Does type constructor implement Fn? - rust

I am not sure that the title of my question is correct since I am not sure where exactly placed.
Let say I have a code which looks like:
struct MyWrapper(u64);
fn my_func<F>(f: F, n: u64) -> MyWrapper
F: Fn(u64) -> MyWrapper,
fn main() {
my_func(MyWrapper, 3);
It compiles and works so it looks like MyWrapper implements trait Fn.
However, should I try to use it in a trait.
struct MyWrapper(u64);
trait MyTrait
Self: Fn(u64) -> MyWrapper,
impl MyTrait for MyWrapper{}
I get an error
16 | impl MyTrait for MyWrapper{};
| ^^^^^^^ expected an `Fn<(u64,)>` closure, found `MyWrapper`
= help: the trait `std::ops::Fn<(u64,)>` is not implemented for `MyWrapper`
It was a more theoretical question.
Speaking practicaly, what I am trying to achieve is to implement trait like this
I have rightfully pointed out that my example is not full, so there is a fixed version.
pub enum Status {
struct NewTransaction(u64);
struct CancelledTransaction(u64);
fn get_by_status(id: &str, status: Status) -> Result<u64, ()> {
pub trait Transaction
Self: std::marker::Sized,
const status: Status;
fn get(id: &str) -> Result<Self, ()>;
impl Transaction for NewTransaction {
const status: Status = Status::New;
fn get(id: &str) -> Result<Self, ()> {
get_by_status(id, Self::status).map(Self)
impl Transaction for CancelledTransaction {
const status: Status = Status::Cancelled;
fn get(id: &str) -> Result<Self, ()> {
get_by_status(id, Self::status).map(Self)
This code compiles, but as you can see - all implementations of Transaction for every type are exactly the same, so it seems totally reasonable to move this implementation as a default. Like this
pub trait Transaction
Self: std::marker::Sized,
const status: Status;
fn get(id: &str) -> Result<Self, ()> {
get_by_status(id, Self::status).map(Self)
impl Transaction for NewTransaction {
const status: Status = Status::New;
impl Transaction for CancelledTransaction {
const status: Status = Status::Cancelled;
And here I got a complain that Self cannot be used as a Value.
I've tried to fix it by introducing a condition where Self: Fn(u32) -> Self on trait but it didn't work either.
In the end, I implemented the idea suggested by Sven Marnach - added a method new and required all struct to implement this method. It still looks quite strange, since the implementation is exactly the same for all structures, but it works.
pub trait Transaction
Self: std::marker::Sized,
const status: Status;
fn new(n: u64) -> Self;
fn get(id: &str) -> Result<Self, ()> {
get_by_status(id, Self::status).map(Self::new)
impl Transaction for NewTransaction {
const status: Status = Status::New;
fn new(n: u64) -> Self {
Thanks everyone for answers!

The constructor of a tuple-like struct or enum variant is actually treated as a function name when used in a context where a value rather than a type is expected, and it is treated as the type it names in a context where a type is expected.
When calling my_func(MyWrapper, 3), the name MyWrapper denotes a function with a function item type that coerces to the function pointer type fn(u64) -> MyWrapper. In particular, the item type implements the trait Fn(u64) -> MyWrapper.
In the code impl MyTrait for MyWrapper {}, however, MyWrapper denotes the struct type it declares. That type is completely different from the type of MyWrapper when used in a value context, and it does not implement the Fn(u64) -> MyWrapper trait.
In your actual use case, I believe the easiest solution is to require a new() method with the desired prototype on the type:
trait Payment {
const status: Status;
fn new(x: u64) -> Self;
fn get(id: u64) -> Result<Self, Error> {
get_by_status(Self::status, id).map(Self::new)
Implementors of Payment will only need to provide new() method with the desired prototype, but will inherit the default implementation of get().

It compiles and works so it looks like MyWrapper implements trait Fn.
A quick and dirty way to know the type of something in Rust is to do:
struct MyWrapper(u64);
fn main() {
let mut foo = MyWrapper;
foo = ();
This produces an error:
error[E0308]: mismatched types
--> src/
5 | foo = ();
| ^^ expected fn item, found ()
= note: expected type `fn(u64) -> MyWrapper {MyWrapper}`
found type `()`
As you can see foo is not a MyWrapper structure so MyWrapper does not implement Fn like you thought it would.
I agree this can be confusing, see tuple struct case:
A struct expression with fields enclosed in parentheses constructs a tuple struct. Though it is listed here as a specific expression for completeness, it is equivalent to a call expression to the tuple struct's constructor. For example:
struct Position(i32, i32, i32);
Position(0, 0, 0); // Typical way of creating a tuple struct.
let c = Position; // `c` is a function that takes 3 arguments.
let pos = c(8, 6, 7); // Creates a `Position` value.
Speaking practically, what I am trying to achieve is to implement trait like this
Your example is not complete so my answer is not final but I don't think it's possible to do what you want.


Implementing a dynamic-typed LinkedList in Rust

This is a follow-up on the question asked here: Possible to implement dynamically-typed linked list in safe Rust?
I successfully implemented a dynamic type LinkedList using the std::any::Any trait.
However, I want to challenge myself by trying to implement it in another way, e.g. using generic type - Node where T can be any type, u32, u64, String, ...
Node<String> -> Node<u32> -> Node<u64> -> Node<String> -> ...
My approach is to use a trait called Next to give Node<T> the ability to "go next".
Node<T> looks like this.
struct Node<T> {
data: T,
next: Option<Rc<RefCell<dyn Next>>>,
The trait Next looks like this.
pub trait Next {
fn borrow_next(&self) -> Option<Ref<dyn Next>>;
fn set_next(&mut self, next: Rc<RefCell<dyn Next>>);
These are the implementation of Next for any Node.
impl<T> Next for Node<T> {
fn set_next(&mut self, next: Rc<RefCell<dyn Next>>) { = Some(next);
fn borrow_next(&self) -> Option<Ref<dyn Next>> {
match & {
None => None,
Some(stmt) => Some(stmt.borrow()),
Here are the implementations for the actual struct Node<T>.
impl<T> Node<T> {
pub fn new<P>(data: P) -> Node<P> {
Node::<P> { data, next: None }
pub fn new_wrapped<P>(data: P) -> Rc<RefCell<Node<P>>> {
pub fn into_wrapped(self) -> Rc<RefCell<Self>> {
pub fn borrow_data(&self) -> &T {
pub fn set_data(&mut self, data: T) { = data;
Lastly, the declaration and its implementations of methods of struct DynLinkedList, holding two fields, head and tail, look like this.
struct DynLinkedList {
head: Option<Rc<RefCell<dyn Next>>>,
tail: Option<Rc<RefCell<dyn Next>>>,
impl DynLinkedList {
pub fn new_empty() -> Self {
Self {
head: None,
tail: None,
pub fn new_with_node(node: Rc<RefCell<dyn Next>>) -> Self {
Self {
head: Some(node.clone()),
tail: Some(node),
pub fn append(&mut self, node: Rc<RefCell<dyn Next>>) {
|| self.head = Some(node.clone()),
|old_tail| old_tail.borrow_mut().set_next(node.clone()),
self.tail = Some(node);
Here comes the problem:
I am unable to access the data field of Node<T> as it is being treated as a trait object dyn Next by the compiler.
For example, this test would not work:
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn test_dynll_new_with_node() {
let node = Node::<u32>::new(77_u32);
let dynll = DynLinkedList::new_with_node(node.into_wrapped());
assert_eq!(&dynll.head.unwrap().borrow().borrow_data(), &77);
assert_eq!(&dynll.tail.unwrap().borrow().borrow_data(), &77)
The compiler error is:
error[E0599]: no method named `borrow_data` found for struct `Ref<'_, (dyn Next + 'static)>` in the current scope
--> src/
125 | assert_eq!(&*dynll.head.unwrap().borrow().borrow_data(), &77);
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ method not found in `Ref<'_, (dyn Next + 'static)>`
But, when the .borrow() after .unwrap() returns, it should return an object of type Node which would have the method .borrow_data(), how can I let Rust know that this is the case? Thank you.
I would effectively want to be able to do this:
let mut list = DynLinkedList::new();
assert_eq!(list.pop_front(), Some("hello".to_string()));
assert_eq!(list.pop_back(), Some("world".to_string()));
assert_eq!(list.pop_front(), Some(123));
assert_eq!(list.pop_back(), Some(456));
Well, nowhere in the definition of trait Next does it talk about objects of type Node. Thus, how would the compiler ever know that you can call borrow_data on it? That's where you'd do the downcast via the Any trait.
What's more, the compiler would also want to know which sort of Node we're talking about. Node<i32> or Node<String> or what? And that's downright impossible because your list is dynamic and hence whatever type is contained within a node is also dynamic.
Let's take your example:
Node<String> -> Node<u32> -> Node<u64> -> Node<String> -> ...
So if that's your list, then, using very rough ugly pseudocode, what about this:
let x: String = my_list.head.borrow_data();
let y: u32 =;
let z: u64 =;
You see the problem here? How is the compiler to know, at compile time, that the third item in the list has type u64? This just isn't a case where generics work in the way you want it.

rust says trait From<i32> isn't implimented

I've got an enum:
#[derive(PartialEq, Debug)]
pub enum EventValue {
And it's used in a Vec which is used in a HashMap:
type Events = Vec<Event>;
pub type Stream = HashMap<String, Events>;
and I've implemented the From trait on it for i32 (and the other three types):
impl From<i32> for EventValue {
fn from(v: i32) -> Self {
impl From<String> for EventValue {
fn from(v: String) -> Self {
impl From<bool> for EventValue {
fn from(v: bool) -> Self {
but when I try to use it in a function:
let motions = event_stream.get_channel("motions"); // << return a Vec
for motion in motions.drain(0..) {
let amount: i32 = motion.value.into(); // <-- here is where I get the error
// .. do somthing with amount
I get this error:
the trait bound `i32: std::convert::From<prelude::game::entity::components::event_stream::EventValue>` is not satisfied
--> src/game/system/entity/
17 | let amount: i32 = motion.value.into();
| ^^^^ the trait `std::convert::From<prelude::game::entity::components::event_stream::EventValue>` is not implemented for `i32`
= help: the following implementations were found:
<i32 as std::convert::From<bool>>
<i32 as std::convert::From<i16>>
<i32 as std::convert::From<i8>>
<i32 as std::convert::From<std::num::NonZeroI32>>
and 2 others
= note: required because of the requirements on the impl of `std::convert::Into<i32>` for `prelude::game::entity::components::event_stream::EventValue`
What have I missed?
It's possible to build a function that auto converts incoming values for you provided you implement From like this:
impl Event {
pub fn new<V: Into<EventValue>>(message: String, value: V) -> Event {
Self {
message: message,
value: value.into(),
Is it possible to create a function that can do the same thing but for returning a value?
The error says that From<EventValue> isn't implemented for i32, not that From<i32> isn't implemented for EventValue. With the fully qualified names, it's a little harder to read, but that's what
the trait bound i32: std::convert::From<prelude::game::entity::components::event_stream::EventValue> is not satisfied
is saying.
The problem is that you're going the wrong direction. You've implemented the conversion i32 -> EventValue, but not EventValue -> i32, which is what your sample code is trying to do.
You'll probably want to match on the value instead and handle not only the Numeric case, but also the Bool and Text cases.
let motions = event_stream.get_channel("motions"); // << return a Vec
for motion in motions.drain(0..) {
match motion.value {
Numeric(value) => {// handle `Numeric` case},
Bool(value) => {// handle `Bool` case},
Text(text) => {// handle `Text` case},
motion.value could be any of those three variants, so you can't assume it'll always be convertible to i32.

Mutually exclusive traits

I need to create operations for an operation sequence. The operations share the following behaviour. They can be evaluated, and at construction they can either be parametrized by a single i32 (eg. Sum) or not parametrized at all (eg. Id).
I create a trait Operation. The evaluate part is trivial.
trait Operation {
fn evaluate(&self, operand: i32) -> i32;
But I don't know how to describe the second demand. The first option is to simply let concrete implementations of Operation handle that behaviour.
pub struct Id {}
impl Id {
pub fn new() -> Id {
Id {}
impl Operation for Id {
fn evaluate(&self, operand: i32) -> i32 {
pub struct Sum {
augend: i32,
impl Sum {
pub fn new(augend: i32) -> Sum {
Sum { augend }
impl Operation for Sum {
fn evaluate(&self, addend: i32) -> i32 {
augend + addend
Second option is a new function that takes an optional i32. Then the concrete implementations deal with the possibly redundant input. I find this worse than the first option.
trait Operation {
fn evaluate(&self, operand: i32) -> i32;
fn new(parameter: std::Option<i32>)
Google has lead me to mutually exclusive traits: It seems promising, but it doesn't quite solve my problem.
Is there a way to achieve this behaviour?
trait Operation = Evaluate + (ParametrizedInit or UnparametrizedInit)
How about you use an associated type to define the initialization data?
trait Operation {
type InitData;
fn init(data: Self::InitData) -> Self;
fn evaluate(&self, operand: i32) -> i32;
impl Operation for Id {
type InitData = ();
fn init(_: Self::InitData) -> Self {
Id {}
fn evaluate(&self, operand: i32) -> i32 {
impl Operation for Sum {
type InitData = i32;
fn init(augend: Self::InitData) -> Self {
Sum { augend }
fn evaluate(&self, addend: i32) -> i32 {
augend + addend
For the Id case you specify () to say that the initialization does not need data. It's still a bit meh to call Operation::init(()), but I think the trait at least captures the logic fairly well.
To actually get mutually exclusive traits (which is apparently what you want), you have to use some workaround. The Rust language does not support mutually exclusive traits per-se. But you can use associated types and some marker types to get something similar. This is a bit strange, but works for now.
trait InitMarker {}
enum InitFromNothingMarker {}
enum InitFromI32Marker {}
impl InitMarker for InitFromNothingMarker {}
impl InitMarker for InitFromI32Marker {}
trait Operation {
type InitData: InitMarker;
fn init() -> Self
Self: Operation<InitData = InitFromNothingMarker>;
fn init_from(v: i32) -> Self
Self: Operation<InitData = InitFromI32Marker>;
trait UnparametrizedInit: Operation<InitData = InitFromNothingMarker> {}
trait ParametrizedInit: Operation<InitData = InitFromI32Marker> {}
impl<T: Operation<InitData = InitFromNothingMarker>> UnparametrizedInit for T {}
impl<T: Operation<InitData = InitFromI32Marker>> ParametrizedInit for T {}
(Ideally you want to have a Sealed trait that is defined in a private submodule of your crate. That way, no one (except for you) can implement the trait. And then make Sealed a super trait for InitMarker.)
This is quite a bit of code, but at least you can make sure that implementors of Operation implement exactly one of ParametrizedInit and UnparametrizedInit.
In the future, you will likely be able to replace the marker types with an enum and the associated type with an associated const. But currently, "const generics" are not finished enough, so we have to take the ugly route by using marker types. I'm actually discussing these solutions in my master's thesis (section 4.2, just search for "mutually exclusive").

Create a generic struct with Option<T> without specifying T when instantiating with None

I have a
struct Foo<T>
T: // ... some complex trait bound ...
a: Bar,
b: Option<T>,
When attempting to instantiate the struct with a b: None the compiler complains that it cannot infer the type and requires a type hint e.g. via the turbofish syntax. That is onerous on the caller because they will have to find a type that fulfills the trait bounds and import it despite not caring about that optional functionality.
I think what I am looking for would be a bottom type that automatically fulfills any trait bounds but cannot be instantiated so that None::<Bottom> could be used, but I have not found such a type in the documentation.
There's a feature in the works that allows specifying the never type as !. This is not present in stable Rust, so you need to use a nightly and a feature flag:
fn thing<T>() -> Option<T> {
fn main() {
However, this doesn't work for your case yet (this is part of the reason that it's unstable):
trait NothingImplementsMe {}
fn thing<T>() -> Option<T>
where T: NothingImplementsMe,
fn main() {
error[E0277]: the trait bound `!: NothingImplementsMe` is not satisfied
--> src/
12 | thing::<!>();
| ^^^^^^^^^^ the trait `NothingImplementsMe` is not implemented for `!`
= note: required by `thing`
The very first unresolved question on the tracking issue is:
What traits should we implement for !?
Since this feature is both unstable and doesn't do what you want, you may want to consider creating your own bespoke "bottom" type:
trait AlmostNothingImplementsMe {
fn foo();
struct Nope;
impl AlmostNothingImplementsMe for Nope {
fn foo() { unimplemented!() }
fn thing<T>() -> Option<T>
where T: AlmostNothingImplementsMe,
fn main() {
To improve the UX of this, I'd suggest creating a builder of some type that starts you off with the faux-bottom type:
mod nested {
pub trait AlmostNothingImplementsMe {
fn foo();
pub struct Nope;
impl AlmostNothingImplementsMe for Nope {
fn foo() { unimplemented!() }
pub fn with_value<T>(t: T) -> Option<T>
where T: AlmostNothingImplementsMe,
pub fn without_value() -> Option<Nope> {
fn main() {
You can see this similar pattern in crates like Hyper, although it boxes the concrete type so you don't see it from the outside.
One option to avoid the need to the turbofish operator is to have a type alias:
trait MyTrait {}
impl MyTrait for () {}
struct Foo<T: MyTrait> {
i: isize,
o: Option<T>,
type Bar = Foo<()>;
fn main() {
let foo_default = Bar { i: 1, o: None };
I used () as the default for simplicity, but ! (when available) or your own bottom type as in #Shepmaster's answer may be better.
A constructor function could also work if you don't mind Foo::new_default(i) or similar.

Is it possible to use `impl Trait` as a function's return type in a trait definition?

Is it at all possible to define functions inside of traits as having impl Trait return types? I want to create a trait that can be implemented by multiple structs so that the new() functions of all of them returns an object that they can all be used in the same way without having to write code specific to each one.
trait A {
fn new() -> impl A;
However, I get the following error:
error[E0562]: `impl Trait` not allowed outside of function and inherent method return types
--> src/
2 | fn new() -> impl A;
| ^^^^^^
Is this a limitation of the current implementation of impl Trait or am I using it wrong?
As trentcl mentions, you cannot currently place impl Trait in the return position of a trait method.
From RFC 1522:
impl Trait may only be written within the return type of a freestanding or inherent-impl function, not in trait definitions or any non-return type position. They may also not appear in the return type of closure traits or function pointers, unless these are themselves part of a legal return type.
Eventually, we will want to allow the feature to be used within traits [...]
For now, you must use a boxed trait object:
trait A {
fn new() -> Box<dyn A>;
See also:
Is it possible to have a constructor function in a trait?
Why can a trait not construct itself?
How do I return an instance of a trait from a method?
Nightly only
If you wish to use unstable nightly features, you can use existential types (RFC 2071):
// 1.67.0-nightly (2022-11-13 e631891f7ad40eac3ef5)
trait FromTheFuture {
type Iter: Iterator<Item = u8>;
fn returns_associated_type(&self) -> Self::Iter;
// Needs `return_position_impl_trait_in_trait`
fn returns_impl_trait(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = u16>;
impl FromTheFuture for u8 {
// Needs `type_alias_impl_trait`
type Iter = impl Iterator<Item = u8>;
fn returns_associated_type(&self) -> Self::Iter {
std::iter::repeat(*self).take(*self as usize)
fn returns_impl_trait(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = u16> {
fn main() {
for v in 7.returns_associated_type() {
println!("type_alias_impl_trait: {v}");
for v in 7.returns_impl_trait() {
println!("return_position_impl_trait_in_trait: {v}");
If you only need to return the specific type for which the trait is currently being implemented, you may be looking for Self.
trait A {
fn new() -> Self;
For example, this will compile:
trait A {
fn new() -> Self;
struct Person;
impl A for Person {
fn new() -> Person {
Or, a fuller example, demonstrating using the trait:
trait A {
fn new<S: Into<String>>(name: S) -> Self;
fn get_name(&self) -> String;
struct Person {
name: String
impl A for Person {
fn new<S: Into<String>>(name: S) -> Person {
Person { name: name.into() }
fn get_name(&self) -> String {
struct Pet {
name: String
impl A for Pet {
fn new<S: Into<String>>(name: S) -> Pet {
Pet { name: name.into() }
fn get_name(&self) -> String {
fn main() {
let person = Person::new("Simon");
let pet = Pet::new("Buddy");
println!("{}'s pets name is {}", get_name(&person), get_name(&pet));
fn get_name<T: A>(a: &T) -> String {
As a side note.. I have used String here in favor of &str references.. to reduce the need for explicit lifetimes and potentially a loss of focus on the question at hand. I believe it's generally the convention to return a &str reference when borrowing the content and that seems appropriate here.. however I didn't want to distract from the actual example too much.
You can get something similar even in the case where it's not returning Self by using an associated type and explicitly naming the return type:
trait B {}
struct C;
impl B for C {}
trait A {
type FReturn: B;
fn f() -> Self::FReturn;
struct Person;
impl A for Person {
type FReturn = C;
fn f() -> C {
Fairly new to Rust, so may need checking.
You could parametrise over the return type. This has limits, but they're less restrictive than simply returning Self.
trait A<T> where T: A<T> {
fn new() -> T;
// return a Self type
struct St1;
impl A<St1> for St1 {
fn new() -> St1 { St1 }
// return a different type
struct St2;
impl A<St1> for St2 {
fn new() -> St1 { St1 }
// won't compile as u32 doesn't implement A<u32>
struct St3;
impl A<u32> for St3 {
fn new() -> u32 { 0 }
The limit in this case is that you can only return a type T that implements A<T>. Here, St1 implements A<St1>, so it's OK for St2 to impl A<St2>. However, it wouldn't work with, for example,
impl A<St1> for St2 ...
impl A<St2> for St1 ...
For that you'd need to restrict the types further, with e.g.
trait A<T, U> where U: A<T, U>, T: A<U, T> {
fn new() -> T;
but I'm struggling to get my head round this last one.
