How can I simulate hand rays on HoloLens 1? - mrtk

I'm setting a new project which is intended to deploy to both HoloLens 1 and 2, and I'd like to use hand rays in both, or at least be able to simulate them on HoloLens 1 in preparation for HoloLens 2.
As far as I have got is:
Customizing the InputSimulationService to be gesture only (so I can test in editor)
Adding the GGVHand Controller Type to DefaultControllerPointer Options in the MRTK/Pointers section.
This gets it to show up and respond to clicks both in editor and device, but it does not use the hand coordinates and instead raycasts forward from 0,0,0, which suggests that the GGV Hand Controller is providing a GripPosition (of course with no rotation due to HL1) but not providing a Pointer Pose.
I imagine the cleanest way to do this would be to add a pointer pose to the GGV Hand controller, or add (estimated) rotation to the GripPosition and use this as the Pose Action in the ShellHandRayPointer. I can't immediately see where to customize/insert this in the MRTK.
Alternatively, I could customize the DefaultControllerPointer prefab but I am hesitant to do so as the MRTK seems to still be undergoing frequent changes and this would likely lead to upgrade headaches.

You could create a custom pointer that would set the pointer's rotation to be inferred based on the hand position, and then like you suggested use Grip Pose instead of Pointer Pose for the Pose Action.
The code of your custom pointer would look something like this:
// Note you could extend ShellHandRayPointer if you wanted the beam bending,
// however configuring that pointer requires careful setup of asset.
public class HL1HandRay : LinePointer
public override Quaternion Rotation
// Set rotation to be line from head to head, rotated a bit
float sign = Controller.ControllerHandedness == Handedness.Right ? -1f : 1f;
return Quaternion.Euler(0, sign * 35, 0) * Quaternion.LookRotation(Position - CameraCache.Main.transform.position, Vector3.up);
// We cannot use the base IsInteractionEnabled
// Because HL1 hands are always set to have their "IsInPointing pose" field as false
// You may want to do more thorough checks here, following BaseControllerPointer implementation
public override bool IsInteractionEnabled => IsFocusLocked || IsTracked;
Then create a new pointer prefab and configure your pointer profile to use the new pointer prefab. Creating your own prefab instead of modifying MRTK prefabs has advantage of ensuring that MRTK updates will not overwrite your prefabs.
Here's some captures of the simple pointer prefab I made to test this with relevant changes highlighted:
And then the components I used:


Main Camera Referenced script is missing

I know, there is always a lot of questions about this error BUT I didn't succeed to fix it with the previous answers...
So, please, let me explain.
I'm working with the Hololens tech. Recently, I have updated from HoloToolKit to MRTK V2 (new SDK provided by Microsoft and the community). My app worked with HoloToolKit, Unity and 2017.4. I updated for MRTKv2 and 2019.2 (recommended).
I have some scripts that use the camera position. In my previous app, Camera was BiCamera (GameObject), child of Basic (GameObject). And my BiCamera was tagged as MainCamera. Right now, my camera was Main Camera (with a space between the 2 words), tagged MainCamera, child of MixedRealityPlayspace. This camera is provided by the MRTKv2. I can't change the settings.
So, when I'm in a Play mode I have this message in yellow :
The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'Main Camera') is missing!
And when I move my Main Camera in order to simulate a walk of the user (Hololens = augmented reality), I have this message in red :
NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
TextSpeedUI.Update () (at Assets/Scripts/TextSpeedUI.cs:23)
I think the second message is linked to the first... My script TextSpeedUI needs the camera.transform to calculate walking speed (in fact not directly, he finds the public variable from another GameObject, but this GameObject requires Camera.transform).
An other option is linked with the GameObject Main Camera provided by MRTK because when I select this GameObject I have a missing script. A message says that I have to fix compile errors... But perhaps it's a consequence not the origin... I'm lost.
TextSpeedUI.cs 23
if (sd.isActiveAndEnabled && sd.Steps.Count > 4)
xzSpeed = (sd.Steps[sd.Steps.Count - 1].localMinPosition - sd.Steps[sd.Steps.Count - 4].localMinPosition) / ((sd.Steps[sd.Steps.Count - 1].t - sd.Steps[sd.Steps.Count - 4].t));
txt.text = (xzSpeed.magnitude * 3.6).ToString("0.##"); // speed in km/h
sd comes from public StepDetector sd; which is at the beginning of my script TextSpeedUI.cs
And my script StepDetector.cs calls public DataManager dm;
In my DataManager.cs script, I call at the beginning :
public Camera Cam { get; private set; }
And in void Start :
Cam = Camera.main;
Thanks a lot
I've solved by myself (just remove the component). It seems that it doesn't have consequence on my scene...

Object Collision Issue - Weird Behaviour - Unity

I wondering if someone could give me a hand with this problem I'm having with objects and collisions in Unity.
I have a sphere object being controlled by the users phone's accelerometer. The sphere moves around fine but once it hits a wall the sphere starts acting weird. It pulls in the direction of the wall it collided with, starts bouncing, and just overall not responsive anymore to the movement of the phone.
Any idea as to why this could be happening?
Here is the script used to control the player's sphere.
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class PlayerController : MonoBehaviour {
public float speed;
void Update() {
Vector3 dir =;
dir.x = Input.acceleration.x;
dir.z = Input.acceleration.y;
if (dir.sqrMagnitude > 1)
dir *= Time.deltaTime;
transform.Translate(dir * speed);
void OnTriggerEnter (Collider other)
if (other.gameObject.tag == "Pickup") {
That happens because your object has a 'Rigidbody' component, and, I suppose, it's not a kinetic rigidbody. Basically, it behaves just like it should: a real physical object will not pass through another object, that is the most basic behaviour of a physics engine. However, since you don't operate with the physics-based object using forces, but manually change it's position, you break a level of abstraction. In result, you move the object inside the wall, and now it can't get out.
Use ApplyForce method instead. If you want to pull or push object (instead of just move, which contradicts the fact that these objects are managed by physics) in a certain direction every frame, you should use ForceMode.Acceleration (or ForceMode.Force, if you want the effect to depend on the mass) every physics frame, which means that you have to use FixedUpdate method instead of Update.

When are the bounds and font of a UITextView initialized in Xamarin Forms?

I'm trying to implement an Editor with hint text functionality for a Xamarin.Forms project. This is trivial in Android, because the underlying EntryEditText control has a Hint property. In iOS, the implementation is a bit more complex because the UITextView class does not implement hint text.
I don't like the technique, "set text to the placeholder, clear it if typing starts, return it if typing ends and the text is blank". It means I have to do extra work to tell if the control's blank, and there's a lot of fiddling with the text color involved. But I've been having so much trouble I'm going to have to resort to it. Maybe someone can help me with this.
I started with the answer to Placeholder in UITextView. I started a new Xamarin iOS project and stumbled through a rough Obj-C to C# conversion, and it worked great with a minor change: the Font property of the UITextView isn't initialized yet in the constructor, so I had to override AwakeFromNib() to set the placeholder label's font. I tested it and it worked, so I brought that file into a Xamarin Forms project, and things started getting a little nutty.
The first problem is it turns out apparently MonoTouch has some slight API differences in Xamarin Forms, such as using some types like RectangleF instead of CGRect. This was obvious, if not unexpected. I've been wrestling with some other differences for the past few days, and can't seem to overcome them in a way that makes me happy. Here's my file, trimmed down significantly because I've been trying all kinds of debugging things:
using System;
using MonoTouch.UIKit;
using MonoTouch.Foundation;
using MonoTouch.CoreGraphics;
using System.Drawing;
namespace TestCustomRenderer.iOS {
public class PlaceholderTextView : UITextView {
private UILabel _placeholderLabel;
private NSObject _notificationToken;
private string _placeholder;
public string Placeholder {
get {
return _placeholder;
set {
_placeholder = value;
if (_placeholderLabel != null) {
_placeholderLabel.Text = _placeholder;
public PlaceholderTextView() : base(RectangleF.Empty) {
private void Initialize() {
_notificationToken = NSNotificationCenter.DefaultCenter.AddObserver(TextDidChangeNotification, HandleTextChanged);
_placeholderLabel = new UILabel(new RectangleF(8, 8, this.Bounds.Size.Width - 16, 25)) {
LineBreakMode = UILineBreakMode.WordWrap,
Lines = 1,
BackgroundColor = UIColor.Green,
TextColor = UIColor.Gray,
Alpha = 1.0f,
Text = Placeholder
public override void DrawRect(RectangleF area, UIViewPrintFormatter formatter) {
base.DrawRect(area, formatter);
if (Text.Length == 0 && Placeholder.Length > 0) {
_placeholderLabel.Alpha = 1;
private void HandleTextChanged(NSNotification notification) {
if (Placeholder.Length == 0) {
if (Text.Length == 0) {
_placeholderLabel.Alpha = 1;
} else {
_placeholderLabel.Alpha = 0;
public override void AwakeFromNib() {
_placeholderLabel.Font = this.Font;
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) {
if (disposing) {
A notable change here is relocation of the label's initialization from DrawRect() to the constructor. As far as I can tell, Xamarin never lets DrawRect() be called. You'll also note I'm not setting the Font property. It turned out in the iOS MonoTouch project, sometimes the parent's font was null and it's illegal to set the label's font to null as well. It seems at some point after construction Xamarin sets the font, so it's safe to set that property in AwakeFromNib().
I wrote a quick Editor-derived class and a custom renderer so Xamarin Forms could render the control, the Renderer is slightly of note because I derived from NativeRenderer instead of EditorRenderer. I needed to call SetNativeControl() from an overridden OnModelSet(), but peeking at the assembly viewer showed that EditorRenderer makes some private calls I'll have to re-implement in mine. Boo. Not posted because this is already huge, but I can edit it in if needed.
The code above is notable because the placeholder isn't visible at all. It looks like in iOS-oriented MonoTouch, you typically initialize a control with a frame, and resizing is a rare enough circumstance you can assume it doesn't happen. In Xamarin Forms, layout is performed by layout containers, so a constructor-provided frame is irrelevant. However, the size of the label is intended to be set in the constructor, so it ends up having negative width. Whoops.
I assumed this could be solved by moving instantiation of the label into AwakeFromNib(), or at least sizing it there. This is when I discovered that for some reason, AwakeFromNib() isn't called in the control. Welp. I tried to find an equivalent callback/event that happened late enough for the bounds to be set, but couldn't find anything on the iOS side. After trying many, many things, I noticed the custom renderer received property change events for the Xamarin Forms Model side of this mess. So, if I listen for Height/Width change events, I can then call a method on the label to give it a reasonable size based on the current control. That exposed another problem.
I cannot find a way to set the label's font to match the UITextView's font. In the constructor, the Font property is null. This is true in both the iOS and Xamarin Forms project. In the iOS project, by the time AwakeFromNib() is called, the property is initialized and all is well. In the XF project, it's never called, and even when I pull stunts like invoking a method from a 5-second delayed Task (to ensure the control is displayed), the property remains null.
Logic and iOS documentation dictates the default value for the font should be 17-point Helvetica. This is true for the placeholder label if I fudge the size so it's visible. It is not true for the UITextView control, though since it reports its font as null I'm unable to see what the font actually is. If I manually set it all is well, of course, but I'd like to be able to handle the default case. This seems like a bug; the box seems to be lying about its font. I have a feeling it's related to whatever reason the Xamarin.Forms.Editor class doesn't have a Font property.
So I'm looking for the answer to two questions:
If I'm extending an iOS control in XF to add a subview, what is the best way to handle sizing that subview? I've found Height/Width changes raise events in the renderer, is this the only available way?
When the property has not been set by a user, is the Font of a UITextView in Xamarin Forms ever set to a non-null value? I can live with a requirement that this control requires the font to be explicitly set, but it's yucky and I'd like to avoid it.
I'm hoping I've missed something obvious because I started barking up the wrong trees.
If I'm extending an iOS control in XF to add a subview, what is the
best way to handle sizing that subview? I've found Height/Width
changes raise events in the renderer, is this the only available way?
This is the only way I know of since the exposed elements of the renderer are so limited.
When the property has not been set by a user, is the Font of a
UITextView in Xamarin Forms ever set to a non-null value? I can live
with a requirement that this control requires the font to be
explicitly set, but it's yucky and I'd like to avoid it.
No, the Font is not assigned a default non-null value.

In Visualization Toolkit, which types of objects need Update() and Modified() to be called and when?

I'm looking at some VTK code which may not be working correctly. Here's a snippet:
vtkSmartPointer<vtkCamera> cam = vtkSmartPointer<vtkCamera>::New();
cam->SetFocalPoint(0, 0, 0);
cam->SetViewUp(perp[0], perp[1], perp[2]);
It seems to me that the call to Modified() shouldn't be necessary, that calling the four Set functions should automatically signal that the camera has been modified.
Indeed, the Kitware VTK camera example doesn't use Modified() for the camera.
vtkSmartPointer<vtkCamera> camera = vtkSmartPointer<vtkCamera>::New();
camera->SetPosition(0, 0, 20);
camera->SetFocalPoint(0, 0, 0);
// Create a renderer, render window, and interactor
vtkSmartPointer<vtkRenderer> renderer = vtkSmartPointer<vtkRenderer>::New();
In other cases, the potentially not-working VTK code I'm looking at uses Update() to manually update — not for the camera object, but elsewhere. Again, I think this is probably not necessary; but clearly Update() and Modified() are there for some reason.
Is there some rule for determining when Modified() and Update() need to be called and when they don't? Are there certain types of objects that need them and certain types that don't? Or is it related to the types of functions that are called on them?
I'm using VTK 6.1, but I'd love to get a general answer if there's some historical context here.
Update() is required when you want to use an object before the pipeline updates it for you. An example is:
vtkSmartPointer<vtkXMLPolyDataReader> reader = \
// At this point, the reader hasn't yet read the file, so the
// following line with result in polydata being null (or
// something like that)
vtkPolyData* badPolydata = reader->GetOutput();
// However, once you tell the reader "update right now, don't wait
// for the pipeline to update you" with:
// you can now get access to the data it has read:
vtkPolyData* goodPolydata = reader->GetOutput();
If, on the other hand, you are going to take the reader, attach it to a mapper, attach the mapper to an actor, and display the actor in the renderwindow, then at the time when the renderer says "Ok, now I need the data that drives this whole chain", the pipeline will go back and call Update() on the reader. This is the whole reason for/benefit of the pipeline execution model.
Modified() is required when you want to inform the pipeline "on the next pass, you need to re-process this object". This is done internally by most of the Set* functions, so I guess you just have to look at the implementation to see if Modified() is getting called or not by whatever function you've called that you expect to take effect the next pass through the pipeline.

j2me screen flicker when switching between canvases

I'm writing a mobile phone game using j2me. In this game, I am using multiple Canvas objects.
For example, the game menu is a Canvas object, and the actual game is a Canvas object too.
I've noticed that, on some devices, when I switch from one Canvas to another, e.g from the main menu to the game, the screen momentarily "flickers". I'm using my own double buffered Canvas.
Is there anyway to avoid this?
I would say, that using multiple canvases is generally bad design. On some phones it will even crash. The best way would really be using one canvas with tracking state of the application. And then in paint method you would have
protected void paint(final Graphics g) {
if(menu) {
} else if (game) {
There are better ways to handle application state with screen objects, that would make the design cleaner, but I think you got the idea :)
Do you use double buffering? If the device itself does not support double buffering you should define a off screen buffer (Image) and paint to it first and then paint the end result to the real screen. Do this for each of your canvases. Here is an example:
public class MyScreen extends Canvas {
private Image osb;
private Graphics osg;
public MyScreen()
// if device is not double buffered
// use image as a offscreen buffer
if (!isDoubleBuffered())
osb = Image.createImage(screenWidth, screenHeight);
osg = osb.getGraphics();
protected void paint(Graphics graphics)
if (!isDoubleBuffered())
// do your painting on off screen buffer first
// once done paint it at image on the real screen
graphics.drawImage(osb, 0, 0, Tools.GRAPHICS_TOP_LEFT);
osg = graphics;
A possible fix is by synchronising the switch using Display.callSerially(). The flicker is probably caused by the app attempting to draw to the screen while the switch of the Canvas is still ongoing. callSerially() is supposed to wait for the repaint to finish before attempting to call run() again.
But all this is entirely dependent on the phone since many devices do not implement callSerially(), never mind follow the implementation listed in the official documentation. The only devices I've known to work correctly with callSerially() were Siemens phones.
Another possible attempt would be to put a Thread.sleep() of something huge like 1000 ms, making sure that you've called your setCurrent() method beforehand. This way, the device might manage to make the change before the displayable attempts to draw.
The most likely problem is that it is a device issue and the guaranteed fix to the flicker is simple - use one Canvas. Probably not what you wanted to hear though. :)
It might be a good idea to use GameCanvas class if you are writing a game. It is much better for such purpose and when used properly it should solve your problem.
Hypothetically, using 1 canvas with a sate machine code for your application is a good idea. However the only device I have to test applications on (MOTO v3) crashes at resources loading time just because there's too much code/to be loaded in 1 GameCanvas ( haven't tried with Canvas ). It's as painful as it is real and atm I haven't found a solution to the problem.
If you're lucky to have a good number of devices to test on, it is worth having both approaches implemented and pretty much make versions of your game for each device.
