Debugger in PyCharm doesn't run - python-3.x

When I start my project and tap Shift+F10, PyCharm open console with "/usr/bin/python3.7". Code doesn't running, even if I reboot Linux.
I changed interpreter to System, then on Virtual but it doesn't change anything

Ok, I have switch some options in "Debug Configuration"
Exactly I edit script path to the
On picture I emphasize by mouse, what I exactly changed


VirtualBox Terminal: Not Responding / Inactive

I am having a problem using terminal in a Linux VirtualBox Terminal. This terminal is being used to compliment the StanfordOnline "Compilers" course on edX, the language for the class is called "cool".
Within this terminal I used the command "emacs" in order to open the file "" with emacs. After I enter this command the file is successfully opened but the command prompt does not reappear, instead everything I type is just greyed text (see screenshot - Terminal is black window on left).
Why is this happening? I can start typing commands again if I close and then re-open terminal, but I think there must be a reason why this happens. Anyone have an idea?
Thanks in advance, let me know if I can provide any more helpful information regarding the course or the software. Running VirtualBox on MacOS Catalina 10.15.4 if it makes any difference.

How to configure Atom script to run

I recently started used Atom IDE. It feels good. The only thing that I find difficult is to setup a project profile to run. In pycharm there is Run configuration, is there something similar to it in Atom ?
I have a project with multiple classes. When ever I want to run my script,I have to go to the to launch 'ctrl + i'.
Could any one help me to setup the project in a such a way, when I execute 'ctrl + i' it automatically launch's instead of the py file I am calling from.
In order to run a python script in tha Atom IDE, you can either press Ctrl+Shift+B or install a package called "terminal-tab" ( This package in an integrated command prompt like cmd on windows.
In the top bar, under "packages", go to "script", and select "configure script".
There put in the directory in which the program is, what command to run (python3, and select "save as profile." The window explains itself.
Then, you should be able to run from that profile with Alt+Ctrl+Shift+B, from whatever tab you're on.

Why run, run configuration etc disabled in Pycharm 2018.1

Im new to python and pycharm and this is my first program when try to run the program i see that run and its configuration is disabled.
You have to run it first. Right click on the file name in the project folder at the left and select Run. Once you run it you will see the configuration.

Python extension - Debug adapter process has terminated unexpectedly

After installing the Python extension, I find myself not being able to debug. When I select any of the default launch configurations and press the green arrow to start debugging, it notifies me with the error message in the title. I am not using any external modules, I am simply trying to run a single line hello world program and this error still appears. I have tried reinstalling the extension, deleting the .vscode folder and checking the path of my Python interpreter.
I had the same problem, it was gone after I delete c:\users\username\ .code and reinstall vscode. hope that helps.

PyCharm: Executing the script in the console rather than 'run'

By default, all scripts in PyCharm seem to execute in a separate python interpreter called "Run", which, as far as I can make out, is pretty much independent of the IPython console running alongside. Now, to execute any snippet of the script after the whole thing has been run, I can copy-paste into the Run pane, but this is not ideal as it is not an actual python/ipython console. If I want to execute in the console, I will need to run the whole thing again inside the console (and not just a snippet) because the console doesn't seem to recognize/store any of the variables when it was run, which is tedious.
I've searched for a solution, but the closest I got was to enable "show command line afterwords" in the Run Configurations. This just seems to throw up an error on the lines of "file not found", which makes no sense. I'm running my script through SSH into a remote server, if that helps.
Go to run --> edit configurations...
towards the button you'll see a checkbox that says "run with python console"
make sure its checked
try to edit the run config, via run -> edit configuration.
And check the path of the working directory or the script directory.
