How to emit socket to specific socket connection? - node.js

In my node app,
socket.on('test', function (req) {
controller.test(socket, req, 'test');
This way I store all users socket connections in server...
var userSockets = []; //Used to store all connected users data.
userSockets[] = socket; // Storing whole socket object.
// E.x: userSockets[14] = socket; // Stored like this.
Function to get all socket data
getUserSocket() {
return userSockets;
Now I need to emit to the specific socket, I have tried this but I got an error.
let allUserSocketListData = databaseHelper.getUserSocket();
allUserSocketListData[[0].id].emit('response' , data);
// E.x: allUserSocketListData[14].emit('response' , data);
.emit() is not a function.
I have one function in that I'm storing all user's socket data.
validateUser(user, socket) {
... // My some code
userSockets[] = socket;

Namespaces and rooms were build for that specific reason, but when you need something handy without extra code, sending emits directly can do job.
Here's a quick approach:
1: Your connection event should store the socket ID and not the whole object
let socketIds = []
socket.emit("message", "hey")
2: Now if you want to send something on the first client only for example, you should first check if it's already registered and proceed with the emit.
if (socketServer.sockets.connected.hasOwnProperty(socketIds[0])){
socketServer.sockets.connected[socketIds[0]].emit("message", "hey again")
} else {
console.error("Error: Wrong Id")


variable no longer in scope within a socket message fuction?

This is a file that listens to messages on port 5000.
The console.log(status) within the function listen seems to be printing true and false
However when exporting status to other files , I still get "none" instead of true and false ... Any suggestions?
var dgram = require('dgram');
var net = require('net');
var status="none";
var num=0;
var LOCAL_UDP_PORT=5000;
// TCP and UDP listeners
var sock = dgram.createSocket('udp4');
sock.on('message', function(msg, rinfo) {
var obj = JSON.parse(msg);
if (obj.class == ".Announce") {
if( == "BLA") {
} catch(e){
// do nothing an err
I guess the reason is, status take a string object, and when you do status=true/false, the reference changes, but exports.status would hold the original reference
var status={val:"none"};
status.val = true;
// in the module reading the value,
var status = status.val;
The incoming socket messages are asynchronous. That means they arrive sometime in the future. If you want to notify another module when they come in, then you will need to create a notification system and export the notification system so the other module can register an interest in getting notified.
You could create the notification system using an eventEmitter, using callbacks, using promises, etc... Why technique you choose would determine exactly what you would export and how the caller would register their interest.

In, how do I differentiate between 2 triggers of the same event?

Suppose I have a simple event defined as
socket.on('event', function(data){
And if the client fires it two times, one after another
socket.emit('event'); //once
socket.emit('event'); //again
Is there a way to *inherently** differentiate between the two events?
*I don't want want to depend on data because that's just a client side variable, and could easily be tampered with. (right?)
For context, it's related to this question.
I would use sessionSockets to save data for each user on the server side.
sessionSockets.on('connection', function (err, socket, session) {
socket.on('event', function() {
if(!session.eventReceived) {
// manage event
// save event received in session
session.eventReceived = true;;
}); data seems to be sent multiple times(nodejs and craftyjs)

I am following this tutorial on making HTML5 games. I wanted to try and mix node in to make it multiplayer. I am using node.js(v0.10.4) on server and crafty.js on front end.
I am using to send and receive messages. For now it's just me(not multiple clients). The weird thing that happens is that the message that comes from the server seems to be sent multiple times. I turned on debug mode in but it only seems to be sending the data once, yet on the front end the data seems to be coming in, in multiples. I set an incrementor on the data and it seems as if the incrementor is not incrementing multiple times but instead I am getting multiple copies of the same data.
here's node code:
var http = require('http').createServer(handler),
static = require('node-static'),
io = require('').listen(http);
io.set('log level', 3);
//attach the socket to our server
var file = new static.Server(); //Create a file object so we can server the files in the correct folder
function handler(req, res) {
req.addListener('end', function() {
file.serve(req, res);
io.sockets.on('connection', function (socket) { //listen for any sockets that will come from the client
socket.on('collected', function(data) {
/**** here's where the data is being sent back to the client *****/
socket.emit('messageFromServer', { data: data.number });
and here's front end code:
//messenger entity
count: 0,
sendMessageToServer : function() {
console.log('got a village');
/**** Here's where we send the message to the server ****/
socket.emit('collected', { village : "The message went to the server and back. it's collected", number : this.count });
recieveMessageFromServer : function() {
socket.on('messageFromServer', function(data) {
/*** This data seems to be coming back or logging multiple times? ***/
Lastly here's a screenshot of the debug in process. As you can see number is not always incrementing, it almost looks like the data is getting stored. Thanks!
It looks like every time you call Crafty.c, recieveMessageFromServer() is getting called too. Every time recieveMessageFromServer is invoked, it attaches an additional event listener on the socket. That's why the first time data comes back you get one copy, then the second time you get two, the third time you get three, and so on.
You either need to prevent recieveMessageFromServer from being called multiple times, or use removeListener or removeAllListeners to remove the previously attached listeners.
Thanks to #Bret Copeland for helping me figure this one out. As he pointed out, every time socket.on() is called, it seems to add another listener. To prevent this...
I declared a global variable:
I declared a variable as a property in my Game object(in craftyjs, so use whatever you want in your setup)
Game = {
//lots of other code here...
//need this to use later for
send_message : true
then edited my recieveMessageFromServer() function to check whether its ok to send the message or not:
recieveMessageFromServer : function() {
console.log('does this show up multiple times?');
/* Check whether the send_message is true before sending */
if (Game.send_message) {
socket.on('messageFromServer', function(data) {
Game.send_message = false;

Send out real time data to webclients error trapping

Trying to send data from a serial device to web clients. I am using a serial to network proxy, ser2Net to make the data available to a server that acts on the data and sends a manipulated version of the data to web clients. The clients specify the location of the ser2net host and port. The core of this action is coded in node.js as shown here:
function getDataStream(socket, dataSourcePort, host) {
var dataStream = net.createConnection(dataSourcePort, host),
dataLine = "";
dataStream.on('error', function(error){
socket.emit('error',{message:"Source not found on host:"+ host + " port:"+dataSourcePort});
dataStream.on('connect', function(){
socket.emit('connected',{message:"Data Source Found"});
dataStream.on('close', function(){
console.log("Close socket");
console.log('socket ended');
dataStream.on('data', function(data) {
// Collect a line from the host
line += data.toString();
// Split collected data by delimiter
line.split(delimiter).forEach(function (part, i, array) {
if (i !== array.length-1) { // Fully delimited line.
//push on to buffer and emit when bufferSendCommand is present
dataLine = part.trim();
if(part.substring(0, bufferSendCommand.length) == bufferSendCommand){
gotALine.emit('new', buffer);
else {
// Last split part might be partial. We can't announce it just yet.
line = part;
return dataStream;
io.sockets.on('connection', function(socket){
var stream = getDataStream(socket, dataSourcePort, host);
//dispense incoming data from data server
gotALine.on('new', function(buffer){
socket.emit('feed', {feedLines: buffer});
dataConnection.on('lost', function(connectInfo){
console.log("Trying --- to reconnect ");
stream = getDataStream(socket, connectInfo.port,;
// Handle Client request to change stream
socket.on('message',function(data) {
var clientMessage = JSON.parse(data);
if('connectString' in clientMessage
&& clientMessage.connectString.dataHost !== ''
&& clientMessage.connectString.dataPort !== '') {
stream = getDataStream(socket,
This works well enough until the serial device drops off and ser2net stops sending data. My attempt to catch the end of the socket and reconnect is not working. The event gets emitted properly but the setTimeout only goes once. I would like to find a way to keep on trying to reconnect while sending a message to the client informing or retry attempts. I am node.js newbie and this may not be the best way to do this. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Ok I think I figured it out in the dataStream.on('data' ... I added a setTimeout
connectionMonitor = setTimeout(function(){doReconnect(socket);}, someThresholdTime);
The timeout executes if data stops coming in, as it is repeatedly cleared each time data comes in. The doReconnect function keeps trying to connect and sends a message to the client saying something bad is going on.

node.js simple tcp chat server

I am trying to build a simple tcp chat server, WITHOUT
Now, I have no problem broadcasting data across all sockets connected to the server.
My problem is assigning a socket identifier to each connection and retrieving them from an object.
Here is the code:
var net = require('net');
//keep track of sockets
var allSockets = {
sockets: {},
addSocket: function(socket, nick, table) {
this.sockets[table+nick] = socket;
removeSocket: function(nick, table) {
if (this.sockets[table+nick] !== undefined) {
this.sockets[table+nick] = null;
delete this.sockets[table+nick];
// create the server
var server = net.createServer(function (socket) {
var connected = false;
var jsoncommand = true;
//first data sent MUST BE json formatted string in this format
var thisnick = "";
var thistable = "";
// get client ip = socket.remoteAddress;
//write something on each connect
socket.write("You are connecting from " + + "\n");
socket.write( + " joined chat\n");
//handle data streams
socket.on('data', function (data) {
if (jsoncommand) {
//JSON.parse the first data stream
var some = JSON.parse(data);
//assign a based on nick and table
allSockets.addSocket(socket, some.table, some.nick);
socket.write(some.nick + " joined " + some.table + "\n");
thisnick = some.nick;
thistable = some.table;
connected = true;
//no longer waiting for first stream as JSON
jsoncommand = false;
} else if (connected) {
//write whatever data it recieves (function is below)
broadcast(data, thistable);
} else {
socket.write("You are not connected to any table");
connected = false;
jsoncommand = true;
thisnick = "";
thistable = "";
// remove the socket from allSockets but broadcast
//only to other users on the same table
socket.on('end', function () {
allSockets.removeSocket(thisnick, thistable);
broadcast(thisnick + " has left table " + thistable, thistable);
//this function should select from the allSockets object,
//only those, whose property matches "table"
//and write to those sockets only, when called
function broadcast(message, table) {
allSockets.sockets.forEach(function(socket) {
if (socket.hasOwnProperty(table)) {
console.log("running at port 8000\n");
Just deploy this on your machine and connect with nc to port 8000
and be sure that the first thing you send it is something like
you will see a message that your nick joined your table.
now if you send it something else, based on the fact that it stored your table name,
it should echo whatever you send it, to you and to other connections with different
nicks but on the same table, but the server dies, throwing an error that the allSockets
object, does not have a "for" or "forEach" method or indexOf, or any other.
SO, how do I correct this?
If my nick is "john" and I joined "my_table", and also "mary", "lisa" and "ana" joine the same "my_table", assuming I don't know their nicks, but I do know they are on "my_table",
HOW do I select from the allSockets object, those sockets that contain "my_table".
I tried hasOwnProperty, but that returns boolean, which only tells me that there are sockets with that property, but how do I put them in a for, or foreach loop in order to write to them.
I know it may be a silly question, or maybe im not even aproaching this correctly, but im a node.js beginner, so any advice is greatly apreaciated.
By the way I put this together from examples across the web.
As for the JSON string, its the first thing being sentby a desktop app on connection. Anyways I chose it for testing purposes so don't bother with it.
I suppose error about forEach happens here:
allSockets.sockets.forEach(function(socket) {
While allSockets.sockets is not Array, but it is object (key > value model, like hash table).
So to loop through each socket in it, you should change loop to:
for(var key in allSockets.sockets) {
var socket = allSockets.sockets[key];
// your logic here
