How to get value from module, returns undefined value - node.js

I am trying to return a random number from the random-number-csprng API and it sends the value to the console, but not outside of the module. How can I compare the value from the module inside another module?
I have tried to return the number parameter from the .then() function but it still does not get outside of the function.
const Promise = require("bluebird");
const randInt = require("random-number-csprng");
class project {
constructor(uname) {
this.uname = uname;
randomNumber(lowest, highest)
Promise.try(() => {
return randInt(lowest, highest);
}).then(number => {
console.log("Your random number:", number);
}).catch({code: "RandomGenerationError"}, err => {
console.log("Something went wrong!");
console.log(`This is a test: ${this.randomNumber(1,100)}`);
if(this.randomNumber(1, 100) > 1)
console.log(`Does not work!`);
This is a test: undefined
Your random number: 65
Your random number: 71
I expected the output to be 65 on the undefined log, but seems like it does not get stored outside of the Promise.try()

I see you followed the example code on their documentation a bit too literally. You need to return the promise from the method, and consume it asynchronously by awaiting it:
const randInt = require('random-number-csprng');
class Project {
constructor(uname) {
this.uname = uname;
randomNumber(lowest, highest) {
return randInt(lowest, highest);
async checkRandom() {
const randomValue = await this.randomNumber(1,100);
console.log(`This is a test: ${randomValue}`);
if (randomValue > 1) {
} else {
console.log('Does not work!');


Using expect while extending expect in jest

Per the documentation, we can extend expect globally by using custom matchers like this:
async toBeDivisibleByExternalValue(received) {
const externalValue = await getExternalValueFromRemoteSource();
const pass = received % externalValue == 0;
if (pass) {
return {
message: () =>
`expected ${received} not to be divisible by ${externalValue}`,
pass: true,
} else {
return {
message: () =>
`expected ${received} to be divisible by ${externalValue}`,
pass: false,
but is there any way to utilize expect(something).toBe(something) inside of the custom matcher without spamming try catches everywhere?

Jest doMock the same method multiple times

I would like to test following part of the code:
// ... code above
const created = async payload => {
const model = await db.collection('models').doc(payload.model)
.get() // <--- 1st .get() occurence
if (!model.exists) {
// Add product to the orphans collection
await db.collection('orphans').doc(payload.sku).set(payload)
} else {
// Grab the categories field
const categories = model.get('categories') // <--- 2nd .get() occurence
// Product is either empty or does not exists at all
if (!categories || categories.length < 1) {
// Add product to the orphans collection
await db.collection('orphans').doc(payload.sku).set(payload)
} else {
// Otherwise remove from the orphans collection
await deleted(payload.sku)
I do not know how to properly mock the file twice in the same callback. Here is what I get:
test.only('it should react when an event "created" has been fired', async () => {
const spy = jest.fn()
jest.doMock('#google-cloud/firestore', () => class {
collection () {
return {
doc: () => {
return {
get: () => {
return {
exists: () => {
set: () => {
const observer = require('./product')
await observer('created', {})
await expect(spy.mock.calls.length).toBe(1)
I get this error:
● it should react when an event "created" has been fired
TypeError: model.get is not a function
25 | } else {
26 | // Grab the categories field
> 27 | const categories = model.get('categories')
| ^
28 |
29 | // Product is either empty or does not exists at all
30 | if (!categories || categories.length < 1) {
at created (app/observers/product.js:27:30)
at Object.<anonymous>.module.exports (app/observers/product.js:6:28)
at Object.<anonymous> (app/observers/product.spec.js:34:3)
Test Suites: 1 failed, 1 total
Tests: 1 failed, 1 skipped, 2 total
Snapshots: 0 total
Time: 0.147 s, estimated 1 s
Ran all test suites matching /app\/observers\/product.spec.js/i.
What is the working solution to test two scenarios of the same mocked get() method ?
In your code :
const model = await db.collection('models').doc(payload.model)
.get() // <--- 1st .get() occurence
If we look at your mock, the get method of doc returns :
exists: () => {
There are no property named get, so it is undefined (and not a function).
I guess you just have to change this part to :
exists: true, // can be false
get: spy,
And your problem should be solved.
Btw, you can also change the mock of set method to set: spy. Or you can keep it to set: () => { spy() }, but you should at least return the value if you want to mock it : set: () => { spy() }.
Now, about how to properly mock multiple times, here's what you can do :
const observer = require('./product')
const spyGet = jest.fn()
const spySet = jest.fn() // I like having different mocks, if one function use get & set, tests will be clever & more readable if you use different spies
describe('on event "created" fired', () => {
const categories = []
beforeEach(() => {
// I put mocks here to make test more readable
jest.doMock('#google-cloud/firestore', () => class {
collection () {
return {
doc: () => {
return {
get: () => {
return {
exists: true,
get: spyGet,
set: spySet
spyGet.mockResolvedValueOnce(categories) // you can also use mockResolvedValue, but mockResolvedValueOnce allow you to mock with different values on the same test & same mock
it.only('should get categories', async () => {
await observer('created', {})
// here's all the ways you can test it
expect(spyGet).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(1, 'categories')
Note : You should reset & clear your mocks between tests manually (in a afterEach or beforeEach) if you don't set it into jest config.

Jest - mock function inside another module function

I'm trying to mock the return value (or implementation) of the functions inside another module's function with Jest. I need to test different scenarios (function throws error, returns null, returns an object, etc...)
That module (userService) returns a function that returns an object with that functions:
userService.js (I want to mock the return value of findUser & createUser)
function userService(userModel) {
async function findUser(userQuery) {
return foundUser;
async function createUser(user) {
return createdUser;
return { findUser, createUser };
module.exports = userService;
And I'm testing authStravaController, which uses that service functions:
const authStravaServiceRaw = require('../../services/authStravaService');
const userServiceRaw = require('../../services/userService');
const bikeServiceRaw = require('../../services/bikeService');
function authStravaController(userModel, bikeModel) {
const { findUser, createUser } = userServiceRaw(userModel); <-- WANT TO MOCK THAT FUNCTIONS
async function authStrava({ body: { authCode } }, res) {
try {
const findUserQuery = {
stravaUserId: stravaBasicUser.stravaUserId,
authUser = await findUser(findUserQuery); <-- MOCK THIS FUNCTION RETURN MULTIPLE TIMES
if (!authUser) {
resStatus = CREATED;
createdUser = await createUser(stravaBasicUser); <-- SAME
createdUser.bikes = => bike._id);;
authUser = { createdUser, createdBikes };
return handleResponseSuccess(res, resStatus, authUser);
} catch (authStravaError) {
return handleResponseError(res, authStravaError);
return { authStrava };
module.exports = authStravaController;
At the moment I've been able to mock the function return value just 1 time, and I can't find a way to rewrite it, so now I can only test 1 scenario
This code at the top of the file let me test 1 scenario
jest.mock('../../services/userService', () => () => ({
findUser: jest.fn().mockReturnValue(1),
createUser: jest.fn().mockReturnValue({ username: 'userName', save: jest.fn() }),
I've tried to mock it in multiple ways and can't get it to work, how could I do it to test different return values:
findUser: jest.fn().mockReturnValue(1),
findUser: jest.fn().mockReturnValue(undefined),
findUser: jest.fn().mockReturnValue({user:'username'}),
I fixed it importing all the services outside the controller function, at the top of the file.
This way I can mock the returnValue of any function.

getting undefined from async await in typescript node

Use case:
I am trying to insert a record inside the amazon QLDB using Node and typescript.
I am able to insert the record/document successfully and it returns me documentID in return.
there are 2 controllers: EntityController and CommonController
-EntityController extends CommonController
-EntityController has the code for getting req object converting it into the model object and the calling insert() function that has been extended from the CommonController.
I am trying to propagate that documentID to all the way to my API call, but somehow I am getting undefined in the EntityController.
whereas I am able to print the documentID in CommonController.
I am not sure why I am getting undefined when I am clearly returning a value.
const CommonController = require("../template/controller");
import { Request, Response } from 'express';
const tableName:string = "entities";
const EntityModel = require("./model")
class EntityController extends CommonController {
async insertEntitiy(req:Request,res:Response) {
async insertEntitiy(req:any,res:any) {
let entity = new EntityModel();
entity.balance = req.body.balance;
entity.firstName = req.body.firstName;
entity.lastName = req.body.lastName; =;
try {
let documentIds = await this.insert(tableName,entity);
console.log("--------- inside insertEntity fiunction()---------");
} catch (error) {
console.error(`error in creating Entity: ${error}`);
res.status(500).send({ errMsg: `error in creating Entity: ${error}` });
module.exports = new EntityController();
import { createQldbWriter, QldbSession, QldbWriter, Result, TransactionExecutor } from "amazon-qldb-driver-nodejs";
import { Reader } from "ion-js";
import { error, log } from "../qldb/LogUtil";
import { getFieldValue, writeValueAsIon } from "../qldb/Util";
import { closeQldbSession, createQldbSession } from "../qldb/ConnectToLedger";
module.exports = class Conroller {
async insert(tablename:string, object:any): Promise<Array<string>> {
let session: QldbSession;
let result:Array<string>;
try {
session = await createQldbSession();
await session.executeLambda(async (txn) => {
result = await this.insertDocument(txn,tablename,object);
console.log("---------result inside insert fiunction()---------");
return (Promise.resolve(result));
} catch (e) {
error(`Unable to insert documents: ${e}`);
} finally {
* Insert the given list of documents into a table in a single transaction.
* #param txn The {#linkcode TransactionExecutor} for lambda execute.
* #param tableName Name of the table to insert documents into.
* #param documents List of documents to insert.
* #returns Promise which fulfills with a {#linkcode Result} object.
async insertDocument(
txn: TransactionExecutor,
tableName: string,
documents: object
): Promise<Array<string>> {
const statement: string = `INSERT INTO ${tableName} ?`;
const documentsWriter: QldbWriter = createQldbWriter();
let documentIds: Array<string> = [];
writeValueAsIon(documents, documentsWriter);
let result: Result = await txn.executeInline(statement, [documentsWriter]);
const listOfDocumentIds: Reader[] = result.getResultList();
listOfDocumentIds.forEach((reader: Reader, i: number) => {
documentIds.push(getFieldValue(reader, ["documentId"]));
return (documentIds);
ouptut :
[ '4o5UZjMqEdgENqbP9l7Uhz' ]
---------result inside insert fiunction()---------
[ '4o5UZjMqEdgENqbP9l7Uhz' ]
--------- inside insertEntity fiunction()---------
As #daniel-w-strimpel pointed out in the comments, your insert method returns only in the catch part.
Try this:
insert(tablename:string, object:any): Promise<Array<string>> {
let session: QldbSession;
let result: Array<string>;
try {
session = await createQldbSession();
return session.executeLambda(async (txn) => {
result = await this.insertDocument(txn,tablename,object);
console.log("---------result inside insert fiunction()---------");
return result;
} catch (e) {
error(`Unable to insert documents: ${e}`);
} finally {
In return session.executeLambda you return the Promise.
In return result; you return the actual value.
More on promises here:

How to hook with useEffect/setState

I'm having trouble making the following test pass:
import { useEffect, useState } from "react";
export function useComponentResources(required) {
const [componentResources, setComponentResources] = useState(null);
useEffect(() => {
if (required) {
// api call
setTimeout(() => setComponentResources({}), 100);
}, [required]);
return componentResources;
import { renderHook } from "#testing-library/react-hooks";
import { useComponentResources } from "./component-resources.hook";
describe("component-resources.hook", () => {
it("fetches resources when required", () => {
const { result } = renderHook(() => useComponentResources(true));
It keeps failing:
Expected value to equal:
Comparing two different types of values. Expected object but received null.
7 | const { result } = renderHook(() => useComponentResources(true));
9 | //assert
> 10 | expect(result.current).toEqual({});
11 | });
12 | });
I have created a repro case in codesandbox:
renderHook doesn't wait for your setTimeout to fire; it can't know what 'side effects' your component has. So when your expect() runs, the current value is still its default - null.
We can force the test to wait until the hook updates again by using waitForNextUpdate, which is on the object renderHook returns. waitForNextUpdate is a function that returns a promise that resolves once the hook is updated again (e.g. when your setTimeout fires).
import { renderHook } from "#testing-library/react-hooks";
import { useComponentResources } from "./component-resources.hook";
describe("component-resources.hook", () => {
it("fetches resources when required", async () => {
const { result, waitForNextUpdate } = renderHook(() => useComponentResources(true));
await waitForNextUpdate();
