Ping General Failure In Windows 10 - windows-10

I have 2 computers connected via a TP-Link router on my LAN, a windows 7 ultimate 64bit and a windows 10 enterprise 64bit. On windows 7 I'm able to ping the wind windows 10 machine successfully but on the windows 10 I get an error "General Failure", even if I ping the gateway I still face the same error.
I need your help guys on this one.

I sort of had the same Issue. CouldnĀ“t ping my own ip or my gateway. For me it was the nord-Vpn service running in the background. Once i shut it down in the taskmanager, i could successfully ping again. So maybe check if there are VPN-Services running.


Oracle Linux, prevent Network Adapter from sleep when running in VirtualBox on macOS

I have installed Oracle Linux 7 with the current version of VirtualBox, running on mac OS Sierra with a macbook. It therefore has a battery but is plugged in at all times.
For networking I use 2 adapters, one NAT for internet and one Host-Guest for ssh etc.
For some time now I was always wondering why I would get a broken ssh pipe, trial and error showed me that the VM will go to sleep (black screen), which causes the network adapter to break, telling me the name of the adapter and simply Reset adapter as soon as I wake it up again by typing into the vm itself.
I can then restart the network adapter via /etc/init.d/network restart and it will work again
Any ideas how I can change that? My Linux skills are very limited and I am not even sure what Oracle Linux is based on, most tips I find online do not work, no GUI also makes it difficult to just hop into power settings or something similar
This worked for me, on Windows host machine.
Configure your network adapter to
1) Allow the network adapter to wake the computer,
2) Allow a magic packet to wake the computer,
3) Allow IPV6
Now, when I sleep my computer, and then wake it up, I get networking on both the host and guest, not just host.

One way communication between vm's?

We have 3 vm's set up in ESXi on one machine, and on another machine (host OS = MS Server 2012) we have 5 machines set up in VMware Workstation 11.
From the Workstation VM's I can ping and ssh into all 3 ESXi vm's, but from the ESXi vm's I can't ping or ssh to the Workstation VM's. I have tried this with the firewall enabled and disabled on the MS Server.
All vm's are running CentOS 6.x, the ESXi machines are full desktops, the Workstation machines are minimal installs.
All 5 Workstation vm's have 2 way comms with each other, as do all 3 ESXi vm's but comms only go one way between the two types.
Ned ideas for troubleshooting this, wide searches of the net yielded nothing helpful that I could find, nor did posting this problem on the VMware forums.
How is the networking setup for the Workstation VMs? Sounds like they may be NAT-ed, which would render them invisible.

ActiveMq messaging between Windows and Linux apps using Virtualbox on same PC not working

We are using Active MQ to have applications message each other. We have applications running on both Windows and Linux. During development, the team uses their Windows PC with VirtualBox with a RHEL Linux image. We are trying to run the Active MQ broker on the Linux local VM. When we do, messages from Windows can't use it. If we run the broker on Windows, the windows applications can message each other, but not the Linux apps.
I have tried setting port-forwarding in VB for 61616 (though what should the guest port be?), but that doesn't seem to do it. I forwarded 8161 listed in jetty.xml and am able to connect my Windows browser to it.
The exception text I get in Windows is "Channel was inactive for too long". I tried setting maxInactivityDuration to 0 for both sides, but that hasn't done it.
Any ideas on how to get this set-up to work?
I just found a post on VirtualBox port forwarding that helped me. (Yes, I had searched like mad yesterday before posting my question this morning :)
Virtualbox "port forward" from Guest to Host
I set port forwarding as described in the section "Network communication Host -> Guest" of the post. I then updated my activemq.xml file...
<transportConnector ... uri="[my VM guest IP which was]:61616..." ... />
I still had to set wireFormat.maxInactivityDuration in the uri string for transportConnector, otherwise I was getting "Channel was inactive for too long" right away. I don't know why. Anyway, this is way further than I was yesterday.

Connections Timeout to VM Linux

We have 6 VM ubuntu linux in AZURE yesterday and the day 6 server lost connection , and generate Timeout error when connecting via SSH , the strange thing is that only happened with linux servers with windows servers did not happen , know that this occurred .
My Linux servers seem to be down more than up../ and I can't reach them to get it up lol I think their cpu throttling and firewall / loadblallancer sucks

Cannot connect to a server on Cent OS Machine

I have installed CentOS as a virtual machine (using Virtual Box), on my Windows OS. I am running a lighttpd server on my CentOS machine. I am trying to access the server, from my browser, which is running on Windows, using the IP address and port number. But, I am getting the following error: Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at
Also, when I am running the server on Ubuntu(as a virtual machine using VMware Player), I am able to connect from the Window's browser successfully. Can anyone please suggest me, what I might have been missing on CentOS Machine. Thanks.
I would suggest that it is something that has to do with the VM setup. Compare the configuration of your Ubuntu VM and the CentOSVM. In order to connect from Windows to the VM, I think that you need to setup a bridge network connection rather than NAT. But I am not sure, so I would suggest you try all the different options.
Hope that helps!
