How can I add Heat maps in the Web Player? - spotfire

I am trying to find out if it's possible to add a heat map only using Web Player? I know that the Spotfire platform is capable of showing Heat Maps (link). However, there is no such option when I expand the Visualisation types panel:
has anyone managed to add such a map?
I have noticed that the Spotfire Analyst supports that kind of map but I am trying to do that using the web player:

I contacted TIBCO regarding that and it turns out that this is a feature that is currently not supported on the WebPlayer. There is a feature request on their ideas portal, please upvote it if you have a company TIBCO account here


Creating an app to provide user with offline map and offline routing using Android Studio

I am trying to create a mockup of application that will allow user to use the app to navigate in a city.
The reason the map needed to be online is that my application needs to modify the mockup traffic light in the map based on traffic.
Currently I tried to OSM since Google map doesn't provide any traffic light data.
My problem is I have no idea how to create an offline map, by using OSMAnd, I am able to create an OBF file using OsmAndMapCreator, after that I have no idea how to implement it (I cannot find any tutorial online).
I also don't know which offline routing service to used, I have find that OSMAnd can be used to provide navigation but I don't know how to implement it in a new app.
I am sorry if this is off topic or being a vague question, but I have no more choice.
Thank you.

How can I scrape content from a Website with AlchemyAPI?

I would like to scrape Content from a website with AlchemyAPI. I get informed about this feature on
I will implement it in the same way as in the example:"Querying Inside Tables (Selecting a Column Inside a Specific Row)".
Could somebody please help me, how to use this in Node.js and Cquery? Which parameters do I need to get specific fields like price as output?
No, it's not currently possible to do this. Since AlchemyAPI was acquired by IBM, the remaining services have been incorporated into Watson. Most of the AlchemyAPI services are now covered in the Natural Language Understanding (NLU) service: but there is no feature that allows you to scrape content from a web site per se.
The NLU service does allow you to retrieve text from a web page using the analyze endpoint:

Flexible resolution for Spotfire Dxps

Is there a way to fix a single dxp file to different screen sizes ,for example i want to use same dxp to access from iphone,ipad and Moniter so it has to set automatically.
If you are going to develop mobile analytics I strongly suggest you download the Spotfire App at the Google Play and Apple Stores. This will ensure your visualization is rendered properly and provides you with mobile touching features that you may find cumbersome attempting through a mobile web browser.
Before you start building your analytic, go to Edit > Document Properties > Visualization area size and select one of the iPad options, or set a custom size. You will see the window resize in the professional client, emulating what the mobile application would look like. Personally, I'd steer free of creating one for a phone. It's just unrealistic, so much so that Spotfire discontinued it's mobile analytics which was used for phones, because, in my opinion, it didn't have a ton of value. It's hard to gain a lot from a visualization so small.

How to create and display a custom base map with ESRI Leaflet?

The educational web app I'm working on makes use of ESRI base maps displayed with Leaflet. (See CODAP and click the Map tool.) One of our partners would like to be able to use a base map that displays biomes as, for example, displayed here.
ESRI supplies a bunch of useful base maps. But how do I create my own? And can I start with an image like the one linked to above?
typically people use either ArcMap or ArcGIS Pro to publish their own content as services hosted either on ArcGIS Online or their own installation of ArcGIS Server, but its also possible to upload shapefiles, csvs and other files into ArcGIS Online directly using the website.
anyone can get a perpetual free account for R&D and non-commercial service hosting by signing up on our Developers website.

is there a node.js package to embed Google Analytics charts into a web page

I am building a Node.js Analytics dashboard that includes internally generated data, and would like to add Charts from our Google Analytics.
1/ What is the right Google Analytics API to do so
2/ Is there a node.js package to embed the chart itself (rather than retrieving the data from GA and then having to build the chart myself)?
While not specifically Node.js, this is now possible with client-side JavaScript and Google's Embed API. That page also has well documented tutorials for building a basic dashboard, interactive charts and more.
You'll want to use the Core Reporting API to pull data, and you could try Google Chart Tools for creating your graphs.
Check out EmbeddedAnalytics.
While not a node.js solution, we are a 3rd party solution (using the Core Reporting) designed specifically so that you can avoid the heavy lifting of "retrieving the data from GA and then having to build the chart myself" as you have said yourself.
The process is very simple.
Grant us authorization to access your GA Data via the API.
Design your chart (all kinds of formatting are available).
Embed an <iframe> tag where the chart is to display.
