How to solve google collab cuda malloc failed error? - python-3.x

I am running yolo v3 custom object detection for my project.But it is giving error when I tried to run my custom object detection.I am using windows 10 chrome browser.I need help to solve this error.
Thanks in advance.
This is the command that I am trying to run:
!./darknet detector train "/content/gdrive/My Drive/darknet/" "/content/darknet/cfg/yolov3.cfg" "/content/gdrive/My Drive/darknet/darknet_53.conv.74"

The issue is solved when google colab assigned me full resources.Now I am training my own yolo custom object detection.


'Adam' object has no attribute '_warned_capturable_if_run_uncaptured'

I got above error when I tried to reload the a object of Class for Deep Q Network with target network along with experience replay and train it again.
While there are few similar errors related with tensorflow but I am using PyTorch in google Colab.

How to use the Multi-variate Anomaly Detection Cognitive Service by Azure?

In the latest version of the Anomaly Detection Service by Azure which supports the Multi-variate Cognitive Service, we need to train a model and then consume it.
The quickstart documentation for Python mentions a few libraries which are not getting imported:
from import DetectionRequest, ModelInfo
Both these libraries are throwing import errors.
How can we use the Multivariate Anomaly Detection Service using the Python SDK?
This error was with version azure-ai-anomalydetector==3.0.0b2. With version azure-ai-anomalydetector==3.0.0b3, this has been addressed.
The problem is because of the change of the response format recently. To solve that issue, you can change the line with error to
model_status = self.ad_client.get_multivariate_model(trained_model_id).model_info.status

AutoML colab notebook ImportError: Missing optional dependency 'gcsfs'

I'm running the AutoML notebook from
In Colab the following line:
table = pd.read_csv(nested_gcs_uri, low_memory=False)
fails with the error in the subject.
I've tried pip install gcsfs which reports Requirement already satisfied
Import gcsfs returns
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'gcsfs'
Provided Purchase Prediction with AutoML Tables notebook works perfectly on AI Platform Notebooks in GCP. Before running any command it's important to make sure that billing, AI Platform API, Compute Engine API, AutoML API are enabled in GCP project. For some reasons it throws an error while running in Colab environment. The bug has been already reported on Github by #Matt Evans.

Flair NLP package on cloud TPU

Is it possible to use "flair" nlp library on Google cloud TPU ? I am trying to use Google Colab runtime TPUs and getting some errors.
I found that if i change version to 1.5 this error goes away, due to wrong typecasting in the code. However, it still seems to get stuck .. not sure why.. whereas on GPU it works fine.

Tensorflow object detection : Training job on google cloud fails

I am getting this error when training my model on google cloud while trying to run Tensorflow Object detection
gapic-google-cloud-logging-v2 0.91.3 has requirement google-gax<0.16dev,>=0.15.7, but you'll have google-gax 0.12.5 which is incompatible.
any help how to fix it?
