Run Powershell Cmdlet with various number of parameters - azure

I'm scripting some configuration of Azure Analysis Service, and more specifically the firewall. The cmdlet
New-AzAnalysisServicesFirewallConfig -FirewallRule
takes in the rules created as a parameter; $rule1 as an example.
I want the script to be able to take a varying number of parameters to that command. Instead of having to hardcode it to X number of rules like in the example with 6 rules.
I tried to create an Array and a Hashtable containing the X number of parameters, but it's unable to convert them.
$FirewallRules | ForEach-Object {
$ruleNumberVar = "rule" + "$ruleNumberIndex"
if (!($_.FirewallRuleName -match "$ExistingFirewallRuleName")) {
$start = $_.RangeStart
$end = $_.RangeEnd
$tempRule = New-AzAnalysisServicesFirewallRule `
-FirewallRuleName $_.FirewallRuleName `
-RangeStart $start `
-RangeEnd $end
Set-Variable -Name "$ruleNumberVar" -Value $tempRule
$ruleNumberIndex = $ruleNumberIndex + 1
$conf = New-AzAnalysisServicesFirewallConfig -FirewallRule $rule1,$rule2,$rule3,$rule4,$rule5,$rule6
Getting this error:
New-AzAnalysisServicesFirewallConfig : Cannot bind parameter 'FirewallRule'. Cannot convert the "System.Collections.Hashtable" value of type "System.Collectio
ns.Hashtable" to type "Microsoft.Azure.Commands.AnalysisServices.Models.PsAzure

This is untested and therefore theoretical, but this should fix that error if the type can be casted.
$Rules = #() -as [System.Collections.Generic.List[Microsoft.Azure.Commands.AnalysisServices.Models.PsAzureAnalysisServicesFirewallRule]]
$FirewallRules | ForEach-Object {
$ruleNumberVar = "rule" + "$ruleNumberIndex"
if (!($_.FirewallRuleName -match "$ExistingFirewallRuleName")) {
$start = $_.RangeStart
$end = $_.RangeEnd
$tempRule = New-AzAnalysisServicesFirewallRule `
-FirewallRuleName $_.FirewallRuleName `
-RangeStart $start `
-RangeEnd $end
Set-Variable -Name $ruleNumberVar -Value $tempRule
$Rules.Add((Get-Variable $ruleNumberVar -ValueOnly))
$ruleNumberIndex = $ruleNumberIndex + 1
$conf = New-AzAnalysisServicesFirewallConfig -FirewallRule $Rules


Optimize PowerShell code to avoid calling the cmdlet multiple times inside calculated properties?

I am looking to optimize the code below to avoid calling the same command twice under the calculated properties.
Get-AzVM | Select-Object-Object Name,
#{ l = 'osdiskingb'; e = { ($_.StorageProfile.OsDisk.DiskSizeGB) } }, `
#{ l = 'memory'; e = { $size = $_.HardwareProfile.VmSize; Get-AzVMSize -vmname $_.Name -ResourceGroupName $_.ResourceGroupName | Where-Object { $ -eq $size } | Select-Object -expand MemoryInMB } }, `
#{ l = 'cpu'; e = { $size = $_.HardwareProfile.VmSize; Get-AzVMSize -vmname $_.Name -ResourceGroupName $_.ResourceGroupName | Where-Object { $ -eq $size } | Select-Object -expand NumberOfCores } }, `
#{ l = 'nic'; e = { $'/') | Select-Object -Last 1 } }, `
#{ l = 'ip'; e = { $nic = $'/') | Select-Object -Last 1; Get-AzNetworkInterface -Name $nic | Select-Object -expand ipconfigurations | Select-Object -expand privateipaddress } }
The script above works for pulling various different Azure VMs.
What can I try next?
This answer addresses the question as asked, in the context of Select-Object and calculated properties.
For a ForEach-Object-based alternative that uses explicit construction of [pscustomobject] instances, see zett42's helpful answer.
While the script blocks of calculated properties are executed in sequence, for each input object, they each run in their own child scope relative to the caller, which complicates sharing state between them.
However, you can simply create a variable whose value you want to share in the parent scope, which in the simplest case inside a script is the $script: scope, as the following simplified example shows (which uses a call to Get-Date in lieu of a call to Azure cmdlet as an example of a call you do not want to repeat):
# Share the result of the `Get-Date` call between calculated properties.
'foo' | Select-Object `
#{ n='Month'; e = { $script:dt = Get-Date; $dt.Month } },
#{ n='Year'; e = { $dt.Year } }
Month Year
----- ----
8 2022
This proves that the $script:-scoped $dt variable was successfully used in the second calculated property.
If you want to reliably target the parent scope, which may differ from the $script: scope if you're running inside a nested function call, for instance, replace $script:dt = Get-Date with Set-Variable -Scope 1 dt (Get-Date)
That script blocks of calculated properties as well as delay-bind script blocks run in a child scope may be surprising, given that it contrasts with the behavior of script blocks passed to ForEach-Object and Where-Object, for instance - for a discussion, see GitHub issue #7157.
This might not exactly answer your original question, but you might consider dropping calculated properties when the code becomes too complicated. Instead, use a [pscustomobject]#{…} literal in a ForEach-Object script block. This way you can move common code out of the properties to the begin of the script block.
Get-AzVM | ForEach-Object {
$size = $_.HardwareProfile.VmSize
$vmsize = Get-AzVMSize -vmname $_.Name -ResourceGroupName $_.ResourceGroupName | Where-Object { $ -eq $size }
$nic = $'/') | Select-Object -Last 1
# Implicitly outputs an object with the given properties
Name = $_.Name
osdiskingb = $_.StorageProfile.OsDisk.DiskSizeGB
memory = $vmsize.MemoryInMB
cpu = $vmsize.NumberOfCores
nic = $nic
ip = (Get-AzNetworkInterface -Name $nic).ipconfigurations.privateipaddress
On a side note, SomeCommand | Select-Object -Expand PropertyName isn't very efficient and can be replaced by member access, as I did for the ip property. The key is to enclose the command in parentheses.

How to add colors to Excel output file in Powershell

I have written a script to export specific registry keys and the sub keys inside it with the server ping response, but my scripts works as expected and I can able to export that to Excel as well.
But I need inputs or some help on how to add the colors to the Excel output column based on the value.
As Ex: in my script I will get ping response as true or false, for True I need to add green colour and for False I need to add Red color in my output, please help me to achieve this with my script.
## Get full list of servers
$Servers = GC -Path ".\Servers.txt"
## Loop through each server
$Result = foreach ($vm in $Servers) {
## Check the Ping reponse for each server
Write-Host "Pinging Server" $vm
$Ping = Test-Connection -Server $vm -Quiet -Verbose
if ($Ping){Write-host "Server" $vm "is Online" -BackgroundColor Green}
else{Write-host "Unable to ping Server" $vm -BackgroundColor Red}
## Check the Network Share path Accessibility
Write-Host "Checking Share Path on" $vm
$SharePath = Test-Path "\\$vm\E$" -Verbose
if ($SharePath){Write-host "Server" $vm "Share Path is Accessible" -BackgroundColor Green}
else{Write-host "Server" $vm "Share path access failed" -BackgroundColor Red}
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $vm {
## Get ChildItems under HKLM TCPIP Parameter Interface
Get-ChildItem -Path 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces' | ForEach-Object {
Get-ItemProperty -Path $_.PSPath | Where-Object { $_.PsObject.Properties.Name -like 'Dhcp*' }
} | Select-Object -Property #{Name = 'ComputerName'; Expression = {$env:COMPUTERNAME+"."+$env:USERDNSDOMAIN}},
#{Name = 'Ping_Response'; Expression = {if($using:Ping) {'Pinging'} else {'Unable to ping'}}},
#{Name = 'Share_Path_Access'; Expression = {if($using:SharePath) {'Accessible'} else {'Not Accessible'}}},
DhcpIPAddress, #{Name = 'DhcpNameServer'; Expression = {$_.DhcpNameServer -split ' ' -join '; '}},
DhcpServer, #{Name = 'DhcpDefaultGateway'; Expression = {$_.DhcpDefaultGateway -join '; '}}
$Result | Select-Object * -Exclude PS*, RunspaceId | Export-Excel -Path "$PSScriptRoot\TCPIP_Interface_Details.xlsx" -AutoSize -BoldTopRow -FreezeTopRow -TitleBold -WorksheetName TCPIP_Interface_Details
You can use the New-ConditionalText cmdlet to highlight cells containing the specified -Text with the color of our choice. The cmdlet can also take RGB colors. I encourage you to read the documentation on it, there are also many examples:
Get-Help New-ConditionalText
Since I don't have access to your $result object I can only give you an example of how you can do it using a simple example:
$result = 0..10 | ForEach-Object {
ComputerName = 'Host' + $_
Ping_Response = ('Not Responding', 'Pinging')[($_ % 2)]
function RGB ($red, $green, $blue ){
return [System.Double]($red + $green * 256 + $blue * 256 * 256)
$fontGreen = RGB 0 97 0
$backGreen = RGB 198 239 206
$condProps = #{
Text = 'Pinging'
ConditionalTextColor = $fontGreen
BackgroundColor = $backGreen
$conditionalTrue = New-ConditionalText #condProps
$conditionalFalse = New-ConditionalText -Text 'Not Responding'
$props = #{
AutoSize = $true
InputObject = $result
Path = 'test.xlsx' # => Use your absolute Path here!
TableName = 'myTable'
TableStyle = 'Medium11'
WorksheetName = 'myWorkSheetName'
ConditionalText = $conditionalTrue, $conditionalFalse
Export-Excel #props
The end result should look something like this (unfortunately Google Sheets doesn't do it justice):

Two objects of different sizes and $null

My code below works in every instance except for if one object is $null and the other object has one item. When that situation occurs the output becomes 1 letter like it is indexing and I am not sure why.
How do I combine the two objects to make a final report?
$ADGroups = Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership -Identity $UserSam | Select-Object distinguishedName, name | Where-Object { ($_.distinguishedName -ne 'CN=Domain Users,CN=Users,DC=com') }
#record AD groups
$ADResult = #()
if ($null -eq $ADGroups) {
Write-Warning "No AD Groups"
$ADResult = [PSCustomObject]#{
ADGroups = #()
ADGroupsdistinguishedName = #()
Else {
$ADResult = $ADGroups | ForEach-Object {
ADGroups = $
ADGroupsdistinguishedName = $_.distinguishedName
#============= Now Google, get user groups and record
$GoogleGroups = gam print groups member $email members managers owners | ConvertFrom-Csv
# Record Google Groups
$GResult = #()
If ($null -eq $GoogleGroups) {
Write-Warning "No Google Groups"
$GResult = [PSCustomObject]#{
GoogleGroups = #()
Role = #()
Else {
$group = $null
$GResult = ForEach ($group in $GoogleGroups) {
#this records what role the user had in the group(s)
$GoogleMember = gam print group-members group $ members | ConvertFrom-Csv | Select-Object -ExpandProperty email
$Role = $null
If ( $GoogleMember -contains $EMAIL) {
$Role = 'Member'
Else {
$GoogleManager = gam print group-members group $ managers | ConvertFrom-Csv | Select-Object -ExpandProperty email
If ($GoogleManager -contains $EMAIL) {
$Role = 'Manager'
Else {
$Role = 'Owner'
GoogleGroups = $
Role = $role
$group = $null
# ---------now report that will be dropped off at end
[int]$max = $ADResult.count
if ([int]$GResult.count -gt $max) { [int]$max = $GResult.count }
If ($max -eq 1 -or $max -eq 0) {
$Result = [PSCustomObject]#{
PrimaryEmail = $email
Title = $UserInfo.title
Department = $UserInfo.Department
Manager = $Manager
ADGroupName = $ADResult.ADGroups
ADGroupNameDistinguishedName = $ADResult.ADGroupsdistinguishedName
GoogleGroup = $GResult.GoogleGroups
Role = $GResult.role
DateOfSeparation = (Get-Date).ToString("yyyy_MM_dd")
UserDistinguishedName = $UserInfo.distinguishedName
UserOU = $UserInfo.Ou
PrimaryGroup = $UserInfo.primaryGroup.Split('=').Split(',')
Else {
$Result = for ( $i = 0; $i -lt $max; $i++) {
PrimaryEmail = $email
Title = $UserInfo.title
Department = $UserInfo.Department
ADGroupName = $ADResult.ADGroups[$i]
ADGroupNameDistinguishedName = $ADResult.ADGroupsdistinguishedName[$i]
GoogleGroup = $GResult.GoogleGroups[$i]
Role = $GResult.role[$i]
DateOfSeparation = (Get-Date).ToString("yyyy_MM_dd")
UserDistinguishedName = $UserInfo.distinguishedName
UserOU = $UserInfo.Ou
PrimaryGroup = $UserInfo.primaryGroup.Split('=').Split(',')[$i]
$Result | Export-Csv 'C:\temp\Groups.csv' -NoTypeInformation
Going by the abstract description of your problem:
You're seeing an unfortunate asymmetry in PowerShell:
In the pipeline, a [string] instance is considered a single object.
PS> ('foo' | Measure-Object).Count
With respect to indexing, it is considered an array of characters.
PS> 'foo'[0]
A general feature of capturing a PowerShell pipeline's output is that if a command situationally outputs just a single object, that object is captured as-is, whereas two or more output objects result in a regular PowerShell array, of type [object[]].
Typically, this isn't a problem, because PowerShell's unified handling of scalars and collections allows you to index even into a scalar (single object), i.e. to implicitly treat a single object as if it were a single-element array:
PS> (Write-Output 42, 43)[0]
PS> (Write-Output 42)[0]
42 # still OK, even though only *one* object was output; same as: (42)[0]
However, with a single [string] instance as the output it becomes a problem, for the reasons stated above:
PS> (Write-Output 'foo', 'bar')[0]
foo # OK
PS> (Write-Output 'foo')[0]
f # !! Indexing into a *single string* treats it as *character array*
The same applies to values returned via member-access enumeration, perhaps surprisingly :
PS> (Get-Item $HOME, /).FullName[0]
PS> (Get-Item $HOME).FullName[0]
C # !! Indexing into a *single string* treats it as *character array*
Enclose the command of interest in #(...), the array-subexpression operator so as to ensure that its output is always considered an array.
PS> #(Write-Output 'foo')[0]
foo # OK
Alternatively, when capturing a command's output in a variable, type-constrain that variable to [array] (same as [object[]]) or a strongly typed array, [string[]]:
PS> [array] $output = Write-Output 'foo'; $output[0]
foo # OK

Receiving has literal was incomplete for below query

$subscriptions = Get-AzSubscription
$result = foreach ($vsub in $subscriptions){
Select-AzSubscription $vsub.SubscriptionID
Write-Host "Working on $($vsub.Name)"
foreach($VM in (Get-AzVM)){
# $Tier = (Get-AzResource -ResourceId $webapp.ServerFarmId).Sku.Tier
# $Plan = Get-AzAppServicePlan -ResourceGroupName $webapp.ResourceGroup
# output the object so it gets collected in $result
TenantId = $vsub.TenantId
SubscriptionName = $vsub.Name
VMName = $VM.Name
ResourceGroup = $VM.ResourceGroup
# Hostname = $webapp.DefaultHostName
#PricingTier = $Tier
#SKU = #($Plan.Sku.Size) -join ','
#AppServiceName = #($Plan.Name) -join ','
Status = $VM.PowerState
Location = $VM.Location
Size = $VM.HardwareProfile.VmSize
Application_Name= $VM.Tags.Application_Name
Application_Owner= $VM.Tags.Application_Owner
Business_Owner = $VM.Tags.Business_Owner
Cost_Code = $VM.Tags.Cost_Code
Created_Date = $VM.Tags.Created_Date
Environment_Name = $VM.Tags.Environment_Name
#AppType = $webapp.Kind
#SubscriptionID = $vsub.SubscriptionID
# sort unique and export the file
$result | Sort-Object * -Unique | Export-Csv -Path "C:\Users\Desktop\Scripts\vm_inventory.csv" -NoTypeInformation
I am trying to run this query to get the details of the VM but I am receiving the hash literal is incomplete for PSCustomObject, as per my knowledge all the brackets are proper but don't know why I am receiving the error. Request to please help me on the same.

Unable to create two-way table in excel from powershell

I want to create two way table in excel by exporting object from powershell. I am able to create a table in powershell.
The code as shown below:
class sampleClass {
[String] $var1
[String] $var2
[Bool] $boolVar
sampleClass([String] $var1, [String] $var2, [Bool] $boolVar)
$this.var1 = $var1
$this.var2 = $var2
$this.boolVar = $boolVar
[String] ToString()
return $this.var1 + ": " + $this.var2 + ": " + $this.boolVar
$s1 = [sampleClass]::new("Comp1", "S1", $false)
$s2 = [sampleClass]::new("Comp2", "S2", $true)
$s3 = [sampleClass]::new("Comp1", "S2", $false)
$s4 = [sampleClass]::new("Comp2", "S1", $false)
$s = #()
$s += $s1
$s += $s2
$s += $s3
$s += $s4
$s | Export-Csv .\out.csv -NoTypeInformation
The output for above code is as shown below:
But the output that I want is not that, but as shown below:
Kindly help.
This code may be your best bet:
function Transpose-Object
{ [CmdletBinding()]
Param([OBJECT][Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $TRUE)]$InputObject)
{ # initialize variables just to be "clean"
$Props = #()
$PropNames = #()
$InstanceNames = #()
if ($Props.Length -eq 0)
{ # when first object in pipeline arrives retrieve its property names
$PropNames = $InputObject.PSObject.Properties | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name
# and create a PSCustomobject in an array for each property
$InputObject.PSObject.Properties | %{ $Props += New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property #{Property = $_.Name} }
if ($InputObject.Name)
{ # does object have a "Name" property?
$Property = $InputObject.Name
} else { # no, take object itself as property name
$Property = $InputObject | Out-String
if ($InstanceNames -contains $Property)
{ # does multiple occurence of name exist?
do { # yes, append a number in brackets to name
$Property = "$($InputObject.Name) ({0})" -f $COUNTER
} while ($InstanceNames -contains $Property)
# add current name to name list for next name check
$InstanceNames += $Property
# retrieve property values and add them to the property's PSCustomobject
$PropNames | %{
if ($InputObject.($_))
{ # property exists for current object
$Props[$COUNTER] | Add-Member -Name $Property -Type NoteProperty -Value $InputObject.($_)
} else { # property does not exist for current object, add $NULL value
$Props[$COUNTER] | Add-Member -Name $Property -Type NoteProperty -Value $NULL
# return collection of PSCustomobjects with property values
It will allow you to turn you columns into rows and then export the object. Use like this:
$s | Transpose-Object | Export-Csv .\out.csv -NoTypeInformation
