this is by programatically set the size(width) of the column based on the highest length of data in the column. Then perform some mathematical operations.
CellView cv = excelSheet.getColumnView(0);
cv.setSize((highest + ((highest/2) + (highest/4))) * 256);
where highest is an int that holds the longest length of data in the column.
setAutosize() method WILL NOT WORK if your cell has over 255 characters. This is related to the Excel 2003 max column width specification:
You will need to write your own autosize method to handle this case.
Try this exemple:
expandColumns(sheet, 3);
private void expandColumn(WritableSheet sheet, int amountOfColumns){
int c = amountOfColumns;
for(int x=0;x<c;x++)
CellView cell = sheet.getColumnView(x);
sheet.setColumnView(x, cell);
Kotlin's implementation
private fun sheetAutoFitColumns(sheet: WritableSheet, columnsIndexesForFit: Array<Int>? = null, startFromRowWithIndex: Int = 0, excludeLastRows : Int = 0) {
for (columnIndex in columnsIndexesForFit?.iterator() ?: IntProgression.fromClosedRange(0, sheet.columns, 1).iterator()) {
val cells = sheet.getColumn(columnIndex)
var longestStrLen = -1
if (cells.isEmpty()) continue
for (j in startFromRowWithIndex until cells.size - excludeLastRows) {
if (cells[j].contents.length > longestStrLen) {
val str = cells[j].contents
if (str == null || str.isEmpty()) continue
longestStrLen = str.trim().length
if (longestStrLen == -1) continue
val newWidth = if (longestStrLen > 255) 255 else longestStrLen
sheet.setColumnView(columnIndex, newWidth)
example for use
sheetAutoFitColumns(sheet) // fit all columns by all rows
sheetAutoFitColumns(sheet, arrayOf(0, 3))// fit A and D columns by all rows
sheetAutoFitColumns(sheet, arrayOf(0, 3), 5)// fit A and D columns by rows after 5
sheetAutoFitColumns(sheet, arrayOf(0, 3), 5, 2)// fit A and D columns by rows after 5 and ignore two last rows
