How to rename a SharePoint folder using Microsoft Flow - sharepoint

I am running a Microsoft Flow and it says it ran successfully but I am trying to rename a folder and the folder isn't renamed.
I have searched websites for a few days now and there isn't much available for flows that rename folders. All I could find is a flow step 'Send an HTTP request to SharePoint' so I have tried this in various forms.
A folder is copied using a Flow step and named Folder123
Send an HTTP request to SharePoint
Site Address: ............
Method: POST
URI: /_api/web/GetFolderByServerRelativeUrl('............. Name'
Accept: application/json;odata=verbose
If-Match: *
Body: {'Name' : 'Test123'}
There is no error message, the message is: The flow ran successfully.
The expected result is that the folder that is created should be named 'Test123'.
The actual result is that the folder is still named Folder123, so it wasn't renamed.

You are missing one thing in your body which is OData type value.
Follow below steps, it works.
First, get the folder's OData type with a GET request.
Rest call to get folder oData
Design your rest code as per image
Send HTTP Request to sharepoint - Action
So finally your body call looks like below. Your OData type would be depend on your library configuration.
{ '__metadata': { 'type': 'SP.Data.Shared_x0020_DocumentsItem' },'Title': 'Patel', 'FileLeafRef': 'Patel'}
Reference :


Microsoft Graph API - How to Delete a Folder with Children

I could use some help deleting a folder using the Microsoft Graph API. The api call below works, but only when the folder is empty and has no children.
The folders are created and deleted using the same client application and permissions
It's a folder in a Sharepoint document library if that matters at all
I tried adding an If-Match header with the current eTag of the folder, but that didn't make any difference.
Here's the response I'm getting:
409 Conflict
"error": {
"code": "resourceModified",
"message": "The resource has changed since the caller last read it; usually an eTag mismatch",
"innerError": {
"date": "2022-10-17T21:40:30",
"request-id": "b3d35695-...",
"client-request-id": "b3d35695-..."
Is there a way to force the delete, or do I have to clear it out before I can delete it? If I have to clear it out, what's the easiest way to do that?
I tried to reproduce the same in my environment and got below results:
I have one Azure AD application and granted API permissions like below:
To call Microsoft Graph, I acquired access token using client credentials flow via Postman as below:
I created folder in my SharePoint document library using above token with below query:
"name": "Sri Folder",
"folder": { },
When I checked in SharePoint Online, folder created successfully in document library like below:
Now I added children to the created folder by uploading one file to it with below query:
When I checked the same in SharePoint Online, file is uploaded to the folder successfully like below:
Now, I used the same query as you to delete the folder with children by adding If-match header and got same error like below:
If-match : etag_value
To resolve the error, you need to replace If-match header with eTag.
I tried the same query by replacing If-match header with eTag, it returned Status: 204 No Content like below:
When I refreshed the page in SharePoint Online, got this error as folder got deleted along with its children:
I checked opening document library and cannot find the folder as it got deleted successfully:

python MSAL patch request "The OData request is not supported" marking message as read

my application has Mail.Read.Write permission for MS graph API and the application has restrict policy on exchange online . The restriction is for a security group and the mailbox folder i am trying to access is a member of that security group. get and post methods are working fine only problem is with patch . I need to mark some emails as read after processing them.
r2 = requests.patch(request_url2,
headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json','Authorization': 'Bearer ' + result['access_token']})
pastebin_url2 = r2.text
print("The pastebin URL is:%s"%pastebin_url2)
the same API works fine from graph explorer has anyone tried using python msal and requests...any help appreciated
Looks like the message Id changes after moving message to a different folder
so i changed my code to first mark the message as Read in Inbox and then move to a another folder instead of the other way around. I tried with ImmutableId but it also changes after moving message to different folder.

How to submit "form-data" in ADF "Web" activity POST call

I am trying to move data from a RESTFul API running on my on-prem application to ADB with ADF. I have installed self-paced IR in my private network to run the activity/pipeline. Now in one of my
API requires form-data to submit in POST call. Equivalent Postman looks like below
How to perform the same in ADF (As I will be running in self-paced IR dataflow is not applicable)? I am trying with "Web" Activity but dont know how to pass form data in it.
You are unable to pass form data in your ADF's Web Activity as you have selected incorrect method in Web activity:
You can select POST method from the dropdown as such:
After this you will get a place to add request body.
Also to get same effect of selecting form-data in postman, you can set 2 cookies as:
Content-Length: length of your request body in bytes
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary= some value as boundary
Content-Type header reference

Microsoft Flow - Block uploading Video files to a Sharepoint site

I am an owner of a Sharepoint site and want to make sure all members of the site don't upload video files. Since SP doesn't have the ability to filter out files by Type - I want to use Microsoft Flow to do this task.
So I have created this flow which triggers on creation of new file in Documents folder of my SP site. Then it runs a Condition, which checkes the property of "File content type" - if it starts with "video/" - then it should delete the file uploaded. It looks like this:
#startsWith(triggerOutputs()['headers']['Content-Type'], 'video/')
But when I run this Flow, I then get this error:
BadRequest. The request failed. Error code: 'InvalidRequestContent'. Error Message: 'The request content was invalid and could not be deserialized: 'Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: {. Path 'details', line 1, position 455.'.'.
What am I doing wrong?
Unfortunately there is no OOTB way to configure these settings yet. Your workaround to create a flow is just what I would have suggested. Ofcourse you can also still create a workflow that does that but why old fashioned if you already made your experience with flow.
This is a known issue and I would encourage you to vote for that feature here.
In OneDrive you can restrict certain file types from syncing using the poweshell:
Set-SPOTenantSyncClientRestriction -ExcludedFileExtensions "wmf;mp4;mkv"
For your flow I would suggest to make an extra step "get file content" and use the content type you get there for your filter instead of the one from your "triggerOutputs"

Creating new task through WebHook with Asana API

I am working with a form system very similar to WUFOO that allows me to send data to an external website using WebHooks.
I have been able to connect my form to my ASANA system through Zapier but I cannot seem to get the API system to operate correctly. Can someone please advise or assist me on what I am doing incorrectly here?
In the screenshot note the following:
- Web URL functions for any web URL (https or http)
- HTTP method has POST, PUT, or GET options
- Data format allows me to input virtually anything so I can match up form fields with any necessary names for ASANA.
I simply cannot get the system to connect to ASANA. Please help me.
Screen shot of WebHook Options
I don't have access to your exact form builder but assuming it does what it says it is doing you can try the following. I'll use creating a task as an example.
Create a personal access token in Asana. To do this log in to Asana, click the icon in the top right corner and open "My profile settings". Go to the apps tab and create a personal access token. You will only ever see this token once so create a new one if you lose it. Also retrieve your workspace id, you can get it by opening while logged in.
Now back to your form. For the website url place the specific endpoint you want to hit at Asana. For example, lets create a new task:
Under the HTTP Method you want to select POST
Under the HTTP Headers you want to specify something like (replace 0/1234abcd with your access token):
"Authorization": "Bearer 0/1234abcd",
"Content-Type": "application/json"
You can use Send Raw Data and specify something like the following in the raw data section (replace 1234 with your workspace id):
"data": {
"workspace": 1234,
"name": "The name of the task"
You can of course add other fields- please see the API reference for more information:
Let me know if that works for you.
