PySimpleGUI - not show background when window change - python-3.x

In my application I have multiple windows that change based on events(one close and another open) and show only one window at a time. During one window close and another open its take some time since fetch data from database and prepare for window.
Here problem is that during the time of one window close and another open user can see and feel that one is being open and another is being close by seeing the background.
What I want, until second screen is not fully loaded, first window be visible on the screen.
My current code is something like,
import PySimpleGUI as sg
layout = [[sg.Button('Users', key='show_user_list')]]
window = sg.Window('users').Layout(layout)
while True:
event, values = window.Read()
if event == 'show_user_list':
# code ommited here for simplicity
# do mysql stuff to fetch data
# layout2 = ...
# window2 = sg.Window('user listing').Layout(layout2)
# while True:
# event, values = window2.Read()
# ...
# like that I have multiple windows
How I can give users feel like the window content is changing not one window closes and another opens?

Sure, you can make sure the background is not seen by first opening your Window 2, which will be created on top of Window 1, THEN closing your Window 1.
To do this, add a .Finalize() onto the Window 2 creation. This will cause the window to immediate show up. Then on the next line, close Window 1.
import PySimpleGUI as sg
layout = [[sg.Button('Users', key='show_user_list')]]
window = sg.Window('users').Layout(layout)
while True:
event, values = window.Read()
if event == 'show_user_list':
# code ommited here for simplicity
# do mysql stuff to fetch data
# layout2 = ...
# window2 = sg.Window('user listing').Layout(layout2).Finalize()
# window.Close()
# while True:
# event, values = window2.Read()
# ...
# like that I have multiple windows
The key to making this kind of window update work is to create the windows at the same location. The default is to make windows that are centered on the screen. This means if your windows are not the same size then you'll likely notice a small "blip" as you change from one to the other. But it shouldn't look bad because it'll happen so quickly.
If you really want to get fancy, you can add another step which will make the switch between the windows even smoother. This new step involves creating window 2 with Alpha=0, meaning that it's invisible, then after it's fully formed (using Finalize()) you change the Alpha to 1 which will make the window appear.
import PySimpleGUI as sg
layout = [[sg.Text('Example of window-replacement')],
[sg.Combo(['abdeffg', 'rrrfwwew'], size=(10, 4))],
[sg.B('Enable Filter'), sg.B('Warning'), sg.B('Reopen')],]
window = sg.Window('My Text Editor', layout)
while True: # Event Loop
event, values = window.Read()
if event is None:
print(event, values)
if event == 'Reopen':
layout2 = [[sg.Text('This is a completely different window')],
[sg.Combo(['abdeffg', 'rrrfwwew'], size=(10, 4))],
[sg.B('Enable Filter'), sg.B('Warning'), sg.B('Reopen')], ]
window2 = sg.Window('My Text Editor', layout2, alpha_channel=0).Finalize()
window = window2
This removed some of the "painting" of the window that I was seeing. That shouldn't happen because I use this same trick when creating the window to begin with. Alpha is used to hide the window while it's being created.


Making parts of canvas transparent while still detecting and blocking mouse clicks in transparent areas in tkinter?

I'm trying to make a program where the user can paint on the screen. So I want to make an invisible canvas window in fullscreen where only the user's pen marks on the canvas will be visible. The closest thing I found is this function: root.attributes("-transparentcolor","color code here"), which will make all the parts of the window that's in the color you give transparent. So if I give the second parameter the background color of the canvas, then only the pen strokes on the canvas will be visible. This is so close to what I want, except for one thing, the transparent areas can't detect or block mouse clicks! Any mouse clicks will just go through to whatever is behind the tkinter window. Is there a way to make it so the transparent areas will still block mouse clicks? I really need help on this!
Here is a much better way to do this using only tkinter. Explanation is in code comments. Basically uses two windows, one for "blocking" the mouse and being transparent using the "-alpha" attribute and the other window for "hosting" canvas and having one completely transparent color while keeping others opaque using "-transparentcolor" attribute. That also means that this is cross-platform solution too (except I think the -transparentcolor attribute differs a little bit on other OS like Linux where I think it is -splash or sth and maybe something different on MacOS):
from tkinter import Tk, Toplevel, Canvas
# setting the starting coordinate of the line so that
# on motion it is possible to immediately draw it
def set_first(event):
points.extend([event.x, event.y])
# on motion append new coordinates to the list and if there are
# 4 (the minimum), create a new line and save the id
# otherwise update the existing line
def append_and_draw(event):
global line
points.extend([event.x, event.y])
if len(points) == 4:
line = canvas.create_line(points, **line_options)
canvas.coords(line, points)
# when released clear the list to not waste space
# and not necessarily but also set "id" to None
def clear_list(event=None):
global line
line = None
line = None # this is a reference to the current line (id)
points = [] # list to keep track of current line coordinates
line_options = {} # dictionary to allow easier change of line options
# just a variable to more easily store the transparent color
transparent_color = 'grey15'
# creating the root window which will help with drawing the line
# because it will "block" mouse because `-alpha` (0.01 seems to be the lowest value)
# attribute is used, however it makes everything transparent on the window
# so need another window to "host" the canvas
root = Tk()
root.attributes('-alpha', 0.01)
root.attributes('-topmost', True)
root.attributes('-fullscreen', True)
# just press Esc key to close the whole thing, otherwise
# it is only doable by pressing Alt + F4 or turning off
# the computer
root.bind('<Escape>', lambda e: root.quit())
# create the host window, because it allows to have only
# one transparent color while keeping the other opaque and
# visible
top = Toplevel(root)
top.attributes('-transparentcolor', transparent_color)
top.attributes('-topmost', True)
top.attributes('-fullscreen', True)
# set the focus to root because that is where events are bound
# create the canvas to draw on
canvas = Canvas(top, bg=transparent_color, highlightthickness=0)
canvas.pack(fill='both', expand=True)
# bind all the events to `root` which "blocks" mouse
# but is also almost (because it has a very small alpha value
# it is not entirely invisible but human eye won't notice much)
# invisible
root.bind('<Button-1>', set_first)
root.bind('<B1-Motion>', append_and_draw)
root.bind('<ButtonRelease-1>', clear_list)
Here is an improvable example (you may need to pip install pyautogui, ctypes is a built-in library), it is also Windows only as far as I know:
Note: The other answer using two windows, however, is a lot better but I will keep this too just for the information.
from tkinter import Tk, Canvas
import pyautogui as pag
import ctypes
data = {
'draw': True,
'cur_line_points': [],
'cur_line_id': None
# function taken mainly from here:
def is_pressed(btn: str = 'left') -> bool:
if btn == 'left':
btn = 0x01
elif btn == 'right':
btn = 0x02
raise Warning("incorrect argument, should be 'left' or 'right'")
return ctypes.windll.user32.GetKeyState(btn) not in (0, 1)
def draw_line(canvas_):
if not data['draw']:
root.after(10, draw_line, canvas_)
pressed = is_pressed('left')
cur_line_points = data['cur_line_points']
cur_line_id = data['cur_line_id']
if not pressed:
if cur_line_id is not None:
canvas_.coords(cur_line_id, cur_line_points)
data['cur_line_id'] = None
mouse_x, mouse_y = pag.position()
cur_line_points.extend((mouse_x, mouse_y))
len_points = len(cur_line_points)
if len_points == 4:
data['cur_line_id'] = canvas_.create_line(cur_line_points)
elif len_points > 4:
canvas_.coords(cur_line_id, cur_line_points)
root.after(10, draw_line, canvas_)
transparent_color = 'grey15'
root = Tk()
root.attributes('-transparentcolor', transparent_color)
root.attributes('-topmost', True)
root.attributes('-fullscreen', True)
canvas = Canvas(root, bg=transparent_color, highlightthickness=0)
canvas.pack(fill='both', expand=True)
Basically detects if mouse button is pressed using the built-in library ctypes and if it is adds the current mouse coordinates (does that using pyautogui library which may need be installed) to a list and then draws a line based on that list (it also keeps the reference of the currently drawn line and simply changes its coordinates instead of drawing a new line each time it loops), the only slight issue is that while drawing the mouse is also interacting with the window below, highlighting text and stuff, couldn't really figure out how to remove that yet but at least you get to draw a line.

popup in tkinter with pygame that doest go away unless closed/pressed ok

I am trying to get a popup for my pygame screen using tkinter, but i just want a simple messagebox that i pass in the message, and message type (like: "error"). What i don't know how to do is make it so that they can't avoid not answering it, if they click somewhere else it will not let the user do anything till they answer it, not even go to desktop sort of thing.
what i have so far:
def popUp(self, message, messagetype='Error'):
#Tk().wm_withdraw() #to hide the main window
messagebox.showinfo(messagetype, message)
For this to work your games's mainloop must be in a function (let's call it play). Let's say you have very simple code.
When a condition is met you can access the new function popUp. Which can have your tkinter window. When the button is pressed you can have its command as ...command=play) if the player wants to restart. As the popUp function is not inside the mainloop the game will be unresponsive. An example:
def play():
while carryOn:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type==pygame.QUIT:
#Checking if a key is pressed and then responding e=with function in the sprite class
keys = pygame.key.get_pressed()
if keys[pygame.K_LEFT]:
if keys[pygame.K_RIGHT]:
if keys[pygame.K_UP]:
if keys[pygame.K_DOWN]:
if keys[pygame.K_a]:
if keys[pygame.K_d]:
if keys[pygame.K_w]:
if keys[pygame.K_s]:
# if ... :
# carryOn = False
# popUp()
#Game Logic
#Setting the background
#Now let's draw all the sprites
#Refresh Screen
#Number of frames per second
This is not full code - missing sprite class and code before that. You could then have your tkinter window (after importing tkinter) like:
global window #so it can be destroyed in the other function
window = Tk()
#message = ...
#message.grid ...
button = Button(window, text="restart", width=5, command=play)
button.grid # where you want it
The game will be frozen until the user presses restart (you may also want a window .destroy() in your code somewhere. You can adapt this to pretty much whatever you want but it is no where close to complete code. I hope this was useful.

How to disable tkinter listbox during a function

I have a GUI created in Python 3.x using tkinter from Visual Studio 2017 Community. A top widget is created and within it a frame and listbox are added. When the user clicks on an entry in the listbox the index of the selection is passed to twoSecondFunction() which takes around 2 seconds to complete.
How can I stop the user from making another selection during this time?
I have tried using the line myListbox.config(state=tkinter.DISABLED) to disable the listbox when a selection has been made and only enabling the listbox again once the twoSecondFunction() has completed.
When I run the code from Visual Studio myListbox click events are handled by myListboxSelection and 'twoSecondFunction()' and print() are called. The window appears to be unresponsive for the duration of the myListboxSelection().
if the user clicks on another entry before
Function finished
has been output myListboxSelection() is called another time.
I can queue over 10 commands by clicking quickly before "Function finished" is output. The GUI appears unresponsive for the duration of all queued events and only responds to other commands after executing all the queued myListboxSelection() calls.
I have tried removing the line myListbox.config(state=tkinter.NORMAL) and this then registers only one click for the duration of the program, so myListbox.config(state=tkinter.DISABLED) is working as it should when it is called. myListbox also greys out.
I have also added extra print() lines throughout the program to ensure all operations happen in the expected order which they do.
It seems as though the logic executes a lot more quickly than the GUI itself responds, so myListbox becomes enabled far more quickly than the GUI responds. I do not see myListbox grey out during the execution of 'twoSecondFunction()'.
Is it because the myListbox.config(state=tkinter.DISABLED) only takes effect after the event handler completes its execution? I.e. myListbox.config(state=tkinter.DISABLED) never takes effect because myListbox.config(state=tkinter.NORMAL) is set before myListbox is actually disabled?
import tkinter #For the GUI tools
#Event handler for mouse click of myListbox
def myListboxSelection(event):
myListbox.config(state=tkinter.DISABLED) #Disable myListbox
myListboxIndex = int(myListbox.curselection()[0]) #Get selection index
twoSecondFunction(myListboxIndex) #Call function that takes 2 seconds
print("Function finished") #Output to console on completion
myListbox.config(state=tkinter.NORMAL) #Enable Listbox
#Create GUI
GUITopWidget = tkinter.Tk(screenName = "myListboxGUI") #Create Top Level Widget
myFrame = tkinter.Frame(GUITopWidget, name = "myFrame") #Create frame
myFrame.pack() #Pass to Geometry Manager
myListbox = tkinter.Listbox(authoritiesListFrame) #Create myListbox
myListbox.bind('<<ListboxSelect>>', myListboxSelection) #Bind mouse click event
populateListbox(myListbox) #Add entries to the listbox
myListbox.pack() #Pass to Geometry Manager
#Run the GUI loop
It appears that if you have an event handler and use mainloop() it does indeed stop any logic from executing during the callback. Instead define a loop which can handle the event calls, other logic and call update() on the GUI manually:
import tkinter #For the GUI tools
rootWindowClosed = False
requestQueued = False #True request is queued
myListboxIndex= -1 #Set to -1 between requests
#Event handler for mouse click of myListbox
def myListboxSelection(event):
myListbox.config(state=tkinter.DISABLED) #Disable myListbox
myListboxIndex = int(myListbox.curselection()[0]) #Get selection index
#On closing of root window
def closeGUIHandler():
#Set the rootWindowClosed flag to True
global rootWindowClosed
rootWindowClosed = True
#Destroy GUI Root
#Create GUI
GUITopWidget = tkinter.Tk(screenName = "myListboxGUI") #Create Top Level Widget
GUITopWidget.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", closeGUIHandler) #Set delete window protocol
myFrame = tkinter.Frame(GUITopWidget, name = "myFrame") #Create frame
myFrame.pack() #Pass to Geometry Manager
myListbox = tkinter.Listbox(authoritiesListFrame) #Create myListbox
myListbox.bind('<<ListboxSelect>>', myListboxSelection) #Bind mouse click event
populateListbox(myListbox) #Add entries to the listbox
myListbox.pack() #Pass to Geometry Manager
#Run the GUI loop
while rootWindowClosed == False:
#If requestQueued then execute queued request
if requestQueued == True:
twoSecondFunction(myListboxIndex) #Call function that takes 2 seconds
myListbox.config(state=tkinter.NORMAL) #Enable Listbox
myListboxIndex = -1
#Update GUI window if not closed
time.sleep(0.05) #Sleep for 50 ms to allow event handling before executing code
if rootWindowClosed == False:

Getting text from a entry window in Python graphics

from graphics import *
win = GraphWin("Hangman", 600, 600)
textEntry = Entry(Point(233,200),10)
text = textEntry.getText()
testText = Text(Point(150,15), text)
exitText = Text(Point(200,50), 'Click anywhere to quit')
I'm trying to obtain text from the user in Python graphics and be able to use that input, such as manipulate it, search for it in a list, etc. To test that, I created a entry window in graphics and tried to obtain the text from that entry window and simply display it in the window, just to check if it sucessfully obtained the text.
Unfortunately, it isn't working, it just shows the 'Click anywhere to quit' and then the empty window and despite writing text in it it does nothing. What am I doing wrong?
The following comes from the documentation.
The way the underlying events are hidden in, there is no signal when the user is done entering text in an Entry box. To signal the program, a mouse press is used above. In this case the location of the mouse press is not relevant, but once the mouse press is processed, execution can go on and read the Entry text.
You're getting the text right after you draw the Entry, so it will be empty. You need to wait for a signal, then read the Entry. This excerpt from the documentation says to wait for a mouse click then read the Entry.
So try to add the
to your code as follows
from graphics import *
win = GraphWin("Hangman", 600, 600)
textEntry = Entry(Point(233,200),50)
# click the mouse to signal done entering text
text = textEntry.getText()
testText = Text(Point(150,15), text)
exitText = Text(Point(200,50), 'Click anywhere to quit')
Here's what the output looks like. Note: I made the Entry 50 wide.

Separate user interaction from programmical change: PyQt, QComboBox

I have several QComboBoxes in my PyQt4/Python3 GUI and they are filled with some entries from a database during the initialisation. Initial CurrentIndex is set to 0. There is also a tick box which changes the language of the items in my combo boxes. To preserve current user selection I backup index of the current item and setCurrentIndex to this number after I fill in ComboBox with translated items. All those actions emit currentIndexChanged signal.
Based on the items selected in QComboBoxes some plot is displayed. The idea is to redraw the plot online - as soon as the user changes any of ComboBox current item. And here I have a problem since if I redraw the plot every time signal currentIndexChanged is emited, I redraw it also several times during initialization and if the translation tick box selection was changed.
What is the best way to separate these cases? In principle I need to separate programmical current Index Change from the user, and update the plot only in the later case (during GUI initialisation I can programically call update plot function once). Should I write/rewrite any signal? If so, I never did that before and would welcome any hint or a good example. Use another signal? Or maybe there is a way to temporary block all signals?
There are a few different things you can try.
Firstly, you can make sure you do all your initialization before you connect up the signals.
Secondly, you could use the activated signal, which is only sent whenever the user selects an item. (But note that, unlike currentIndexChanged, this signal is sent even if the index hasn't changed).
Thirdly, you could use blockSignals to temporarily stop any signals being sent while the current index is being changed programmatically.
Here's a script that demonstrates these possibilities:
from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore
class Window(QtGui.QWidget):
def __init__(self):
layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(self)
self.combo = QtGui.QComboBox()
self.combo.addItems('One Two Three Four Five'.split())
self.buttonOne = QtGui.QPushButton('Change (Default)', self)
self.buttonTwo = QtGui.QPushButton('Change (Blocked)', self)
def handleButtonOne(self):
def handleButtonTwo(self):
def changeIndex(self):
index = self.combo.currentIndex()
if index < self.combo.count() - 1:
self.combo.setCurrentIndex(index + 1)
def handleActivated(self, text):
print('handleActivated: %s' % text)
def handleChanged(self, text):
print('handleChanged: %s' % text)
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)
window = Window()
