Getting rid of 'netrw' plugin for vim - vim

I have no idea how 'netrw' works, nor how it got enabled on my vim. I want to get rid of it, or the very least learn how to run a 'c' file one it.
I have tried adding
let loaded_netrwPlugin = 1
to my ~/.vimrc file.
I have tried returning my vim back to default, with great failure. I have tried just about everything on the internet to get rid of it so I can test my homework on the flip server. But the strange plugin is still there and I can't figure out how to work it.
I am used to just going vim <folder_name> then clang <my_project.c> then ./a.out to run it. What happened to those good old days?
Thank you for any help. I have tried so many things and nothing is really working out.
This is what I see when I vim my CS-261, I just want to be able to open assignment_1 and compile my assignments in there.

I don’t see where you would need vim for the actions you want to do. Just run
cd <folder_name>
clang <my_project.c>


Error on using Vim-latex ("can't find file ~")

I'm not sure if this question is appropriate here but I have nowhere else to ask. I recently started to typeset some 'mathsy' stuff using Latex and it became a hobby for me. I've been using TeXnicCenter for this, but feeling that I've got familiar with Latex language, I decieded to improve 'efficiency' of typesetting by changing the editor.
So I decided to use Vim (latest version, 7.4) with Suite-Latex. I've just installed Vim and Suite-Latex, following exactly what was instructed here. I made every necessary changes mentioned here, and it seemed to me that installation was successful (I got what was expected on Step 4)
Then I started to work through this tutorial and everything went fine until this section.
When I press F9 for autoreference, I see that Vim is working on something for split seconds and red error message refering to "can't find [some file name]" in my user/appdata/local/temp directory. The "file name" changes every time I do this (so its kind of temporary file as its directory suggests?). And then it produces a new window with title __ OUTLINE __ where 2 empty lines are showing up.
If I press n (in the new window described above) error message saying "E486: Pattern not found: rf" pops up and pressing j results in going down one row. If I press enter key, message ":call Tex_FinishOutlineCompletion()" pops up.
More frustratingly, if I try to compile a file by entering command \ll, a new window pops up where there are two lines saying:
1.ll I can't find file `newfile.tex'. newfile.tex
2.ll Emergency stop
and below these is a message saying
[Quickfix list]: latex -interaction=nonstopmode -file-line-error-style newfile.tex
So I thought it maybe is something to do with VIM not being able to find files in my computer (so something wrong with grep?), and I tried to resolve it by downloading a software called "cygwin" on which developers said their tests were successful, but it changed nothing.
But I think the two problems are related.
As it is, I am completely newbie in this type of editing environment (or any kind of programming) but I really would like to learn some Vim seeing how efficient it is in typesetting etc. Sorry for not being a pro at typing codes here. Thanks for reading!
I believe you need a latex compiler---I've had this issue and well, one thing that's left out of the conversation a lot is the compiler (pdflatex, latexmk, etc). As of now, you should download a compiler since vim-latex (latex-suite) doesn't actually come with a compiler (that I know of) and it's just a plug in with some cool stuff in it, but not what you need to make a file.pdf out of your file.tex.
It happened to me before. I found out that this problem may happen when you have special characters (such as white space and other symbols) in your file name or folder path. Try again with file name and path only in English letters.

Mulitple vimrc-files, multiple vim-directories.

I'm trying to get better with Vim at Ubuntu 14.04, but I struggle to understand it's structure. I've been Googling around for quite some time, but this questions I haven't gotten answered anywhere.
I'm trying to install some plugins and make a good .vimrc-file for myself, in the future. But when I have to install plugins, then the Readme-files tell me, to put the files in the 'plugin'-directory in the vim-folder. But I've discovered that I have two vim-folders:
- One in /etc/vim/
- and one in ~/.vim/
I tried putting the plugin in each folder, and it worked, in the latter one. But I don't understand why. Can anyone explain it?
And it's the same thing for the vimrc-file. If I run a :version in vim, then I get, that there's a vimrc-file here /etc/vim/vimrc and theres one here ~/.vimrc . Now - why is one hidden and one is not? I'm a Windows-kid originally, and if confuses me, because it looks like that the format is different, from one file to the next. But mainly; where is it good manners to insert the custom changes to the vimrc-file? For the system-vimrc file, or for the user I'm using?
Files and directories under /etc/vim/ make up Vim's system-wide runtime files.
You must never touch them.
because they will be overwritten next time you update Vim,
because messing with them puts Vim in an unstable state,
because you need to escalate privileges.
All your configuration must happen in your $HOME:
your settings/mappings go into ~/.vimrc,
your plugins and colorschemes and anything you download from third parties go into ~/.vim/.
That said, most (all?) plugins clearly use ~/.vim and ~/.vimrc or their $HOME variants in their install instructions. If they don't, complain to their author.

Capture Vim's error output before it crashes

This is related to debugging the issue mentioned in: Plugin (vim-latex) crashing gVim on startup
After installing latex-suite, every time I open a .tex file, whether it's from gVim or terminal vim, whether it contains a \begin statement or not, Vim immediately crashes.
After repeatedly making it crash I was able to read a Python Traceback string in the status line, which mentioned line 530 in C:\Python27\lib\ (which only contains known_paths = addusersitepackages(known_paths)), but the rest of the traceback is not viewable since the statusline display truncates it and this only appears for a moment anyway before automatically crashing.
Is there a way I could capture this Traceback output in a more permanent and complete way, along with how things go from this plugin to Python, etc.?
(I tried the -V15filename.log option but it's (as usual) useless, containing some partial log upto an ancient point in the vim startup process.)
Edit: Apologies for not mentioning the OS previously (other than indirectly through the C:\ path), this problem is on Windows. And from the other linked question it seems like almost everyone who tries latex-suite on Windows runs into this problem.
Update: Just a FTR - setting verbosefile doesn't help (presumably because the writes are buffered per the doc), and :redir doesn't capture this either, ends with whatever operation happened before this error and crash.
OK, I put here as an answer.
This answer could be kind of work around for solving your latex plugin problem in windows vim. However if your question sticks to "getting error message before crashing" , it may not give you help. I don't have much experience with windows OS.
Latex Suite plugin uses python to generate some formatted text. It could bring better performance. However the plugin provides no-python ways for that as well, to let user without installing python runtime or with very old python version use the plugin too.
Since you mentioned that your problem was in python codes. You can try disabling python in that plugin, and test if the performance was acceptable.
The plugin provided a variable for that, you could add this line in your vimrc
let g:Tex_UsePython=0
Nice to see it helped.
Did you try to run with redirected stderr?
vim file.tex &> errors.log
vim file.tex 2> errors.log
1) If you are able to compile Vim from the source (using MinGW as you are on Windows), you could run it with gdb. Then you could set some breakpoints/check the stack trace until you detect a line near the crash. The instructions to run Vim with the gdb and read the stack traces are found in :help debug-gcc.
At the end of that help file (:help get-ms-debuggers) you can find instructions on how to obtain some debug tools for Windows.
These tools can be used on the following alternatives, explained in detail on :help debug-win32:
2) In case you didn't compile Vim, obtain the debug symbols (PDB), which should be available from the same place that you obtained the executable. Attach Visual Studio to the Vim process, reproduce the crash, then read the stack trace through Visual Studio's dialog reporting the crash.
3) Same as 2) but using WinDbg instead of Visual Studio.
4) Inspect the Minidump file, in case your crash generate one. In addition to the referenced help section, you may find useful information on the following links:
Where to find mini dmp files in windows 7
How to read the small memory dump file
In case you are on a computer running linux, did you try saving the strace output in a file?
strace gvim -V9log.txt file.tex > stdout.txt 2> stderr.txt
And then having a closer look at the output files, especially the last 10-100 lines? I am not sure if it will capture the system calls of the plugins though, but it could be a starting point.

TeX-PDF and VIM configuration

I somehow cannot get the TeX-PDF plugin to compile the files appropriately. It states in the plugin description that it defaults ot pdflatex, which I have on my Windows 7, it is mapped in the path variable. It spits out the error:
compiled with errors
which is baically an undefined case (there are no errors in the file, it compiles with pdflatex from the cmd well).
I tried almost all of the solutions for VIM (like vim-latex, atp, etc) but I can't get them to work with pdflatex. I just want to be able to avoid the process in the command line. I need a step by step, or really well explained guide, because I am sick of reading all the manuals from top to bottom, and not having a result.
If you
:set shellcmdflag=/k
any external shell command invoked from Vim will keep the console window open. You'll see the exact command-line that the plugin uses to compile, and can investigate from there what's wrong. Once you've found the problem, you need to "work backwards" to see how you can get the fix into the plugin; maybe there's a setting to influence the compilation. (I don't know / use the plugin myself.)

A few vim questions

So I was hoping that some old school Vim'ers could help me out. These are all separate questions and normally I would put them up each on their own but I'm not sure if that qualifies as question whoring here.
Plus I think if you know enough to be asking any of these questions they will all be coming up in the near future:
I have a library I'm writing and a series of applications that use that library. There doesn't seem to be an easy way(from what I can tell) to build a ctags file for the library and build one for each of my applications and make sure one references the other when I'm in vim.
Using gf to open files from command mode is awesome, but a lot of my include files
don't contain the full path. They refer to an include directory I set in the IDE. How can I set this directory as another point for Vim to start looking for files?
Is there a way to compile a file inside Vim and send the output to a buffer? I'm currently using MSVS 2k3 but I'll be porting over to Linux in a few weeks so if this is possible on either system I'd appreciate it.
Re 3)
If you put a makefile in your root dir, you can simply write
This will run make and (iirc) put any errors into a seperate buffer, and make vim goto the first compile error. From there you can navigate all erroring lines using :next-error
Also, see this page
for details on how to show the result in a seperate console.
1- tags files are independent, and can be used together. See :h 'tags'
I can't tell what is the easy way to build tags files. I have one that consists in using two plugins of mine:
one (draft) plugin that knows how to update C++ tags files (it should be easy to adapt it to other filetypes),
and another (local_vimrc) that helps me define directories-local .vimrc. Thus for any files within a given directory hierarchy, I can adapt the &tags options to use the relevant tag files, and the current tag file that will be rebuilt automatically (or when a keybinding is triggered). (Plugins like project should do the trick as well)
2- :h 'path'
3- :h :make
:cd {path}
For help:
:he cd
A few others like :lcd might be better suited. Just scroll down that help page.
This is rather off topic, but might still be useful: if you're using Visual Studio a lot and like Vim, you might want to look at ViEmu. It's the best Vim-emulation for any IDE I've yet seen, and the cost is really low. :) And no, I'm not getting a commission. :P
It's not obvious, but if you open a directory instead of a file, it's nicely browseable.
:e . (colon-e-dot)
:e .. (colon-e-dot-dot)
will let you browse from your current directory or its parent.
(understanding that you were probably hoping for a capability to have vim accept e.g.
:e abc.txt
and have it look in several directories, which I don't know how to do.)
