Sparql request to Wikidata with subquery leads to timeout - subquery

It might be because of a wrong understanding of how selects with subqueries work, but I encounter the following problem.
The following query should provide all the labels of a sub list of items (having occupation mathematician) limited by an explicit limit:
SELECT ?item ?label
?item rdfs:label ?labelNode .
SELECT ?item
{ ?item wdt:P106 wd:Q170790. }
BIND(STR(?labelNode) AS ?label).
I had understood from that the subquery should be evaluated first, providing 3 items to the outer scope, where then all labels will be retrieve.
The inner query does indeed its job in 1 second. But the full query leads to time out.
Is it a problem in wikidata? do I wrongly understand the concept of subquery?


TypeORM count grouping with different left joins each time

I am using NestJS with TypeORM and PostgreSQL. I have a queryBuilder which joins other tables based on the provided array of relations.
const query = this.createQueryBuilder('user');
if (relations.includes('relation1') {
query.leftJoinAndSelect('user.relation1', 'r1');
if (relations.includes('relation2') {
query.leftJoinAndSelect('user.relation2', 'r2');
if (relations.includes('relation3') {
query.leftJoinAndSelect('user.relation3', 'r3');
// 6 more relations
Following that I select a count on another table.
.leftJoin('user.relation4', 'r4')
.addSelect('COUNT(case when r4.value > 10 then end', 'user_moreThan')
.addSelect('COUNT(case when r4.value < 10 then end', 'user_lessThan')
.groupBy(',,, ...')
And lastly I use one of the counts (depending on the request) for ordering the result with orderBy.
Now, of course, based on the relations parameter, the requirements for the groupBy query change. If I join all tables, TypeORM expects all of them to be present in groupBy.
I initially had the count query separated, but that was before I wanted to use the result for ordering.
Right now I planned to just dynamically create the groupBy string, but this approach somehow feels wrong and I am wondering if it is in fact the way to go or if there is a better approach to achieving what I want.
You can add group by clause conditionally -
if (relations.includes('relation1') {

Sails.js One to many performances

I have compared the sql query on sails.js with the other way of doing it, using waterline's ORM.
I did the following request : Get all countries from all continents and I compared both requests with wireshark.
The simple SQL query :
"SELECT * FROM countries AS cou INNER JOIN continents AS con ON ("
And then I did the same defining a one to many associations between countries and continents and did the following request.
Continents.find().populate("countries").exec(function(err, result)) {
With that way, it takes around 66 ms to return the result, considering I have 15 ms of network delay, I can go down to 50 ms by moving the node.js server.
When I do it with the sql query, it takes around 35ms, so I could go down to nearly 20ms, which is good for me.
Is there a way to get the same results using both methods? or will the sql query always be faster?
Actually, the query generated in such population is
1. Selection of parents :
select * from continent where ...
Selection of all countries of the retrieved continents.
(select * from country where continent_id = continent_1)
(select * from country where continent_id = continent_2)
(select * from country where continent_id = continent_n)
Regroup result (Affectation of every country to its continent by foreign key.
This implementation make easy the management of limit and skip clauses as the call :
result)) {
should only return the second and the third country for every continent and such implementation as you can see generate one only query so DBMS will not be overloaded.

NodeJS Sequelize and FindAll with Include and constraints

I am trying to use the Include capabilities in the Find all to Eager load the data i need in a single query. My issue is that all the includes are LEFT OUTER JOIN ... which is good but i am not seeing a way to add additional constraints to that LEFT OUTER JOIN.
My query would look something like:
{where: ["match.isPublished = ?", true],
include: [RoundMaps,
{model: MemberMaps, as: "MemberMaps", where: ["memberMaps.memberUUID = ?", authenticatedUser.uuid]}]})
But this does not seem to be supported ... at least the way i have the syntax written. I cannot add that constraint to the constraints on the LEFT OUTER JOIN ... adding the same constraint to the WHERE clause does not work ... as that gives me only the Matches that the Member is associated with. I want the list of all public Matches and to know which of those that the member has already established an association.
Can it be done?
Sequelize seems to be getting most things done! But still struggling with some things.
Insights welcome!
According to your question this is not possible using where clause with LEFT OUTER JOIN.
For this you have to write SQL queries to list of all public Matches and to know which of those that the member has already established an association.
sequelize.query('SELECT * FROM "Matches" LEFT OUTER JOIN "RoundMaps" ON "Matches".id = "RoundMaps".match_id LEFT OUTER JOIN "Locations" ON "Matches".id = "Locations".match_id LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT * FROM "MemberMaps" WHERE "MemberMaps".memberUUID = ?) AS "MemberMaps" ON "Matches".id = "MemberMaps".match_id WHERE "Matches".isPublished = ?', null, { raw: true }, [memberUUID,true ]).success(function(myTableRows) {
Executing raw SQL queries in Sequelize
There is an option on INCLUDE that specifies whether the join will be inner or outer: include.require = boolean
When there isn't a where: clause specified, then it defaults to false. But, it gets set to true when a where: is set.
You can explicitly turn that off to fetch all of the results of the findAll().
Unfortunately, the only examples I've seen of this are in the codebase itself, but here it is:

Cannot link MS Access query with subquery

I have created a query with a subquery in Access, and cannot link it in Excel 2003: when I use the menu Data -> Import External Data -> Import Data... and select the mdb file, the query is not present in the list. If I use the menu Data -> Import External Data -> New Database Query..., I can see my query in the list, but at the end of the import wizard I get this error:
Too few parameters. Expected 2.
My guess is that the query syntax is causing the problem, in fact the query contains a subquery. So, I'll try to describe the query goal and the resulting syntax.
Table Positions
ID (Autonumber, Primary Key)
position (double)
currency_id (long) (references Currency.ID)
portfolio (long)
Table Currency
ID (Autonumber, Primary Key)
code (text)
Query Goal
Join the 2 tables
Filter by portfolio = 1
Filter by currency.code in ("A", "B")
Group by currency and calculate the sum of the positions for each currency group an call the result: sumOfPositions
Calculate abs(sumOfPositions) on each currency group
Calculate the sum of the previous results as a single result
The query without the final sum can be created using the Design View. The resulting SQL is:
SELECT Currency.code, Sum(Positions.position) AS SumOfposition
FROM [Currency] INNER JOIN Positions ON Currency.ID = Positions.currency_id
WHERE (((Positions.portfolio)=1))
GROUP BY Currency.code
HAVING (((Currency.code) In ("A","B")));
in order to calculate the final SUM I did the following (in the SQL View):
SELECT Sum(Abs([temp].[SumOfposition])) AS sumAbs
FROM [SELECT Currency.code, Sum(Positions.position) AS SumOfposition
FROM [Currency] INNER JOIN Positions ON Currency.ID = Positions.currency_id
WHERE (((Positions.portfolio)=1))
GROUP BY Currency.code
HAVING (((Currency.code) In ("A","B")))]. AS temp;
So, the question is: is there a better way for structuring the query in order to make the export work?
I can't see too much wrong with it, but I would take out some of the junk Access puts in and scale down the query to this, hopefully this should run ok:
SELECT Sum(Abs(A.SumOfPosition)) As SumAbs
FROM (SELECT C.code, Sum(P.position) AS SumOfposition
FROM Currency As C INNER JOIN Positions As P ON C.ID = P.currency_id
WHERE P.portfolio=1
HAVING C.code In ("A","B")) As A
It might be worth trying to declare your parameters in the MS Access query definition and define their datatypes. This is especially important when you are trying to use the query outside of MS Access itself, since it can't auto-detect the parameter types. This approach is sometimes hit or miss, but worth a shot.
PARAMETERS [[Positions].[portfolio]] Long, [[Currency].[code]] Text ( 255 );
SELECT Sum(Abs([temp].[SumOfposition])) AS sumAbs
FROM [SELECT Currency.code, Sum(Positions.position) AS SumOfposition
FROM [Currency] INNER JOIN Positions ON Currency.ID = Positions.currency_id
WHERE (((Positions.portfolio)=1))
GROUP BY Currency.code
HAVING (((Currency.code) In ("A","B")))]. AS temp;
I have solved my problems thanks to the fact that the outer query is doing a trivial sum. When choosing New Database Query... in Excel, at the end of the process, after pressing Finish, an Import Data form pops up, asking
Where do you want to put the data?
you can click on Create a PivotTable report... . If you define the PivotTable properly, Excel will display only the outer sum.

JPQL / QueryDSL: join subquery and get aliased column

I'm trying to get an average for a count on a groupBy by joining with a subquery. Don't know if that the right way to go at all but I couldn't anything about subqueries other than the mysema doc.
How many orders per product did a customer do on average?
Meaning: A Customer orders products. So a customer ordered a specific product a number of times (count). What's the average number of orders that customer placed for any product?
Might sound a bit hypothetical, in fact it's just part of a prototype, but it made me wonder, how to get a reference to a custom column created within a subquery with the fancy QueryDSL from Mysema.
In SQL you just give the count column an alias and join using a second ID column. QueryDSL has the "as()" method as well but I have no Idea, how to retrieve that column plus I dont't see how it can join one query with anothers, since query.list() just gets a list but for some reason the join accepts it. Feels wrong...
Here's my code:
JPQLQuery query = createJPQLQuery();
QOrdering qOrdering = QOrdering.ordering;
QProduct qProduct = QProduct.product;
QCustomer qCustomer = QCustomer.customer;
// how many of each product did a customer order?
HibernateSubQuery subQuery = new HibernateSubQuery();
subQuery.from(qOrdering).innerJoin(qOrdering.product,qProduct).innerJoin(qOrdering.customer, qCustomer);
// get the average number of orders per product for each customer
return (List<Object[]>) query.list(qCustomer.firstname,subQuery.count_orders.avg());
Again: How do I join with a subquery?
How do I get the aliased "count" column to do more aggregation like avg (is my group right btw?)
Might be that I have some other errors in this, so any help appreciated!
That's kind of the native SQL I'd like to see QueryDSL produce:
Select avg(numOrders) as average, cust.lastname from
customer cust
inner join
(select count(o.product_id) as numOrders, as cid,
from ordering o
inner join product p on
inner join customer c on
group by o.customer_id, o.product_id) as numprods
on = numprods.cid
group by numprods.cid
order by cust.lastname;
Using subqueries in the join clause is not allowed. in JPQL, subqueries are only allowed in the WHERE and HAVING part. The join method signatures in Querydsl JPA queries are too wide.
As this query needs two levels of grouping, maybe it can't be expressed with JPQL / Querydsl JPA.
I'd suggest to write this query using the Querydsl JPA Native query support.
As Querydsl JPA uses JPQL internally, it is restricted by the expressiveness of JPQL.
I know that this question is old and already has an accepted answer, but judging from this question, it seems to still be troubling guys. See my answer in the same question. The use of JoinFlag in the join() section and Expression.path() is able to achieve left-joining a subquery. Hope this helps someone.
QueryDsl does not support subQuery in join but you can achieve this via following way:
We wanted to achieve the following query:
select A.* from A join (select aid from B group by aid) b on;
Map a View or SQL query to JPA entity:
import lombok.Setter;
import org.hibernate.annotations.Subselect;
import org.hibernate.annotations.Synchronize;
import javax.persistence.Entity;
import javax.persistence.Id;
#Subselect("select aid from B group by aid")
public class BGroupByAid {
private Integer aId;
then use the equivalent QueryDSl entity in the class just like the regular entity:
JPAQuery<QAsset> query = new JPAQuery<>(entityManager);
QBGroupByAid bGroupById = QBGroupByAid.bGroupByAid;
List<A> tupleOfAssets =
You can also use blazebit which supports also subquery in join. I have try it and it is working. You can create SubQueryExpression f.e like this
SubQueryExpression<Tuple> sp2 = getQueryFactory().select(,
.where(Expressions.path(Integer.class, rowNumber).eq(1));
and then just join it like this:
return getBlazeQueryFactory()
.select(entity1, entity)
.leftJoin(sp2, entity).on(;
I have put here just simple example. So maybe it doesn't make a perfect sense but maybe can be helpful.
Also don't be confused it will can produce union in the generated select. This is just for naming columns from subquery you can read better explanation about this union here: Blaze-Persistence GROUP BY in LEFT JOIN SUBQUERY with COALESCE in root query
