Azure access token generation from Postman - azure

I wanted to generate Azure token from Postman for API authorization in my project. I am able to generate token using below API request but getting the below error message "Authorization denied for this request" while using the generated token in another API request.
tenant_id:As per id generation by azure.
Body# (Form-data)
client_id:As per id generation by azure.
client_secret:As per id generation by azure.
resource:Required URL
"token_type": "Bearer",
"expires_in": "foo",
"ext_expires_in": "foo",
"expires_on": "foo",
"not_before": "foo",
"resource": "foo",
Since the above returned token is not accepted, I had passed username and password as well in body of the request but ended up with same results. Also azure did not consider my credentials even they are wrong.
Could you please assist what else I need to send in the response to get valid token id?

The Valid format for client_credentials authentication flow is like below:
Azure Portal Credentials For App Id and Tenant Id:
Application Secret from Portal:
Token Endpoint Or URL:
Request Param:
PostMan Sample:
Token On Response:
Expose Your Own API:
When You want to authorize your own API you have add it here. So that your token will contain this permission and this API can be accessed. Refer this docs
For more clarity you could refer official docs

You should try adding "X-ZUMO-AUTH" header to your request when using the generated token.
GET https://<appname>
X-ZUMO-AUTH: <authenticationToken_value>


I can't get email or profile scopes for an Azure B2C application, nor can I call the OIDC UserInfo endpoint

I'm finding Azure B2C really confusing. Currently I am using oauth2_proxy behind an nginx ingress controller in a test (single node) AKS kubernetes environment. I have made a slight change to oauth2_proxy to redirect upon error to chain Workflows together (like password recovery link etc.) and everything is working so far. I get an authorisation cookie from oath2_proxy and the ingress controller lets me through.
My next step is to work out what the username is, and maybe gather some more informaton. I think I can get some of the information in the id_token, but I am failing to see "email" and "preferred_username". Apparently these are only available if my token has the "email" and "profile" scopes, but I cannot work out how to get those scopes on my B2C App.
Currently I have a test application. In it's API permissions area I have a single "read" permission so that I have a resource to request to get an access_token. I also have "email", "offline_access", "openid", "profile" and "User.Read" permissions from "Microsoft Graph" - all permissions are granted by the admin on the API permissions screen.
The process I have been following up to now for testing is to run a signin workflow, selecting my API in the resources dropdown. I then copy the "Code" into a token request in postman, and then try both the "" and the "" endpoints with both the "id_token" and the "access_token". Both of these respond with "InvalidAuthenticationToken", message "Access token validation failure".
I had since noticed that my resources dropdown still only contains "read" and "openid" access rights, so I have been copying the "run userflow" url and inserting the scopes for "email", "offline_access", "openid" and "profile". I have also ensured that my call to the "token" endpoint contains these scopes. The response from the token endpoint only returns scopes "read offline_access openid", so "profile" and "email" are missing.
I don't know how to configure my app registration in B2C so that the "email" and "profile" scopes become available. Since "openid" appears in the resource drop down, I would expect "email" and "profile to turn up in there, but they don't. My token calls definitely show that the scopes that I need are not returned.
My workflow url looks as follows:
My token call looks as follows (using the code value from the workflow):
https://****************/b2c_1_signup_signin/oauth2/v2.0/token?grant_type=authorization_code&client_id=********&response_type=code&redirect_uri=******** openid offline_access email profile&code=******CODE FROM WORKFLOW CALLBACK******
Token response is like:
"access_token": "******BIG LONG BASE64******",
"id_token": "******BIG LONG BASE64******",
"token_type": "Bearer",
"not_before": 1591607270,
"expires_in": 3600,
"expires_on": 1591610870,
"resource": "********",
"id_token_expires_in": 3600,
"profile_info": "******BASE64******",
"scope": "https://******** offline_access openid",
"refresh_token": "******BASE64******",
"refresh_token_expires_in": 1209600
OIDC endpoint call like this:
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer ********BASE64 from access_token********
Any help would be appreciated. i.e. how do I return additional scopes + how do I call the OIDC UserInfo endpoint.
I struggled with a similar issue a while back, where I wanted my API to use the access token to look up user info. Azure AD does not work in a standards compliant way:
Calling User Info requires a separate graph token
You have to use a token exchange request to get the graph token
Here are some resources of mine which I think are related and will hopefully give you enough info to resolve your problem. I think right now you are getting the error from Step 14 of the blog post.
Token Exchange + User Info Lookup C# Code
Blog Post on Azure AD Settings related to Graph / User Info

How to call azure graph api using postman

I am trying to call graph api to get user information. I am using postman to get the token first and then using that token trying to make a request to graph api
I get the token with below post request and with 4 key values for grant_type, client_id, client_secret and resource.{{tenantid}}/oauth2/token
The response is
"token_type": "Bearer",
"expires_in": "3600",
"ext_expires_in": "3600",
"expires_on": "1555583717",
"not_before": "1555579817",
"resource": "",
"access_token": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxNiIsIng1dCI6IkhCeGw5bUFlNmd4YXZDa2NvT1UyVEhzRE5hMCIsImtpZCI6IkhCeGw5bUFlNmd4YXZDa2NvT1UyVEhzRE5hMCJ9.yyyyyyyLTBjYjZmZDNiM2UwNCIsInRpZCI6IjM3NGY4MDI2LTdiNTQtNGEzYS1iODdkLTMyOGZhMjZlYzEwZCIsInV0aSI6ImVWTWdDbkU4QWtPVXY3bFQ2QlRSQUEiLCJ2ZXIiOiIxLjAifQ.kxHCm2oGsuUvlXbncXQe7Wb0l-ZENqqG9_P_co0SPdYA3GkhFKDi6sQ7OaaHeDs4S6kN0-Diw5qBOzmFipSA5EUorA7UDbJfiSVVlaEzLY3IX_4WSV4Exc-kLOaX0j7KgvsEQbc5TEk8e4dPfokG98gGPmhy19xLyV84lX1v6DzgXINzP8gPkGmqR_J7iVFQ3m-Y18dHlxDpqQMTKxvQGnrsa7rflyxGUwEwwFZJH8t5NRv_mjQOIQBuosfhMAH88l-J8zEmXWLFqEzFBBWrz9UxT6X-XxRQZW4WBSoHTKd3vuBcEo6kUclfe4G7COOvI4zG0-j10mmGziKlzjNVMw"
Then I use the token to make GET request{{company}}/users/{{email}}?api-version=1.6
and header
Key Value
Authorization Bearer {{token}}
but it fails with this error
"odata.error": {
"code": "Authentication_MissingOrMalformed",
"message": {
"lang": "en",
"value": "Access Token missing or malformed."
What is the correct way to make a request to graph api ?
Updated answer according to your case
Okay I am showing the step from the beginning. Make sure you have complete following step exactly.
Step:1 : Application Registration
Go to your azure portal and click on azure active directory. Now click on App registrations and Enter a name for your app. Make sure you have select Web app / API as application type. Put any Sign on URL it does not have any impact though.
See the screen shot below:
Step:2 Application Configuration
Configure your application setting by clicking on settings option. Copy the Application Id which is your client ID. Generate your client_secret on Key menu. Now click on Required permission option and click on Add at new window. Choose Select an API choose Microsoft Graph Then Select it.
See the below screen shot
So your azure portal configuration is all set.
Step:3 Token Access Flow
For getting token I am using OAuth 2.0 Client Credentials Grant Flow. Let fire up POSTMAN Enter your token endpoint your like below:`YourTenantNameOrID`
Enter following data in right format:
client_id:Your Portal Application ID
client_secret:Your application Key
Note: I am using Microsoft Graph API so resource has chosen
See the screen shot for more details
Step: 4 Check Claims Of your Token
You can make sure your token contains required information by validating it claims on JWT. You can use to validate your token.
See the picture of claims below:
Step:5 Access Your Microsoft Graph API Resource
Define your Microsoft Graph API resource URL
For example :
Select your API http verb
Select Your Token Type to Bearer Token
Enter your token on left token text box
You are done click send and check your response as expected. See the screen shot for details.
Request Format:
Response From API:
Note: Make sure you have resource access permission unless you would get access denied error.
For more information you could take a look here
If you have any more confusion feel free to ask in comment line. Thank you and Happy coding!

Azure AD returns unusable access_token

I'm trying to get the access token from the Azure AD, which I'm using as an OAuth identity provider.
I successfully received an authorization code from endpoint, and trying to get an access_token. The request has following parameters:, Method=POST
I'm receiving the following response:
"token_type": "Bearer",
"expires_in": "3599",
"ext_expires_in": "0",
"expires_on": "1506527801",
"access_token": "AQABAA...Sc0YMuMr73WQyjzuyAA",
"refresh_token": "",
"id_token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1...HjgO0A"
When I'm trying to use the access_token, result always 401 error (Unauthorized). id_token looks like a normal JWT token and can be decoded. But access_token and refresh_token are not, looks like they are Base64 encoded values of JWT tokens.
What can cause the 401 error? All requests performed from the same domain. The application is registered with Azure using
The issue was caused by lack of the "resource" property, which I had to set to the App ID of an application I wanted to get access:, Method=POST
After setting the proper permissions in the client app, I got the proper JWT token.

Getting the access token for Microsoft Graph API

I'm trying to get the access token for the Microsoft Graph API in order to access a SharePoint document library. My application is a windows service, hence I'm following the procedure described here.
But when I try to get the access token, the response that I get doesn't have the scope value. Below is my response:
"token_type": "Bearer",
"expires_in": "3600",
"not_before": "1492448659",
"resource": "",
"access_token": "Token"
Because of this when I try to query the Graph API with this access token, I'm getting an error saying: Either scp or roles claim need to be present in the token
Can someone please help me on how to get this working? Thanks in advance.
That seems your client application hasn't set the appropriate app permissions when using client credential flow , below is an illustration of application permissions section in Azure AD classic portal. Please select appropriate permissions needed and retry :
And in addition , when using client credential flow to get the access token , you could check the roles claims in access token(that is the way to check the app permission, not in token response) , using a tool like to decode the access token and check the app permissions :

How to get Azure easy auth JWT access_token

I have an Azure App Service on which I have enabled Authentication/Authorization and configured AD as the authentication provider.
All /.auth routes exist on the service, and I can log in. After successful login I can call /.auth/me to get the access_token. The response looks like:
"access_token": "AQABAAAAAA...Gni4EiQgAA",
"expires_on": "2017-02-28T19:17:08.0000000Z",
"id_token": JWT TOKEN
I then use the access_token in an authorization bearer header to request data from the service.
"Authorization": "Bearer " + "AQABAAAAAA...Gni4EiQgAA"
My service returns the following error
IDX10708: 'System.IdentityModel.Tokens.JwtSecurityTokenHandler' cannot read this string: 'AQABAAAAAA...Gni4EiQgAA'.
The string needs to be in compact JSON format, which is of the form: '<Base64UrlEncodedHeader>.<Base64UrlEndcodedPayload>.<OPTIONAL, Base64UrlEncodedSignature>'.
According to this discussion the access_token is intended to be used as a Bearer token. I have also read here that the access_token is supposed to be base64 encoded but this does not appear to be the case.
Additionally, if I use the id_token as a Bearer token, then authentication works as expected (the id_token is in JWT format).
When I manually implement the Oauth flow as described here, I receive a proper JWT access_token.
Followed by
"access_token": JWT TOKEN,
"token_type": "Bearer",
How to get Azure easy auth JWT access_token
According to your description, I enabled Authentication/Authorization and configured AD as the authentication provider to test this issue. As I known, when you enable Authentication/Authorization on Azure Portal, then the default response_type is id_token. You need to log into and update App Service Auth Configuration as follows:
Note: If you do not specify the resource for additionalLoginParams, you would retrieve a access_token that is not in JSON Web Token (JWT) format.
I then use the access_token in an authorization bearer header to request data from the service.
For accessing your service, you could leverage AppServiceAuthSession cookie or you could use Authorization:Bearer "{your-id-token}".
For more details, you could refer to this similar tutorial.
