Azure shared dashboard is not be updated - azure

I have such a query:
let start=datetime("2019-06-22T01:44:00.000");
let end=datetime("2019-06-22T07:44:00.000");
let timeGrain=5m;
let dataset1= requests
| where timestamp > start and timestamp < end ;
| summarize Gesamt=sum(itemCount) , Durchschnittsdauer=round(avg(duration /1000),2), Instanz=dcount(cloud_RoleInstance) by Funktionsname=name
| join kind= inner
| where timestamp > start and timestamp < end
| summarize Fehler=count() by Funktionsname=operation_Name
) on Funktionsname
| project Funktionsname ,Gesamt , Erfolgreich=Gesamt - Fehler, Fehler, Durchschnittsdauer
If I test it in Application insight query manager, I get data. But after I pin it to the share dashboard, and changing the Time (local and UTC) the dashboard shows me no results. Do you know how can I solve this problem?

I got it
I should change starttime and endtime to:
let start=datetime("2019-06-24 13:44:00.000Z");
let end=datetime("2019-06-24 19:44:00.000Z");


Looking for Kusto Query Language to query an endpoint for response time from the API

This is my current query that i have in azure logs:
let numberOfBuckets = 24;
let interval = toscalar(requests | where url matches regex "courses.*"
| summarize interval = (max(timestamp)-min(timestamp)) / numberOfBuckets
| project floor(interval, 1m));
requests | where url matches regex "courses.*"
| summarize count() by url
It doesn't quite work and I've tried a lot of different ways to do this
like this...
let under400_course = requests | where url matches regex "/courses.*" | where duration < 400 | count;
let total_req_course = requests | where url matches regex "/courses.*" | count;
print under400_apt_SLI = toscalar(under400_course) * 100/toscalar(total_req_course);
just as a query to get information...
how do I actually get each response time for every connection in the last 24 hours for this endpoint?
how do I actually get each response time for every connection in the
last 24 hours for this endpoint?
I think the query is simpler for this request. Have you tried this?
| where timestamp > ago(24h)
| where url matches regex "courses.*"
| project timestamp, url, resultCode, duration
The query timestamp > ago(24h) will filter all requests in the last 24 hours.
And the response time for request is already presented in requests table.
You can refer to Kusto guideline by MS here:
let fastResponseTimeMaxMs = 800;
let errorBudgetThresholdForFastResponseTime = 90.0;
let startTime = ago(7days);
let endTime = now();
let timeStep = 300m;
| where timestamp > startTime and timestamp < endTime
| where success == 'True' | where url matches regex "<URL>.*"
| summarize TotalCount = count(), ActualCount = countif(duration <= fastResponseTimeMaxMs) by bin(timestamp, timeStep)
| extend Percentage = round(todecimal(ActualCount * 100) / todecimal(TotalCount), 2)
| extend ErrorBudgetMinPercent = errorBudgetThresholdForFastResponseTime
| extend InBudget = case(Percentage >= ErrorBudgetMinPercent, 1, 0)
This works... took a bit but I got it!

Azure Custom Log Alert - Not Firing

I am trying to debug an issue with an Azure Alert not firing. This alert should run every 30 minutes and find any devices that have not emitted a heartbeat in the last 30 minutes up to the hour. In addition, an alert should only be fired once for each device until it becomes healthy again.
The kusto query is:
let missedHeartbeatsFrom30MinsAgo = traces
| where message == “Heartbeat”
| summarize arg_max(timestamp, *) by tostring(
| project Id = customDimensions_id, LastHeartbeat = timestamp
| where LastHeartbeat < ago(30m);
let missedHeartbeatsFrom1HourAgo = traces
| where message == "Heartbeat"
| summarize arg_max(timestamp, *) by tostring(
| project Id = customDimensions_id, LastHeartbeat = timestamp
| where LastHeartbeat <= ago(1h);
let unhealthyIds = missedHeartbeatsFrom30MinsAgo
| join kind=leftanti missedHeartbeatsFrom1HourAgo on Id;
let deviceDetails = customEvents
| where name == "Heartbeat"
| distinct tostring(customDimensions.deviceId), tostring(customDimensions.fullName)
| project Id = customDimensions_deviceId, FullName = customDimensions_fullName;
unhealthyIds |
join kind=leftouter deviceDetails on Id
| project Id, FullName, LastHeartbeat
| order by FullName asc
The rules for this alert are:
When I pull the plug on a device, wait ~30 minutes, and run the query manually in App Insights, I see the device in the results data set. However, no alert gets generated (nothing shows up in the Alerts history page and no one in the Action Group gets notified). Any help in this matter would be greatly appreciated!
I can see your KQL Query take several times to execute, and it consume more resource usage to run the query.
Optimize your query to avoid more resource utilization and quick response of your query result.
Make sure your alert processing rule Status should be Enabled like below
Once it is done make sure your query result should be Greater than or equal to 1. So that the alert processing rule will check the threshold if it matches the condition the alert will fire.
Still, you get the issue alert not firing try to delete the alert and run your query in a Query Editor and try to create a New alert rule.

How to write a Kusto query to get previous month logs in sentinel?

| where TimeGenerated > ago(30d)
only gives me the last 30 days logs and I'm searching for a query to get previous month logs from a table, so I can export it directly into Power BI.
Here is how you can do it below. I am showing two ways. The 'easy' way is to just hand jam the dates in for the month. The harder way requires you to use the make_datetime function.
// The Easy 'Manual' Way
| where TimeGenerated >= datetime('2021-08-01') and TimeGenerated <= datetime('2021-08-31')
// Automated Way
let lastmonth = getmonth(datetime(now)) -1;
let year = getyear(datetime(now));
let monthEnd = endofmonth(datetime(now),-1);
| where TimeGenerated >= make_datetime(year,lastmonth,01) and TimeGenerated <= monthEnd
Just wanted to add on to #Ken W MSFT's great query, by suggesting this for the automation
let time_start = startofmonth(datetime(now), -1);
let time_end = endofmonth(datetime(now),-1);
| where TimeGenerated between (time_start .. time_end)

error with user-defined function in kusto query

I tried to run below query as user-defined function in kusto but always gives me an error. can someone help me to understand what i am missing here? When i run the query seprately it works but i want to use it like a function as i want to call it separately for every month and union the results .
let availability = (starttime:datetime , endtime:datetime )
//let month = format_datetime(starttime,"yyyy-M-dd");
//| where TimeGenerated >= startofweek(ago(21d
| where TimeGenerated > starttime and TimeGenerated < endtime
| where ResourceId !=""
| summarize heartbeat_per_hour=count() by bin_at(TimeGenerated, 1h, starttime), Computer
| extend available_per_hour=iff(heartbeat_per_hour>0, true, false)
| summarize total_available_hours=countif(available_per_hour==true) by Computer
| extend total_number_of_buckets=round((endtime-starttime)/1h)
| extend availability_rate=total_available_hours*100/total_number_of_buckets
//| extend month
let starttime = startofday(datetime("2020-09-01 00:00:00 AM"));
let endtime = endofday(datetime("2020-09-30 11:59:59 PM"));

Search Query should contain 'AggregatedValue' and 'bin(timestamp, [roundTo])' for Metric alert type

I'm trying to create a custom metric alert based on some metrics in my Application Insights logs. Below is the query I'm using;
let start = customEvents
| where customDimensions.configName == "configName"
| where name == "name"
| extend timestamp, correlationId = tostring(customDimensions.correlationId), configName = tostring(customDimensions.configName);
let ending = customEvents
| where customDimensions.configName == configName"
| where name == "anotherName"
| where customDimensions.taskName == "taskName"
| extend timestamp, correlationId = tostring(customDimensions.correlationId), configName = tostring(customDimensions.configName), name= name, nameTimeStamp= timestamp ;
let timeDiffs = start
| join (ending) on correlationId
| extend timeDiff = nameTimeStamp- timestamp
| project timeDiff, timestamp, nameTimeStamp, name, anotherName, correlationId;
| summarize AggregatedValue=avg(timeDiff) by bin(timestamp, 1m)
When I run this query in Analytics page, I get results, however when I try to create a custom metric alert, I got the error Search Query should contain 'AggregatedValue' and 'bin(timestamp, [roundTo])' for Metric alert type
The only response I found was adding AggregatedValue which I already have, I'm not sure why custom metric alert page is giving me this error.
I found what was wrong with my query. Essentially, aggregated value needs to be numeric, however AggregatedValue=avg(timeDiff) produces time value, but it was in seconds, so it was a bit hard to notice. Converting it to int solves the problem,
I have just updated last bit as follows
| summarize AggregatedValue=toint(avg(timeDiff)/time(1ms)) by bin(timestamp, 5m)
This brings another challenge on Aggregate On while creating the alert as AggregatedValue is not part of the grouping that is coming after by statement.
