I'm modifying a Gantt chart excel template I found online by Vertex42 for added functionality.
One of these modifications is a checkbox inside a sheet called "Config" that, when ticked, creates a backup of the Gantt chart whenever the document is opened.
For some reason, I cannot get this simple task to work.
I've tried using both the Form control and ActiveX control check boxes, with different error messages. As far as I can tell, the Form controls are unrecommended, so I'm using the code below in the ThisWorkbook excel object, based on what I've seen online.
Private Sub Workbook_open()
Dim backupFilename As String
Dim formattedDateTime As String
If Sheets("Config").OLEObjects("AutoBackupCheckbox").Object.Value = True Then
formattedDateTime = Format(Now, "d-MMMM-yyyy, h:mm:ss")
backupfilename = Replace(ActiveWorkbook.Name, ".xlsm", " - backup " & DateTime & ".xlsm")
ActiveWorkbook.SaveCopyAs (backupfilename)
End If
End Sub
This code is getting me the error message whenever I open the document or run the debugger,
Run-time error '1004':
Sorry, we couldn't find the <filename> - backup <day>-<month>-<year>, <hour>:<minute>:<seconds>.xlsm. Is it possible it was moved, renamed or deleted?
Any ideas?
UPDATE: After running the debugger, it's complaining on the ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs line.
UPDATE 2: Changed format of 'backupFilename' to remove the '.xlsm' in the middle.
UPDATE 3: Replaced Date with date/time without slashes, and replaced SaveAs with SaveCopyAs. Updated error message.
The argument for the SaveCopyAs call is missing the path of the file.
Replace code with
Private Sub Workbook_open()
Dim backupFilename As String
Dim formattedDate As String
Dim tempFilename As String
Dim workingPath As String
Dim i As Integer
i = 1
If Sheets("Config").OLEObjects("AutoBackupCheckbox").Object.Value = True Then
formattedDate = Format(Date, "d-MMMM-yyyy, ver " & i)
workingPath = Application.ActiveWorkbook.FullName
backupFilename = Replace(workingPath, ".xlsm", " - backup " & formattedDate & ".xlsm")
tempFilename = Dir(backupFilename)
While tempFilename <> "" ' if file already exists
i = i + 1
formattedDate = Format(Date, "d-MMMM-yyyy, ver " & i)
backupFilename = Replace(workingPath, ".xlsm", " - backup " & formattedDate & ".xlsm")
tempFilename = Dir(backupFilename)
ActiveWorkbook.SaveCopyAs (backupFilename)
End If
End Sub
I've been trying to make a macro that automatically saves a backup copy of my Excel workbook before I edit any of its data.
Every time I call it, even though it successfully saves a new copy, when it reaches the end the code stops execution, and macros I try to call below it don't execute.
I think when I run the code and the new backup version is created, the code continues to run on the backup workbook instead of the main workbook, so when I close the backup workbook I abruptly end the code.
I'd like to save a backup version of my main workbook, close the backup version and continue the code on the main workbook.
Public Sub BackupWorkbook()
Dim CurrentFile As String, BackupFile As String, DesiredWorkbookName As String
Dim NowDate As String
'Save current code and Excel spreadsheet data
'Get necessary strings for filenames
CurrentFile = ThisWorkbook.FullName
NowDate = Replace(Format(Now, "dd-mm-yyyy, hh:mm:ss"), ":", ".")
BackupFile = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & "Chem Chart Backups" & "\" & "Chemical Chart" _
& " (" & NowDate & ")" & ".xlsm"
'Save as active workbook to backup file location, then reopen main workbook
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs BackupFile, FileFormat:=52
Workbooks.Open CurrentFile
'This should close the backup version of workbook that opened because of SaveAs method
Workbooks(DesiredWorkbookName & " (" & NowDate & ")" & ".xlsm").Close SaveChanges:=True
End Sub
Public Sub TestMacros()
Call BackupWorkbook
'If this message box pops up after macro is called, it is successful
MsgBox "Success!"
End Sub
I use
Sub BackUp()
Dim BackUpPath As String
BackUpPath = "Your path"
Dim BackUpFile As String
BackUpFile = BackUpPath & "BackUp.xlsm"
ThisWorkbook.SaveCopyAs Filename:=BackUpFile
End Sub
I call this at various times in my project to backup the document as required, this seems to work okay for me and my code will continue to run in the original workbook.
I also generate a unique filename each time and do not actually use "BackUp" as the name of the new workbook as this overwrites my previous backup so I would recommend doing something similar.
New to VBA and have an assignment to create a sub that pastes from one workbook into a new workbook. A requirement for saving the file is that "the folder path be universal so other people can create this folder too". What amendment would I make to the ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs method to fulfill this? Thanks
Sub pasteTable()
Dim formatting As Variant 'create variable to hold formatting2 workbook path
formatting = Application.GetOpenFilename() 'user is prompted and selects path to formatting2 workbook and assigns to formatting variable
Workbooks.Open formatting 'formatting2 workbook is now active
Worksheets("Formatting").Range("B3:R13").Copy 'copies table from formatting2 workbook
Workbooks.Add 'add new workbook
Worksheets(1).Range("B3:R13").Select 'selects range on worksheet of new workbook to paste table
Selection.PasteSpecial xlPasteAll 'pastes table
Columns("B:R").ColumnWidth = 20 'ensures table has proper row and column heights/widths
Rows("3:13").RowHeight = 25
Worksheets(1).Name = "Table Data" 'renames worksheet
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs "C:\Users\name\Desktop\names Excel Assessment VBA\names Excel Assessment VBA " & Format(Date, "dd/mmm/yyyy"), FileFormat:=xlOpenXMLWorkbookMacroEnabled
'saves workbook according to desired specifications
End Sub
Change your Save line to this:
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs "C:\Users\" & Environ("Username") & "\Desktop\Excel Assessment VBA\Excel Assessment VBA " & Format(Date, "dd-mmm-yyyy") & ".xlsm", FileFormat:=xlOpenXMLWorkbookMacroEnabled
The Username system variable will adjust depending on the Windows account that is in use. Just make sure each user has those folders existing on their desktop too, or you will get an error. I also removed names from the folder names as i assume you were trying to do something with the username there as well. You can adjust that to your needs.
Your Date format needed to change too as it was including illegal characters.
You also forgot to include a file extension, so I added that as well.
There is a lot going on with that line, including a lot of mistakes, so you are going to have to play with it a bit until you get exactly what you need. You may want to simplify it a bit until you get the hang of all those things.
I think you have to add some more checks
The script expects the name of the tool-path-folder as constant ToolFolder.
Plus a second constant ToolBaseFolder that could be set to the parent-path `ToolFolder, e.g. a network path. If the const is empty, users desktop will be used.
If this path does not yet exist it will be created.
Option Explicit
Private Const ToolBaseFolder As String = "" 'if ToolBaseFolder is an empty string desktop will be used instead
Private Const ToolFolder As String = "MyNameForToolFolder"
Public Sub testWbToToolFolder()
'this is just for testing
Dim wb As Workbook: Set wb = ActiveWorkbook
saveWbToToolFolder wb, "test.xlsx"
End Sub
Public Sub saveWbToToolFolder(wb As Workbook, filename As String)
'you don't need this sub - but have the same code line in your main routine
wb.SaveAs getToolFolder & filename
End Sub
Public Function getToolFolder() As String
'this returns the toolfolder e.g. C:\Users\xyz\Desktop\MyNameForToolFolder
Dim basepath As String
basepath = ToolBaseFolder & "\"
If existsFolder(basepath) = False Then
If LenB(ToolBaseFolder) > 0 Then
MsgBox ToolBaseFolder & " does not exist." & vbCrLf & _
"File will be saved to " & ToolFolder & " on desktop ", vbExclamation
End If
basepath = getDesktopFolderOfUser
End If
Dim fullpath As String
fullpath = basepath & ToolFolder & "\"
If existsFolder(fullpath) = False Then
makeFolder fullpath
End If
getToolFolder = fullpath
End Function
Private Function existsFolder(path As String) As Boolean
If Len(path) < 2 Then Exit Function 'can't be a valid folder
existsFolder = LenB(Dir(path, vbDirectory)) > 0
End Function
Private Function getDesktopFolderOfUser() As String
getDesktopFolderOfUser = CreateObject("WScript.Shell").SpecialFolders("Desktop") & "\"
End Function
Private Function makeFolder(path As String)
'https://stackoverflow.com/a/26934834/16578424 plus comment from rayzinnz
CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Run "cmd /c mkdir """ & path & """", 0, True
End Function
Trying to get Excel to "saveas" a workbook by using the following code:
Sub SaveWorkbook(my_FileName, sFolder)
Dim workbook_Name As String
Dim fName As String
fName = CStr(Range("B9").Value)
workbook_Name = "\" & fName & ".xls"
Workbooks(my_FileName).SaveAs fileName:=sFolder & workbook_Name
End Sub
my_FileName and sFolder are being passed by another function:
Sub ProduceDoc()
MsgBox "Please Select the File that Contains the Document"
my_FileName = Application.GetOpenFilename(FileFilter:="Excel Files,*.xl*,*.xsl*,*.xm*")
sFolder = "C:\Users\" & InputBox("Please type your employee id") & "\Desktop\" & InputBox("What will you name your folder?")
Workbooks.Open (my_FileName)
SaveWorkbook (my_FileName)
End Sub
The subscript error is currently being thrown for the line:
Workbooks(my_FileName).SaveAs fileName:=sFolder & workbook_Name
and I can't figure out why. I'm assuming it's happening because I'm forgetting something simple.
What I've done so far to test:
Verified that my_FileName is successfully being passed to the function SaveWorkbook(), and it is. I was able to open the document specified in function ProduceDoc() and get my_FileName to print in a certain cell within SaveWorkbook()
That's all I have in the toolkit atm. Any thoughts?
Edit: I've now updated the line Workbooks(my_FileName).SaveAs fileName:=sFolder & workbook_Name to show new state, and also sFolder is being called in . It is still giving the same error.
I figured it out.
Everything was formatted correctly in all variables, except for these two lines:
workbook_Name = "\" & fName & ".xls"
Workbooks(my_FileName).SaveAs fileName:=sFolder & workbook_Name
Excel didn't like a few things here, so I tried to make it as basic as I could. I combined the concatenation of sFolder and workbook_Name into one variable, removed ".xls", and added the fileFormat:=xlWorkbookNormal argument into the SaveAs method.
What I think really fixed this is how I called the SaveAs method. Changed that to "ActiveWorkbook" rather than what is was previously.
workbook_Name = sFolder & "\" & fName
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs fileName:=workbook_Name, fileFormat:=xlWorkbookNormal
It all behaves as expected now!
hope this helps anyone who runs into this in the future!
Not sure why I am getting this error. Please assist in correcting and also, provide a good explanation for the reason. I have 3 subs (from 2 modules) that call each other sequentially. Is the reason for the error message because the file name from the first sub is declared as a variable in the third sub? See code below:
Option Explicit
Sub PRM_1_Report_Save()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim PRM_1_New As Workbook ' This is BCRS-PTASKS Unassigned.csv
Set PRM_1_New = Workbooks("BCRS-PTASKS Unassigned.csv")
Dim SaveDir1 As String, prmAfn As String
SaveDir1 = CreateObject("WScript.Shell").SpecialFolders("MyDocuments") & "\PRM Temp Files"
If Len(Dir(SaveDir1, vbDirectory)) = 0 Then MkDir SaveDir1
prmAfn = SaveDir1 & "\PRM_1_TEMP"
Application.SendKeys ("~")
PRM_1_New.SaveAs Filename:=prmAfn, FileFormat:=xlOpenXMLWorkbook
PRM_1_New.Close False
Call PRM_2_Report_Save
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Sub PRM_2_Report_Save()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim PRM_2_New As Workbook ' This is Problem WGM & WGL xref with description.xls
Set PRM_2_New = Workbooks("Problem WGM & WGL xref with description.xls")
Dim SaveDir2 As String, prmBfn As String
SaveDir2 = CreateObject("WScript.Shell").SpecialFolders("MyDocuments") & "\PRM Temp Files"
If Len(Dir(SaveDir2, vbDirectory)) = 0 Then MkDir SaveDir2
prmBfn = SaveDir2 & "\PRM_2_TEMP"
Application.SendKeys ("~")
PRM_2_New.SaveAs Filename:=prmBfn, FileFormat:=xlOpenXMLWorkbook
PRM_2_New.Close False
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Call Open_PRM_Files
End Sub
Module 2:
Option Explicit
Sub Open_PRM_Files()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim PRM_Dir As String
Dim PRM_1_TEMP As Workbook
Set PRM_1_TEMP = Workbooks("PRM_1_TEMP.xlsx") ' This is the line that get's the error
Dim PRM_2_TEMP As Workbook
Set PRM_2_TEMP = Workbooks("PRM_2_TEMP.xlsx")
PRM_Dir = CreateObject("WScript.Shell").SpecialFolders("MyDocuments") & "\PRM Temp Files"
Workbooks.Open Filename:=PRM_Dir & "\" & PRM_1_TEMP
Workbooks.Open Filename:=PRM_Dir & "\" & PRM_2_TEMP
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
This line from the sub in Module2 is where the debugger shows the error (which is also commented in the sub above):
Set PRM_1_TEMP = Workbooks("PRM_1_TEMP.xlsx")
The purpose of the code here is to save two imported reports into .xlsx format, close them, and then open the files in the saved format. I need this to occur in separate subs (save and open) for other workflow processes of this VBA Project not listed (or relevant) here.
EDIT: I should also mention that the first two subs execute and provide the intended results which is each file saved in the new directory and with the proper extension.
Set PRM_1_TEMP = Workbooks("PRM_1_TEMP.xlsx")
This line assumes that you already have an open workbook with that name. If Excel does not find an open workbook with that name then you will get a runtime error as you noticed.
I'm assuming that you are trying to open the workbooks here which you created in the first two subs:
Workbooks.Open Filename:=PRM_Dir & "\" & PRM_1_TEMP
Workbooks.Open Filename:=PRM_Dir & "\" & PRM_2_TEMP
"& PRM_1_TEMP" is the name of a Workbook variable, and you're trying to concatenate it as a string name. Change this to a string matching the filename, and then move your declarations of workbooks to below the code that opens the workbooks. This way Excel opens the workbooks BEFORE trying to access them in the Workbooks collection, and you should not receive an error. I haven't tested this modification, but please let me know if it works for you.
Sub Open_PRM_Files()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim PRM_Dir As String
PRM_Dir = CreateObject("WScript.Shell").SpecialFolders("MyDocuments") & "\PRM Temp Files"
Workbooks.Open Filename:=PRM_Dir & "\" & "PRM_1_TEMP"
Workbooks.Open Filename:=PRM_Dir & "\" & "PRM_2_TEMP"
Dim PRM_1_TEMP As Workbook
Set PRM_1_TEMP = Workbooks("PRM_1_TEMP.xlsx") ' This is the line that get's the error
Dim PRM_2_TEMP As Workbook
Set PRM_2_TEMP = Workbooks("PRM_2_TEMP.xlsx")
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
I am getting a
Run-time error '1004' Method 'SaveAs' of object '_Workbook' failed.
The code works in excel 2010. I only get this error message in excel 2013.
The error message appears after trying to run the follow line.
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs FolderPath & SaveName & NewSaveExt, 52
The spreadsheet is an .xls
When using the Saveas I am changing it to .xlsm
I have tried it with a .xls extension and fileformat 56 and it still falls over.
I am using code from the resources listed in the code.
I am saving the file to the same folder the workbook is in.
The orignal file name is: Financial Report as at month N.xls
The new filename is : Financial Report 1516 as at month 8.xlsm
Sub SaveNewVersion_Excel()
'PURPOSE: Save file, if already exists add a new version indicator to filename
'SOURCE: www.TheSpreadsheetGuru.com/The-Code-Vault
Dim FolderPath As String
Dim myPath As String
Dim SaveName As String
Dim SaveExt As String
Dim NewSaveExt As String
Dim VersionExt As String
Dim Saved As Boolean
Dim x As Long
TestStr = ""
Saved = False
x = 0
NewSaveExt = ".xlsm"
'Version Indicator (change to liking)
VersionExt = "_v"
'Pull info about file
On Error GoTo NotSavedYet
myPath = ActiveWorkbook.FullName
myFileName = "Financial Report " & FileFinancialYear & " as at month " & MonthNumber
FolderPath = Left(myPath, InStrRev(myPath, "\"))
SaveExt = "." & Right(myPath, Len(myPath) - InStrRev(myPath, "."))
On Error GoTo 0
'Determine Base File Name
If InStr(1, myFileName, VersionExt) > 1 Then
myArray = Split(myFileName, VersionExt)
SaveName = myArray(0)
SaveName = myFileName
End If
'Test to see if file name already exists
If FileExist(FolderPath & SaveName & SaveExt) = False Then
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs FolderPath & SaveName & NewSaveExt, 52
Exit Sub
End If
'Need a new version made
Do While Saved = False
If FileExist(FolderPath & SaveName & VersionExt & x & SaveExt) = False Then
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs FolderPath & SaveName & VersionExt & x & NewSaveExt, 52
Saved = True
x = x + 1
End If
'New version saved
MsgBox "New file version saved (version " & x & ")"
Exit Sub
'Error Handler
MsgBox "This file has not been initially saved. " & _
"Cannot save a new version!", vbCritical, "Not Saved To Computer"
End Sub
Function FileExist(FilePath As String) As Boolean
'PURPOSE: Test to see if a file exists or not
'RESOURCE: http://www.rondebruin.nl/win/s9/win003.htm
Dim TestStr As String
'Test File Path (ie "S:\Reports\Financial Report as at...")
On Error Resume Next
TestStr = Dir(FilePath)
On Error GoTo 0
'Determine if File exists
If TestStr = "" Then
FileExist = False
FileExist = True
End If
End Function
Error reproduction: I was able to reproduce the error when trying to save a workbook with a FileName that already exist.
This could happen because the code checks the existence of a file named with extension SaveExt (using Function FileExist) but then try to save it as a file named with extension NewSaveExt. If these extensions are not the same then it’s possible that the file named with extension NewSaveExt already exist raising the
Run-time error ‘1004’: Method ‘SaveAs’ of object ‘_Workbook’ failed.
However this alert:
A file ‘Financial Report as month .xlsm’ already exist in this
location. Do you want to replace it?.
Should have been displayed before the error 1004
Unfortunately I cannot test the code posted in Excel 2010, but I personally think this behavior is not exclusive of Excel 2013.
Solution: If the objective is to always save the file as xlsm (value of NewSaveExt) then the code should validate the existence of a filename with that extension.
Additional comments about the code posted:
It’s a best practice to declare all variables. These variables are not declared:
TestStr, FileFinancialYear, MonthNumber, myFileName, myArray
These lines are redundant as no need to initialize variables that have not been used as yet, so they are already holding their initialized value.
TestStr = ""; Saved = False; x = 0
Suggest to use constant instead of variables for these (see Variables & Constants)
NewSaveExt = ".xlsm"; VersionExt = "_v"
New workbooks are not detected as the error handler NotSavedYet which is supposed to be triggered when the ActiveWorkbook has not been saved before (i.e. a new workbook) never gets fired as none of the commands between the On Error statements generate an error when dealing with new workbooks (see On Error Statement). If the intention is not to save New Workbooks, as implied by the error handler NotSavedYet, then validate the Path of the ActiveWorkbook, it will be empty if the workbook has not has been saved before.
The FileFinancialYear and MonthNumber variables never get populated.
Suggest to use specific workbook properties for Path and Name instead of FullName (see Workbook Object (Excel))
About the piece referred as Determine Base File Name
a. Programming: There is no need for IF statement, just use the Split function and take the item 0. The Split function returns ”a single-element array containing the entireexpression” when the delimiter is not present in the expression” (i.e. VersionExt and myFileName respectively).
b. Practicality: This piece seems to be redundant, as it’s meant to extract from variable myFileName the filename excluding the version and extension, however there is no such information in the variable as it has been populate just few lines above as:
myFileName = "Financial Report " & FileFinancialYear & " as at month " & MonthNumber
Therefore SaveName is always equal to myFileName
The first version of the file is indexed as 0 instead of 1.
The new indexed version will not always be the last index number + 1. If any of the previous versions is deleted or moved out to another folder as this version is missing the code will assign the missing version index to the latest file saved (see Fig. 1, note that time of the version 3 is newer than versions 4 & 5). Correction of this point requires a more complex approach as such it is not included in the revised code below.
Requirements: Based on the above a revised code is written that complies with the following requirements:
The procedure resides in a standalone workbook.
Files are always saved as xlOpenXMLWorkbookMacroEnabled (Extension xlsm)
New workbooks will not be saved as new versions.
Variables FileFinancialYear and MonthNumber are hardcoded as there is no indication of how they get populated (change as required).
The first time a file is saved and it does not exist in the source folder the file will be saved without version number.
The index of the first version should be 1 (change to 0 if required).
Option Explicit
Sub Wbk_SaveNewVersion_Xlsm()
Const kExt As String = ".xlsm"
Const kVrs As String = "_v"
Dim WbkAct As Workbook
Dim iYear As Integer, bMnth As Byte, sWbkStd As String
Dim sWbkPthNme As String, bVrs As Byte
Rem Set Standard Workbook Name
iYear = 2015 'Update Financial Year as required
bMnth = 9 'Update Month as required
sWbkStd = "Financial Report " & iYear & " as at month " & Format(bMnth, "00")
Rem Validate Active Workbook
Set WbkAct = ActiveWorkbook
If WbkAct.Name = ThisWorkbook.Name Then GoTo HdeThs
If WbkAct.Path = Empty Then GoTo NewWbk
Rem Get Workbook Properties
sWbkPthNme = WbkAct.Path & "\" & sWbkStd
Rem Validate Base File Existance
If Not (Fil_FileExist(sWbkPthNme & kExt)) Then
WbkAct.SaveAs sWbkPthNme & kExt, xlOpenXMLWorkbookMacroEnabled
MsgBox "A new workbook has been created: " & _
vbLf & vbLf & Chr(34) & sWbkStd & kExt & Chr(34), _
vbApplicationModal + vbInformation, "Workbook - Save a New Version - Xlsm"
Exit Sub
End If
Rem Save a New Version
bVrs = 1
sWbkPthNme = sWbkPthNme & kVrs
If Fil_FileExist(sWbkPthNme & bVrs & kExt) Then
bVrs = 1 + bVrs
WbkAct.SaveAs sWbkPthNme & bVrs & kExt, xlOpenXMLWorkbookMacroEnabled
Exit Do
End If
MsgBox "Version """ & bVrs & """ of workbook: " & _
vbLf & vbLf & Chr(34) & sWbkStd & Chr(34) & " has been created.", _
vbApplicationModal + vbInformation, "Workbook - Save a New Version - Xlsm"
Call Wbk_Hide(ThisWorkbook)
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Active Workbook """ & WbkAct.Name & """ has not been saved as yet." & vbLf & _
"A new version cannot be saved!", _
vbApplicationModal + vbCritical, "Workbook - Save New Version - Xlsm"
End Sub
Private Function Fil_FileExist(sFullName As String) As Boolean
Dim sDir As String
Fil_FileExist = (Dir(sFullName) <> Empty)
End Function
Private Sub Wbk_Hide(Wbk As Workbook)
Dim Wnd As Window
For Each Wnd In Wbk.Windows
Wnd.Visible = False
End Sub