I'm writing from pandas to csv like this:
Now, when locname variable contains croatian characters, I get error
*UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character '\u0161' in position 53: ordinal not in range(128)*
The only workaround I come up with is this:
However, although error is now gone, file names are not correct anymore, for example they look like:
*extract_b'Vara\xc5\xbedin'* instead of *extract_Varaždin*
How can I properly solve the problem?
I had wrongly set LANG variable in shell, without realizing it., so when I executed python script from shell script it didn't work. Now is fine after correcting LANG variable.
I used Bash to open a Python file. The Python file should read a utf-8 file and display it in the terminal. It gives me a bunch of ▒'s ("Aaron▒s" instead of "Aaron's"). Here's the code:
# It reads text from a text file (done).
f = open("draft.txt", "r", encoding="utf8")
# It handles apostrophes and non-ASCII characters.
I've tried different combinations of:
read formats with the open function ("r" and "rb")
strip() and rstrip() method calls
decode() method calls
text file encoding (specifically ANSI, Unicode, Unicode big endian, and UTF-8).
It still doesn't display apostrophes (" ' ") properly. How do I make it display apostrophes instead of ▒'s?
The issue is with Git Bash. If I switch to Powershell, Python displays the apostrophes (Aaron's) perfectly. The semantic read errors (Aaron▒s) appear only with Git Bash. I'll give more details if I learn more about it.
Update: #jasonharper and #entpnerd suggested that the draft.txt apostrophe might be "apostrophe-ish" and not a legitimate apostrophe. I compared the draft.txt apostrophe (copy and pasted from a Google Doc) with an apostrophe directly entered. They look different (’ vs. '). In xxd, the value for the apostrophe-ish character is 92. An actual apostrophe is 27. Git Bash only supports the latter (unless there's just something I need to configure, which is more likely).
Second Update: Clarified that I'm using Git Bash. I wasn't aware that there were multiple terminals (is that the right way of putting it?) that ran Bash.
I am trying to open a file in python. the code I am using is:
poem = open("C:\Users\Draco\OneDrive\Documents\Programming\Conan.txt") .
When I use this code I get the following error message:
SyntaxError: (unicode error) 'unicodeescape' codec can't decode bytes in position 2-3: truncated \UXXXXXXXX escape .
I have checked to see if the system can find the file using the code:
>>> import os.path
>>> os.path.isfile("Conan.txt")
This originally came back as false, but I have managed to get it to say true. However I have still been unable to get the code to work, any suggestions?
Ah you might want to escape the escape so to speak.
Backslashes are special characters in python and if you want them to be actual backslashes you need to escape them with a backslash
or use it raw (notice the 'r')
Consider the following terminal command line
python3 -c 'print("hören")'
In most terminals this prints "hören" (German for "to hear"), in some terminals you get the error
UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character '\xf6'
in position 1: ordinal not in range(128)
In my Python3 program I don't want that just printing out something can raise an exception like this, instead I'd rather like to output the characters which will not raise an exception.
So my questions is: How can I output in Python3 (unicode) strings while ignoring un-encodable characters?
Some notes
What I've tried so far
I tried using sys.stdout.write instead ofprint, but the encoding problem still can occur.
I tried encoding the string in byes via
This never raises an exception on print, but even in capable terminals non-ascii characters are replaced by their code point numbers.
I tried using the decode method with the 'ignore' parameter:
decoded=bytes.decode('utf-8', 'ignore')
But the problem is not the decoding in the string but the enconding in the print function.
Here some terminals which appear not to be capable of all characters
bash shell inside Emacs on macOS.
Receiving a "printed" string in Applescript via do shell script, e.g.:
set txt to do shell script "/usr/local/bin/python3 -c \"print('hören')\" "
Update: These terminals all return from locale.getpreferredencoding()the value US-ASCII.
My preferred way is to set PYTHONIOENCODING variable depending on the terminal you are using.
For UTF-8-enabled terminals you can do:
For printing '?'s in ASCII terminals, you can do:
export PYTHONIOENCODING='ascii:replace'
Or even better, if you don't care about the encoding, you should be able to do:
export PYTHONIOENCODING=':replace'
Seemingly simple question: How do I print() a string in Python3? Should be a simple:
But that doesn't work. Depending on the content of my_string, environment variables and the OS you use that will throw an UnicodeEncodeError exception:
>>> print("\u3423")
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character '\u3423' in position 0: ordinal not in range(128)
Is there a clean portable way to fix this?
To expand a bit: The problem here is that a Python3 string contains Unicode encoded characters, while the Terminal can have any encoding. If you are lucky your Terminal can handle all the characters contained in the string and everything will be fine, if your Terminal can't (e.g. somebody set LANG=C), then you get an exception.
If you manually encode a string in Python3 you can supply an error handler that ignores or replaces unencodable characters:
"\u3423".encode("ascii", errors="replace")
For print() I don't see an easy way to plug in an error handler and even if there is, a plain error handler seems like a terrible idea as it would modify the data. A conditional error handler might work (i.e. check isatty() and decide based on that what to do), but it seems awfully hacky to go through all that trouble just to print() a string and I am not even sure that it wouldn't fail in some cases.
A real world example this problem would be for example this one:
Python3: UnicodeEncodeError only when run from crontab
The most practical way to solve this issue seems to be to force the output encoding to utf-8:surrogateescape. This will not only force UTF-8 output, but also ensure that surrogate escaped strings, as returned by os.fsdecode(), can be printed without throwing an exception. On command line this looks like this:
PYTHONIOENCODING=utf-8:surrogateescape python3 -c 'print("\udcff")'
To do this from within the program itself one has to reassign stdout and stderr, this can be done with (the line_buffering=True is important, as otherwise the output won't get flushed properly):
import sys
import io
sys.stdout = io.TextIOWrapper(sys.stdout.buffer, errors="surrogateescape", line_buffering=True)
sys.stderr = io.TextIOWrapper(sys.stderr.buffer, errors="surrogateescape", line_buffering=True)
This approach will cause characters to be incorrectly displayed on terminals not set to UTF-8, but this to me seems to be strongly prefered over randomly throwing exceptions and making it impossible to print filenames without corrupting them, as they might not be in any valid encoding at all on Linux systems.
I read in a few places that utf-8:surrogateescape might become the default in the future, but as of Python 3.6.0b2 that is not the case.
Is there a clean portable way to fix this?
Set PYTHONIOENCODING=<encoding>:<error_handler> e.g.,
$ PYTHONIOENCODING=utf-8 python your_script.py >output-in-utf-8.txt
In your case, I'd configure your environment (LANG, LC_CTYPE) to accept non-ascii input:
$ locale charmap
The reason it is giving you an error is because it is trying to decipher what \u is. Just like \r is ascii for carriage return, \n - newline \t - tab etc...
my_string = '\u112'
That will give you an error, to print the '\' without it trying to find out what \ is is like so:
my_string = '\\u122'
I'm writing scripts to clean up unicode text files (stored as UTF-8), and I chose to use Python 3.x (3.2) rather than the more popular 2.x because 3.x is supposed to default to UTF-8. Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but it seems that the print statement, at least, still is not defaulting to UTF-8. If I try to print a string (msg below is a string) that contains special characters, I still get a UnicodeEncodeError like this:
print(label, msg)
... in encode
return codecs.charmap_encode(input,self.errors,encoding_map)[0]
UnicodeEncodeError: 'charmap' codec can't encode character '\u0968' in position
38: character maps to <undefined>
If I use the encode() method first (which does nicely default to UTF-8), I can avoid the error:
print(label, msg.encode())
This also works for printing objects or lists containing unicode strings--something I often have to do when debugging--since str() seems to default to UTF-8. But do I really need to remember to use print(str(myobj).encode()) every single time I want to do a print(myobj) ? If so, I suppose I could try to wrap it with my own function, but I'm not confident about handling all the argument permutations that print() supports.
Also, my script loads regular expressions from a file and applies them one by one. Before applying encode(), I was able to print something fairly legible to the console:
msg = 'Applying regex {} of {}: {}'.format(i, len(regexes), regex._findstr)
Applying regex 5 of 15: ^\\ge[0-9]*\b([ ]+[0-9]+\.)?[ ]*
However, this crashes if the regex includes literal unicode characters, so I applied encode() to the string first. But now the regexes are very hard to read on-screen (and I suspect I may have similar trouble if I try to write code that saves these regexes back to disk):
msg = 'Applying regex {} of {}: {}'.format(i, len(regexes), regex._findstr)
b'Applying regex 5 of 15: ^\\\\ge[0-9]*\\b([ ]+[0-9]+\\.)?[ ]*'
I'm not very experienced yet in Python, so I may be misunderstanding. Any explanations or links to tutorials (for Python 3.x; most of what I see online is for 2.x) would be much appreciated.
print doesn't default to any encoding, it just uses whatever encoding the output device (like a console) claims to support. Your console encoding appears to be non-unicode, so print tries to encode your unicode strings in that encoding, and fails. The easiest way to get around this is to tell the console to use utf8 (like export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 on unix systems).
The easier way to proceed is to only use unicode in your script, and only use encoded data when you want to interact with the "outside" world. That is, when you have input to decode or output to encode.
To do so, everytime you read something, use decode, everytime you output something, use encode.
For you regex, use the re.UNICODE flag.
I know that this doesn't exactly answer your question point by point, but I think that applying such a methodology should keep you safe from encoding issues.