How to have multiple host names for azure website - azure-web-app-service

I created an web app for a demo website in Azure. The domain name for this website was created when I created the app service "". I'd like to use additional domain names using the same such as When I try to add this custom domain it tells me
Failed to add hostname Too many (2)
hostnames in the default DNS zone. Limit is 1
Is there no way around this or must I use my own custom DNS name?

For this you need to add custom domain in Azure web app.
For example : when I created the app service "" and want to have additional domain names , you can go for custom domains like
You can not have as the custom domain of already existing web app as it is already owned by Microsoft Azure web app.


How to test Azure Web App that requires custom domain without using public DNS

I have an Azure Webapp on a Standard 1 Small App Service Plan, I deployed my application successfully to the webapp, but now I need to test it using a specific domain name that on client side could be configured using hosts file.
The problem is that the Azure webapp will only "recognize" the custom/specific domain (ex: if I configure a Custom Domain that uses public DNS and I can't (at this moment) configure the existing domain name to be a CNAME to the Azure webapp because it is production environment, I can and will make the CNAME after the application is tested not before.
My application requires to be called by the specific domain name.
So how can I test my application on Azure webapp using a custom domain but without using public DNS using only my hosts file client side?
note: this problem doesn't even exist in AWS Beanstalk so why is this so complicated with Azure webapp. Its pretty basic
You can preemptively associate your custom domain name with your web app and test it via a client using the host file. To verify domain ownership, Add a TXT record. The TXT record maps from awverify.<subdomain> to <appname> Steps to do this are outlined here:
Using App Service, I don't think you can do this.
It configures the underlying app to only listen for domains configured in the Web App.
So if you don't add the domain as a custom domain, requests won't be routed to the app.
The reason is that IP addresses are shared, so Azure relies on the Host header to route your request correctly.
You can add the custom domain without CNAME / A record by using the awverify record mentioned by Ken.

Web app not validating custom domain name

Steps I followed:
Created an web app (
Created a traffic manager profile, added web app as an endpoint ( Traffic manager opens the web
app. Issue I face while adding custom domain. I have own a domain
I am trying to add subdomain to traffic manager profile ( CNAME
Added CNAME for my web app: CNAME
When trying to add the Custom domain to my web app, web app
does not validate the domain name. It always gives option to Add
When I try to access, gets 404 error.
The app service is in Standard tier. What step am I missing or doing wrong?

Azure WebApp Deleted and Domain is not accessable

Unfortunately I deleted my WebApp, A domain which was purchased through azure portal by following these steps
Was attached with this webapp. Now that I don't have any access to domain's DNS, If I visit my domain it says
This page is parked free, courtesy of Azure
How I can get my domain back to me.
You haven't lost your domain, so there's no getting it back to you. The issue is that you deleted your web app, so Azure is providing a default landing page for your now-unused domain name.
If you create a new web app, and want to assign your domain name to it, you should be able to in the Custom Domains and SSL blade for that web app's configuration.
For example, here's the settings for one of my web apps. I'd see my purchased domain names under Managed Domains.

Nested Profiles in Azure Traffic Manager not working properly

I had created two Traffic manager profiles naming as Firstprofile, Secondprofile.Firstly Secondprofile configured with app service end point. Now Secondprofile added as Endpoint to Firstprofile (called nested profile) .While browsing the Firstprofile showing the error as follows "Error 404 - Web app not found"
The HTTP request you make to your Web App includes a 'Host' header containing the domain name used in the request. This must be recognized by the Web App. The standard Web App domain name ( always works, any other domain names appear in the Web App's custom domains list.
When you add a Web App to Traffic Manager, the Traffic Manager profile's domain name ( is automatically added to the Web App's custom domains list. So far, so good.
There is a known issue in the Web App / Traffic Manager integration that when using nested Traffic Manager profiles, the domain name of the parent profile ( is not added to the Web App custom domain list. This is why you're seeing 404 errors when trying to access the Web App via the parent profile.
As a workaround, you should configure a DNS record in a vanity domain (e.g. as a CNAME to, and register the vanity domain name as a custom domain in your Web App. Access to the web app via the vanity domain should now work, and this will use the nested Traffic Manager profile as part of the DNS resolution.
Jonathan (Program Manager, Azure Traffic Manager)
The problem is exactly what Jonathan Tuliani mentioned, but there is an alternative solution.
You need to add the parent Traffic Manager profile's domain name to the Web App.
Just go to Custom Domains and SSL -> Bring external domain -> enter the domain name e.g. It will get allowed and everything works.
I just wrote a blog post about it: Nested Traffic Manager profiles

Multiple domains on 1 cloud service

I have a app which is a website builder. Lets say the app is on a azure webrole and its domain is called
I want to offer a service where users can use their custom domain with my app. So User 1 has a domain called, user2 has etc. Whenever someone types, I want them to be able to see come to my my app ie, with the browser still showing You can assume I have complete access to the DNS and nameservers of these custom domains. I just need to understand how to configure this in azure.
Not really, as it was on SSL binding of multiple custom domains on a single cloud. I was trying to figure out how to have one app on a cloud service where content changes as per custom domain end user has used to navigate to the website. Turns out its easy, all that is required is cname config and listening to host_header on server side aspx page_init –
