Sum with Column Header - excel

I have an excel spreadsheet where it has duplicate column header titles labeled "'H ". I'm attempting to calculate the sum of a row if it is under this certain header value. I tried pivot tables but it hasn't worked too well.. I feel as though I'm not using the sumif properly.
Please help this excel beginner!
This is what I used so far:
=SUMIF(B$2:$M5, B$2:$M5="'Q ", B6:M6)
above is what my data would look like, below is the summary that I would want

Based on your image, and assuming it starts on A1, use this code in Cell B5 and copy it to the right.

so the SUMIF function requires three values:
the range which you are searching.
the criteria (value) you are searching for.
the range which you want to return for your sum.
so in your case, I think it might look like this if you are searching column headers to find values in the columns/rows below them:
This would return the sum of all cells in row B that are under column headers shown in the range A2:A10 with the value shown in A1 (you can change the value in A1 to "H", "Q", or whatever you like). You could copy this formula down for all of the rest of your rows if you have multiple rows to find values for.
Hopefully this helps.


INDEX MATCH not working on few cells (Same Formula)

After a lot of brainstorming I leared to write this forumula and it actually worked, however, when I tried to drag it down it did not work on some of the random cells in sheet and gave #REF error. I am not able to understand that when the value is there and the formula is working oo other cells then why on dragging it did not work on few.
Please helpm thanks in advance
Here is the formula
Attached is the link to access Excel sheet because samme formula on dragging miss some of the random cells and shows #REF.
It looks like you're trying to check three columns with an INDEX formula but your fourth argument is wrong (the 'MATCH(E23,Volume!$B$3:$B$68,0)' part). This argument selects which range of data should be used but you're giving it a value outside the range of data e.g. that part of the formula in cell H23 on the 'Sea Freight Rates' sheet returns 24 but there's no 24th column of data you've specified. The formula only works in some cases by pure accident and because of how the data on the 'Volume' sheet is laid out.
This is the formula that you want to use in cell H2 and then drag down. The 'MATCH($B2&$E2' part joins the value in column B and E together to give a unique combination (e.g. 'CNNBO PT20DC' for cell H2) while the 'Volume!$A$2:$A$68&Volume!$B$2:$B$68' part produces an array of all possible combinations from the relevant columns in the 'Volume' sheet. It will look for 'CNNBO PT20DC' in this array and return the relevant row number. The formula then looks for the correct 'Destination Port' like you have before which gives the relevant column number. You'll then get the correct value and that row and column:
Side-note, you have two rows for INNSA PT and 20DC on the 'Volume' sheet (rows 6 and 22) - is that correct?

Find row name based on specific value in Excel

I have a matrix dataset with values in Excel, where row and column names are identical. I have put all matrix values in a single column, but would now like a formula that returns the matching row name and/ or column name for that value. I have tried VLOOKUP and versions of INDEX and MATCH, but can't get it to work.
Here's an illustration of the data:
Source table range A1:D4
Values populated in column H for checking.
Formula in cell F2:
Formula in cell G2:
Depending on your version, you may have to use CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER to implement these formulas. Output will be like below.
You are not looking for a rowname or a columnname, you are looking for the content of the first row or column:
Imagine you want to know the "columnname" of cell "C4", then you just ask for Cell(3,1) (3 meaning "C").
Imagine you want to know the "rowname" of cell "C4", then you just ask for Cell(1,4).

How can I expand a dynamic range with blanks between cells?

I want to define a dynamic range that will expand the rows and columns of my range whenever a new row or column is inserted. My current formula does not want to expand to cell $T$13. My headers start in row $M$7. How can I adjust my formula?
Formula Being Used
I need my range to expand to cell $T$13
Right now, your formula counts the number of text values in column M.
That is not a robust approach because column M contains only five text values, but columns S and T have many more values.
If you don't know which column may have the most number of entries, you can introduce a helper cell in each column that counts the number of entries below. I suggest you insert a new row 2. In column M, for example, put a formula in M2
Copy that formula across to column T.
Next you can evaluate which of the columns has the largest number
This can be plugged into your original formula like this:
So now, instead of just looking at how many rows are in column M, the formula uses the maximum number of rows in the columns M to S.
You can now hide row 2 if it upsets your worksheet design.
Edit: the mere count of text values with CountA will ignore blank cells and will return incorrect results. You really need a formula to find the row number of the last populated cell in each column.
This should really be a new question, but here goes
If the column has number values you can use
If the column has text values you can use
Adjust your ranges accordingly.
I ended up using the solution mentioned by #tevlyn.
In range$M2:$T2
I have the follolwing formula =IFERROR(MATCH(99^99,M$8:M$999,1),0).
I've added IFERROR because my data doesn't always have data stretched to $T2.
I then defined my range in name manager using:
This still works even if there are blanks in between the range.

How to compare each cell with each other in MS Excel?

In large dataset - 250 rows and 1000 columns I need to compare each value in cell with each other in one column and iterate over all column. Heres simplified example of source data:
And this is what I need (formatting not necessary and 2 empty rows not necessary) - if match if found "1" is produced, if no match "2" is produced, if one or both were N/A - "3" is produced:
Comparison should only be "one sided" for example Terry and Joey is the same as Joey and Terry, thus further comparison of already compared pairs is not needed.
Is it possible to do this in Excel 2016 or are there better tools for this?
My thanks to all.
This alternative is a bit complex, but we all solve problems like this differently. If it helps you, please feel free to use it. If not, I can understand since some of these techniques are not particularly common and the resulting formula is a bit unreadable. I did it this way so that I would be able to organize the rows better and read the matching/unmatching indicators more easily. I started by creating a helper column rather than repeat the rows for each individual so that each row shows the two names being compared. This is the formula I used to compare using B8's information is:
I am going to try to explain the formula I used as follows:
Without using the helper column, the basic formula for cell B8 is this:
and this would work for the range B8:H11. However, when I skip down to B13, the formula would need to change to:
and this would work for the range B13:H15. Likewise B17, and B20 would be:
for their respective ranges. I shy away from formulas where I have to remember what I need to change for each section (heaven forbid I should write any notes or read them if I did).
In order to do this, I used the person column (A) and my helper column (I) to determine which rows to compare.
gives the row of the person value in the Chart from A1:H6 in the comparison
gives the row of the helper value in the Chart from A1:H6 in the comparison
Since the data being compared is always in the same column, I just use COLUMN() to determine which column to use.
In cell B8, MATCH($I8,$A$1:$A$6,0) will tell me it is row 2 and MATCH($A8,$A$1:$A$6,0) will tell me it is row 3. Thus, I want to use the values in Row 2, Column 2 compared against Row 3, Column 2.
To tell Excel to compare Row 2, Column 2 against Row 3, Column 2 is fairly simple, but creating a formula that you can copy from cell to cell without having to modify it each time is not as easy, since each section is a bit different and there could be blank rows in between sections. What I did was to use indirect cell notation using "R1C1" syntax rather than the more common "A1" cell referencing.
In other words in column B8 this:
gives the value in Row 2 (for Terry), Column 2 and
gives the value in Row 3 (for Joey), Column 2 and
In both of the above, I am concatenating and R and a C to the numbers returned by the MATCH() and COLUMN() functions and using the FALSE parameter to tell Excel to treat the concatenated result as "R1C1" notation. In other words, this:
translates to this:
I realize that the helper column is a burden you did not ask for and I realize that the formula is overly complicated, but I can freely copy this formula to any column that has the two names and it will do a comparison for that day of the week.
Here is a picture of what I am describing:
Added comments
Just to carry the above a bit further, suppose you had a Sheet1 which had the rows of data to be compared and suppose this were limited to 250 rows with the same 7 columns (rather than 1000). I could create another sheet similar to the above along with another helper cell (I put it in A1) to automatically populate the person column and the helper column like this:
New Helper Cell value: 1 (essentially saying to start at the top). This would populate Cell A2 with the following formula:
Basically this is just this formula:
but is checking first to see if it results in zero and then is replacing it with blanks if it is an error. Copying this cell down Column A will populate that column with the names starting at the first row after the data row specified by A. If you have more headings or other data you would need to add additional amountst to the +ROW() portion in both occurrences in the formula. Column I gets populated siimilarly with this:
However, this value does not vary from row to row.
Now that the helper columns are populated, you can populate the formula a bit differently from the above (which had used the same sheet) for example in B2:
The main difference from the first formula is the off sheet references to "Sheet1" that were added and the extension of the formula to cover 250 rows.
Here is a picture with Cell A1 set to 1:
Here is a picture with Cell A1 set to 3:
Using this, your Sheet1 values remain where they are and you can create a generic comparison sheet to compare the values of various rows of Sheet1. These can be dynamically built by changing the value in A1 or you can create dozens of similar sheets, each differing by the value in A1.
Not sure if any of this makes sense.
Good Luck
Just use a function like this(exemple for cell B4):
Print of it working
Do it for each line and just drag it from the begining to the end.
EDIT: You should do an or in the 2nd if to make surre neither is "N/A"

Excel: Find intersection of a row and a column

My question is how can I find an intersecting cell of a specific column and row number?
My situation is this: with some calculations I find two cells, lets say B6 and E1. I know that I need a row of the first one and a column of the second one. So I could just use ROW and COLUMN functions to get the numbers. After that, I need to find an intersecting cell. Which would be E6 in this example.
I would just use INDEX(A1:Z100;ROW;COLUMN) but I don't know the exact area that I'm going to need - it depends on other stuff. I could use something like A1:XFG65000 but that is way too lame. I could also use a combination of INDIRECT(ADDRESS()) but I'm pulling data from a closed workbook so INDIRECT will not work.
If this would help to know what is this all for - here's a concrete example:
I need to find limits of a section of a sheet that I would work with. I know that it starts from the column B and goes all the way down to the last non-empty cell in this column. This range ends with a last column that has any value in first row. So to define it - I need to find the intersection of this last column and the last row with values in B column.
I use this array formula to find the last column:
And this array formula to find the last row:
Last column results in E1 and last row results in B6. Now I need to define my range as B1:E6, how can I get E6 out of this all to put into the resulting formula? I've been thinking for a while now and not being and Excel expert - I couldn't come up with anything. So any help would really be appreciated. Thanks!
You can use an Index/Match combination and use the Match to find the relevant cell. Use one Match() for the row and one Match() for the column.
The index/match function to find the last cell in a sheet where
column B is the leftmost table column
row 1 is the topmost table row
data in column B and in row 1 can be a mix of text and numbers
there can be empty cells in column B and row 1
the last populated cell in column B marks the last row of the table
the last populated cell in row 1 marks the last column of the table
With these premises, the following will return correct results, used in a Sum() with A1 as the starting cell and Index to return the lower right cell of the range:
Since you seem to be on a system with the semicolon as the list delimiter, here is the formula with semicolons:
Offset would seem to be the way to go
(The -1 is needed because we already have 1 column and 1 row in A1)
in your example, =OFFSET($A$1,ROW(B6)-1,COLUMN(E1)-1) would give the value in E6
There is also ADDRESSS if you want the location: =ADDRESS(ROW(B6),COLUMN(E1)) gives the answer $E$6
The following webpage has a much easier solution, and it seems to work.
For example, in a cell, type simply: =C:C 6:6. Be sure to include one space between the column designation and the row designation. The result in your cell will be the value of cell C6. Of course, you can use more limited ranges, such as =C2:C13 B5:D5 (as shown on the webpage).
As I was searching for the answer to the same basic question, it astounded me that there is no INTERSECT worksheet function in Excel. There is an INTERSECT feature in VBA (I think), but not a worksheet function.
Anyway, the simple spacing method shown above seems to work, at least in straightforward cases.
