Microservices Create Entity Implementation - node.js

This is a follow-up question to my issue outlined here.
The Gateway serves as an entry point to the application, to which every request from the client is made. The gateway then allocates the request to the responsible microservices and also handles authentication.
In this case the gateway listens for HTTP POST /bok and notifies the Microservice A to create a book. Thus Microservice A ist responsible for managing and storing everything about the book entity.
The following pseudo-code is a simplified implementation of this architecture:
Queue Communication
router.post('/book', (req, res) => {
queue.publish('CreateBook', req.body);
queue.consume('BookCreated', (book) => {
const user = getUserFromOtherMicroService(book.userId);
res.json({ book, user });
Microservcie A
queue.consume('CreateBook', (payload) => {
const book = createBook(payload);
eventStore.insert('BookCreated', book);
const createdBook = updateProjectionDatabase(book);
queue.publish('BookCreated', createdBook);
But I am not quite sure about this because of the following reasons:
The listener for consuming BookCreated in the Gateway will be recreated every time a user requests to create a new book
What if 2 users simultaneously create a book and the wrong book will be returned?
I don't know how to fetch additional data (e.g. getUserFromOtherMicroService)
That's why I though about implementing this architecture:
Direct and Queue Communication
router.post('/book', async (req, res) => {
const book = await makeHttpRequest('microservice-a/create-book', req.body);
const user = await makeHttpRequest('microservice-b/getUser', book.userId);
res.json({ book, user });
Microservice A
router.post('/create-book', (req, res) => {
const book = createBook(req.body);
eventStore.insert('BookCreated', book);
const createdBook = updateProjectionDatabase(book);
queue.publish('BookCreated', createdBook);
But I am also not really sure about this implementation because:
Don't I violate CQRS when I return the book after creation? (because I should only return OK or ERROR)
Isn't it inefficient to make another HTTP request in a microservices system?

Based on the comments above .
Approach 1
In this case your api gateway will be used to drop the message in the queue. This approach is more appropriate if your process is going to take long time and you have a queue workers sitting behind to pick up the messages and process. But your client side has to poll to get the results. Say you are looking for airline ticket . You drop the message. Your get an ID to poll. Your client will keep on polling until the results are available.
But in this case you will have a challenge , as you drop the message how you are going to generate the ID that client would poll ? Do you assign the ID to message at Gateway and drop in the queue and return the same ID for the client to poll to get result ? again this approach is good for web/worker kind of scenario.
Approach 2
Since Your API gateway is custom application that would handle the authentication and redirect the request to respective service. Your Microsvc A would create book and publish the event and your Microservice B and C would be using it . Your Gateway will wait for the Microservice A to return response with ID (or event metadata of newly created object) of book that is created so you don't poll for it later and client has it. If you want you can have additional information from other microservices you can fetch at this time and can send aggregated response.
For any data that is available in Microservice A,B,C you will be getting via Gateway. Make sure your gateway is highly available.
Hope that helps . Let me know if you have any questions !


how does users.watch (in gmail google api) listen for notifications?

I am confused as to how should the watch feature in the gmail API be implemented to recieve the push notificatons inside a node.js script. Should I call the method inside an infinite loop or something so that it doesn't stop listening for notifications for email once after the call is made?
Here's the sample code that I've written in node.js:
const getEmailNotification = () => {
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
let auth = await authenticate();
const gmail = google.gmail({version: 'v1', auth});
await gmail.users.stop({
userId: '<email id>'
let watchResponse = await gmail.users.watch({
userId: '<email id>',
labelIds: ['INBOX'],
topicName: 'projects/<projectName>/topics/<topicName>'
return resolve(watchResponse);
} catch(err){
return reject(`Some error occurred`);
Thank you!
To receive push notifications through PUB/SUB you need to create a web-hook to receive them. What does this mean? You need a WEB application or any kind of service that exposes a URL where notifications can be received.
As stated in the Push subscription documentation:
The Pub/Sub server sends each message as an HTTPS request to the subscriber application at a pre-configured endpoint.
The endpoint acknowledges the message by returning an HTTP success status code. A non-success response indicates that the message should be resent.
Setup a channel for watch the notifications could be summarized in the following steps (the documentation you refer to indicates them):
Select/Create a project within the Google Cloud Console.
Create a new PUB/SUB topic
Create a subscription (PUSH) for that topic.
Add the necessary permissions, in this case add gmail-api-push#system.gserviceaccount.com as Pub/Sub Publisher.
Indicate what types of mail you want it to listen for via Users.watch() method (which is what you are doing in your script).
I give you an example using Apps Script (it is an easy way to visualize it, but this could be achieved from any kind of WEB application, as you are using Node.js I suppose that you are familiarized with Express.js or related frameworks).
First I created a new Google Apps Script project, this will be my web-hook. Basically I want it to make a log of all HTTP/POST requests inside a Google Doc that I have previously created. For it I use the doPost() equal to app.post() in Express. If you want to know more about how Apps Script works, you can visit this link), but this is not the main topic.
const doPost = (e) => {
const doc = DocumentApp.openById(<DOC_ID>)
doc.getBody().appendParagraph(JSON.stringify(e, null, 2))
Later I made a new implementation as a Web App where I say that it is accessible by anyone, I write down the URL for later. This will be similar to deploying your Node.js application to the internet.
I select a project in the Cloud Console, as indicated in the Prerequisites of Cloud Pub/Sub.
Inside this project, I create a new topic that I call GmailAPIPush. After, click in Add Main (in the right bar of the Topics section ) and add gmail-api-push#system.gserviceaccount.com with the Pub/Sub Publisher role. This is a requirement that grants Gmail privileges to publish notification.
In the same project, I create a Subscription. I tell it to be of the Push type and add the URL of the Web App that I have previously created.
This is the most critical part and makes the difference of how you want your application to work. If you want to know which type of subscription best suits your needs (PUSH or PULL), you have a detailed documentation that will help you choose between these two types.
Finally we are left with the simplest part, configuring the Gmail account to send updates on the mailbox. I am going to do this from Apps Script, but it is exactly the same as with Node.
const watchUserGmail = () => {
const request = {
'labelIds': ['INBOX'],
'topicName': 'projects/my_project_name/topics/GmailAPIPush'
Gmail.Users.watch(request, 'me')
Once the function is executed, I send a test message, and voila, the notification appears in my document.
Returning to the case that you expose, I am going to try to explain it with a metaphor. Imagine you have a mailbox, and you are waiting for a very important letter. As you are nervous, you go every 5 minutes to check if the letter has arrived (similar to what you propose with setInterval), that makes that most of the times that you go to check your mailbox, there is nothing new. However, you train your dog to bark (push notification) every time the mailman comes, so you only go to check your mailbox when you know you have new letters.

Websocket vs SSE to implement a real time friend invitation system on React/Node

I would like to implement a system that allows users to add each other as friends and share data between them. I have gotten the authentication done and currently researching ways to do this real time. This project of mine is purely a learning experience so I am looking for many ways to perform this task to grow my knowledge.
I have experience using Websockets on a previous project and it was easy to use. Websockets seems like the best solution to my problem as it allows the user to send and receive invites through the open socket. However I have also learnt that the downside would be a long open socket connection that might be potentially performance taxing(?) Since I'm only sending/receiving information only when an invite is sent/received, websockets might be overutilized for a simple function.
At the same time I would like to learn about new technologies and I found out about Server Sent Events that would be less performance heavy(?) Using SSE would be much efficient as it only sends HTTP requests to the clients/server whenever the user send the invite.
Please correct me if I'm wrong for what I typed out above as this is what I gathered through my reading online. So now I'm having a hard time understanding whether SSE is better than websocket for my project. If there are other technologies please do let me know too! Thank you
how you doing ?
The best advise would be always to use websocket in this context, cuz your project can grow and need some feature that would be better using websocket
But you got another options, one of the is Firebase, Yes, FIREBASE!
You can do a nice reactive application with firebase, becouse the its observers update data in realtime, just like the websockets do.
But here go some cons and pros.
Websocket: Can make your project escalable, its more complete, you can use it in any context, BUT: is hard to implement and takes more time to be learned and understood.
Firebase, Easy and fast to implement, you can do a chat in 20 minuts, and surelly would help you with your problem, There is Firestore and Reatime database.. even the firestore updates in realtime.. BUT: Firebase costs in a big project can be expensive, i dont think is a good option for a big project.
Thats it.. the better options to do a real time data application to me.
A little bit more about. Firebase vs Websocket
to send a friend invitation, you just send an API request. WebSocket is used for real time communication. From react.js, get the email and send the email to the server
export const sendFriendInvitation = async (data) => {
try {
return axios.post("/friend-invitation", data);
} catch (exception) {
On node.js side, write a controller to control this request:
const invitationRequest = async (req, res) => {
// get the email
const { targetMail } = req.body;
// write code to handle that same person is not sending req to himself
// get the details of user who sent the email
const targetUser = await User.findOne({
mail: targetMail.toLowerCase(),
if (!targetUser) {
return res
.send("send error message");
// you should have Invitations model
// check if invitation already sent.
// check if the user we would like to invite is our friend
// now create a new invitation
// if invitation has been successfully created, update the user's friend
return res.status(201).send("Invitation has been sent");

Why am I receiving this error on Azure when using eventhubs?

I started using Azure recently and It has been an overwhelming experience. I started experimenting with eventhubs and I'm basically following the official tutorials on how to send and receive messages from eventhubs using nodejs.
Everything worked perfectly so I built a small web app (static frontend app) and I connected it with a node backend, where the communication with eventhubs occurs. So basically my app is built like this:
frontend <----> node server <-----> eventhubs
As you can see it is very simple. The node server is fetching data from eventhubs and sending it forward to the frontend, where the values are shown. It is a cool experience and I'm enjoying MS Azure until this error occured:
azure.eventhub.common.EventHubError: ErrorCodes.ResourceLimitExceeded: Exceeded the maximum number of allowed receivers per partition in a consumer group which is 5. List of connected receivers - nil, nil, nil, nil, nil.
This error is really confusing. Im using the default consumer group and only one app. I never tried to access this consumer group from another app. It said the limit is 5, I'm using only one app so it should be fine or am I missing something? I'm not checking what is happening here.
I wasted too much time googling and researching about this but I didn't get it. At the end, I thought that maybe every time I deploy the app (my frontend and my node server) on azure, this would be counted as one consumer and since I deployed the app more than 5 times then this error is showing up. Am I right or this is nonsense?
I'm using websockets as a communication protocol between my app (frontend) and my node server (backend). The node server is using the default consumer group ( I didn't change nothing), I just followed this official example from Microsoft. I'm basically using the code from MS docs that's why I didn't post any code snippet from my node server and since the error happens in backend and not frontend then it will not be helpful if I posted any frontend code.
So to wrap up, I'm using websocket to connect front & backend. It works perfectly for a day or two and then this error starts to happen. Sometimes I open more than one client (for example a client from the browser and client from my smartphone).
I think I don't understand the concept of this consumer group. Like is every client a consumer? so if I open my app (the same app) in 5 different tabs in my browser, do I have 5 consumers then?
I didn't quite understand the answer below and what is meant by "pooling client", therefore, I will try to post code examples here to show you what I'm trying to do.
Code snippets
Here is the function I'm using on the server side to communicate with eventhubs and receive/consume a message
async function receiveEventhubMessage(socket, eventHubName, connectionString) {
const consumerClient = new EventHubConsumerClient(consumerGroup, connectionString, eventHubName);
const subscription = consumerClient.subscribe({
processEvents: async (events, context) => {
for (const event of events) {
console.log("[ consumer ] Message received : " + event.body);
io.emit('msg-received', event.body);
processError: async (err, context) => {
console.log(`Error : ${err}`);
If you notice, I'm giving the eventhub and connection string as an argument in order to be able to change that. Now in the frontend, I have a list of multiple topics and each topic have its own eventhubname but they have the same eventhub namespace.
Here is an example of two eventhubnames that I have:
"EventHubName": "eh-test-command"
"EventHubName": "eh-test-telemetry"
If the user chooses to send a command (from the frontend, I just have a list of buttons that the user can click to fire an event over websockets) then the CommandEventHubName will be sent from the frontend to the node server. The server will receive that eventhubname and switch the consumerClient in the function I posted above.
Here is the code where I'm calling that:
// io is a socket.io object
io.on('connection', socket => {
socket.on('onUserChoice', choice => {
// choice is an object sent from the frontend based on what the user choosed. e.g if the user choosed command then choice = {"EventhubName": "eh-test-command", "payload": "whatever"}
receiveEventhubMessage(socket, choice.EventHubName, choice.EventHubNameSpace)
.catch(err => console.log(`[ consumerClient ] Error while receiving eventhub messages: ${err}`));
The app I'm building will be extending in the future to a real use case in the automotive field, that's why this is important for me. Therefore, I'm trying to figure out how can I switch between eventhubs without creating a new consumerClient each time the eventhubname changes?
I must say that I didn't understand the example with the "pooling client". I am seeking more elaboration or, ideally, a minimal example just to put me on the way.
Based on the conversation in the issue, it would seem that the root cause of this is that your backend is creating a new EventHubConsumerClient for each request coming from your frontend. Because each client will open a dedicated connection to the service, if you have more than 5 requests for the same Event Hub instance using the same consumer group, you'll exceed the quota.
To get around this, you'll want to consider pooling your EventHubConsumerClient instances so that you're starting with one per Event Hub instance. You can safely use the pooled client to handle a request for your frontend by calling subscribe. This will allow you to share the connection amongst multiple frontend requests.
The key idea being that your consumerClient is not created for every request, but shares an instance among requests. Using your snippet to illustrate the simplest approach, you'd end up hoisting your client creation to outside the function to receive. It may look something like:
const consumerClient = new EventHubConsumerClient(consumerGroup, connectionString, eventHubName);
async function receiveEventhubMessage(socket, eventHubName, connectionString) {
const subscription = consumerClient.subscribe({
processEvents: async (events, context) => {
for (const event of events) {
console.log("[ consumer ] Message received : " + event.body);
io.emit('msg-received', event.body);
processError: async (err, context) => {
console.log(`Error : ${err}`);
That said, the above may not be adequate for your environment depending on the architecture of the application. If whatever is hosting receiveEventHubMessage is created dynamically for each request, nothing changes. In that case, you'd want to consider something like a singleton or dependency injection to help extend the lifespan.
If you end up having issues scaling to meet your requests, you can consider increasing the number of clients for each Event Hub and/or spreading requests out to different consumer groups.

How to implement rabbitMQ into node.js microservice app right way?

Greetings Stackoverflow.
I've been using stackoverflow for years to find answers, and this is my first attempts to make a question myself. So feel free to tell me if I'm doing it wrong way.
Currently I'm developing a data analytical system based on microservice architecture.
It is assumed that this system will consist of a dozen self-sufficient microservices communicating with each other by RabbitMQ. Each of them is encapsulated in a docker-container and the whole system is powered by docker-swarm in the production.
In particular each microservice is a node.js application and related database, connected with some ORM interface. Its task is to manage and serve data in a CRUD manner, and to provide results of some prepared queries based on the contained data. Nothing extraordinary.
To provide microservice-microservice communication I assume to use amqplib. But the way to use it is uncertain yet.
My current question is how to make use of amqplib in a OOP manner to link inter microservice communication network with application's object-related functionality? By OOP manner, I mean the possibility to replace amqplib (and RabbitMQ itself) in the long run without the need to make changes to the data-related logic.
What I really searching for is the example of currently working microservice application utilizing AMQP. I'd pretty much appreciate that if somebody could give a link to it.
And the second part of my question.
Does it make sense to build microservice application based on event-driven principals, and just pass messages from RabbitMQ to the application's main event queue? So that each procedure would be called the same way, despite the fact that it is an internal or external event.
As for the abstract example of single microservice:
Let's say I have an event service and a listener connected to this service:
class UserManager {
constructor(eventService) {
this.eventService = eventService;
this.eventServce.on("users.user.create-request", (payload) => {
User.create(payload); // User interface is omitted in this example
const eventService = new EventEmmiter();
const userManager = new UserManager(eventService);
On the other hand I've got RabbitMQ connection, that is waiting for messages:
const amqp = require('amqplib');
amqp.connect('amqp-service-in-docker').then(connection => {
connection.createChannel().then(channel => {
// Here we use topic type of exchange to be able to filter only related messages
channel.assertExchange('some-exchange', 'topic');
channel.assertQueue('').then(queue => {
// And here we are waiting only the related messages
channel.bind(queue.queue, 'some-exchange', 'users.*');
channel.consume(queue.queue, message => {
// And here is the crucial part
What I'm currently think off is to just parse and forward this message to eventService and use it's routing key as the name of the event, like this:
channel.consume(query.query, message => {
const eventName = message.fields.routingKey;
const eventPayload = JSON.parse(message.content.toString());
eventService.emit(eventName, eventPayload);
But how about RPC's? Should I make another exchange or even a channel for them with another approach, something like:
// In RPC channel
channel.consume(query.query, message => {
eventService.once('users.user.create-response', response => {
const recipient = message.properites.replyTo;
const correlationId = msg.properties.correlationId;
// Send response to specified recipient
correlationId: correlationId
// Same thing
const eventName = message.fields.routingKey;
const eventPayload = JSON.parse(message.content.toString());
eventService.emit(eventName, eventPayload);
And then my User class should fire 'users.user.create-response' event every time it creates a new user. Isn't this a crutch?

Unique configuration per vhost for Micro

I have a few Zeit micro services. This setup is a RESTful API for multiple frontends/domains/clients
I need to, in my configs that are spread throughout the apps, differentiate between these clients. I can, in my handlers, setup a process.env.CLIENT_ID for example that I can use in my config handler to know which config to load. However this would mean launching a new http/micro process for each requesting domain (or whatever method I use - info such as client id will prob come in a header) in order to maintain the process.env.CLIENT_ID throughout the request and not have it overwritten by another simultaneous request from another client.
So I have to have each microservice check the client ID, determine if it has already launched a process for that client and use that else launch a new one.
This seems messy but not sure how else to handle things. Passing the client id around with code calls (i.e. getConfg(client, key) is not practical in my situation and I would like to avoid that.
Pass client id around everywhere
Launch new process per host
Is there a better way or have I made a mistake in my assumptions?
If the process per client approach is the better way I am wondering if there is an existing solution to manage this? Ive looked at http proxy, micro cluster etc but none seem to provide a solution to this issue.
Well I found this nice tool https://github.com/othiym23/node-continuation-local-storage
// Micro handler
const { createNamespace } = require('continuation-local-storage')
let namespace = createNamespace('foo')
const handler = async (req, res) => {
const clientId = // some header thing or host
namespace.run(function() {
namespace.set('clientId', clientId)
// Some other file
const { getNamespace } = require('continuation-local-storage')
const someCode = () => {
const namespace = getNamespace('foo')
