I need to add a Dynamic Content in an ADF. In such a way that it needs to read the files from the folder with name as ‘StartDateOfMonth-EndDateOfMonth’ as below format.
Result: 20190601-20190630
Here are a few steps for how you can achieve that:
in DataSet:
create parameter "Date"
set up a connection to one selected file
now, replace "File" field with expression, similar to the following:
in Pipeline:
when using above DataSet, you just must pass the value, which you can set up by 'Set Variable'
I have a CSV File in the Following format which want to copy from an external share to my datalake:
Test; Text
"1"; "This is a text
which goes on on a second line
and on on a third line"
"2"; "Another Test"
I do now want to load it with a Copy Data Task in an Azure Synapse Pipeline. The result is the following:
Test; Text
"1";" \"This is a text"
"which goes on on a second line";
"and on on a third line\"";
"2";" \"Another Test\""
So, yo see, it is not handling the Multi-Line Text correct. I also do not see an option to handle multiline text within a Copy Data Task. Unfortunately i'm not able to use a DataFlow Task, because it is not allowing to run with an external Azure Runtime, which i'm forced to use, due to security reasons.
In fact, i'm of course not speaking about this single test file, instead i do have x thousands of files.
My settings for the CSV File look like follows:
CSV Connector Settings
Can someone tell me how to handle this kind of multiline data correctly?
Do I have any other options within Synapse (apart from the Dataflows)?
Thanks a lot for your help
Well turns out this is not possible with a CSV File.
The pragmatic solution is to use "binary" files instead, to transfer the CSV Files and only load and transform them later on with a Python Notebook in Synapse.
You can achieve this in azure data factory by iterating through all lines and check for delimiter in each line. And then, use string manipulation functions with set variable activities to convert multi-line data to a single line.
Look at the following example. I have a set variable activity with empty value (taken from parameter) for req variable.
In lookup, create a dataset with following configuration to the multiline csv:
In foreach, where I iterate each row by giving items value as #range(0,sub(activity('Lookup1').output.count,1)). Inside for each, I have an if activity with following condition:
If this is true, then I concat the current result to req variable using 2 set variable activities.
temp: #if(contains(activity('Lookup1').output.value[add(item(),1)]['Prop_0'],';'),concat(variables('req'),activity('Lookup1').output.value[item()]['Prop_0'],decodeUriComponent('%0D%0A')),concat(variables('req'),activity('Lookup1').output.value[item()]['Prop_0'],' '))
actual (req variable): #variables('val')
For false, I have handled the concatenation in the following way:
temp1: #concat(variables('req'),activity('Lookup1').output.value[item()]['Prop_0'],' ')
actual1 (req variable): #variables('val2')
Now, I have used a final variable to handle last line of the file. I have used the following dynamic content for that:
Finally, I have taken copy data activity with a sample source file with 1 column and 1 row (using this to copy our actual data).
Now, take source file configuration as shown below:
Create an additional column with value as final variable value:
Create a sink with following configuration and select mapping for only above created column:
When I run the pipeline, I get the data as required. The following is an output image for reference.
I have a requirement where I want to check if file exist in a folder. If file exists then I want to skip else I want to create an empty csv file.
One way I have tried using Metadata activity and then using copy activity I am able to move empty file to the destination.
I want to check if there is any better way of creating empty csv file with on the fly without using copy activity?
Yes, there is another approach but it includes coding.
You can create a Azure Function in your preferred coding language and trigger it using Azure Data Factory Azure Function activity.
The Azure Function activity allows you to run Azure Functions in an Azure Data Factory or Synapse pipeline. To run an Azure Function, you must create a linked service connection. Then you can use the linked service with an activity that specifies the Azure Function that you plan to execute.
Learn more here.
In Azure Function, you can access the directory where you want to check the files availability and can also create/delete/update the csv files with schema based.
You can use a Copy Activity. Source: Write a SQL Query in-line that includes all the columns as NULL and a WHERE clause that will produce no data. Note that no tables are involved, and you can issue the query against any SQL source, including Serverless. Target: the csv file, include headers. Use an IF activity to create the file, if the metadata activity shows the file is absent.
Example query--
, CAST( NULL AS INT) AS EmployeeId
, CAST( NULL AS CHAR(20)) AS PostalCode
I'm trying to use system variable '#pipeline().TriggerTime' in a dynamic content field.
I have a 'Copy Data' activity which has a sink dataset to a folder.
Inside this Sink dataset, I try to set the filepath to
#concat('Trigger_',formatDateTime(#pipeline().TriggerTime, 'ddMMyyyyHHmmss'), '.trg')
But I get the following error message.
The activity is contained in an 'If Condition' block which itself is contained in a 'ForEach' but this variable should be global in the pipeline so I don't see why it shouldn't work.
Thanks for any help.
As Joel comments,just change "#pipeline" to "pipeline".
#concat('Trigger_',formatDateTime(pipeline().TriggerTime, 'ddMMyyyyHHmmss'), '.trg')
If you want to use multiple functions,you just add # at the beginning.
If you want to get the string of functions,you need to add double #,such as "Answer is: ##{pipeline().parameters.myNumber}" return the string Answer is: #{pipeline().parameters.myNumber}.
More detail,you can refer to this documentation.
I have simple copy data activity with source and destination as a table in Azure Data Factory, Before inserting I'm having delete script in the pre-copy script option. The Delete should be done on the basis of parameters passed to the pipeline.
I tried this way but getting error.
DELETE FROM [dbo].[StgMetricLoad] where TransactionKey in(pipeline().parameters.TransactionKey)
Per my experience,you can't merge pipeline string parameter into sql string like that directly. This should be configured as dynamic content with #cancat built-in function.
I tested it in the Set Variable Activity:
#concat('DELETE FROM [dbo].[StgMetricLoad] where TransactionKey in(',
Test Output:
I am using Data Factory v2 and I currently have a simple copy activity which copies files from an FTP server to blob storage. The file names on this server are of the following form :
In order to download the most recent file I add this filter to my input dataset json file :
"fileName": {
"value": "#concat('File_',formatDateTime(utcnow(), 'yyyyMMdd'), '.zip')",
"type": "Expression"
I now want to be able to download yesterday's file which is possible using adddays().
However I would like to be able to do this in the same copy activity and it seems that Data Factory v2 does not allow me to use the following kind of regular expression logic :
#concat('File_',formatDateTime(utcnow(), 'yyyyMMdd'), '.zip') || #concat('File_', formatDateTime(adddays(utcnow(), -1), 'yyyyMMdd'), '.zip')
Is this possible or do I need a separate activity ?
It would seem strange to need a second activity since a Copy Activity can only take a single input but if the regex is simple enough, then multiple files are treated as a single input and if not then multiple files are treated as multiple inputs.
The '||' won't work since it will be evaluate as a single string.
But I can provided two solutions for this.
using a tumbling window daily trigger and set the start time as yesterday. So it will trigger two pipeline run.
using Foreach activity + copy activity. The foreach activity iterate an array to pass the yesterday and today to the copy activity.
Btw, you could just use string interpolation expression instead of concat. They are the same.
File_#{formatDateTime(utcnow(), 'yyyyMMdd')}.zip
I would suggest you to read about get metadata activity. This can be helpful in your scenario I think.
You have itemName property, lastModified property, check it out.