Is any Atom data type in Haskell? - haskell

When I read/show String I get/expect the result to be quoted. If I want to omit quotes, I can implement some type like:
newtype Atom = Atom String deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance Read Atom where ...
instance Show Atom where ...
But my question is: does such type already exist somewhere in libraries, in the base, may be? I just found some Data.Atom but seems it something different (XML, etc).

No. If you find yourself wanting this, it means you're using Show in an unintended way. The idea of show is that is should always yield valid Haskell code. The Show String instance guarantees this, by safely quoting and escaping the contents. Short of that, you would of course in general not get Haskell code. Now, sure there are applications where you want to display something and don't care about whether it's Haskell code, but that shouldn't be show then.
Usually, if you have a string anyway, you should just use putStrLn directly.

Since Read and Show are for converting data to/from strings, you can just use the id function :)
But seriously, a String is already the output of its own read or show, if you don't want it quoted.
Say, for example, to print any other value (or a String, if you want it to appear quoted), you do:
putStrLn (show "Hello") -- prints "Hello", with quotes.
whereas, to print a string unquoted, you can simply do:
putStrLn "Hello" -- prints Hello, unquoted.
Because of this, I don't think there is any utility for this (it is trivial, after all); in fact, your Atom instances would simply be:
instance Read Atom where read = Atom
instance Show Atom where show (Atom s) = s

Depending on what you're doing, you may want to inspect the type and use print for non-strings and putStrLn for strings like this:
import Data.Typeable
printAny :: (Show a, Typeable a) => a -> IO ()
printAny a = case cast a of
Just str -> putStrLn str
Nothing -> print a
Then, as desired:
*Main> printAny "no quotes"
no quotes
*Main> printAny (10 :: Int)


Indent all lines in a string

I have some types with custom Show instances defined. They are structured like this:
data TopLevel = TopLevel SndLevel
data SndLevel = SndLevel Int
instance Show SndLevel where
show (SndLevel i) = "SndLevel: \n\t" ++ (show i)
My Show instance for SndLevel produces nice looking strings that look like the following when they appear in my output:
I would like to create a Show instance for topLevel that causes TopLevel (SndLevel 5) to look like this when printed to the terminal:
I was hoping to find a function built into Haskell that would add "\t" at the front of a string and before each location where "\n" appears in that string.
The best solution I found would go along the lines of the answer in this post. In this case, I would replace "\n" with "\t\n".
I assume I'm not the first person to need Show instances for hierarchically organized data in Haskell, so I would like to know if there is a more idiomatic way to get this done. Is there some better solution to my problem?
p.s: I realize this kind of printing is not the best for the example datatypes I use above. The real datatypes I want to write instances for are product types, and so they don't read well when stretched out on one line. With that in mind, if there is a popular way to deal with this kind of problem without newlines and tabs, that could also solve my problem.
We can solve this by using lines :: String -> [String] and unlines :: [String] -> String to move from a String to a list of Strings and back.
In between, we can make use of map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] to prepend all lines (a String is a list of Chars) with a tab, like:
indent :: String -> String
indent = unlines . map ('\t' :) . lines
For example:
Prelude> indent (show (SndLevel 5))
"\tSndLevel: \n\t\t5\n"
We can use this in our defintion of Show for both SndLevel and TopLevel like:
instance Show SndLevel where
show (SndLevel n) = "SndLevel:" ++ '\n' : indent (show n)
instance Show TopLevel where
show (TopLevel n) = "TopLevel:" ++ '\n' : indent (show n)
This thus gives us:
Prelude> print (TopLevel (SndLevel 5))
That being said, a Show is usually used to show a representation of the object that can usually be "injected" back inh the compiler/interpreter. The idea of using indentation is not bad at all, but perhaps it makes sence to define your own typeclass for that. You could make that typeclass more efficient by using a parameter that is passed and updated, that keeps track of the indentation level.
There are furthermore several "pretty printing" libraries [Reddit] that can print the structure of an object nicely. So instead of "reinventing the wheel", it might be worth using one of the packages listed on the Reddit page.

Why will `read "1" :: Maybe Int` type check?

I wonder why read "1" :: Maybe Int will type check and throw an exception in runtime.
Is it possible that read can ever return a Maybe a? That is what Text.Read.readMaybe is supposed to do.
Prelude> read "1" :: Maybe Int
*** Exception: no parse
I wonder why read "1" :: Maybe Int would type check
Because "1" has the type String and is thus acceptable as an argument to read and Maybe Int implements Read and is thus acceptable as a return type of Read.
and throw an exception in runtime.
Because "1" is not a valid string representation of a Maybe Int.
Is it possible that read can ever return a Maybe a?
Yes, for example read "Just 42" :: Maybe Int is Just 42 and read "Nothing" :: Maybe Int is Nothing.
Basically any string that you might get out of show x where x :: Maybe Int can also be fed as an argument to read to get a Maybe Int.
Or more generally, any output of show x where x :: T and T is an instance of Show and Read, can probably be fed to read to get back a value of type T - though of course instances can be defined arbitrarily, so not every type that implements Read and Show necessarily adheres to that "contract".
In short: you parse the textual representation of the Maybe a type, not a as a non-total function where Nothing is used to specify a parse failure.
Well read is usually the opposite of show. It will thus parse a representation of an object, that is frequently how you would write the object as a cascade of data constructors into an object.
Now Maybe a is a type of the Show family, given the elements it wraps are an instance of Show as well, something like:
instance Show a => Show (Maybe a) where
show Nothing = "Nothing"
show (Just x) = "Just "++ show x
(In reality it is a bit more complex, since it will also introduce brackets in case you wrap a Just 1 in a Just for example).
So the opposite can be parsed as well. For example:
Prelude> read "Nothing" :: Maybe Int
Prelude> read "Just 5" :: Maybe Int
Just 5
So a Maybe a as a type of read is not meant for a "non-total" function, but to parse the textual representation of a Maybe a type.
So it parses strings with a prefix "Nothing" and "Just" (and also can parse some such "expressions" with brackets).

Parsec returns [Char] instead of Text

I am trying to create a parser for a custom file format. In the format I am working with, some fields have a closing tag like so:
I am trying to grab the value between the </ and > and use it as part of the bigger parser.
I have come up with the code below. The trouble is, the parser returns [Char] instead of Text. I can pack each Char by doing fmap pack $ return r to get a text value out, but I was hoping type inference would save me from having to do this. Could someone give hints as to why I am getting back [Char] instead of Text, and how I can get back Text without having to manually pack the value?
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Data.Text
import Text.Parsec
import Text.Parsec.Text
-- |A closing tag is on its own line and is a "</" followed by some uppercase characters
-- followed by some '>'
closingTag = do
_ <- char '\n'
r <- between (string "</") (char '>') (many upper)
return r
string has the type
string :: Stream s m Char => String -> ParsecT s u m String
(See here for documentation)
So getting a String back is exactly what's supposed to happen.
Type inference doesn't change types, it only infers them. String is a concrete type, so there's no way to infer Text for it.
What you could do, if you need this in a couple of places, is to write a function
text :: Stream s m Char => String -> ParsecT s u m Text
text = fmap pack . string
or even
string' :: (IsString a, Stream s m Char) => String -> ParsecT s u m a
string' = fmap fromString . string
Also, it doesn't matter in this example but you'd probably want to import Text qualified, names like pack are used in a number of different modules.
As Ørjan Johansen correctly pointed out, string isn't actually the problem here, many upper is. The same principle applies though.
The reason you get [Char] here is that upper parses a Char and many turns that into a [Char]. I would write my own combinator along the lines of:
manyPacked = fmap pack . many
You could probably use type-level programming with type classes etc. to automatically choose between many and manyPack depending on the expect return type, but I don't think that's worth it. (It would probably look a bit like Scala's CanBuiltFrom).

Why do Haskell inferred types in return type polymorphism lead to runtime errors?

The reason I'd choose to use Haskell is because of its rich type system. This gives me more information at compile-time about my program, helping me have confidence that it is sound.
In addition, it would appear that Haskell is an optimal language in which to approach the expression problem, as Haskell typeclasses can dispatch on return type. (In contrast to Clojure protocols - which can only dispatch on first argument).
When I explore a Haskell polymorphic return value function like read:
read :: (Read a) => String -> a
with the following program:
addFive :: Int -> Int
addFive x = x + 5
main :: IO ()
main = do
print (addFive (read "11"))
putStrLn (read "11")
I get the following result:
Runtime error
prog: no parse
So I appear to be getting a runtime error in a language with a superior type system.
Contrast this with the equivalent code in Clojure:
(defn add-five [x] (+ 5 x))
(println (add-five (read-string "11")))
(println (read-string "11"))
This gives the following result:
My question is Why do Haskell inferred types in return type polymorphism lead to runtime errors? Shouldn't it pick them up at compile-time?
That runtime error has nothing to do with polymorphism, and everything to do with the fact that the string "11" can't be parsed as a list of characters by the read function.
Here are things that work. Note that "11" can, at runtime, be parsed as an Int and "\"Some More String\"" can, at runtime, be parsed as a string.
print $ 5 + read "11"
print $ "Some string" ++ read "\"Some More String\""
Here are some things that don't work. They don't work because "Not an integer" can not be parsed as an Int and "11" can't be parsed as a string.
print $ 5 + read "Not an integer"
print $ "Some string" ++ read "11"
As was pointed out in the answer to your previous question, the type information has already been inferred at compile time. The read functions have already been selected. Imagine if we had two functions readInt :: String -> Int and readString :: String -> String that were provided for the read function for the Read instances for Int and String respectively. The compiler has already, at compile time, replaced the occurrences of read with the original respective functions:
print $ 5 + readInt "Not an integer"
print $ "Some string" ++ readString "11"
This must have happened at compile time precisely because type information is eliminated at compile time, as was explained in the answer to your previous question.
A part of the issue here is that in Haskell one can define partial functions, i.e., functions which may fail on certain inputs. Examples are read, head, tail. Non-exhaustive pattern matching is the common cause of this partiality, others including error, undefined, and infinite recursion (even if in this case you do not get a runtime error, obviously).
In particular, read is a bit nasty since it requires you to ensure that the string can be parsed. This is usually harder than ensuring that a list is non empty, for instance. One should use a safer variant such as
readMaybe :: Read a => String -> Maybe a
main = do
print $ readMaybe "11" :: Maybe Int -- prints Just 11
print $ readMaybe "11" :: Maybe String -- prints Nothing
Another part of the issue is that polymorphic values (such as read "11") are actually functions in disguise, since they depend on the type at which they are evaluated, as seen in the example above. The monomorphism restriction is an attempt to make them behave more as non-functions: it forces the compiler to find a single type for all the uses of the polymorphic value. If this is possible, the polymorphic value is evaluated only at that type, and the result can be shared in all the uses. Otherwise, you get a type error, even if the code would have been typeable without the restriction.
For example, the following code
main = do
let x = readMaybe "11"
print $ x :: Maybe Int
print $ x :: Maybe Int
parses 11 once if the monomorphism restriction is on, and twice if it is off (unless the compiler is smart enough to do some optimization). By comparison,
main = do
let x = readMaybe "11"
print $ x :: Maybe Int
print $ x :: Maybe String
raises a compile-time type error if the monomorphism restriction is on, and compiles and runs just fine if it is off (printing "Just 11" and "Nothing").
So, there is no clear winner between enabling and disabling the restriction.
The type of read is
(Read a) => String -> a
which implies it (compiler or interpreter, actually) will choose its return type according to the requirement of context.
Therefore, in addFive (read "11"), because addFive requires a Int, the type of read chosen by compiler will be String -> Int; in putStrLn (read "11"), it will be String->String because putStrLn requires a String.
And this choice happens at compile time, which means after compilation, your program sort of equals
main = do
print (addFive (readInt "11"))
putStrLn (readString "11")
But this readString cannot parse its argument "11" as a string, so it crash at run time.
The fix of this problem is simple:
main = do
print (addFive (read "11"))
putStrLn (read "\"11\"")

Best way to implement ad-hoc polymorphism in Haskell?

I have a polymorphic function like:
convert :: (Show a) => a -> String
convert = " [label=" ++ (show a) ++ "]"
But sometimes I want to pass it a Data.Map and do some more fancy key value conversion. I know I can't pattern match here because Data.Map is an abstract data type (according to this similar SO question), but I have been unsuccessful using guards to this end, and I'm not sure if ViewPatterns would help here (and would rather avoid them for portability).
This is more what I want:
import qualified Data.Map as M
convert :: (Show a) => a -> String
convert a
| M.size \=0 = processMap2FancyKVString a -- Heres a Data.Map
| otherwise = " [label=" ++ (show a) ++ "]" -- Probably a string
But this doesn't work because M.size can't take anything other than a Data.Map.
Specifically, I am trying to modify the sl utility function in the Functional Graph Library in order to handle coloring and other attributes of edges in GraphViz output.
I wish I could accept all three answers by TomMD, Antal S-Z, and luqui to this question as they all understood what I really was asking. I would say:
Antal S-Z gave the most 'elegant' solution as applied to the FGL but would also require the most rewriting and rethinking to implement in personal problem.
TomMD gave a great answer that lies somewhere between Antal S-Z's and luqui's in terms of applicability vs. correctness. It also is direct and to the point which I appreciate greatly and why I chose his answer.
luqui gave the best 'get it working quickly' answer which I will probably be using in practice (as I'm a grad student, and this is just some throwaway code to test some ideas). The reason I didn't accept was because TomMD's answer will probably help other people in more general situations better.
With that said, they are all excellent answers and the above classification is a gross simplification. I've also updated the question title to better represent my question (Thanks Thanks again for broadening my horizons everyone!
What you just explained is you want a function that behaves differently based on the type of the input. While you could use a data wrapper, thus closing the function for all time:
data Convertable k a = ConvMap (Map k a) | ConvOther a
convert (ConvMap m) = ...
convert (ConvOther o) = ...
A better way is to use type classes, thus leaving the convert function open and extensible while preventing users from inputting non-sensical combinations (ex: ConvOther M.empty).
class (Show a) => Convertable a where
convert :: a -> String
instance Convertable (M.Map k a) where
convert m = processMap2FancyKVString m
newtype ConvWrapper a = CW a
instance Convertable (ConvWrapper a) where
convert (CW a) = " [label=" ++ (show a) ++ "]"
In this manner you can have the instances you want used for each different data type and every time a new specialization is needed you can extend the definition of convert simply by adding another instance Convertable NewDataType where ....
Some people might frown at the newtype wrapper and suggest an instance like:
instance Convertable a where
convert ...
But this will require the strongly discouraged overlapping and undecidable instances extensions for very little programmer convenience.
You may not be asking the right thing. I'm going to assume that you either have a graph whose nodes are all Maps or you have a graph whose nodes are all something else. If you need a graph where Maps and non-maps coexist, then there is more to your problem (but this solution will still help). See the end of my answer in that case.
The cleanest answer here is simply to use different convert functions for different types, and have any type that depends on convert take it as an argument (a higher order function).
So in GraphViz (avoiding redesigning this crappy code) I would modify the graphviz function to look like:
graphvizWithLabeler :: (a -> String) -> ... -> String
graphvizWithLabeler labeler ... =
where sa = labeler a
And then have graphviz trivially delegate to it:
graphviz = graphvizWithLabeler sl
Then graphviz continues to work as before, and you have graphvizWithLabeler when you need the more powerful version.
So for graphs whose nodes are Maps, use graphvizWithLabeler processMap2FancyKVString, otherwise use graphviz. This decision can be postponed as long as possible by taking relevant things as higher order functions or typeclass methods.
If you need to have Maps and other things coexisting in the same graph, then you need to find a single type inhabited by everything a node could be. This is similar to TomMD's suggestion. For example:
data NodeType
= MapNode (Map.Map Foo Bar)
| IntNode Int
Parameterized to the level of genericity you need, of course. Then your labeler function should decide what to do in each of those cases.
A key point to remember is that Haskell has no downcasting. A function of type foo :: a -> a has no way of knowing anything about what was passed to it (within reason, cool your jets pedants). So the function you were trying to write is impossible to express in Haskell. But as you can see, there are other ways to get the job done, and they turn out to be more modular.
Did that tell you what you needed to know to accomplish what you wanted?
Your problem isn't actually the same as in that question. In the question you linked to, Derek Thurn had a function which he knew took a Set a, but couldn't pattern-match. In your case, you're writing a function which will take any a which has an instance of Show; you can't tell what type you're looking at at runtime, and can only rely on the functions which are available to any Showable type. If you want to have a function do different things for different data types, this is known as ad-hoc polymorphism, and is supported in Haskell with type classes like Show. (This is as opposed to parametric polymorphism, which is when you write a function like head (x:_) = x which has type head :: [a] -> a; the unconstrained universal a is what makes that parametric instead.) So to do what you want, you'll have to create your own type class, and instantiate it when you need it. However, it's a little more complicated than usual, because you want to make everything that's part of Show implicitly part of your new type class. This requires some potentially dangerous and probably unnecessarily powerful GHC extensions. Instead, why not simplify things? You can probably figure out the subset of types which you actually need to print in this manner. Once you do that, you can write the code as follows:
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
module GraphvizTypeclass where
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.List (intercalate) -- For output formatting
surround :: String -> String -> String -> String
surround before after = (before ++) . (++ after)
squareBrackets :: String -> String
squareBrackets = surround "[" "]"
quoted :: String -> String
quoted = let replace '"' = "\\\""
replace c = [c]
in surround "\"" "\"" . concatMap replace
class GraphvizLabel a where
toGVItem :: a -> String
toGVLabel :: a -> String
toGVLabel = squareBrackets . ("label=" ++) . toGVItem
-- We only need to print Strings, Ints, Chars, and Maps.
instance GraphvizLabel String where
toGVItem = quoted
instance GraphvizLabel Int where
toGVItem = quoted . show
instance GraphvizLabel Char where
toGVItem = toGVItem . (: []) -- Custom behavior: no single quotes.
instance (GraphvizLabel k, GraphvizLabel v) => GraphvizLabel (Map k v) where
toGVItem = let kvfn k v = ((toGVItem k ++ "=" ++ toGVItem v) :)
in intercalate "," . M.foldWithKey kvfn []
toGVLabel = squareBrackets . toGVItem
In this setup, everything which we can output to Graphviz is an instance of GraphvizLabel; the toGVItem function quotes things, and toGVLabel puts the whole thing in square brackets for immediate use. (I might have screwed some of the formatting you want up, but that part's just an example.) You then declare what's an instance of GraphvizLabel, and how to turn it into an item. The TypeSynonymInstances flag just lets us write instance GraphvizLabel String instead of instance GraphvizLabel [Char]; it's harmless.
Now, if you really need everything with a Show instance to be an instance of GraphvizLabel as well, there is a way. If you don't really need this, then don't use this code! If you do need to do this, you have to bring to bear the scarily-named UndecidableInstances and OverlappingInstances language extensions (and the less scarily named FlexibleInstances). The reason for this is that you have to assert that everything which is Showable is a GraphvizLabel—but this is hard for the compiler to tell. For instance, if you use this code and write toGVLabel [1,2,3] at the GHCi prompt, you'll get an error, since 1 has type Num a => a, and Char might be an instance of Num! You have to explicitly specify toGVLabel ([1,2,3] :: [Int]) to get it to work. Again, this is probably unnecessarily heavy machinery to bring to bear on your problem. Instead, if you can limit the things you think will be converted to labels, which is very likely, you can just specify those things instead! But if you really want Showability to imply GraphvizLabelability, this is what you need:
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances
, UndecidableInstances, OverlappingInstances #-}
-- Leave the module declaration, imports, formatting code, and class declaration
-- the same.
instance GraphvizLabel String where
toGVItem = quoted
instance Show a => GraphvizLabel a where
toGVItem = quoted . show
instance (GraphvizLabel k, GraphvizLabel v) => GraphvizLabel (Map k v) where
toGVItem = let kvfn k v = ((toGVItem k ++ "=" ++ toGVItem v) :)
in intercalate "," . M.foldWithKey kvfn []
toGVLabel = squareBrackets . toGVItem
Notice that your specific cases (GraphvizLabel String and GraphvizLabel (Map k v)) stay the same; you've just collapsed the Int and Char cases into the GraphvizLabel a case. Remember, UndecidableInstances means exactly what it says: the compiler cannot tell if instances are checkable or will instead make the typechecker loop! In this case, I am reasonably sure that everything here is in fact decidable (but if anybody notices where I'm wrong, please let me know). Nevertheless, using UndecidableInstances should always be approached with caution.
