How do I define x and y rows/colums from a csv? - gnuplot

I've got a file like this:
Date first second third
01-08 30 22 161
01-10 23 20 104
01-12 50 16 79
01-14 67 21 99
02-08 37 33 155
02-10 48 44 66
02-12 89 12 91
How do I use the date column as x-axis and the dates as x-ticks and the values of the columns of first, second and third as bars. Each of the three value of one date should be a group of 3 bars with one x-tick -> the date:
| | |
| | |
40 - | |
| | | |
20 - ||| |||
01-08 01-10
Thanks for any help!

# Histogram plot style using thin solid fill boxes
set style histogram cluster gap 3
set style data histogram
set style fill solid
set boxwidth 0.5
#Use column headers for title
set key autotitle columnhead
plot 'file.dat' using 2:xticlabel(1), 'file.dat' using 3, 'file.dat' using 4


Redrawing Excel figures on gnuplot

I was working on excel and drew two histograms shown below, I have been told to redraw them using gnuplot on windows which is very new to me.
The original graph that I want to redraw is this.
Area 1 Area 2
Case 1 Case 2 Case 1 Case 2
Parameter 1 36 66 31 72
Parameter 2 57 91 44 85
Parameter 3 62 90 50 85
My file is a text file and I wrote the above table as follows as I am not sure how to group the different columns together.
Area Area1 Area1 Area2 Area2
Case Case1 Case2 Case1 Case2
Parameter_1 36 66 31 72
Parameter_2 57 91 44 85
Parameter_3 62 90 50 85
I used the following commands and got a histogram that is grouped in the wrong way.
unset key
set style data histogram
set style fill solid border
set style histogram clustered
plot for [COL=2:5] 'date_mins.tsv' using COL:xticlabels(1) title columnheader
Kindly guide me on how to group columns together and also how to add the numbers on top of the bars. {The graph should be same as the one excel generated one.}
To be honest I'm regularly puzzled with histograms in gnuplot, apparently I'm not the only one. In gnuplot console, check help histograms.
Although, there are a few histogram examples on the gnuplot homepage, but of course not all possible variations can be covered.
Apparently, this plotting style is a bit confusing to understand.
This would maybe explain that there are more than 800 questions on SO on histograms with gnuplot.
I'm not sure if or how you can get your desired histogram efficiently, maybe there is an easy way.
I would do it "manually" with the plotting style with boxes.
Check the example below as a starting point. There are a few strange workarounds included, e.g. getting the titles into an array in an earlier plot for later use.
### special histogram
reset session
$Data <<EOD
Area Area1 Area1 Area2 Area2
Case Case1 Case2 Case1 Case2
"Parameter 1" 36 66 31 72
"Parameter 2" 57 91 44 85
"Parameter 3" 62 90 50 85
set style fill solid noborder
set boxwidth 0.8
set key noautotitle out center bottom horizontal reverse Left samplen 1 width 2
A=2 # Areas
C=2 # Cases
P=3 # Parameters
g=1 # gap
PosX(a,c,p) = ((a-1)*C*(P+g)) + (c-1)*(P+g) + p
PosY(a,c) = column((a-1)*C+c+1)
PosXArea(a) = (PosX(a,C,P)+PosX(a-1,C,P))*0.5
PosXCase(a,c) = (PosX(a,c,P)+PosX(a,c-1,P))*0.5
myColor(p) = int(word("0x5b9bd5 0xed7d31 0xa5a5a5",int(p)))
myValue(a,c) = strcol((a-1)*C+c+1)
set grid y
set xlabel "\n\n\n" # get empty space below the plot
set format x "" # no xtic labels
set yrange[0:]
array Titles[P] # array for titles
plot for [a=1:A] for [c=1:C] $Data u (PosX(a,c,$0)):(PosY(a,c)):(myColor($0+1)) skip 2 w boxes lc rgb var , \
for [a=1:A] for [c=1:C] '' u (PosX(a,c,$0)):(PosY(a,c)):(Titles[int($0+1)]=strcol(1), myValue(a,c)) skip 2 w labels offset 0,0.7, \
for [a=1:A] for [c=1:C] '' u (PosXCase(a,c)):(0):(myValue(a,c)) every ::1::1 w labels offset 0,-1, \
for [a=1:A] '' u (PosXArea(a)):(0):('\n\n'.myValue(a,1)) every ::0::0 w labels offset 0,-1, \
for [p=1:P] keyentry w boxes lc rgb myColor(p) ti Titles[p]
### end of code

plot 10 line sof 1000 values on gnuplot

I have a data file with 10 lines with 1000 values each line and I'm trying to plot this values with this script
#!/usr/bin/gnuplot -persist
plot "data.dat" using [1:1000] title "" with lines
but I get this error
plot "data.dat" using [1:1000] title "" with lines
"./", line 3: invalid expression
How can I indiate a interval form the first value to the 1000 value?I't posible to set a diferent random clor to every line?
As #vaettchen pointed out, gnuplot wants data in columns and plotting rows is not straightforward. So, best would be if your data was transposed. Unfortunately, gnuplot has no function to transpose data. So, you have to use external tools to transpose your data.
Although, if your data is 10 lines with 1000 values each, i.e. a strict 10x1000 matrix, you could do something with gnuplot only (see below).
However, if your data is not a strict matrix, e.g. one line has more or less values or one value missing the method below won't work.
The following example (just 5 lines with 7 values each) illustrates plotting columns and plotting rows.
### plotting columns and rows
reset session
set colorsequence classic
$Data <<EOD
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
31 32 33 34 35 36 37
41 42 43 44 45 46 47
51 52 53 54 55 56 57
# get the number of rows
stats $Data u 0 nooutput
RowCount = STATS_records
# do the plot
set multiplot layout 1,2
set title "Plotting columns"
set xlabel "Row no."
set xtics 1
# plot all columns from 1 to *(=autodetection)
plot for [i=1:*] $Data u ($0+1):i w lp pt 7 not
set title "Plotting rows"
set xlabel "Column no."
# plot all rows
plot for [i=0:RowCount-1] $Data matrix u ($1+1):0 every :::i::i w lp pt 7 not
unset multiplot
### end of code
Which results in:

How to use one of the column of data as legend in gnuplot?

I have data something like this:
# c1 c2 c3
23 b 323
23 g 54
23 a 11
23 c 1
23 d 0
23 e 397
23 f 40
24 b 23
24 g 24
24 a 113
24 c 12
24 d 10
24 e 7
24 f 50
I need to plot with c1 on x-axis (23,24), c3 on y-axis for different values of c2 i.e, multiple graphs with different colors for each value of c2.
In general, you must do the filtering outside of gnuplot, in order to have lines connecting the filtered points.
If you know all values which can appear in the second column, you can use the solution given in Plotting multiple graphs depending on column value with gnuplot.
If you don't know the possible values, you can extract them with
c2s = system("awk '!/^#/ { print $2 }' test.dat | sort | uniq")
and then plot them with
plot for [c2 in c2s] sprintf('< grep ''\b%s\b'' test.dat', c2) using 1:3 with lines title c2

How set point type from data in gnuplot?

How set point type from data in gnuplot?
gnuplot script:
set terminal pngcairo size 640,480
set output "points.png"
set style data points
set auto x
set autoscale x
unset colorbox
plot '' using 2:1 with points notitle
32 35 8
34 34 6
36 28 1
34 32 2
28 30 7
38 30 9
34 29 2
35 36 9
39 34 3
31 33 9
28 31 6
35 30 5
33 41 4
32 37 3
how get point type from 3 column?
plot '' using 2:1 with points pt (:3) notitle // error
abstraction example:
gnuplot Version 4.6 patchlevel 4
There is no option to select the point type from the data file based on a column (equivalent to linecolor variable, pointsize variable or arrowstyle variable). Basically you have two options:
Iterate over all possible point types (which you can extract with stats if this should be variable) and for each number plot only those points which match the current point type:
stats '' using 3 nooutput
unset key
set style data points
plot for [i=STATS_min:STATS_max] '' using 2:($3 == i ? $1 : 1/0) lt 1 pt i ps 2
Use the labels plotting style and a sequence of unicode point symbols from which you select using the value from the third column as index. (use e.g. or to find suitable symbols)
unset key
set encoding utf8
symbol(z) = "•✷+△♠□♣♥♦"[int(z):int(z)]
plot '' using 2:1:(symbol($3)) with labels textcolor lt 1

add horizontal line histogram gnuplot

I would like to add a horizontal line in my histogram in gnuplot, is that possible?
My histogram has on the x axis: alea1 alea 2 alea3 nalea1 nalea 2 nalea 3
and the y axis goes from 0 to 25.
At 22, I want to add a horizontal line that goes all the way across from one end to the other end of the histogram.
Try adding
, 22 title ""
at the end of your plot command. Works for my test data (file "histo"):
# Year Red Green Blue
1990 33 45 18
1991 35 42 19
1992 34 44 14
1993 37 43 25
1994 47 15 30
1995 41 14 32
1996 42 20 35
1997 39 21 31
plot "histo" u 2 t "Red" w histograms, "" u 3 t "Green" w histograms, "" u 4 t "Blue" w histograms, 22 title ""
(taken from Philip K. Janert, Gnuplot in Action)
The typical way to add horizontal and/or vertical lines is with an arrow
set arrow from x1,y1 to x2,y2 nohead linestyle ...
For a horizontal line, y1 and y2 will be the same. From your question, I'm a little unsure what you mean by "at 22", but I'm guessing you mean that you want to plot the line y=22 on top of your histogram. If that's the case, try this (before your plot command).
set arrow from graph 0,first 22 to graph 1,first 22 nohead lc rgb "#000000" front
