find a video file in memory dump of a process - security

I have a player that plays encrypted video files and works like this:
I open an encrypted video file with it
it decrypts the video file and writes it to its memory
and plays the file from the memory after that
and I want to copy the decrypted video file from memory and play it with a usual video player like VLC so I tried to create its memory dump with task manager and hoped to find out the video file there. Sadly I don't know enough to find a video file in a large chunk of bits from memory. I tried to find mp4 patterns in a hex editor and done every solution that I find online but nothing worked for me so I hoped someone here maybe has an idea and willing to help me how to make it done.
I upload its memory dump here (after opening a short encrypted video with it)

Most probably, the software doesn't decode whole video file in one go, but instead in streaming fashion. This makes it impossible to catch a moment when the decoded video data is available in the memory dump.
If the player software is open source, compile it with debug symbols and run it under debugger. Otherwise, resort to reverse engineering.

I don't think the question is on-topic for StackOverflow in general, including but not limited to specifically reversing a software solution intended for digital rights management. However I would still leave an answer.
First of all, as comments suggest the topic in question is reversal of specific solution provided by a commercial provider. Ability to recover a media file from memory dump highly depends on implementation of this solution and methods the provider used to complicate the reversal. It is only the simplest and straightforward solution is easy to reverse and the more developer put in to cover traces, the harder - exponentially - is to reverse.
Even though there is a little chance to find the original file in full in memory (through memory dump analysis) it is unlikely to be possible for any media playback application, even such that does not do any decryption. Media playback is typically streaming: the data is loaded from disk, storage, network etc. as necessary for playback and not as a full download. Decryption needs to be applied to certain pieces of data needed momentarily, and then a decent DRM-enabled application would immediately erase the ephemeral clear data once it is no longer needed. That is, a memory dump would - at best - contain a ridiculously small amount of media data.
To capture/restore the original media file one would typically have to place himself as a middleman into some media streaming related process and be able to copy data as it is being streaming durign playback. A static memory dump is of little help here.


which is better to use in v4l2 framework, user pointer or mmap

After going through these links,
I understood that there are two ways to create a buffer in v4l2 framework
Userpointer buffer: buffer will be created in user space.
Memory buffer: Buffer will be created in kernel space.
I have bit confused, which one to use while doing v4l2 driver development. I mean, which is better approach in terms of performance and handling buffer?
I will be using DMS-SG for data transfer in my hardware.
It depends.. on your requirements.
Case: Visualization of the video stream.
In this case, you might want to write the video data directly to memory that is accessible to the video driver, saving a copy operation. You will also get the shortest camera-to-display time. In this case, a user pointer would be the go to.
Case: Recording of the video stream.
In this case, you do not care about the timely delivery, but you do care about not missing frames. In this case, you can use memory mapped acquisition with multiple buffers.
Case: Single image acquisition for processing.
In this case, both timely delivery and missing frames are both less important, so you could use either method, but buffered operation will give the fastest acquisition time, since there is always a buffer with recent image data available.

Strategies for playing (long) audio files from disk

I wanted to start a thread on this. A lot of people are wondering how to do it in a specific context or with a specific language, but I was wondering what's the best strategy in general
I see two main practices :
load small chunks (like 2048 samples) of the file in a buffer. It seems the most straightforward but it involves to use the disk the lot, so I suspect it is not the best.
load all the file in a big buffer. More gentle with the hardrive, but needs a lot of ram if you use several long files. And if your file is very long, or has a lot of channels, I imagine the index variable could get corrupted. For example if it's a 16bit integer maybe it cannot reach the end of the file (or am I paranoid ?)
and I'm thinking about hybrid things, like :
using very big buffers without loading the whole file
store the file in a custom format on hardrive, in a way that it's optimized for accessing it quickly.
So, what do you think, how do you deal with this ?
I don't really care what's the "best", I'm more wondering about the pros and cons of each.
Answering part of my own question (the part about hybrid solutions).
Audacity is using custom BlockFiles format for storing and playback. It encapsulates both the idea of big(-ger than callback) buffers which are around 1Mb and the idea of custom file type (.aup).
"BlockFiles balance two conflicting forces. We can insert and delete audio without excessive copying, and during playback we are guaranteed to get reasonably large chunks of audio with each request to the disk. The smaller the blocks, the more potential disk requests to fetch the same amount of audio data; the larger the blocks, the more copying on insertions and deletions." (from :
From what I've read, it was primarly designed for speeding up the edition of very long files (for example inserting data at the beginning without having to move everything after).
But for playback of relatively short audio data (< 1 hour) I guess putting everything in RAM is just fine.

Accessing FLV clip directly from flash player's memory under linux

I would like to access a video clip directly from flash plugin during a RTMP transmission and save it to disk. I'm wondering is that a sane idea and would it be possible to build a reliable solution?
I know I can read raw memory for a process but I'm not looking for "a value" but a whole transmission. I can imagine that once a FLV frame has been read from a RTMP message and presented on a screen the plugin can free or overwrite it and there won't be anything to read (if I'm not fast enough). I'm also assuming that each chunk of a video might be stored under random address making it even more difficult/impossible to do?
What would be the best linux tool for "looking into memory" and trying to investigate this problem?
Even if you access the process' memory you cannot extract the rtmp stream from that memory. This is because you don't know which section of the memory is used by variables or flash player internals and which region is used for the rtmp stream. Also I don't expect the rtmp to be completely in memory, but just a chunk of it at a time.
If you have the url of the video you can just use rtmpdump. If you don't have it already you can obtain the url using a packet sniffer like wireshark.
You told in comments that you've already tried that and encountered problems doing so. However, I fear that there is no way around the usage of rtmpdump beside the manual implementation of a rtmp client that emulates the flash player behaviour.

Image sanitization library

I have a website that displays images submitted by users. I am concerned about
some wiseguy uploading an image which may exploit some 0-day vulnerability in a
browser rendering engine. Moreover, I would like to purge images of metadata
(like EXIF data), and attempt to compress them further in a lossless manner
(there are several such command line utilities for PNG and JPEG).
With the above in mind, my question is as follows: is there some C/C++
library out there that caters to the above scenario? And even if the
full pipeline of parsing -> purging -> sanitizing -> compressing -> writing
is not available in any single library, can I at least implement the
parsing -> purging -> sanitizing -> writing pipeline (without compressing) in a
library that supports JPEG/PNG/GIF?
Your requirement is impossible to fulfill: if there is a 0-day vulnerability in one of the image reading libraries you use, then your code may be exploitable when it tries to parse and sanitize the incoming file. By "presanitizing" as soon as the image is received, you'd just be moving the point of exploitation earlier rather than later.
The only thing that would help is to parse and sanitize incoming images in a sandbox, so that, at least, if there was a vulnerability, it would be contained to the sandbox. The sandbox could be a separate process running as an unprivileged user in a chroot environment (or VM, for the very paranoid), with an interface consisting only of bytestream in, sanitized image out.
The sanitization itself could be as simple as opening the image with ImageMagick, decoding it to a raster, and reencoding and emitting them in a standard format (say, PNG or JPEG). Note that if the input and output are both lossy formats (like JPEG) then this transformation will be lossy.
I know, I'm 9 years late, but...
You could use a idea similar to the PDF sanitizer in Qubes OS, which copies a PDF to a disposable virtual machine, runs a PDF parser which converts PDF to basically TIFF images, which are sent back to the originating VM and reassembled into a PDF there. This way you reduced your attack surface to TIFF files. Which is tiny.
(image taken from this article:
If there is really a 0-day exploit for your specific parser in that PDF, it compromises the disposable VM, but since only valid TIFF is accepted by the originating VM and since the disposable VM is discarded once the process is done, this is pointless. Unless of course the attacker also has a either Xen exploit at hand to break out of the disposable VM or a Spectre-type full memory read primitive coupled with a sidechannel to leak data to their machines. Since the disposable VM is not connected to the internet or has any audio hardware assigned, this boils down to creating EM interference by modulating the CPU power consumption, so the attacker probably needs a big antenna and a location close to your server.
It would be an expensive attack.

Need advice for disk access program

I'm envisioning a program I will need to write and need some advice on the language. I will need to be doing raw disk access so I can display hex data, scroll or jump around on the disk, and do calculations from the data. I have been using Java the most and it's portability between OSes for my other projects is certainly a benefit, but raw disk access either isn't possible, would require JNI, or may be possible on *nix when you can access disks as "files". I keep reading different things. By the way I can handle this type of work using Files in Java, but in this project I need to be able to access the disk so disk imaging to files beforehand isn't needed.
It would be nice to make it as portable as I could since there is a real benefit to using different OSes, but it may not be worth it and I should just stick with Windows and a native compiling language. Is there any existing JNI code that could help? I have experience in other languages but I haven't used C++ in a long time. Should I forget about Java and tryout C#? Someone told me that Python has libraries available for this type of thing despite it being an interpreted language so what about Python? What would be best for the project? What would be good for me to learn?
Searching around for raw disk access, Java, Python, does not seem to give any useful results. Thanks for any help!
It seems like this will be quite involved, learning what I need to know, and then learning that. It's too bad I couldn't use disk images instead because then I'd be able to start working on it immediately in Java, which I'm comfortable with and I know I could make a good product. I've gotten great throughput in other raw data processing projects with Java so that doesn't worry me. Plus it would be truly portable. Hmm might have to consider it more. I'd probably need a big azz storage system to hold all the images though :)
Just a note for anyone that finds this question... I have figured out this works just by specifying the disk for the File using the PhysicalDrive notation (in Windows) like the answer below by hunsricker. However there are some issues. First if you do a "exists" check File.exists(), it says the file does not exist. Also, the file size is zero, and when I get a " The drive cannot find the sector requested" is the way I know I'm at the end of the file. And the worst part- I was getting some odd runtime errors doing this when I was reading some bytes and skipping some (64) bytes in a loop. I altered my program a bit to read different amounts and that changed where the error occurred. I was using BufferedInputStream instead of RandomAccessFile like hunsricker below by the way, not sure if it makes a difference. My only answer for this issue is that since I'm doing physical disk access, it doesn't like that I am not reading in even 512 byte sectors or 1K blocks or such. Indeed when I read even 1K, 2K, 512bytes, etc., and don't skip anything, it works fine and runs to the end. The errors I saw were "incorrect function" and "the parameter is incorrect". There was no rhyme or reason to them. Then I made image files of the same data and ran my program on those and it would do any combination of reading and skipping bytes with no problem. Physical disk access was more picky I guess.
I was looking by myself for a possibility to access raw data of a physical drive. And now as I got it to work, I just want to tell you how. You can access raw disk data directly from within java ... just run the following code with administrator priviliges:
File diskRoot = new File ("\\\\.\\PhysicalDrive0");
RandomAccessFile diskAccess = new RandomAccessFile (diskRoot, "r");
byte[] content = new byte[1024];
diskAccess.readFully (content);
So you will get the first kB of your first physical drive on the system. To access logical drives - as mentioned above - just replace 'PhysicalDrive0' with the drive letter e.g. 'D:'
oh yes ... I tried with Java 1.7 on a Win 7 system ...
RageDs link brougth me to the solution ... thank you :-)
Disk access will depend on the disk's particular drivers. And since this is such a low-level task, I doubt Java/Python would have such support (these languages are generally used for fast, high-level software package development). Since you will probably not be aware of the disks' particular hardware implementations, you will probably have to end up using an operating system API (which is OS-dependent of course). I would recommend looking into C and/or the particular assembly language for the architecture you plan to do this work on. Then, I would recommend continuing your search to find the appropriate API for your target OS.
For Windows, a good place to start is here. More specifically, MSDN's CreateFile() is probably a function you would be interested in.
