set a variable in the global namespace for jest tests - jestjs

My code uses global google.maps namespace. In dev/prod it is provided by the google maps library import. In tests, I have to stub it, but I cannot put it on the global object.
Things I've tried: = {
maps: {...
(window as any).google = {
maps: {...
I've tried putting it in beforeEach, and in the test itself. Every time I get the
TypeError: Cannot read property 'maps' of undefined

Managed to get it working by putting
declare var google: any;
in the file that uses the google libs (not the .spec.ts test file). Before it was importing google from another file which was also declaring. No idea why this is so. I'll raise an issue with jest.


Put data on ServersideProps

Is it possible to get data from server side's config file on client by getServersideProps() in Next.js? How to put data in props? Or how to get it on client in other way?
I have tried publicRuntimeConfig in next.config.js, but it is undefined and I don't know why...
It's hard to tell exactly what's going on but I have one idea from experience: You need to make sure you're calling nextJSApp.prepare() before any modules using next/config are included.
As an example,
// SomeComponent.tsx
import { getConfig } from 'next/config'
const config = getConfig()
export interface X { ... }
// server.ts
import { X } from './SomeComponent'
This fails because module are loaded first and the config hasn't been initialized until app.prepare has been completed.
The solution for this is to either use TypeScript's import(...) syntax if you just need a type or use node's require for dynamic resolution during runtime.

How to export typings along with a module?

I'm writing a module that adds some functionalities to testing suites our team is using. It's a project that has main typescript file, that wraps other exports from our project.
export * from "./OneModule"
export * from "./AnotherModule"
One of the modules has a functionality of adding new methods to Chai.js assertion library. This is achieved by using it's functions for adding new methods, for example:
assertion.addChainableMethod('newMethod', callback, chainCallback)
will add ability to write statements like expect(something) TypeScript though, doesn't recognize those new methods, since the type Assertion in #types/chai obviously doesn't have those functions.
I've created interface definition to be merged with the Chai Assertion like this:
declare namespace Chai {
interface Assertion {
newMethod(something: string): Assertion;
newMethod: Assertion;
The addChainableMethod adds new method so it can be also chaines as expect(something) that's why it has to be defined both as property and method.
The problem is, no matter how I add the above declaration to index.d.ts the new assertions aren't visible in the importing project. I suspect it's somehow wrapped in module namespace(but I might be very wrong about that). I know I can do #types/newAssertions and define them there, but that requires users to include 2 projects in package.json, and also requires our developers to handle 2 projects at once. How can I export both my Chai namespace extension and all the modules I have?
The best I've managed to do is something like that:
declare module 'my-module' {
function AddNewAssertions(chai: any, utils: any): void;
declare namespace Chai {
interface Assertion { //same as above }
But with this I cannot expose my other modules, and it works only when I'm only exposing AddNewAssertions function, which adds those assertions. This works perfectly though.
I knocked up a very basic test app for this, and I had some success with adding:
declare global {
namespace Chai {
interface Assertion {
newMethod(something: string): Assertion;
newMethod: Assertion;
This makes the extension visible in your other modules, not just the one with the declaration.

Using TypeScript Declaration For External JavaScript Library

I'm not sure if this extreme edge case or something but I cannot seem to find straight forward documentation on how to do this (or I'm just really not understanding what is available):
I am developing an ionic application and as part of that I need to use the ALKMaps JavaScript library (which is similar to Google Maps API). To do so, I created a local npm module and within that I created a alkmaps.d.ts file as recommended by However, I cannot seem to figure out how to properly import it into my angular code. The same document suggests that using <reference path=''> tags is not good but that is the only thing that seems to satisfy the tsc compiler.
My declaration file, alkmaps.d.ts, looks like (inside excluded for brevity):
declare namespace ALKMaps {
export class Map { ... }
And I was trying to import it into a file like:
import { ALKMaps } from 'alkmaps'; // Error: File '.../alkmaps.d.ts' is not a module
I also tried the following but got the same error.
import ALKMaps = require('alkmaps');
Using the reference tag seems to work within this module but then the project that utilizes this module still throws the "is not a module" error (that might warrant a separate question)
From I found the idea of using export = ALKMaps or export as namespace ALKMaps but adding those to my declaration file resulted in different errors instead.
Can anyone please explain in a straightforward way how to use declaration files representing external JS libraries in a typescript node module?
This is how I was able to get alkMaps into my Angular 2 app
Insert the script into the index.html file.
Declare an ALKMaps variable in the component that you are adding the map
imports .....
declare let ALKMaps : any;
selector: 'show-map',
templateUrl: 'show-map.component.html'
export class ShowMapComponent implements Oninit{
map : any;
constructor() {
ngOnInit() {
ALKMaps.APIKey = "apiKey"; = new ALKMaps.Map("map", {displayProjection: new ALKMaps.Projection("EPSG:4326")});
This will get the map to display and you can put different layers on the map, however the map does not display correctly. #Mike, if you were able to get further than this, will you please comment?
EDIT: The tiles on the image were elongated and not connected. After inspecting the css the main.css, after building, set a global property on the img element to:
img {
The tiles for the map are originally set to 256% for the width. To correct the element, I changed the property for img in the style sheet.
show-map {
img {
max-width: 256%

testing a function from node jasmin

I'm still fairly new to testing, and am trying to figure out how to test a function in jasmine, node. Up to now I've only tested methods on my object.
I have a node.js module which only exports two of my functions, but I need to be able to test the other functions without exporting them, as I don't want them to be public.
This is some example code, as the real code isn't important
function initialize(item){
//do some initializing
return item;
function update(x){
this.value = x;
return this;
module.exports.update = update;
How would I write a test for the initialize function, without using the update method?
Is there a way to do this? Or does everything have to be a part of an object, and then I only export the parts that I need?
By design, functions you don't export are not accessible from outside. Your tests that require your module only see the exports. So you can test the initialize function only through calling the update function. Since the module just initializes once you may clear the require cache before each test to require the module again with a fresh / uninitialized state. Clearing the require cache is officially allowed / not a hack.

jasmine-node - including helper

I am trying to test my Meteor application with jasmine-node. I've stubbed out some methods of Meteor framework in the helper (spec_helper.js):
var Meteor = {
startup: function (newStartupFunction) {
Meteor.startup = newStartupFunction;
Collection: function (collectionName) {
Meteor.instantiationCounts[collectionName] = Meteor.instantiationCounts[collectionName] ?
Meteor.instantiationCounts[collectionName] + 1 : 1;
instantiationCounts: {}
At this point I need to run the code in spec_helper.js (something equivalent of including a module in other languages). I've tried the following, but no success:
require(['spec_helper'], function (helper) {
console.log(helper); // undefined
describe('Testing', function () {
it('should test Meteor', function () {
// that's what I want to call from my stubs...
//'s obviously undefined
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
jasmine_node will autoload helpers (any file containing the word helpers) from within your spec directory.
NOTE: you can cheat and use helper instead since it's a substring of helpers...makes more sense if you split helpers out across multiple files...singular vs plural.
If you're executing your specs from specs/unit, then create a file named specs/unit/meteor-helper.js, and jasmine_node will automagically source it for you. It will load files with the extension .js if your specs are written in vanilla JavaScript. If you pass the --coffee switch on the command line or via your grunt task config (you may even be using gulp if you're ambitious), then it will load helpers with the extensions js|coffee|litcoffee.
You should export a hash from each helper file as follows:
// file name must contain the word helper
// x-helper is the convention I roll with
module.exports = {
key: 'value',
Meteor: {}
Then, jasmine_node will write each key to the global namespace.
This will allow you to simply type key or Meteor from your specs, or any system under test (typically code inside your lib folder that the specs are executing assertions against).
Additionally, jasmine_node will also allow you to suppress the loading of helpers via the --nohelpers switch (see code or README for more details).
This is the proper way to handle helpers for jasmine via node. You may come across some answers/examples that reference a jasmine.yml file; or maybe even spec_helper.js. But keep in mind that this is for ruby land and not node.
UPDATE: It appears jasmine-node will only source your file if it contains the word helpers. Naming each helper file x-helper.js|coffee|litcofee should do the trick. i.e.
