Sync Azure Analysis Server model in Azure using Sync-AzAnalysisServicesInstance - azure

We are using Hybrid worker groups and we have a Group Name that is pointing to one of our Remote Server,
Now I want to Sync my Azure analysis server model using the powershell script, Is anyone having the powershell script to connect and
sync my model?

Welcome to Stackoverflow!
Once a Hybrid Worker is configured, create a Webhook as described in the section Consume with Data Factory. The only difference here is to select the Run on > Hybrid Worker option when configuring the Webhook.
Example webhook using Hybrid Worker:
The following code snippet is an example of how to perform the Azure Analysis Services model refresh using a PowerShell Runbook.
[Parameter (Mandatory = $false)]
[object] $WebhookData,
[Parameter (Mandatory = $false)]
[String] $DatabaseName,
[Parameter (Mandatory = $false)]
[String] $AnalysisServer,
[Parameter (Mandatory = $false)]
[String] $RefreshType
$_Credential = Get-AutomationPSCredential -Name "ServicePrincipal"
# If runbook was called from Webhook, WebhookData will not be null.
if ($WebhookData)
# Retrieve AAS details from Webhook request body
$atmParameters = (ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject $WebhookData.RequestBody)
Write-Output "CredentialName: $($atmParameters.CredentialName)"
Write-Output "AnalysisServicesDatabaseName: $($atmParameters.AnalysisServicesDatabaseName)"
Write-Output "AnalysisServicesServer: $($atmParameters.AnalysisServicesServer)"
Write-Output "DatabaseRefreshType: $($atmParameters.DatabaseRefreshType)"
$_databaseName = $atmParameters.AnalysisServicesDatabaseName
$_analysisServer = $atmParameters.AnalysisServicesServer
$_refreshType = $atmParameters.DatabaseRefreshType
Invoke-ProcessASDatabase -DatabaseName $_databaseName -RefreshType $_refreshType -Server $_analysisServer -ServicePrincipal -Credential $_credential
Invoke-ProcessASDatabase -DatabaseName $DatabaseName -RefreshType $RefreshType -Server $AnalysisServer -ServicePrincipal -Credential $_Credential
For more details, refer "Use a Hybrid worker with Azure Analysis Services".
Hope this helps.


In Azure, how can you configure an alert or notification when a SQL Server failover happened?

In Azure, how can you configure an alert or notification when a SQL Server failover happened if you setup a SQL server with Failover groups and failover policy is set to automatic? If it can't be setup in Monitor can it be scripted elsewhere?
Found a way to script this in Azure using Automation Accounts > Runbook > using Powershell. A simple script like this should do it. Just need to figure out the run as account and trigger it by schedule or alert.
function sendEmailAlert
# Send email
function checkFailover
$list = Get-AzSqlDatabaseFailoverGroup -ResourceGroupName "my-resourceGroup" -server "my-sql-server"
if ( $list.ReplicationRole -ne 'Primary')
Azure SQL database only support these alert metrics:
We could not using the alert when SQL Server failure happened. You can get this from this document: Create alerts for Azure SQL Database and Data Warehouse using Azure portal.
Hope this helps.
Thanks CKelly - gave me a good kick start to something that should be standard in Azure. I created an Azure Automation Account, added the Az.Account, Az.Automation and Az.Sql modules then added a bit more to your code. In Azure I created a SendGrid account.
#use the Azure Account Automation details to login to Azure
$Conn = Get-AutomationConnection -Name AzureRunAsConnection
Connect-AzAccount -ServicePrincipal -Tenant $Conn.TenantID -ApplicationId $Conn.ApplicationID -CertificateThumbprint $Conn.CertificateThumbprint
#create email alert
function sendEmailAlert
# Send email
$From = "<email from>"
$To = "<email of stakeholders to receive this message>"
$SMTPServer = ""
$SMTPPort = "587"
$Username = "<sendgrid username>"
$Password = "<sendgridpassword>"
$subject = "<email subject>"
$body = "<text to go in email body>"
$smtp = New-Object System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient($SMTPServer, $SMTPPort)
$smtp.EnableSSL = $true
$smtp.Credentials = New-Object System.Net.NetworkCredential($Username, $Password)
$smtp.Send($From, $To, $subject, $body)
#create failover check and send if the primary server has changed
function checkFailover
$list = Get-AzSqlDatabaseFailoverGroup -ResourceGroupName "<the resourcegroup>" -server "<SQl Databse server>"
if ( $list.ReplicationRole -ne 'Primary')
This process may help others.

Azure webhook get VM status

I'm trying to do a runbook/webhook that return a status of machine. What I finally notices is that
is only returning 2 resource groups. Where
Does return many more but not all of them again!
I'm sure about my Resource Group Name but still it says resource group 'groupName' could not be found. when I try to run with specific name
Get-AzureRmVM -ResourceGroupName groupName
While my other start and stop runbook works just fine, so i'm confused I can't see the difference between the groups.
PS: I'm using Azure Run As Connection
[Parameter (Mandatory = $false)]
[object] $WebhookData
if ($WebhookData) {
$vms = (ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject $WebhookData.RequestBody)
Write-Output "Authenticating to Azure with service principal and certificate"
$ConnectionAssetName = "AzureRunAsConnection"
Write-Output "Get connection asset: $ConnectionAssetName"
$Conn = Get-AutomationConnection -Name $ConnectionAssetName
if ($Conn -eq $null)
throw "Could not retrieve connection asset: $ConnectionAssetName. Check that this asset exists in the Automation account."
Write-Output "Authenticating to Azure with service principal."
Add-AzureRmAccount -ServicePrincipal -Tenant $Conn.TenantID -ApplicationId $Conn.ApplicationID -CertificateThumbprint $Conn.CertificateThumbprint | Write-Output
# Start each virtual machine
foreach ($vm in $vms)
$vmName = $vm.Name
Write-Output "Checking $vmName"
$vmstatus = Get-AzureRmVM -Name $vm.Name -ResourceGroupName $vm.ResourceGroup -Status# | Select-Object -ExpandProperty StatusesText | ConvertFrom-Json
#select code index and convert to $vmpowerstate
$vmPowerState = $vmstatus#[1].Code
#Write-Output "Resource Group: $vmResourceGroupName", ("VM Name: " + $VM.Name), "Status: $VMStatusDetail" `n
Write-Output ("VM Name: " + $vmName), "Status: $vmPowerState" `n
else {
write-Error "This is webhook only."
Because your resource groups are in the different subscriptions.
As #et3rnal mentioned,
I have 2 subscriptions and Get-AzureRmVM returning 2 vms only because the rest are classics. The automation account I created this runbook at is the other one and I can see that in the overview? its the same one I use to start/stop machines in the other subscription!
If you want to get the PowerState of the VM, you could try the command below, in your case, just put it in the loop, the $PowerState is the PowerState.
$status = Get-AzureRmVM -Name <VM Name> -ResourceGroupName <Resource Group Name> -Status
$PowerState = ($status.Statuses | Where-Object {$_.Code -like "PowerState/*"}).DisplayStatus
1.For the classic VM, we need to use azure ASM powershell module command, you could try Get-AzureVM, may be the Example 3: Display a table of virtual machine statuses in that link will help.
2.Another option is to migrate the classic VM(ASM) to ARM, then use the ARM command Get-AzureRmVM.
Platform-supported migration of IaaS resources from classic to Azure Resource Manager
Migrate IaaS resources from classic to Azure Resource Manager by using Azure PowerShell

Unable to create storage account thru azure automation runbook

I am trying hands on on azure automation runbook, below is the small script i am using to create a storage account.
$CredentialAssetName = "AutomationAccount";
$Cred = Get-AutomationPSCredential -Name $CredentialAssetName
if(!$Cred) {
Throw "Could not find an Automation Credential Asset named
'${CredentialAssetName}'. Make sure you have created one in this Automation
Add-AzureRmAccount -Credential $Cred
Add-AzureAccount -Credential $Cred
$storeac = Get-AzureRmStorageAccount -ResourceGroupName $AzureResourceGroup
if ($storeac.StorageAccountName -eq "testdd" ){
write-output " AC found !";
} else {
New-AzureRmStorageAccount -ResourceGroupName $AzureResourceGroup -Name
$StorageAC -Location $Loc -SkuName $sku
However, when ever i run it after publishing, the job is completed with an error
(New-AzureRmStorageAccount : A parameter cannot be found that matches parameter name 'SkuName')
Can someone tell me what am i doing wrong ??
To resolve the error :
New-AzureRmStorageAccount : A parameter cannot be found that matches parameter name 'SkuName'
Please update the Azure modules in you automation account and by clicking : "Update Azure Modules" under Automation Accounts => Modules and retry the runbook
Update Azure Modules

How to give a 200 response from elasticsearch without authentication to an app gateway?

I have an issue setting up an ES cluster on Azure. I'd like my cluster to be behind an application gateway and also use shield authentication.
The problem is that the azure application gateway needs to send a health ping to the cluster and get back a 200 response, otherwise it returns a 502 "bad gateway". If I create an anonymous use then I can get the cluster to return a 200 but I'd rather not enable an anonymous user and use basic authentication instead.
Is there some endpoint on the cluster that will return a 200 even if the user is not authenticated and anonymous users are turned off?
There is no such endpoint in Elasticsearch. There is status.allowAnonymous in Kibana for the stats api endpoint, but nothing similar in Elasticsearch.
You'd have to define your own user that has access to a specific healthcheck url and use that or anonymous access enabled.
The healthchecks story can have variations: you check the health of a specific node (/_cluster/health?local=true), or the health of the cluster. You can also get a 200 if you send a _search request (with preference=_local) to a specific node even if that cluster doesn't have an elected master node, for example, because by default a _search operation is permitted on a node even in such situation.
In addition to #Andrei's answer, I'd recommend taking a look at Elastic's Azure ARM template which can deploy a cluster with Application Gateway configured for load balancing and SSL offload to the cluster.
This also works with X-Pack Security by setting up anonymous access for the Application Gateway ping health check that is assigned a role with access only to
- cluster:monitor/main
It would be great if the ping check supported supplying credentials in the future, in which case anonymous access would not be required, locking things down further.
To deploy a cluster with Application Gateway using Azure PowerShell
function PromptCustom($title, $optionValues, $optionDescriptions)
Write-Host $title
$a = #()
for($i = 0; $i -lt $optionValues.Length; $i++){
Write-Host "$($i+1))" $optionDescriptions[$i]
Write-Host "Choose an option: "
$option = Read-Host
$option = $option -as [int]
if($option -ge 1 -and $option -le $optionValues.Length)
return $optionValues[$option-1]
function Prompt-Subscription() {
# Choose subscription. If there's only one we will choose automatically
$subs = Get-AzureRmSubscription
$subscriptionId = ""
if($subs.Length -eq 0) {
Write-Error "No subscriptions bound to this account."
if($subs.Length -eq 1) {
$subscriptionId = $subs[0].SubscriptionId
else {
$subscriptionChoices = #()
$subscriptionValues = #()
foreach($subscription in $subs) {
$subscriptionChoices += "$($subscription.SubscriptionName) ($($subscription.SubscriptionId))";
$subscriptionValues += ($subscription.SubscriptionId);
$subscriptionId = PromptCustom "Choose a subscription" $subscriptionValues $subscriptionChoices
return $subscriptionId
$subscriptionId = "{YOUR SUBSCRIPTION ID}"
try {
Select-AzureRmSubscription -SubscriptionId $subscriptionId -ErrorAction Stop
catch {
Write-Host "Please Login"
$subscriptionId = Prompt-Subscription
Select-AzureRmSubscription -SubscriptionId $subscriptionId
# Specify the template version to use. This can be a branch name, commit hash, tag, etc.
# NOTE: different template versions may require different parameters to be passed, so be sure to check
# the parameters/password.parameters.json file in the respective tag branch
$templateVersion = "master"
$templateSrc = "$templateVersion/src"
$elasticTemplate = "$templateSrc/mainTemplate.json"
$location = "Australia Southeast"
$resourceGroup = "app-gateway-cluster"
$name = $resourceGroup
$cert = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes("{PATH TO cert.pfx}"))
$clusterParameters = #{
"artifactsBaseUrl"= $templateSrc
"esVersion" = "5.1.2"
"esClusterName" = $name
# Deploy to same location as Resource Group location
"location" = "ResourceGroup"
# Install X-Pack plugins.
# Will install trial license
"xpackPlugins" = "Yes"
# Use Application Gateway
"loadBalancerType" = "gateway"
"vmDataDiskCount" = 2
"dataNodesAreMasterEligible" = "Yes"
"adminUsername" = "russ"
"authenticationType" = "password"
"adminPassword" = "{Super Secret Password}"
"securityAdminPassword" = "{Super Secret Admin User Password}"
"securityReadPassword" = "{Super Secret Read User Password}"
"securityKibanaPassword" = "{Super Secret Kibana User Password}"
"appGatewayCertBlob" = $cert
"appGatewayCertPassword" = "{Password for cert.pfx (if it has one)}"
Write-Host "[$(Get-Date -format 'u')] Deploying cluster"
New-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name $resourceGroup -Location $location
New-AzureRmResourceGroupDeployment -Name $name -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -TemplateUri $elasticTemplate -TemplateParameterObject $clusterParameters
Write-Host "[$(Get-Date -format 'u')] Deployed cluster"
Take a look at the other parameters available for the template which can be used to control other elements such as size and number of disks to attach to each data node, setting up Azure Cloud plugin for snapshot/restore, etc.


I'm trying to copy-Blob from azure storage for that i have taken a runbook from the Azure runbook gallery named "Copy-BlobFromAzureStorage". When i try to test, it prompt me for "PATHTOPLACEBLOB" here i have given the default location "c:/" . and its running fine.But the thing is I don't understand where exactly i can find the stored blob, and it is given " PSComputerName" as "localhost". Can any one please suggest me regarding this.
workflow Copy-BlobFromAzureStorage{
$PathToPlaceBlob = "C:\"
$Null = Add-AzureAccount -Credential $AzureOrgIdCredential
$Null = Select-AzureSubscription -SubscriptionName $AzureSubscriptionName
Write-Verbose "Downloading $BlobName from Azure Blob Storage to $PathToPlaceBlob"
Set-AzureSubscription `
-SubscriptionName $AzureSubscriptionName `
-CurrentStorageAccount $StorageAccountName
$blob =
Get-AzureStorageBlobContent `
-Blob $BlobName `
-Container $ContainerName `
-Destination $PathToPlaceBlob `
try {
Get-Item -Path "$PathToPlaceBlob\$BlobName" -ErrorAction Stop
catch {
Get-Item -Path $PathToPlaceBlob
The blob is placed on the sandbox where the Azure Automation runbook is running. There's not much point in putting it there, since this sandbox will be cleaned up after the runbook job finishes, but it can make sense, depending on your scenario, as an intermediary point to put the blob, such as to edit it or transfer it to somewhere else outside of the sandbox (ex another Azure Storage account or an FTP server).
