Can you use wildcards with Vim's open file under cursor feature? - vim

I move a lot between files from within Vim by highlighting a path and pressing the keys gf. I'm creating a makeshift Vim wiki for note-taking purposes, and I wanted to write only the beginning of a filename to be used as a link, because the way I have it, each filename begins with a unique identifier and so there would be no other matches, like so:
I'm wondering if a simple asterisk wildcard could suffice for Vim to properly follow the incomplete filename, like how it autocompletes when :edit,:find or similar commands.
Vim's help alludes to some sort of expansion that takes place if it can't find a file, using something called includeexpr:
...used for the gf command if an unmodified file name can't be found.
Allows doing "gf" on the name after an 'include' statement.
Any help is appreciated. Thank you.


How to autocomplete in vim based off partial matching via ctags

In a file in another directory I have a function defined by the following:
def _generator_function_1(self):
In the file of my current directory, I have typed the following:
def test_generI
where I denotes my cursor position.
I would like to use vim's autocompletion functionality (i.e. via ^n or ^p) to autocomplete the function definition to test_generator_function_1. Is there a way of configuring vim autocompletion to match not based off full-prefixes? Or, is there a way in ctags to generate tags based off keywords instead of full function definitions?
To clarify, I am specifically wondering if keyword-based autocompletion exists. I have autocompletion by tags setting up, so if I typed "_gen", then ^n would complete to give me "_generator_function_1". In my example, however, it is because the string is prefixed by "test" that "test_gener" as the starting typed word does not lead to any autocomplete suggestions. So I am wondering if this can somehow be made possible.
Vim doesn't have "autocompletion functionality". It only has "completion", not "autocompletion". You need a plugin for "autocompletion".
No, there's no way to obtain your desired behavior without some serious vimscripting. See :help complete-functions.

prevent vim grep from opening first matching file

So, fiddling with the EasyGrep.vim plugin, trying to get it into a state that suits me.
I am using it for recursive searching of a Rails project. Ive almost got it how I want it, this is an example of the grep command my modified EasyGrep executes:
:grep -R -i --include=*.rb --include=*.rbw --include=*.gem --include=*.gemspec --include=[rR]akefile --include=*.erb --include=*.rhtml SEARCH_WORD .
Which finds the word under the cursor, and opens the search results in quicklist.
Only problem is, :grep seems to automatically open the file containing the first match into the current buffer, which I do not want it to do, because then I lose the file I was just looking at.
Anyone know how I can prevent this behavior? Or, at least a hacky workaround that reopens the file I was searching from?
:vimgrep is not an option - its far too slow.
From :help :grep:
Just like ":make", but use 'grepprg' instead of 'makeprg' and 'grepformat' instead of 'errorformat'.
From :help :make:
If [!] is not given the first error is jumped to.
So: :grep!
Add this to your .vimrc:
let g:EasyGrepOpenWindowOnMatch=0
EasyGrep has many options that can control how it behave. Type :GrepOptions for a listing of all of these.

Ignore one "misspelling" in Vim

Is there a way to tell Vim not to highlight a word once? For example, in "the password is abc123", I don't want to add abc123 to the wordlist, but still wouldn't like the big red rectangle around it.
Clarification: I'm looking for a command that makes the spell checker ignore the current word (or last misspelling).
Without having the word stored somewhere, it's hard (not to say impossible) to ignore it always.
But, if you are looking to ignore the word really once, that is only for a moment, you can add it to the internal list with the zG command.
zG Like "zg" but add the word to the internal word list
The internal word list is used for all buffers where 'spell' is set. It is
not stored, it is lost when you exit Vim. It is also cleared when 'encoding'
is set.
When your cursor is positioned on a word that is highlighted as misspelled you can add it to your wordlist by pressing zg. Vim allows you to load more than one wordlist at a time, which makes it possible to have (for example) a global wordlist, and a project specific wordlist.
By default, when you run zg it will add the current word to the first spellfile it finds in your runtime path for the current encoding. In my case, that turns out to be ~/.vim/spell/en.utf-8.add when I'm working with UTF-8 encoding. Try running the following commands:
:setlocal spellfile+=~/.vim/spell/en.utf-8.add
:setlocal spellfile+=oneoff.utf-8.add
That will set you up so that zg (or 1zg) adds the current word to your default spellfile. But running 2zg would add the current word to a file called oneoff.utf-8.add, in the same directory as the file that you are working on. If the file doesn't exist, Vim will try to create it for you.
When you open the file again in the future, you will have to run the same two commands to make Vim check the oneoff.utf-8.add spellfile. Unfortunately, Vim does not allow you to set the spellfile option in a modeline, so if you want to run these commands automatically when the file opens, you would have to find some other way. This question includes a few ideas on how you might proceed.

How to tame vim's ":find" command

Say, I have files foo.js and bar.css in my project. There is a ":find" command in vim, which find files, matching string. But this command, alas, has some limitations. For example, if I launch this way - "vim", or even this way - "vim ." - there's nothing to be find in js subdirectory. But if I launch vim this way - "vim js/any_file_other_than_foo.js", then calling ":find foo.js" works pretty well.
Since it is not intuitive (i'm working in the same directory, "pwd" returns the same path), my first question is - can anybody explain how to circumvent this issue? And, even broader, is there any way to type something like find foo - and open first file, which name matches pattern foo.
thanks in advance.
You could try
:e[dit] **/*foo* and then press 'tab' to move to the first match.
the ** is a directory globbing pattern, while * is character matching.
If you were so inclined, you could write a simple fuzzy finder command, for more information you can check out the vim tips wiki:
Vim's :find works by searching each directory in the path variable (and ignores pwd). By default, it does not search recursively. That's why find is only working for you when you open a js file. The '.' in path refers to the directory for the current file -- not pwd.
You can change path to include your desired directories:
set path+=$PROJECT/js
See :help path.
One of the magic bits to use is to add ** to a path to search that path recursively:
" search recursively in my project
set path+=$PROJECT/**
" search recursively from the current file's directory
set path+=./**
See :help file-searching for more magic.
A nice plugin that accomplishes a similar effect is Command-T.
The Command-T plug-in provides an
extremely fast, intuitive mechanism
for opening files with a minimal
number of keystrokes. It's named
"Command-T" because it is inspired by
the "Go to File" window bound to
Command-T in TextMate.
Files are selected by typing
characters that appear in their paths,
and are ordered by an algorithm which
knows that characters that appear in
certain locations (for example,
immediately after a path separator)
should be given more weight.should be given more weight.
Here is a screencast of Command-T in action.

Get the file name without file extension in a Vim function

I want to get the file name without the file extension in Vim.
I wrote the following function in my .vimrc file to compile and run the Java program:
:function! JAVA_RUN()
:!javac %^M
map <F3> :execute JAVA_RUN()<CR> :source $HOME/.vimrc<CR>
How can I get the file name without the extension inside the function?
:help expand() should give you the answer, see expand().
You should use the r modifier for %, with %:r instead of % to get the file name without extension.
If you want to write functions to build and execute files, you should also have a look at the documentation for shellescape, in order to prevent problems with spaces in file name or path.
If you want to expand a filename (other than % etc) take a look at fnamemodify()
fnamemodify({fname}, {mods}) *fnamemodify()*
Modify file name {fname} according to {mods}. {mods} is a
string of characters like it is used for file names on the
command line. See |filename-modifiers|.
fnamemodify("", ":r") returns main.
I literally just read a similar question to this (in that someone else seemed to be trying to configure vim to build automagically for them with the F-key), and wrote an answer about how you can leverage the power of vim's :make command without even needing to write a Makefile. In your case, it's less directly related to the question, but I thought I'd mention it in case you were interested.
Furthermore, someone seems to have written something on Vim Tips Wiki about how to set up vim's :make command to specifically work with Java projects built with ant. I haven't worked with Java in a while myself, but in your case specifically it might be a good place to get started.
I came here looking for an answer for a similar question. I wanted to be able to extract the current class name from the java file being edited. I found a very neat way to do this in vim with an abbreviation:
ab xclass <C-R>=expand('%:t:r')<CR>
Place this line in your .vimrc (or similar) for this to work. An abbreviation will auto-trigger as soon as you press space, and so I usually prefix them with 'x' to avoid their accidental expansion.
The trick here is the combination of :t and :r in the argument to expand(). % is the "current file name", :t selects just the tail of the path ("last path component only") and :r selects just the root ("one extension removed"). (quoted parts are from the official expand() documentation.)
So when you are creating a new class in file /a/b/ you would type:
public class xclass {
the moment you press space after "xclass", the abbreviation will be expanded to public class ClassIAmAboutToCreate, which is exactly what you need.
Also, note that an abbreviation can be triggered by pressing Ctrl+] which avoids inserting a space after the class name.
