cannot find Signcert hyperledger fabric - hyperledger-fabric

i am trying to run the fabric network and getting the following error. | 2019-08-09 19:37:30.561 UTC [main] InitCmd ->
ERRO 001 Cannot run peer because error when setting up MSP of type bccsp
from directory /etc/hyperledger/fabric/msp: could not load a valid signer certificate
from directory /etc/hyperledger/fabric/msp/signcerts: stat /etc/hyperledger/fabric/msp/signcerts:
no such file or directory
I also tried to find the directory in the crypto-config folder and don't see signcerts folder there as well. I am not sure if
cryptogen generate --config=./crypto-config.yaml
generates this folder or not.
I am using docker-compose to run the fabric network. and I have following two mounts
Please suggest.

cryptogen generates the crypto-config directory but to avoid your error. you should run following commands by making changes according to your system path.
docker exec -it cli bash

So the issue was, the folder it generates is inside the
and i was looking in the
also one mount was wrong. Another things with orderer was relative mapping ./ instead of ../
Thanks for your help #adarshJha


Cannot update fabric channel config using new admin identity

We have a production fabric cluster setup and has been been running for a year. Now most of the certs expire and the cluster crash, including both tls and identity certs.
I tried to fix by completely removing old certs and private keys, generate and enroll new identities for peer, peer admin, orderer, orderer admin.
Everything works again, but I cannot instantiate/upgrade chaincode in existing channel because the channel was configured with old admin certs.
So now look like I'm stuck in a deadlock. In order to update channel config with new cert, I need to sign the update with matching old cert, which is already expired and blocked by orderer.
I find out that we can disable expired cert check in orderer using ORDERER_GENERAL_AUTHENTICATION_NOEXPIRATIONCHECKS=true. But now I don't have the old admin private key so I still cannot update the channel config.
I already replaced old private keys with new one so there is no way to use the old cert again.
Can I do something to resolve this channel issue?
Suggestions are greatly appreciated.
[!] What I'm suggesting is an idea. I haven't tested it.
[!] It seems to be feasible enough, but side-effect is not considered.
[!] It's just a trick, it's correct that it should never be done.
The conclusion is that the orderer and peer's binary can be artificially manipulated and updated.
For fabric, refer to $GOROOT/src/crypto when building binary.
Build in the fabric repository after artificially modifying all ecdsa verify functions in crypto to return true immediately.
cd $GOROOT/src/crypto
vi ecdsa/ecdsa.go # modify `Verify` function
cd $GOPATH/src/
make peer
make orderer
Back up the binaries of the currently running docker container, and rerun after planting the newly built binaries in the container.
docker cp <peer_container_name>:/usr/local/bin/peer ./
docker cp $GOPATH/src/ <peer_container_name>:/usr/local/bin/peer
docker cp <orderer_container_name>:/usr/local/bin/orderer ./
docker cp $GOPATH/src/ <orderer_container_name>:/usr/local/bin/orderer
docker-compose -f <your_docker_compose_file_path> restart
Now all verify is valid unconditionally. so, update all recent status.
Afterwards, the backed up binary is replanted into the container to solve this problem.
docker cp ./peer <peer_container_name>:/usr/local/bin/peer
docker cp ./orderer <orderer_container_name>:/usr/local/bin/orderer
docker-compose -f <your_docker_compose_file_path> restart

Failed to generate orderer genesis block - Hyperledger Fabric

I am trying to run the script but it fails with the following error.
There are already several solutions posted for this problem. I went through almost all of them changing the FABRIC_CFG_PATH variable, running before this etc. etc.
Still can not resolve!!
Can you make sure that you can run
./ up
The error you are getting maybe result of one of the followings:
You have an incomplete fabric-samples folder, OR
You do not have appropriate permission to access the folder which has config.yaml file. In this case, it's
You do not have certificates generated for the orgs.
Please share more info, so it's easier to navigate through the problem
P.S. The fabcar example in Fabric 2.1 uses test-network instead of first-network used in previous versions. So, running would not be of much help.
Use FABRIC_CFG_PATH=$PWD/../config/ with your $PWD set to ~/fabric-samples/fabcar
Also check that configtx.yaml exists in ~/fabric-samples/test-network/configtx

fabric -ca certificate creation on common storage instead of local machine

It would be grateful if someone helps me out with this. I do wanted to access the certificates and keys from the common storage . if i give the path it is creating a folder near msp and creating the certificates.
I tired by changing the path in docker-compose.yml file. The path changed but it is creating near the msp folder.
I wanted to know , where the default path must be changed.
fabric-ca-client allows you to specify the directory in which keys/certificates will be stored created by using the -M option:
fabric-ca-client enroll -u http://enrollid:enrollsecret#myca:7054 -M /path/to/myfolder
If you are using Docker to run the fabric-ca-client and want to make the key/certs available outside the Docker container, you will need to mount an external volume.
So let's say you want to store the key/certs in the /var/mycerts directory on your host system. You can do:
docker run --rm -v /var/mycerts:/var/mycerts hyperledger/fabric-ca fabric-ca-client enroll -u http://enrollid:enrollsecret#myca:7054 -M /var/mycerts

HyperLedger Fabric First Network Setup Issues

I'm newbie in the HyperLedger Fiber Technology and I'm following this official tutorial to build my first network. I replaced with the domain of my company. After generating certificates I ran the follow command to up my network:
./ up -c ttchannel
I get the following error during channel creation:
Error: got unexpected status: FORBIDDEN -- Failed to reach implicit threshold of 1 sub-policies, required 1 remaining: permission denied
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Channel creation failed !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Then I verified from PEERs containers that peers are already connected with this channel (don't know why and when this connection got established), So, I restarted this network and then got the following error:
Error: failed to create deliver client: failed to load config for OrdererClient: unable to load orderer.tls.rootcert.file: open /opt/gopath/src/ no such file or directory
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Channel creation failed !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And then I verified in the CLI container that crypto directory wasn't accessible so I have to restart that container to make it accessible. but still I was unable to run it.
Can anyone please suggest that what these error means and how can I run my network?
Where exactly did you change ""? I'm pretty sure the setup script also creates all the crypto material based on configtx.yaml file, that has "" as domain everywhere. The docker-compose files then map the created folders as volume into the container (see docker-compose-base.yml):
So the docker-compose file also expects the certs to be in this folders. From your description I would expect that you missed to change the domain at some point.
The Reason of this error was that network was not going down properly. All the peers were connected with the channel already as I verified by running the command peer channel list inside the container of each peer which was resulting in the following output:
Channels peers has joined:
And with this situation, the command peer channel create ... was actually throwing this error. So, I'm able to run the network successfully with the following command:
**./ restart -c ttchannel -s couchdb -t 60 -d 10**
Which actually first put the network down and then start it again.

How to manage MSP using hyperledger fabric CA?

1) Can we use hyperledger fabric-ca to manage MSP.?
2) If yes how to configure it.?
3) Can we generate MSP using hyperledger fabric-ca?
I've found solution we can avoid using binaries and generate MSP using fabric-ca.
check fabric-samples in that fabric-ca directory, first run.
$: ./ (this will generate docker-compose.yaml file)
then run
$: ./
this will spin up docker containers and install sample chaincode and enroll peer and orderer users on fabric-ca
