Masking pixels or doing convolutional LSTM classification with Keras - keras

I have a sequence of multi-band images, say each sample is a tensor of size (50, 6, 30, 30) where 50 is the number of image frames in sequence, 6 is number of bands per pixel, and 30x30 is the spatial dimension of the image. The ground truth map is of size 30x30, but it is one-hot encoded (to use crossentropy loss) o 7 classes, so it is a tensor of size (1, 7, 30, 30).I want to use a combination of convolutional and LSTM (or use an integrated ConvLSTM2D layer) for my classification task, but there are below problems:
1- Not every point has a valid label at the output map (i.e. some one-hot vectors are all-zero),
2- Not every pixel has a valid value in every time stamp. So, at every given time stamp, some of the pixels may have zero value (means invalid) for all of their band values.
I read many Q&As on how to handle this issue and I think I should use sample_weights option to mask the invalid points and classes but I am really uncertain how to do it. Sample_weights should be applied to every pixel and each timestamp independently. I think I can manage it if I didn't have the convolution part (a 2D approach). But don't understand how it works when convolution is in place, because some pixel values in convolution window are valid and some are invalid.If I mask those invalid pixels at a specific time (that still I don't know how to do it), what will happen to the chain of forward and backward propagation and loss calculation? I think it will be ruined!
Looking for comments and help.

Possible solution:
Problem 1- For pixels where do not have class at all you can introduce a new class with a label for example noise,
it means not in your one hot encode you have value for that as well and weights will be generated accordingly for those pixels for noise class
this is an indirect way to achieve the same thing you do with sample weight
cause in the sample_weight technique you tell keras or sklearn that what is the weightage of the parameter or sample ratio of the weights.
Problem 2- To answer part 2 consider the possible use cases for example for these invalid values class value can be there in hot encode vector or it will be all zeros?
or you can preprocess and add these to the noise class as well then point 2 will be handled by point 1 automatically.


Torch model forward with a diferent image size

I am testing some well known models for computer vision: UNet, FC-DenseNet103, this implementation
I train them with 224x224 randomly cropped patches and do the same on the validation set.
Now when I run inference on some videos, I pass it the frames directly (1280x640) and it works. It runs the same operations on different image sizes and never gives an error. It actually gives a nice output, but the quality of the output depends on the image size...
Now it's been a long time since I've worked with neural nets but when I was using tensorflow I remember I had to crop the input images to the train crop size.
Why don't I need to do this anymore? What's happening under the hood?
It seems that the models that you are using have no linear layers. Because of this the output of the convolutional layers go straight into the softmax function. The softmax function doesn't take a specific shape for its input so it can take any shape as input. Because of this your model will work with any shape of image but the accuracy of your model will probably be far worse given different image shapes than the one you trained on.
There is always a specific input size in the documentation of the model. You should use this size. These are the current model limitations.
For UNets this may even be a ratio. I think it depends on implementation.
Just a note on resize:
In case of the (h, w), output size will be matched to this.
In the second case of d size, the smaller edge of the image will be matched to d.
For example, if height > width, then image will be re-scaled to (d * height / width, d)
The idea is to not ruin the aspect ratio of the image.

CNN for 2d image rotation estimation (angle regression)

I am trying to build a CNN (in Keras) that can estimate the rotation of an image (or a 2d object). So basically, the input is an image and the output should be its rotation.
My first experiment is to estimate the rotation of MŃIST digits (starting with only one digit "class", let's say the "3"). So what I did was extracting all 3s from the MNIST set, and then building a "rotated 3s" dataset, by randomly rotating these images multiple times, and storing the rotated images together with their rotation angles as ground truth labels.
So my first problem was that a 2d rotation is cyclic and I didn't know how to model this behavior. Therefore, I encoded the angle as y=sin(ang), x = cos(ang). This gives me my dataset (the rotated 3s images) and the corresponding labels (x and y values).
For the CNN, as a start, i just took the keras MNIST CNN example ( and replaced the last dense layer (that had 10 outputs and a softmax activation) with a dense layer that has 2 outputs (x and y) and a tanh activation (since y=sin(ang), x = cos(ang) are within [-1,1]).
The last thing i had to decide was the loss function, where i basically want to have a distance measurement for angles. Therefore i thought "cosine_proximity" is the way to go.
When training the network I can see that the loss is decreasing and converging to a certain point. However when I then check the predictions vs the ground truth I observe a (for me) fairly surprising behavior. Almost all x and y predictions tend towards 0 or +/-1. And since the "decoding" of my rotation is ang=atan2(y,x) the predictions are usually either +/- 0°, 45°, 90, 135° or 180°.
However, my training and test data has only angles of 0°, 20°, 40°, ... 360°.
This doesn't really change if I change the complexity of the network. I also played around with the optimizer parameters without any success.
Is there anything wrong with the assumptions:
- x,y encoding for angle
- tanh activation to have values in [-1,1]
- cosine_proximity as loss function
Thanks in advance for any advice, tips or pointing me towards a possible mistake i made!
It's hard to give you an exact answer so let's try with some ideas:
Change from Cosine Proximity to MSE or other losses and check if something changes.
Change the way you encode the target. You could just represent the angle as a number between 0 and 1. It doesn't seem a problem even if the angles are ciclic.
Ensure you preprocessing/augmentation steps make sense for this particular task.

How is a filter assigned with feature in CNN? (or is it assigned?)

Lets say the first conv layer has 32 filters of size 5x5 with stride of 1.
model.add(Conv2D(32, (5, 5), input_shape=input_shape))
Lets say the image is of size 32x32x3(channesl). So when a filter convolves with a part of an image, is it already looking for a specific feature? I understand that the filter matrix is initialized with random numbers. But do they already have a sort of purpose to what they are looking for? Could you explain how features are being detected in CNN?
The goal of a convolutional layer is filtering. As we move over an image we effectively check for patterns in that section of the image. This works because of filters, stacks of weights represented as a vector, which are multiplied by the values outputed by the convolution.When training an image, these weights change, and so when it is time to evaluate an image, these weights return high values if it thinks it is seeing a pattern it has seen before. The combinations of high weights from various filters let the network predict the content of an image.
So, when a filter convolves with a part of an image, at first, it doesn't know it is feature or not, by training and changing weights, the filters are adaptive to the features in images so that the Loss function should be minimum with the ground truth. The reason for initialization is just we will change weights so that the predicted value will be as closest as possible to the given label.

How to do weight imbalanced classes for cross entropy loss in Keras?

Using Keras for image segmentation on a highly imbalanced dataset, and I want to re-weight the classes proportional to pixels values in each class as described here. If a have binary classes with weights = [0.8, 0.2], how can I modify K.sparse_categorical_crossentropy(y_true, y_pred) to re-weight the loss according to the class which the pixel belongs to?
The input has shape (4, 256, 256, 1) (batch, height, width, channels) and the output is a vector of 0's and 1's (4, 65536, 1) (positive and negative class). The model and data is similar to the one here with the difference being the images are grayscale and the masks are binary (2 classes).
This is the custom loss function I used for my semantic segmentation project. It is modified from the categorical_crossentropy function found in keras/backend/
def class_weighted_pixelwise_crossentropy(target, output):
output = tf.clip_by_value(output, 10e-8, 1.-10e-8)
weights = [0.8, 0.2]
return -tf.reduce_sum(target * weights * tf.log(output))
Note that my final version did not use class weighting - I found that it encouraged the model to use the underrepresented classes as filler for patches of the image that it was unsure about instead of making more realistic guesses, and thereby hurt performance.
Jessica's answer is clean and works well. I generally recommend it. But for the sake of variety:
I have found that sampling regions of interest that include a better ratio between the classes is an effective way to quickly learn skewed pixelwise classes.
In my case, I had two classes like you which makes things easier. I look for areas in the image that have appearances of the less represented class. I crop around it with some random offset a constantly sized bounding box ( i repeat the process multiple times per image). This yields a large set of small images that have fairly equal ratios of each class.
I should probably add here that the network will have to be set to input shape of (None, None, num_chanals) for this to then work on your original images.
Because you skip out on the vast majority of pixels ( that belong to the majority class) the training is very fast but doesn't leverage all of the data for the majority class.
In tensorflow 2.x the method has a class_weight argument to do this natively, passing a dictionary of weights for each class. Documentation

Exclude zero-padded regions from network loss - Keras 2.0 Theno Backend (segmentation network)

I'm training a segmentation network in Keras with Theano backend and I'm using ImageDataGenerator with flow_from_directory.
My images have flexible size. In order to use flow_from_directory though you have to specify a fixed size (target_size) and while reading the images, the function automatically fills the points outside the boundaries of the original image.
Currently I'm setting this specified size a value larger than my largest image- say may largest image is 300x400, I fix the target_size to 400x400 and use fill_mode='constant' and cval=0 to pad the points outside original image with zero.
Now my problem is as follows. During training, I do not wish these padded regions to contribute to my loss function at all. Does anyone has an idea how to do that?
Masking could help you.
Masks a sequence by using a mask value to skip timesteps.
For each timestep in the input tensor (dimension #1 in the tensor), if all values in the input tensor at that timestep are equal to mask_value, then the timestep will be masked (skipped) in all downstream layers (as long as they support masking).
If any downstream layer does not support masking yet receives such an input mask, an exception will be raised.
It's technically made for time series, but it should work for images too with some tweaking. Here you can find some attempts to do so (and some alternatives).
