Spark Performance Issue vs Hive - apache-spark

I am working on a pipeline that will run daily. It includes joining 2 tables say x & y ( approx. 18 MB and 1.5 GB sizes respectively) and loading the output of the join to final table.
Following are the facts about the environment,
For table x:
Data size: 18 MB
Number of files in a partition : ~191
file type: parquet
For table y:
Data size: 1.5 GB
Number of files in a partition : ~3200
file type: parquet
Now the problem is:
Hive and Spark are giving same performance (time taken is same)
I tried different combination of resources for spark job.
executors:50 memory:20GB cores:5
executors:70 memory:20GB cores:5
executors:1 memory:20GB cores:5
All three combinations are giving same performance. I am not sure what I am missing here.
I also tried broadcasting the small table 'x' so as to avoid shuffle while joining but not much improvement in performance.
One key observations is:
70% of the execution time is consumed for reading the big table 'y' and I guess this is due to more number of files per partition.
I am not sure how hive is giving the same performance.
Kindly suggest.

I assume you are comparing Hive on MR vs Spark. Please let me know if it is not the case.Because Hive(on tez or spark) vs Spark Sql will not differ
vastly in terms of performance.
I think the main issue is that there are too many small files.
A lot of CPU and time is consumed in the I/O itself, hence you can't experience the processing power of Spark.
My advice is to coalesce the spark dataframes immedietely after reading the parquet files. Please coalesce the 'x' dataframe into single partition and 'y'
dataframe into 6-7 partitions.
After doing the above, please perform the join(broadcastHashJoin).


Why is spark dataframe repartition faster than coalesce when reducing number of partitions?

I have a df with 100 partitions, and before saving to HDFS as .parquet I want to reduce the number of partitions because the parquet files would be too small (<1MB).
I've added coalesce before writing:
It works but slows down the process from 2-3s per file to 10-20s per file.
When I try repartition:
The process does not slow down at all, 2-3s per file.
Why? Shouldn't coalesce always be faster when reducing the number of partitions because it avoids a full shuffle?
I'm importing files from local storage to spark cluster and saving the resulting dataframes as a parquet file. Each file is approx 100-200MB.
Files are located on the "spark-driver" machine, I'm running spark-submit in client deploy mode.
I'm reading files one by one in driver:
data = read_lines(file_name)
rdd = sc.parallelize(data,100)
rdd2 = rdd.flatMap(lambda j: myfunc(j))
df = rdd2.toDF(mySchema)
Spark version is 3.1.1
Spark/HDFS cluster has 5 workers with 8CPU,32GB RAM
Each executor has 4cores and 15GB RAM, that makes 10 executors total.
When I use coalesce(1) I get spark.rpc.message.maxSize limit breached error, but not when I use repartition(1). Could that be a clue?
Attaching DAG visualizations .. Looks like WholeStageCodegen part is taking too long on coalesce DAGs?
This can happen sometimes if your data is not evenly distributed and when you do coalesce it tries to reduce the partitions by combining the small partitions in order to reduce full shuffle but there could still be some data skew in one of the partition and that single partition would be taking the most of the time.
While you do repartition the data gets distributed almost evenly on all the partitions as it does full shuffle and all the tasks would almost get completed in the same time.
You could use the spark UI to see why when you are doing coalesce what is happening in terms of tasks and do you see any single task running long.

Performance tuning for PySpark data load from a non-partitioned hive table to a partitioned hive table

We have a requirement to ingest data from a non-partitioned EXTERNAL hive table work_db.customer_tbl to a partitioned EXTERNAL hive table final_db.customer_tbl through PySpark, previously done through hive query. The final table is partitioned by the column load_date (format of load_date column is yyyy-MM-dd).
So we have a simple PySpark script which uses an insert query (same as the hive query which was used earlier), to ingest the data using spark.sql() command. But we have some serious performance issues because the table we are trying to ingest after ingestion has around 3000 partitions and each partitions has around 4 MB of data except for the last partition which is around 4GB. Total table size is nearly 15GB. Also, after ingestion each partition has 217 files. The final table is a snappy compressed parquet table.
The source work table has a single 15 GB file with filename in the format customers_tbl_unload.dat.
Earlier when we were using the hive query through a beeline connection it usually takes around 25-30 minutes to finish. Now when we are trying to use the PySpark script it is taking around 3 hours to finish.
How can we tune the spark performance to make the ingestion time less than what it took for beeline.
The configurations of the yarn queue we use is:
Used Resources: <memory:5117184, vCores:627>
Demand Resources: <memory:5120000, vCores:1000>
AM Used Resources: <memory:163072, vCores:45>
AM Max Resources: <memory:2560000, vCores:500>
Num Active Applications: 45
Num Pending Applications: 45
Min Resources: <memory:0, vCores:0>
Max Resources: <memory:5120000, vCores:1000>
Reserved Resources: <memory:0, vCores:0>
Max Running Applications: 200
Steady Fair Share: <memory:5120000, vCores:474>
Instantaneous Fair Share: <memory:5120000, vCores:1000>
Preemptable: true
The parameters passed to the PySpark script is:
PySpark code used:
insert_stmt = """INSERT INTO final_db.customers_tbl PARTITION(load_date)
SELECT col_1,col_2,...,load_date FROM work_db.customer_tbl"""
Even after nearly using 10% resources of the yarn queue the job is taking so much time. How can we tune the job to make it more efficient.
You need to reanalyze your dataset and look if you are using the correct approach by partitioning yoir dataset on date column or should you be probably partitioning on year?
To understand why you end up with 200 plus files for each partition, you need to understand the difference between the Spark and Hive partitions.
A direct approach you should try first is to read your input dataset as a dataframe and partition it by the key you are planning to use as a partition key in Hive and then save it using df.write.partitionBy
Since the data seems to be skewed too on date column, try partitioning it on additional columns which might have equal distribution of data. Else, filter out the skewed data and process it separately

What amount of data read is normal for spark reading parquet on S3 during a select statement?

We have a table of 130GB and 4000 columns. When we select 2 of these columns, our Spark UI reports a total of 30GB read. However, if we select those two columns and store them as a separate dataset, the total size of the dataset is just 17MB. Given that parquet is columnar storage, something appears not to be working properly. I've found this question but I'm unsure how to diagnose further and what attempts to take to reduce the amount of I/O required.
It was my understanding that the benefit of columnar storage is that each column can be read more or less independently of each other.
We're running on Hadoop 2.7.X on Databricks. It occurs both on the 6.X and 7.X versions of databricks (spark 2.4/3.0)

spark behavior on hive partitioned table

I use Spark 2.
Actually I am not the one executing the queries so I cannot include query plans. I have been asked this question by the data science team.
We are having hive table partitioned into 2000 partitions and stored in parquet format. When this respective table is used in spark, there are exactly 2000 tasks that are executed among the executors. But we have a block size of 256 MB and we are expecting the (total size/256) number of partitions which will be much lesser than 2000 for sure. Is there any internal logic that spark uses physical structure of data to create partitions. Any reference/help would be greatly appreciated.
UPDATE: It is the other way around. Actually our table is very huge like 3 TB having 2000 partitions. 3TB/256MB would actually come to 11720 but we are having exactly same number of partitions as the table is partitioned physically. I just want to understand how the tasks are generated on data volume.
In general Hive partitions are not mapped 1:1 to Spark partitions. 1 Hive partition can be split into multiple Spark partitions, and one Spark partition can hold multiple hive-partitions.
The number of Spark partitions when you load a hive-table depends on the parameters:
spark.files.maxPartitionBytes (default 128MB)
spark.files.openCostInBytes (default 4MB)
You can check the partitions e.g. using
This will give you an Array of FilePartitions which contain the physical path of your files.
Why you got exactly 2000 Spark partitions from your 2000 hive partitions seems a coincidence to me, in my experience this is very unlikely to happen. Note that the situation in spark 1.6 was different, there the number of spark partitions resembled the number of files on the filesystem (1 spark partition for 1 file, unless the file was very large)
I just want to understand how the tasks are generated on data volume.
Tasks are a runtime artifact and their number is exactly the number of partitions.
The number of tasks does not correlate to data volume in any way. It's a Spark developer's responsibility to have enough partitions to hold the data.

increasing number of partitions in spark

I was using Hive for executing SQL queries on a project. I used ORC with 50k Stride for my data and have created the hive ORC tables using this configuration with a certain date column as partition.
Now I wanted to use Spark SQL to benchmark the same queries operating on the same data.
I executed the following query
val q1 = sqlContext.sql("select col1,col2,col3,sum(col4),sum(col5) from mytable where date_key=somedatkye group by col1,col2,col3")
In hive it takes 90 seconds for this query. But spark takes 21 minutes for the same query and on looking at the job, i found the issue was because Spark creates 2 stages and on the first stage, it has only 7 tasks, one each for each of the 7 blocks of data within that given partition in orc file. The blocks are of different size, one is 5MB while the other is 45MB and because of this stragglers take more time leading to taking too much time for the job.
How do i mitigate this issue in spark. How do i manually increase the number of partitions, resulting in increasing the number of tasks in stage 1, even though there are only 7 physical blocks for the given range of the query.
