How to select last 5 rows of each unique records in pandas - python-3.x

Using python 3 am trying for each uniqe row in the column 'Name' to get the last 5 records from the column 'Number'. How exactly can this be done in python?
My df looks like this:
Name Number
a 5
a 6
b 7
b 8
a 9
a 10
b 11
b 12
a 9
b 8
I saw same exmples(like this one Get sum of last 5 rows for each unique id ) in SQL but that is time consuming and I would like to learn how to do it in python.
My expected output df would be like this:
Name 1 2 3 4 5
a 5 6 9 10 9
b 7 8 11 12 8

I think you need something like this:
df_out = df.groupby('Name').tail(5)
df_out.set_index(['Name', df_out.groupby('Name').cumcount() +1])['Number'].unstack()
1 2 3 4 5
a 5 6 9 10 9
b 7 8 11 12 8

Looks like you need pivot after a groupby.cumcount()
.pivot(index='Name', columns='k', values='Number')
.reset_index().rename_axis(None, axis=1))
Name 1 2 3 4 5
0 a 5 6 9 10 9
1 b 7 8 11 12 8


Calculate mean value by interval coordinates in pandas

I have a dataframe such as :
Name Position Value
A 1 10
A 2 11
A 3 10
A 4 8
A 5 6
A 6 12
A 7 10
A 8 9
A 9 9
A 10 9
A 11 9
A 12 9
and I woulde like for each interval of 3 position, to calculate the mean of Values.
And create a new df with start and end coordinates (of length 3 then), with the Mean_value column.
Name Start End Mean_value
A 1 3 10.33 <---- here this is (10+11+10)/3 = 10.33
A 4 6 8.7
A 7 9 9.3
A 10 13 9
Does someone have an idea using pandas please ?
Solution for get each 3 rows (if exist) per Name groups - first get counter by GroupBy.cumcount with integer division and pass it to named aggregations:
g = df.groupby('Name').cumcount() // 3
df = df.groupby(['Name',g]).agg(Start=('Position','first'),
print (df)
Name Start End Value
0 A 1 3 10.333333
1 A 4 6 8.666667
2 A 7 9 9.333333
3 A 10 12 9.000000

pandas groupby extract top percent n data(descending)

I have some data like this
df = pd.DataFrame({'class':['a','a','b','b','a','a','b','c','c'],'score':[3,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,14]})
class score
0 a 3
1 a 5
2 b 6
3 b 7
4 a 8
5 a 9
6 b 10
7 c 11
8 c 14
I want to use groupby function extract top n% data(descending by score),i know the nlargest can make it,but the number of every group is different,so i don't know how to do it
I tried this function
top_n = 0.5
g = df.groupby(['class'])['score'].apply(lambda x:x.nlargest(int(round(top_n*len(x))),keep='all')).reset_index()
class level_1 score
0 a 5 9
1 a 4 8
2 b 6 10
3 b 3 7
4 c 8 14
but it can not deal with big data(more than 10 million),it is very slow,how do i speed it,thank you!

Append Dataframes of different dimensions

I have multiple dataframes with a different number of rows and columns respectively.
a b c d
0 1 5 6
8 9 8 7
and df2:
g h
9 8
4 5
6 7
I have to append both the dataframes without a change in their dimensions.
The desired output should be one dataframe Result_df as:
a b c d
0 1 5 6
8 9 8 7
g h
9 8
4 5
6 7
Can anyone please help me to append dataframes without change in their structure.
Thank you

Splitting a column with multiple values in python

I am trying to split a column in a dataframe in python.
It looks like this
I am not sure how to split them as row values. I am new to python programming
df['id'] = df.index+1
df.set_index('id').col_name.str.split(',', expand = True).stack().reset_index(1, drop = True).reset_index(name = 'symptoms')
id symptoms
0 1 UO1
1 2 UO1
2 2 UO2
3 2 UO3
4 3 UO1
5 3 UO2
6 3 UO3
7 3 UO4
8 3 UO5
9 4 UO1
10 4 SO1
11 4 SO3
12 5 SO3
13 5 UO1

Sort a group of data based on a column

I have an input file that contains following data:
1 2 3 4
4 6
8 9
2 1 5 7
3 4 2 9
2 7
I'm trying to sort the group of data based on the third column and get such an output:
2 1 5 7
1 2 3 4
4 6
8 9
3 4 2 9
2 7
Could you tell me how to do so?
sort -nk3r
will sort in reverse order based on 3rd column. Note however, that this outputs
2 1 5 7
1 2 3 4
3 4 2 9
2 7
4 6
8 9
because of the way bash sort functions, and this produces a different result than the output you posted, but correct according to the question.
