npm package is not updating with npm install command - node.js

I have an own npm package called mypackage, which is installed in over 50 repositories. I recently updated mypackage from version 1.1.0 to 1.2.0. In the package.json file in all repositories is the line: mypackage: "^1.0.12"
When I clone the repository, everything works fine and 1.2.0 gets installed.
When I run npm install in an existing local repository, where version 1.1.0 is installed, it remains at that version, even if I delete the package-lock.json and the node_modules folder before running npm install. I tried npm cache clear --force too, but same issue.
What am I doing wrong? I really don't want to update one line in 50+ package.json files.
Thank you in advance, Simon


package-lock.json is rewritten after npm install

I was working on a react project.
I cloned it in a new machine.
As soon as I ran the command npm install, package-lock.json file was rewritten completely.
Is this a problem?
And how should I deal with it?
npm install can rewrite package-lock.json file. Probably you have dependencies with not fixed version '~x.x.x' or '^x.x.x'. If you already have package-lock.json and want install packages without update lock file, you can use npm ci. See this doc

NPM package-lock query

This is to get some clarification on the behaviour of npm with regards to package.json and package-lock.json.
The scenario is this, my package.json has an dependency like this:
"xxx-package" : "^7.34.0"
When I ran 'npm install' on a fresh machine (with no node_modules folder and no package-lock.json), the installer found a newer version of the package "7.36.0" and installed that instead. This is correct since we have the caret(^) sign in the dependency list.
But here is the confusing part: npm then created a package-lock.json with the new updated version but never changed the package.json listing. So now the package-lock.json shows "7.36.0" but package.json is still showing the lower version.
Also, 'npm outdated' and 'npm update' will not do anything since the version in package-lock matches the latest.
My app ran fine on "7.34.0" but a fresh install breaks it, and I spent a lot of time trying to fix a possible bug in my app. Only when I checked the package-lock did I realize that this was due to a newer version and not my code.
Is there a way to make sure package.json is updated whenever a new version gets installed using 'npm install'?
Or are we doing something wrong ?
npm version is 7.9.0
node version is 15.3.0

npm install not getting latest minor version of package

I have a colleague who's having issues with npm install, I'm wondering if anyone else has had the same issue...
Win 10 x64
Node 8.9.3
Global npm packages installed:
npm 5.6.0
rimraf 2.6.2
(We have multiple PCs all running identical node/npm versions for consistency, so this can't be updated on a whim)
We have a package json with a dev dependency of "typescript": ^"2.0.6"
On all other dev machines, doing npm install on a fresh clone of our repo (no node_modules / typings), we get given typescript 2.7.2, the latest minor version of typescript to date.
On this one machine, we are given 2.6.2, consistently.
We have completely uninstalled node, removed %UserProfile%\AppData\Roaming\npm & %UserProfile%\AppData\Roaming\npm-cache to no avail.
For completeness we have also run npm cache verify.
Any thoughts would be appreciated, we are stumped.
Might be the same problem here. I think below link helps you to get more about working with package versions.
as you specified that you have a package.json with a dev dependency of "typescript": ^"2.0.6".
Just try by replacing the below line in your package.json file.
"typescript": "exact version you needed"
Ex. "typescript": "2.0.6"
Including with this before running npm install just delete the package-lock.json file from your projects root directory if any.
Should I manually update dependencies versions in the package.json after creating a new project with npm?

npm install on cleaned project does not 'update'

I have the following scenario:
project with installed node_modules
work directory is emptied
project is freshly cloned from git
npm install is run
I have a dependency required as ~1.0.0 in package.json. This dependency was previously installed in version 1.0.1. It has now newer versions, e.g. 1.0.2, available but still gets installed as 1.0.1 by npm install. But I want the dependency to get updated within the range that I specified.
Why is that and how could I solve this? Would using npm update instead/ afterwards help?

NPM package has outdated dependency, is there a way to alter its version?

Just migrated to Node 4.1.2 from 0.10. One of the packages being installed via npm install errors due to node-gyp having a problem with one of its dependencies, it's quite a few versions out of date. The issue has been brought up on the repo but hasn't seen activity since May. Is there a way to tell NPM to install this package but with the outdated dependency using a newer version?
I've copied over an installed version from node_modules in an older project. npm install -g npm-check-updates then ncu in the node_modules/bs-html-injector/ directory. It lists updates, ncu -u will update the package.json, npm install after. I run my gulp task and html is injecting fine, all seems fine :) Would still like to know how to do this if I didn't have a local copy installed by NPM. It looks like it's just a 1:1 copy from the github repo?
With npm, you can install packages from GitHub directly:
npm install user/repo#branch
You can fork the package on GitHub, make and propose the changes you need and use your fork as a dependency in your project until PR is merged.
you can use --force to force install it
